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#331365 GoT Themed LARP'ing Nerf Battles?

Posted by ShortShit on 28 June 2013 - 10:48 AM in Off Topic

So, I happen to have read all the Game of Thrones books, am hugely missing modding guns, recently witnessed a group of teen LARP'ers, and just finished a new music video with my band, all of which lead to a fricken nuts dream last night conflating all of the above... which brought me to that question, just for giggles ;).

Thought y'all also might get a kick out of the vid, though I wish there was more nerf in it: http://bit.ly/songofarya

#323126 Halloween Haunted House for Nerf War

Posted by ShortShit on 28 October 2012 - 02:49 PM in Off Topic

Just shot a Halloween themed rock music video in this abandoned lot of land with a decrepit house -- and the whole time, all I could think about was how awesome a Nerf War would've been here:

Who's down for an LA Halloween night battle?


#291095 Love Or Hate Kitten Videos?

Posted by ShortShit on 18 December 2010 - 02:00 AM in Off Topic

Lion... you were once a kitten yourself, or a cub anyhow -- isn't your opinion biased?

--what if I'm having s*x with a girl while watching said kitten video, then can I still call myself a man? VACC -- weight in on this...

#291092 Love Or Hate Kitten Videos?

Posted by ShortShit on 18 December 2010 - 01:53 AM in Off Topic

tell you what, people seem to LOVE them some kitten videos on youtube -- even when I'm looking at nerf vids they popup lol -- sometimes I just HATE them, but other times I'm helpless. Can I call myself a man, and still love kitten videos? Anyone else with me re: this internal internet struggle?

one vid in particular has been causing a lot of holiday turmoil for me...


#275094 ...so, I'm In A Boy Band, And We Need Your Help!

Posted by ShortShit on 17 May 2010 - 07:18 PM in Off Topic

I suggest you work on figuring out a way to include nerf in a future band video. Might keep the admins happier.

Hah, a most excellent idea -- will definitely keep that in mind. *Yeah I was good and grizzly for 'geddon... (I am next to the guitar player, grey shirt, first verse guy, yeah.)

#275074 ...so, I'm In A Boy Band, And We Need Your Help!

Posted by ShortShit on 17 May 2010 - 05:23 PM in Off Topic

So, is it your attraction to me that disgusts you, or the fact that I can still out-shoot you while simultaneously being in a boy band? ; )

I promise not to flood the forums with updates, but do keep in mind this is the place for off-topic threads, I do in fact still nerf and mod, and I thought you guys would probably find this vid pretty hysterical if nothing else...

#275049 ...so, I'm In A Boy Band, And We Need Your Help!

Posted by ShortShit on 17 May 2010 - 03:11 PM in Off Topic

Uh oh guys, XY’s gone Gaga...

Justin Bieber, eat your heart out! lol

Digg it?

#273679 ...so, I'm In A Boy Band, And We Need Your Help!

Posted by ShortShit on 29 April 2010 - 01:46 PM in Off Topic

My dearest nerfers,

I’ve been back home in LA pursuing music for a while now, and one of the musical endeavors I’m involved in—a Boy Band—recently launched a very exciting project on an innovative website called Kickstarter to help us upgrade to a wireless sound setup.

If you're interested, take a look (video included):




Nerf-On - or F-Off :D

#249435 Pre-order N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35

Posted by ShortShit on 02 September 2009 - 06:30 PM in General Nerf

watch it friend -- you are way off base. show a little respect.

#248652 Pre-order N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35

Posted by ShortShit on 26 August 2009 - 02:11 PM in General Nerf

bumpedy bump! Vacc -- can you throw a sticky till these are in stores nationally?

#247806 Pre-order N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35

Posted by ShortShit on 20 August 2009 - 12:20 PM in General Nerf

The 'Availability' is just a precaution because it is a pre-order, we will be getting them in next month for sure!

We'll get it in well before the majority of stores, and be able to ship it right out to you, (and at 10% off!)


Availability: Usually ships within 60 days
Wow two months!

I went to my local target and they didnt have any ^_^

Kmart had the price tag for them in the nerf isle but they were all sold out.

