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#300538 JSPB (3DBBQ/Taiwan-style) darts?

Posted by Ozymandias on 26 June 2011 - 01:09 AM in Darts and Barrels

Ah, thanks.

#300518 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by Ozymandias on 25 June 2011 - 04:08 PM in General Nerf

You could follow Zorn's write-up and install a stock pump/OPRV.

#300517 JSPB (3DBBQ/Taiwan-style) darts?

Posted by Ozymandias on 25 June 2011 - 04:05 PM in Darts and Barrels

I would also throw in Teflon tape for consideration. That should translate to less friction, but that is purely guess work.

#300473 JSPB (3DBBQ/Taiwan-style) darts?

Posted by Ozymandias on 24 June 2011 - 05:08 PM in Darts and Barrels

If you have one, could you test this in an Angel breeched Longshot?

#300292 The SNAP/Revolution

Posted by Ozymandias on 21 June 2011 - 12:35 PM in Homemades

Ahtanie built a collapsible stock that might be useful here.

You're using different materials, but the basic design should still work.

#300243 The SNAP/Revolution

Posted by Ozymandias on 20 June 2011 - 04:28 PM in Homemades

To add to Zorn's comment, I attempted to make my +bow work with surgical (slingshot) tubing, and my 3/8 Nylon square rod bent at the notch. Of course, it is entirely plausible I just fucked up when cutting the notch in the first place. I probably made the cut too deep.

#300200 The SNAP/Revolution

Posted by Ozymandias on 20 June 2011 - 01:33 AM in Homemades

To anybody who didn't get the reference: The Beatles - Revolution 9

Anyway, how does this spring compare to a [k26] in terms of priming difficulty?

#300133 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 19 June 2011 - 01:17 AM in Nerf Wars

Well that was great.


Best turnout at any war I've ever been to.
Non-lubricated +bow with fucked up plunger rod performed admirably.
Saw how airguns can be competitive.
Nobody had a heat stroke.
The most awesome insect in recorded history.
LS clip breech worked 50:50. Needs work.
Got Wing Man out of semi-retirement.


Minor Sunburn.
Fucking Hot as hell.

Mad Props to everyone who drove 5 hours to get here.

#300068 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 17 June 2011 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I was watching the news...

It is going to be 107 degrees in Bridgeport tomorrow.


So, anybody having second thoughts? This is going to be bad...

Seriously, thats not even the heat index, so it is going to feel hotter then 107.

I think we need to reschedule.

Fuck it, we'll do it live!


#300055 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 17 June 2011 - 06:50 PM in Nerf Wars


Right, war is tomorrow.

It will be 100 degrees out, so bring a lot of water and sunscreen.

One idea I had is to have a lunch break or something at 3ish, where we would pack up and get fast food or something. This would be 1) a lunch break, 2) a restroom break, and 3) a chance to get out of the sun/heat. Sounds good?

#300026 Another Recon Mod

Posted by Ozymandias on 17 June 2011 - 01:44 PM in Modifications

Does the power increase make up for the added deadspace?

I tend to think so--an average of 65' flat from some fairly mild mods is pretty encouraging. I have more coming----which should really show how much the added deadspace affects the ranges------if at all. Many modders found that doing the "Straw" mod didnt help the Recons Range at all----so we will see.

I recall there was a thread a while back where I asked about dead space, and the conclusion we drew was that airflow is more important. This is why the straw mod does not increase ranges by much, if at all.

#299927 Supreme Crossbow Internals

Posted by Ozymandias on 15 June 2011 - 04:57 PM in Modifications

That is damn clever.

Can the hardened foam take a screw normally, or do the air bubbles prevent that?

#299859 The Two (or Three) Hour Homemade

Posted by Ozymandias on 14 June 2011 - 02:24 PM in Homemades

Ozymandias -- I'll try and get a video up later today. I got the valve at Lowe's in the section with the ball valves (bottom shelf), in the same aisle as the rest of the fittings. Smaller hardware stores generally don't have them, I think because they are primarily a "contractor item." But I have seen them at Homie D's and larger Ace Hardware stores. McMaster has them as 46835K52, though beware of shipping costs.

Ah, thanks fir the info.

I guess you'll just need to keep adjusting and testing it until you get the right amount of valve opening to get the semi-auto function, the opening needs to be quite small to get the effect.

A suggestion: take the piece of SCH 40 PVC between the check valve and the ball valve, stick some 1/4in. tubing in there, and goop the space around it. That should do the trick, I think.

