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#180269 Can Anyone Say Scammer?

Posted by chefdave on 28 September 2008 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

Follow this . I saw a guy selling a fully modded longshot on ebay for 16$ and I thought: "Wow, I might just have to buy that". So I carefully read the fine print, and it turns out he is selling the spring to a longshot. Despite the picture and title.

Has any one almost fallen for something similar to this?

#171637 Homemade Airtank Question

Posted by chefdave on 22 August 2008 - 07:20 PM in Homemades

I'm making cs's DIY airtank and I was wondering if I need a checkvalve? I am using an expensive bike pump (This one can pressurize anything up to 160 PSI). Also what mcmaster part do I need so I can hook up the pump, too vinyl tubing, too the tank?

#253778 Lolz

Posted by chefdave on 17 October 2009 - 08:12 PM in Off Topic

Smash your computer with a sledge hammer :ph34r:

Don't do it

You know you should though.....

#201529 Airgun Problems

Posted by chefdave on 06 January 2009 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

After not using airguns for a couple months, most of them have developed leaks. First my Air tech 2000 leaks out of the base of the pin at the end of the tank. My Big Salvo leaks slowly out of the barrels of 3 of the four blast chambers. My Titan cannot hold enough air to shoot a dart 30 feet, but I cannot locate the leak(s). Lastly my converted water gun leaks out of all the parts except the barrel and pump. There may be a few I am forgetting. Can someone help? Thanks (in advance).

The airtech is probably shot, but the other ones should be able to be fixed by spraying with silicon spray and superglue.

*edit* Hey look my 200th post =) *edit*

#203276 Lbb Amount Of Pumps

Posted by chefdave on 14 January 2009 - 10:53 AM in Modifications

I have heard of people doing 45 pumps, but I wouldn't take it past 25.

#232962 My Big Blast Mod

Posted by chefdave on 27 May 2009 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

Have fun pulling the firing pin.

#103013 30 Minute, 100 Ft Or So Longshot Mod

Posted by chefdave on 29 April 2007 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

i just finished my longshot mod, it's nice-n-easy and it doesn't take long.

i'll be posting the pic's and write-up soon

haven't got the offical ranges yet because it was a tad windy and i'm still tweaking it a little bit

lastly i would like to thank forsaken angel and captainslug for the PETG and FBR

#160642 Awesome Office War

Posted by chefdave on 27 June 2008 - 11:45 AM in General Nerf

Try using the search function before you post, some one already posted this like 2 weeks ago.

#103016 30 Minute, 100 Ft Or So Longshot Mod

Posted by chefdave on 29 April 2007 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

sorry about the errors, should of checked the policy

#206641 Fire Fly Mod

Posted by chefdave on 26 January 2009 - 06:20 PM in Modifications

Go to your local hardware store, buy one for a dollar.


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#104184 Where Is Lanard?

Posted by chefdave on 06 May 2007 - 12:47 PM in General Nerf

I have not been able to find any local stores that sell Lanard guns. Anyone know where I can find them?

#104259 Where Is Lanard?

Posted by chefdave on 06 May 2007 - 06:03 PM in General Nerf

Thanks, I found a big salvo and maxshot on amazon, 25$ for both.

#217809 The Most Painful Gun

Posted by chefdave on 13 March 2009 - 12:11 AM in General Nerf

Honestly, this thread is just a:

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#223756 Longshot Range Test Video

Posted by chefdave on 15 April 2009 - 01:26 AM in Off Topic

Nice, too bad no barrel replacement+streamlines=shit accuracy.

#262237 Quick Longshot And Big Bad Bow Question

Posted by chefdave on 18 January 2010 - 02:58 AM in Modifications

The bbb spring has about 2 times the constant of the LS spring, so yes it will make a huge difference.

#255654 What Type Of Tubing Will Fit 13mm Fbr? *resolved!*

Posted by chefdave on 07 November 2009 - 10:16 PM in General Nerf

CPVC for springers.

PETG for air.

Last time I checked, both of those can vary widely in inner diameter based on where said material is produced, your best bet is to listen to Hi yah.

#164619 Question On A Chain Gun

Posted by chefdave on 26 July 2008 - 10:02 AM in General Nerf

The only difference is cosmetics.

#200985 Projectus

Posted by chefdave on 04 January 2009 - 12:49 AM in Modifications

Very innovative, finding an actual use for a ff turret besides smashing it and a fairly clean pump replacement. You probably should put that in some kind of shell though. My sm1500 tank exploded outside of its shell :angry: and nearly did serious damage to my face.

#129470 Is It Worth It?

Posted by chefdave on 11 November 2007 - 08:44 PM in General Nerf

Quick question, is it worth it to spend 5$ extra to get a wildfire over a rf20? What is the range difference? Does one break easier then the other?

#250241 Longshot Question

Posted by chefdave on 12 September 2009 - 05:07 PM in Modifications

For boltsled reinforcement I would recomend doing this. My boltsled has survived for the last few months with the combination of a LS, BBB, and RFSG spring, with no signs of stress.

#211537 How Do You Open The Cs Clip Up.

Posted by chefdave on 11 February 2009 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

Try prying under the tabs with an exacto-knife

#246889 Homemade Trigger For Bbbb

Posted by chefdave on 13 August 2009 - 01:29 PM in Modifications

I managed to hot glue and e-tape everything together

On the air tank... can you say BOOM?

Do not use hot glue on anything that requires structural integrety to not break/splode.

#136707 The 2k-blast

Posted by chefdave on 21 January 2008 - 12:26 AM in Modifications

My newest wepon, The 2k-Blast:

I took my favorite primary of all time (The big blast) and integrated an at2k cleanly inside.

Tools required for modification:

hot glue gun
super glue

bolt cutters

Here is an over-view of what the internals will look like:
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First use your bolt cutters or hacksaw to cut off the 2 pieces of plastic that support the barrel. Then take your hacksaw and cut off the barrel down to a white nub. Put the 1/2in pvc coupler over it. (optional) take out the pump, plug it (optional).
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Now, cut as shown in the picture on both sides, I would recommend a dremel with a cutting wheel.
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Cut out a small chunk of the pastic here to fit the tube through.
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Cut up approximately an inch and a half. Make the cut half an inch wide.
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Now, take Your at2k and remove the whole goo tube section (I had my friend nerfispwnage243 do this for me) put it in the newly opened slot. cover the whole thing wiuth hot glue once the barrel is straight and let It sit for 20 muinutes.

You're done! ranges will be posted soon.

Picture of the left side:
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picture of the trigger area:
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picture of the UBS:
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picture of the right side:
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picture of the right side with barrels:
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This is more of a preview than anything, The interals will be up tommorow, hopefully with the write-up.

Questions? Comments?

#235685 What Do You Do With Wet Internals?

Posted by chefdave on 11 June 2009 - 06:14 PM in General Nerf

Here's a suggestion, don't paint when it is going to rain.

*edit* adding something constructive *edit*

Just wipe it out as best you can with a paper towel, then let it air dry.

#136711 Mutant Stock Dart

Posted by chefdave on 21 January 2008 - 01:21 AM in General Nerf

All I can say is... rofl!

*Edit* woot 100th post! *Edit*

#136751 The 2k-blast

Posted by chefdave on 21 January 2008 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Internal pictures are currently being uploaded to image shack, I will post them as they come.

#104323 Tagger/stefens Compatible Titan

Posted by chefdave on 06 May 2007 - 10:12 PM in Modifications

The 2ft pvc pipe acts as a coupler for the PETG, therefore you can fire stefens and tagger darts.

Sorry I did not get the write-up up this weekend, I had alot of homework.

#150594 A Great Find Out Of Salvaging My Rf20

Posted by chefdave on 11 April 2008 - 08:06 PM in General Nerf

Ok, so I broke my rf20. I decided to chop it up and I noticed that the plunger rod was really dam hard to pull back. So I cut that thing open, took out the spring, and wow. That thing is just amazing. It slips over the plunger rod in my ttg and under the ttg spring. It is almost as powerfull if not more powerfull than a bbb spring in a tiny package. I have yet to test the range in my modded ttg but it looks very promising.

#103999 Tagger/stefens Compatible Titan

Posted by chefdave on 04 May 2007 - 11:49 PM in Modifications

The tagers don't shoot quite out of the front. It's about 20in petg and 24in pvc

#103991 Tagger/stefens Compatible Titan

Posted by chefdave on 04 May 2007 - 11:36 PM in Modifications

Alright this is the first mod I have posted, enjoy!
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I will be posting more pics and writeup soon.