#246936 Pre-order N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35

Posted by ShortShit on 13 August 2009 - 06:56 PM in General Nerf

Get your pre-order in now:

Use promo code:

during checkout for 10% Off!

Enjoy :wacko:

#241422 Armageddon X

Posted by ShortShit on 11 July 2009 - 09:43 AM in Nerf Wars

...see you there, bitches!! :P

#239824 Armageddon X

Posted by ShortShit on 02 July 2009 - 03:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Ya know, I might be able to make it this year! I'm gonna give some old Santa Monica peeps a call...

#168148 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 11 August 2008 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Damn! $20 for shipping to Canada... That makes the 10% pretty much useless for me. Oh well, nice going for giving back to the Nerf community.

That ship date is just what I set as the default. It will ship as advertised within the product listing. We are expecting them in shortly!

Happy Shooting.

#163711 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 22 July 2008 - 03:07 PM in General Nerf

AWESOME! Do you know when you will be getting the Nerf Eliminator that has been on YouTube?

We should have the NERF ELIMINATION GAME in a few weeks, and will be loaded for pre-orders next week. I will post here once it is up!

#163640 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 21 July 2008 - 10:52 PM in General Nerf

Unless your Vulcan is 44, LongShot is 33, and NiteFinder is 8 dollars with 10% off.

The discount is applied to all orders during checkout with the use of the promo code, thus lowering the listed prices by 10% -- enjoy!

#163590 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 21 July 2008 - 04:40 PM in General Nerf

so does this code work on the perfect push-up or just on the nerf items?

The promotion is store-wide, so the 10% applies to any item on the site along with all the hasbro products. Pricing has been updated a bit -- keep in mind that your Targets and Amazons of the world often sell products way below retail, but you'll find our pricing competitive, and the 10% discount makes a nice difference.

#163565 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 21 July 2008 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

I'll revisit all the pricing, worry not. ^_^

#163555 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by ShortShit on 21 July 2008 - 01:24 PM in General Nerf

Hello my friends,

The time has come again to give back to the NerfHaven community. I work for www.onlinefitness.com and have recently signed Hasbro as one of our lines to fill out our 'Outdoor Fun' category.... and... this means that we now carry NERF!

That being said, I have set up a 10% Promo Code for NerfHaven members store-wide so you can pickup all the latest nerf gear. Simply use the code: NERFHAVEN during checkout to receive your discount. This is an ongoing promotion, and I will continue to bring in new products as soon as they launch.

Also - I have just loaded the N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25 Blaster, now available for pre-orders! (We also have the ammo refill belts.) It will ship early September, but we have a limited supply so I would recommended getting your order in the cue as soon as possible. (Pre-orders will not be charged until the items actually leave our warehouse.)


PS - Online Fitness Offers FREE Shipping on Orders Over $75, so if you need any exercise/fitness/health/outdoor-adventure products, stock up and your order will ship free!

#132886 What's Your Favorite Gun?

Posted by ShortShit on 17 December 2007 - 11:22 PM in General Nerf


#128185 Questions That Need Answering.

Posted by ShortShit on 31 October 2007 - 11:00 PM in General Nerf

Oh man this takes me back. I still have a few hundred feet of pink foam in my closet back home from when I was selling it here about 3 years ago -- It ended up only costing about 3 cents a foot, which was awesome - but still not quite the density of our typically grey fbr - good luck with the special order. From my research I gathered that plenty of backer rod companies make the stuff in some type of red or green as flame retardant versions of the grey. They only problem with buying spooled backer rod is that the outer-most 4th is too thick, and the inner-most 4th is too thin, leaving you with about half of the foam being perfect for darts, and the rest being mostly worthless... sure does make darts easier to find though.

#125184 Armageddon 2001 Video

Posted by ShortShit on 06 October 2007 - 10:44 AM in General Nerf

I'm doin well. Junior year up at Ithaca college in NY. I'll make it down to a nerf war yet - timing just kept not working out for armageddon these past few years, but the day will come. I still check up on NH every few months.


#124866 Armageddon 2001 Video

Posted by ShortShit on 03 October 2007 - 12:03 AM in General Nerf

I was recently going through my random files and chanced upon this little gem -- figured I'd post it. Good times.
-Enjoy the old-school magic:

#105136 Armageddon 2007 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 12 May 2007 - 02:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I may be down friends. It has been a while -have all the rest of the vets vanished?