You might want to use a longer piece of pipe though, otherwise the smaller diameter would mean less volume per shot.

#299842 The Two (or Three) Hour Homemade

Posted by Ozymandias on 14 June 2011 - 02:19 AM in Homemades

Very nice.

Can we get a firing vid?

Also, where did you buy that check valve? I have never seen that sort of thing at Lowe's/Home Depot.

#299797 Aluminum AT2K Tank

Posted by Ozymandias on 13 June 2011 - 03:44 PM in Homemades

Do these fit in the space where the stock Air Tech 200o airtank was? I'm guessing they do but you'd know for sure.

I believe he mentioned his tanks are bigger the 2k tanks, so you would have to do some dremeling.

These are damn impressive. Have you considered making a 3k/larger version of this?

Also, have you taken these up to higher pressures?

#299702 Hyper Fire DTB Revisited

Posted by Ozymandias on 11 June 2011 - 01:24 AM in Modifications

More power. I know most SS's are band in wars but I'd argue for a test at least. I'm going to have to set the tank further back creating a lot of dead space. I don't see it hitting any further than 100' to 110' flat.

Dude... you're in Canada. If it isn't lethal, its probably allowed.

Most wars I know of allow blasters with ranges in the 140s-150s. You'll probably be okay.

#299670 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 10 June 2011 - 04:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Attendance updated. War is a week away.

#299430 PumpSnap writeup.

Posted by Ozymandias on 06 June 2011 - 05:57 PM in Homemades

[k26] info:

Wire Size: .08 in.
Coils per inch: 3.09
Length: 11 in.

Compressed Length: 2.7192 inches
Deflection: 8.2808 inches

Of course, fully compressing a [k26] spring is a pain in the ass and ROF gos down, so most people just stick with 6-7 inches.

Just for S&Gs...

[k25] info:

Wire Size: .08 in.
Coils per inch: 2.18
Length: 11 in.

Compressed Length: 1.9184 inches
Deflection: 9.0816 inches

#299206 Tyco RC Rapid Assault

Posted by Ozymandias on 03 June 2011 - 01:21 AM in Modifications

Great improvement on a novelty item, but I fail to see its overall effectiveness in an actual war.

Massacre 7.

#299157 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 01 June 2011 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

If I can convince my brother to drive up to college station and we could grab a ride with the TANGO guys, then I'm a definite maybe. My brother probably won't want to go though.

Talk to ilikefish58.

#299125 CATN 3, June 18 Texas Nerf War

Posted by Ozymandias on 01 June 2011 - 02:10 PM in Nerf Wars

When: June 18

Time: Noon

Where: Harwood City Park, Bridgeport Texas . If you can't find it on google maps, search the Bridgeport Pool. They are right next to each other.

We'll meet by some picinic tables.

What to bring:
-Your "A" game
-A good attitude
-At least one primary, preferably two if yours breaks.
-Spring powered pistol.
-Bring everything you can for trading and selling
-Darts, a lot of them
-Lunch(?) and water
-Melee weapon if you want it.
-Shields are permitted as long as they are less then 2 by 2 feet. If you bring on bigger you'll be reduced to that and a melee weapon.

What not to bring:
-Guns that are too powerful.
-Bad attitude.
-Guns or melee weapons with sharp, harmful thing coming off them.

Other Stuff:
People younger than 13 are allowed but if you act childish you'll be sent home like a kid.
We'll play games according to popular vote.

Brutal Lobotomy_770 + 1
snakerbot + 1
Chase (aka 7777tx)
wing'd man + 1/2

TxNerfer + Bro
Simper Fi

There are no dart bans in place at this time. If you're firing slingshot weighted domes with a gun that shoots 80ft, you're okay.
If you know of a better location in North Texas, I'm all ears.

#299081 and then the soothsayer returned...

Posted by Ozymandias on 31 May 2011 - 04:51 PM in Off Topic

Out of curiosity, could you do a Mass Order of custom pipe? Like half inch PVC with an ID of 5/8in.?

#299026 Brilliantly Underestimated Foam Flinger

Posted by Ozymandias on 30 May 2011 - 11:12 PM in Homemades


Question: what is the advantage to a back pressure blaster?

#298830 Nerf Whiteout Series Blaster Reviews!

Posted by Ozymandias on 27 May 2011 - 11:50 PM in General Nerf

Sweet, no longer need to do a base coat.

Question: does the packaging indicate what other blasters will be getting the whiteout treatment?

#298695 Images will not show on any posts?