I have eyed the ranges, taggers go about 100ft, stefens 150.

materials required:
great stuff(liquid foam)
2ft pvc pipe
20in PETG
possibley a hammer

note: I will try to get the writeup and offical ranges up this weekend.

#110363 Petg Breach

Posted by chefdave on 09 June 2007 - 11:11 PM in Modifications

wow, nice

#258806 Rear-loading 1500 Probs.

Posted by chefdave on 12 December 2009 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

You gave me a reason to get off my lazy ass and finish my write-up, it's a little bit rushed but meh. CLICK ME

#212739 I Present To You The Hefty Clip

Posted by chefdave on 16 February 2009 - 12:36 PM in Modifications

Good to be doing another write-up, haven't done one in quite a while.

So lets get started!

This will allow you to use stefens in your longshot.

Tools and materials:
-exacto nife
-epoxy putty
-rectrangular wood dowel
-possibly a dremel

First you need to open it up, pry open the tabs with an exacto knife or cut them off with a dremel.

After you have opened it, measure and cut your wood, glue it on at the appropriate positon according to the length of your stefens. Make sure you measure and glue it on straight,

This is where I origanly stopped, it broke after 1 use :angry:

Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
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Hefty, hefty hefty:

Reinforce the wood with a large ammount of epoxy putty, make sure there is a small gap in between the two pieces of wood when the clip is reassembled.

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Now, take the slider piece and cut it so there is about a 1/32th of an inch gap between it and the wood.( If you do not do this properly you will not be able to fire the last shot in your clip!)

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Grab the spring and glue it in so that the spring is flush with the open edge of the slider.

(sorry couldn't get the camera to focus properly)
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Reassemble it and your'e done!
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This clip is much more durable and, in my opinon, easier to mod!

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#136388 At2k Problemo

Posted by chefdave on 18 January 2008 - 05:33 PM in Modifications

Ah, I had this problem with my rf20, bought some ultra quick set epoxy (like one or two minutes) and smothered the end of an eraser with it, stuck it on a clothes hanger then put it into the pump shaft tube. I let it dry for 30 minutes and presto, it came right out.

#159278 Detachable Big Bad Bow Arches Write-up

Posted by chefdave on 15 June 2008 - 04:21 PM in Modifications

Honestly this seems so pointless. Why would you need to attach and dissattach the arches in the first place? The only reason I could see leaving them on is for cosmetic purposes, but even then they would just get in the way in an actual war.

#212808 I Present To You The Hefty Clip

Posted by chefdave on 16 February 2009 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

Iv'e never had jamming problems, he also didn't glue the spring in

#111610 Stripped Screws

Posted by chefdave on 16 June 2007 - 02:12 PM in Modifications

1, Wrong forum
2, Dremel around the orange thing. That's how I got it off.
3, As for the stripped screws I think Home Depot sells a probuct that helps remove them. Not sure on the name though

#129522 Bulge Darts

Posted by chefdave on 12 November 2007 - 11:53 AM in Modifications

I went to costco... got 200 mechanical pencils for 10$, and the ring has to be a perfect shape otherwise the dart will not be balanced.

#159654 My Nf Hates Me

Posted by chefdave on 18 June 2008 - 07:28 PM in Modifications

A quick way to fix this if the problem isn't in the plunger rod/tube is to glue the crayola directly on to the plunger tube.

#129486 Bulge Darts

Posted by chefdave on 11 November 2007 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

This mod is very simple, my taggers have been slowly shrinking in diamater lowering their range in spring guns, so what I decided to do is this:

1. Take a 9/32 inch mechanical pencil remove the grip.
2. Get out your hacksaw and carefuly cut a 1/4 inch cross section make sure you do not crack it.\
3. Sand down the cross section so that it is completly smooth.
4. Insert the cross section into the back of the tagger, slowly push it in with a screw driver all the way to the front of the dart.
5. Make sure that it is in all the way and is completely straight otherwise it will cause your darts to fishtail.

Your'e done! this mod adds a small amout of weight to the dart and seems to stabalize it. It also makes it fit nice and firm into 17/32 brass ideal for spring guns.

Out of my max shot, the darts consistantly got an additional 5-10 feet ( small but every foot counts), increased accuracy, and did not fishtail at all!

I will try to post pictures tommorow, not much to see though.