#86971 Single Online Portal For All Nerf Needs:

Posted by ShortShit on 09 August 2006 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

Any gun plus discount?
That will be cool! B)

You are close but not cigar. I promise more to come next week!

#86764 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by ShortShit on 08 August 2006 - 01:47 AM in General Nerf

Any every once in a while --wishes are granted... :ph34r:

#86727 Single Online Portal For All Nerf Needs:

Posted by ShortShit on 07 August 2006 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

I'm talking about all NERF products IN STOCK at below retail prices PLUS an additional discount, without crazy shipping costs. Gas prices probably cost more than shipping now adays.

This post is not a hypothetical dream post. More to come this month.

#86686 Single Online Portal For All Nerf Needs:

Posted by ShortShit on 07 August 2006 - 12:33 PM in General Nerf

Vote Away!

#86685 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by ShortShit on 07 August 2006 - 12:25 PM in General Nerf

What gun or gun line would it be? If you could bring back anything to be sold in stores again from the past 6 years which would you chose?

Personally I think I would go with the AT series, and the BBB... though I may have some additions later. I'm curious to see what the general consensus is for a few reason that I cannot disclose at this time... ;)


#85313 Armageddon Recap Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 18 July 2006 - 07:26 PM in Nerf Wars

MAN I'm sad I missed it! Sounds like you guys had an Effeminate time!


#85072 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 15 July 2006 - 04:43 AM in Nerf Wars

Man guys, I hope you have an AWESOME war.
I'm actually NOT going to make it, and am bailing last minute.
I decided to go to Vegas for business with the company I work for all expenses paid, and though I'm sad not to be there, I'm having a wonderful time.
Nerf On!

#84584 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 08 July 2006 - 11:53 AM in Nerf Wars

Guys -I am currently being faced with a dilema!
My bosses at work have asked me to join them on an all expenses paid business trip from the 14th -16th to las vegas to sign new products at a convention, and take in some shows. All flights/meals/perks paid for!
It just came up, and I have of course RSVPd to Armageddon which I LOVE, but I can't help feeling a little conflicted when an offer like that just comes. up out of the blue.... AARRGGG! My heart is with all of you and armageddon, but I feel torn between the two options!!

-Any thoughts!? :P

#84132 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 01 July 2006 - 04:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Cxwq is MIA

Fuck that.

For what it's worth, Spoon will be there if I have to drive to Irvine and duct tape him to the roof of my car.

Ahahahaha. Good to hear from you.
-Looking forward to it all.

#83491 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 19 June 2006 - 05:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Glad to hear you're making it. After the huge fuss Spoon made about your abscence last year...

Looking forward to meeting you!

Looking forward to meeting you as well.

...Spoon made a huge fuss? I missed that bit.

#83414 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 18 June 2006 - 06:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm going to bring my girlfriend. I know thats sometimes a risky move to pull at a nerf war, but we'll see how it goes!

#83126 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by ShortShit on 11 June 2006 - 04:30 PM in Nerf Wars

I refuse to read through 12 pages of silliness!

Is Armageddon still on - and - are the NJ folk coming down?
The location on page one is about an hour away from me. This would be my first Armageddon in two years now.

#76865 Boltsniper Scar-n Rifle Bs-8

Posted by ShortShit on 19 March 2006 - 02:54 PM in Homemades

well done. Looking forward to the in-action footage.

#74715 Mechanics Of The Ratchetblast..?

Posted by ShortShit on 28 February 2006 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

OOOOHHHH! Ah yes, because when the piston is pulled DOWN in the cocking motion, it is pulled against SOMETHING and therefore brings back the spring, but the UPmotion pushes the piston against AIR- so it goes backwards onto the trigger. Thanks Ompa.

#74708 Mechanics Of The Ratchetblast..?

Posted by ShortShit on 28 February 2006 - 08:26 PM in Modifications

Thanks guys, that helps a lot! The last thing I don't understand is:
Once the gun is cocked, how does the piston get pushed back ontop the trigger catch?

I can't wait to draw up some plans :angry: