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There have been 136 items by WEASEL (Search limited from 18-January 97)

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#46243 Nested/breech Barrels

Posted by WEASEL on 17 January 2005 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

What I'd use is 11" of 19/32" in SCH 80 1/2" pvc, (you might need to use a rat tail file to get it in there) then put 7" of 9/16" in the 19/32", after that put 2" 17/32 in the 9/16. Stick a pvc coupler on the front of the plunger tube/gun and you're done!

Hold on there doggy. From my personal experiance, 19/32" brass snugly fits in SCH 40 so one would have to do a lot of fileing to get it in SCH 80. I would start off with SCH 40.

#46295 Nested/breech Barrels

Posted by WEASEL on 19 January 2005 - 02:25 PM in Modifications

First, if I used only brass, what type of coupler would be needed (say, for 17/32 in 9/16)? Would a coupler work for that, or would I do something different?

First of all, never use only brass, it can get dinged. But, if I had to, I'd probably use some 19/32" to sheath over it.

I think what he ment was that he wasn't going to use the pvc as a barrel. Basicly, useing a coupler is where you have a 1/2in coupler attached to your plunger tube. Now you can go two ways: have a peice of brass stuck inside the coupler and have your main barrel in the pvc that fits over the first, smaller peice of brass and the sheithing pvc fits inside the coupler. So you would put the dart in the smaller of the two peices of brass and then put the bigger brass over the smaller one. The other way you could do this is have the smaller peice of brass stuck inside the bigger peice pirmanantly and have all that in a peice of pvc that you would stick into your coupler. Either way works but they both have their uses.
This would be an example of the first way.

EDIT: Wow, that is pretty confuzzling. Oh well, just use the link to understand the description.

#22657 New Guy

Posted by WEASEL on 28 March 2004 - 02:23 PM in Homemades

I agree with Famine. People should say what they think as long as it's ok with the admins. As for nerf armys, nerf is a friendly game and people don't go at each other with their guns and teeth. Mostly nerfers play with who ever they can and for different teams for a veriety.

#46434 New Rifle In Its Infancy...

Posted by WEASEL on 23 January 2005 - 07:36 PM in Homemades

Mmmmm... Smooth. Is that your bolt or is it for something else?

#55197 Next-gen Console E3 Pics

Posted by WEASEL on 18 May 2005 - 05:39 PM in Off Topic

The Xbox 360
Posted Image

Looks like only one controler port, going PS style? Sort of.

#33669 Nf 4in Petg Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 10 August 2004 - 02:16 PM in Modifications

I was wondering if a nite finder barrel needs to be longer than a your dart length. Would it make a difference if it was petg where the barrel is the same tightness for it's whole lenght. I assume it wouldn't make a difference if you are useing stock micros because they wouldn't go down the barrel.

#43658 Nooo, Dimebag Darrell!

Posted by WEASEL on 09 December 2004 - 07:50 PM in Off Topic

Holy crap. This kind of thing should be illegal (wait it is illegal). Maybe what I ment was it should be indirectly illigal. Why the fuck are guns legal. I mean guns are cool and all but they should only be used for target practice, cops and hunting. I don't want the world leaders to get crazy go nuts and make all types of guns illegal like airsoft, paintball and nerf but just the fire-arms. I feel sorry for Dimebag, and his brother, the band, the fans, the metal listeners, and anybody who sympithises with them.

#43746 One Questions

Posted by WEASEL on 10 December 2004 - 09:20 PM in Homemades

It was Two Questions but I forgot what the second one was.

Could regular pipe caulking be a substitute for plumbers' goop?


If your talking about the caulking i'm thinking about, no.

#47506 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 18 February 2005 - 06:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks for your responces (and revived responses). I hope that my friends and I (hope their listening) will get to have a war over our wachamacallit break this coming week. We'll just wing it and hope we don't get "caught". And I hope the park isn't full of little kiddies. Once there was a mom with two kids and we were playing and she was like "There bad, don't do that" to her kids. Hehe.

#49148 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 09 March 2005 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

me and Weasel and I

Nice. Ya I pmed him and he is haveing a busy time at school so I have to wait a while for the letter. I miss nerfing. I have so many gun Ideas that i'm working on but I can't use them.

EDIT: whoa, didn't see his new post. So many posts since I last replied... Actually only five what whatever. I'll be looking at that now....

#50395 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 23 March 2005 - 08:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Don't be a homosexual; leave your camo pants at home.

Dang it. I guess I'll have to wear those when squirrel gets his paintball thing going. Hmm I guess that means no camo shirts either. Oh well.

EDIT: oh ya, what FIDO said, thanks for the motivation and everything.

#50390 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 23 March 2005 - 06:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I sent da email, a get a email back saying

      Thank you for your inquiry regarding use of the parks for your Nerf games.  I reviewed the Municipal Code which regulates use of park lands and could not find anything that would specifically prohibit your activity in the way you described.  Providing the foam projectile is soft and in no way could cause injury to a person or wild life, I do not see any reason you can not enjoy the park with your activity.

I would suggest however, that if the blasters in any way resemble a weapon or you and your friends are dressing in fatigues or similar clothing you call the Sheriff's Department Dispatch at 408-299-2505 in advance and let them know the park you will be at and what type of activity you will be doing.  In the event a passerby sees you playing, is concerned and calls 911, deputies will likely be sent to investigate.  By calling in advance it will help the responding deputies evaluate what is really going on.  Unfortunately, sometimes a mere game using life like weapons that is seen and phoned in to law enforcement can end up very tragic.

Thanks again for checking in with us.  If you have any questions, feel free call me at Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah
Senior Code Enforcement Officer

So there you have it. I actually got a reply that wasn't a fill out form style letter back from the cupertino government. Now we can nerf! YAY. Just thought you guys would like to know.

PS-I modified the letter before I sent it.

#45917 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 05:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry I didn't post this earlyer (sp?).
Park rule:
No person in a park shall do any of the following:
Use, carry, or possess firearms of any description, or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially dangerous to wild life or to human safety.

The "snip"s are where there was other rules but they were irrelevent. I guess that a nerf gun would be a 'air rifle' if it was a pump gun and a 'spring gun' if it was a spring powered nerf gun. Now if they are potentially dangerous to wild life or people is questionable.

#45925 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 06:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry these are accually city park regulations and we don't want to drive far away and we would have to go scouting first to find parks that would work. Besides, we love our park, its so huge, and foresty.

#45929 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

That sounds great FIDO. I live in west San Jose and my freinds live close so.....wait. How did you know were we were nerfing at? Probably did some search on the regulations or something. Any way, I could look them up for San Jose.

EDIT: Holy crap, wtf? You guys never told me that you guys signed up at the NH. Last I heard you guys only were at NHQ. OK, that makes everything clear.

#45876 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 12:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok, here's the situation: There is this park that my friends and I nerf at, but one of my friend's mom's found this article in the news paper about some guys that were like arrested or fined because somebody called the cops on them because they were airsofting in the park. So we haven't played nerf in that park (or anywhere else) since. Should we nerf anyway and if somebody tells us we're not supposed play with 'guns' say we didn't know it was agenst the rules, or just not nerf? I don't know if your answers will affect anything but I would like to know what you guys do. Do any of the parks you nerf at have some kind of rules against nerfing?

#55196 Political Discussion

Posted by WEASEL on 18 May 2005 - 05:22 PM in Off Topic

To quote somebody: "Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."

#26197 Positions In Nerf

Posted by WEASEL on 14 May 2004 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

I beleve why you can't post your article is because cxwq has to proof read it first. Otherwise we would have people posting articles of nonsence all the time. Sent it to cxwq and see what happens.

Edit: (oops, for got to say what i thought)

Me and my nerfin' friends usually just work together as a team. whoever has the right gun for the job. We don't really plan who does what ahead of time.

#40363 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by WEASEL on 31 October 2004 - 02:31 PM in Homemades

Why doesn't someone try to make one out of balsa wood?

#46793 Primary Weapons

Posted by WEASEL on 01 February 2005 - 06:58 PM in General Nerf

I pesonally like homemades as primarys, but lots of people think they are "un-nerflike." My friends like maxshots, sm1500s, nfs and splitfires are pretty good too. I love my duel nfs because you get two shots and they are really light and easy to carrey(sp).

#46833 Primary Weapons

Posted by WEASEL on 02 February 2005 - 08:18 PM in General Nerf

The ole NF got very good ranges stock.

Why do good things always change into bad things, especially in nerf. Alas, I don't mind too much, I already have seven(3 of 7 broken) and the new ones arn't that bad either, I think. NF are probably one of the best spring guns I have seen work good stock.

#46805 Primary Weapons

Posted by WEASEL on 01 February 2005 - 10:39 PM in General Nerf

His homemades shoot pretty far, but not like the craxy ranges everybody else is getting. Okay maybe a bit lower on some guns than others, like the double barrel Solenoid activated cannon *snicker*.

Shut up. That thing shot like 5 feet, found out the problem though, too hard to fix it, so I won't

EDIT: Forgot the real question. Some of them shoot around 100 sometimes. Depends on the barrel and darts. I hope to make a "real" solinoid rifle w/ backpack soon.

#36680 Quad Barrel Titan W/scout

Posted by WEASEL on 08 September 2004 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

Edit:^^^^^^^crap people beatme to it^^^^^^^

Nice titan. Can you show us one of your missiles. Also, what are the ranges?

#47526 Quilted Northerns Mn Nerf Clan

Posted by WEASEL on 18 February 2005 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

Man, I've wanted to make my friends and I a clan forever. Does everyone use invision because it's cool or what. And you have 5 clan members but only 4 signed up on your forum, and your the newest. OK, sorry for the critisizm.

HEHE, you guys are like arguing within yourselves on your forum. douche...hmmm..I mean uhh...gross.

#47529 Quilted Northerns Mn Nerf Clan

Posted by WEASEL on 18 February 2005 - 08:55 PM in General Nerf

You don't have any pictures...at all.

#55636 Range, Accuarcy, And Rate Of Fire

Posted by WEASEL on 25 May 2005 - 07:09 PM in General Nerf

Accuracy, then range. If you can doge the other guys hit and you can hit him, thats what it's all about. And accuracy is half of the technique. I just personally like picking people off from long ranges.

#49930 Rf20 Mod

Posted by WEASEL on 17 March 2005 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

Sounds cool. Can you post some pictures?

#47292 Rifled Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 15 February 2005 - 12:50 AM in Homemades

EDIT: Yeah...Ignore this post if you want to, its misleading. Although it would be cool if you had like a arrow with some grooves in it and it ran along with some fins on the pipe like the cutter.

So you just had the blades at the end? Its like some kind of Reversed Rifleing. I like that.

#47308 Rifled Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 15 February 2005 - 06:44 PM in Homemades

I don't have anything against you or anything, but what inch sizes are the pvc peices. It's getting a little anoying. Can someone give me a chart of some sort like:

X mm=Y inches


EDIT: Do'h, sorry

#47508 Rifled Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 18 February 2005 - 06:11 PM in Homemades

Ohhhhhh... I got that totaly wrong there. I was wondering what that bigger peice was for. Got it. so how wide were the grooves.

#47435 Rifled Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 17 February 2005 - 07:12 PM in Homemades

Ahhhh... Ok, since I just stabbed myself in the end of my thumb whith a exacto knife, I realized that if you hit someone accidentally with that barrel, you could scar them for life.

#76235 Ringing Guns

Posted by WEASEL on 15 March 2006 - 01:51 AM in General Nerf

I glued felt around the plunger shaft near the plunger head. Worked great. You don't need that much either.

#48978 Ruff Stuff's Shotgun

Posted by WEASEL on 07 March 2005 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

So 1/2" pvc just doesn't fit inside there? Mmmm....time to pull out the one inch belt sander! How is the durability? Would you buy two or three just because it could break or because it is just so cool?

#49724 Second Homemade

Posted by WEASEL on 15 March 2005 - 08:47 PM in Homemades

my NF would suck up a dart every time I cocked it with the dart in the barrel.

Hee hee. You must have a really bad dart-barrel fit, or I have a bad plunger-plunger tube fit....aw cwap. But what kind of pump is it that he was using and where did he get it? I've never seen anyone use abs before, was it good to work with?

#49816 Second Homemade

Posted by WEASEL on 16 March 2005 - 07:03 PM in Homemades

I ABS lighter than pvc? Also what is the pump made for?

#49721 Second Homemade

Posted by WEASEL on 15 March 2005 - 08:29 PM in Homemades

the pump can handle the pressure.

So there is a check valve in the pump? Where did you get it.

#46038 Shoot Stefans With An Nf

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 11:15 PM in Modifications

Would I need to take out that little pole inside the barrel to shoot micro Stefans

Yes, you would, unless you have holes in the back of your stefans made by a straw or something.

or do the mod on this site?

That would help also with your range and such.

#73934 Shooting Micros With 1/2" Pvc

Posted by WEASEL on 22 February 2006 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

You seem to have your terms mixed up. FYI there are two main types of pipe. You are probably talking about PVC and CPVC. Just lettin you know.

#52526 Shoring Up Aging Micro-darts

Posted by WEASEL on 14 April 2005 - 07:02 PM in Modifications

May I just comment on your high school's 150+ participant nerf war. I have never heard of such a thing and that would be awsome. Could you give me some details of rules and such because I would have no idea how to play with that many people. Also where do you play?

#47088 Shotgun

Posted by WEASEL on 10 February 2005 - 06:48 PM in Homemades

Double post, double post, triple post, nice. I think that it looks a little big but hey, its a cannon. Why can't you get ranges, don't you have a tape measure, or feet? Anyway, good job.