Posted by Ozymandias on 26 May 2011 - 05:05 PM in Off Topic

I'm running ad-blocker with no side effects, if that helps.

#298282 Gumdrop heads

Posted by Ozymandias on 18 May 2011 - 07:41 PM in Darts and Barrels

I'm not sure which it is, but Sg and Oz Nerf sites both seem free of BBs, ball bearings, washers, etc. in their darts.

I suspect pain is a factor of surface area, so having a larger striking surface (i.e. slugs) will lower pain more than a spongier material. Perhaps we can just make a cylindrical 'head' that has no tapering at all, and see if that helps with the pain.

Custom Calibrated Foam Darts - Conversion Guide!
Custom Weighted Foam Darts - Tip Seal Guide!
Example of them being used: SGN R-Series Blaster - PAR55M Demo

Airsoft and similar toys are banned in Singapore and Australia. The less airsoft-y they can make darts, the better. Thus, no metal.

Moving the eraser bit back would provide more padding on the front; however, that would move the center of gravity back which would make the dart less accurate (I think).

#298171 Zombie Party Topeka Kansas May 28

Posted by Ozymandias on 16 May 2011 - 12:59 AM in Nerf Wars

They're getting assistance from some HvZ vets, I believe.

#298026 Reverse Plunger enhancement

Posted by Ozymandias on 13 May 2011 - 01:26 AM in Modifications

That, and the power.

There is a Scarface quote in there somewhere...

Have you done this yet to a Raider/AT? I am wondering how the slam fire mech. will respond to this.

#297831 five-can sling-coozie

Posted by Ozymandias on 04 May 2011 - 12:00 AM in Off Topic

Dear God...

This is nice! Those coozies can also be used to hold 6rd. clips.

#297760 Octo-Shot

Posted by Ozymandias on 01 May 2011 - 09:17 PM in Modifications

Actually, if you would have even bothered to look at the date the video was posted on youtube, and then the date it was posted on Canadian Nerfers, you would understand why you are wrong.

This is makeitgo's video, and the Canadian Nerfers thread is makeitgo's write-up. This makes sense, seeing as how makeitgo is a Nerfer from Canada.

Here is his writeup thread posted on SgNerf Forum: http://nerfsg.freefo...-o-b-t2679.html

Also, food for thought:


I cannot wait to see this go up against a Doomsayer.

#297699 SGN-PAR55M Overview!

Posted by Ozymandias on 29 April 2011 - 04:01 PM in Homemades

Again, what I wouldn't do to get metric parts...

#296900 Ads?

Posted by Ozymandias on 30 March 2011 - 01:11 PM in Site Feedback

I'm not getting them... I think.

Question: who actually owns the physical server now? Vacc, Cxwq, Talio?

#296870 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by Ozymandias on 30 March 2011 - 12:57 AM in Homemades

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Works similar to my first breech, just with clips.

That is acryllic with an ID of CPVC's OD (5/8),

The epoxy putty is so the 'bridge' doesn't crack.

#296858 Tango 3

Posted by Ozymandias on 29 March 2011 - 10:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Date changed.

#296562 Could We Have A Sticky Thread For Notably Inactive Users?

Posted by Ozymandias on 25 March 2011 - 03:12 AM in Site Feedback

Did Soothsayer die?

Seconded. I know this was a NIC meme a while back, but you don't sound like you're joking...

#296039 Pvat V2.0

Posted by Ozymandias on 15 March 2011 - 03:51 AM in Homemades

Why isn't there a like button for comments? ;)

Planned Moderation System, from Dec 4, 2002.

#295922 Japanese Earthquake/tsunami

Posted by Ozymandias on 13 March 2011 - 04:21 AM in Off Topic

Here is the deal with the nuclear plant:

Basically, the lack of backup electricity from outside the plant shut down the pumping system.
This means that they couldn't pump water through the reactor to cool it.
What they've now done is allowed sea water to flood into it in a last ditch effort to cool the reactor.
If the reactor melts down, it will melt through its concrete containment and through the earth down to the water table.
When it hits the water table, that water instantly turns into steam, and will cause a massive explosion, throwing fallout everywhere.

Even if the sea water does work, it will corrode the pipes. This means they'll have to build a containment dome ala Chernobyl at the very least.

#295717 I Hadn't Seen Anyone Else Do This (a Barrel Break Story In Picture

Posted by Ozymandias on 10 March 2011 - 12:14 AM in Modifications

Nest some CPVC in the PVC. Then you'll have some shit.

Scratch that, nevermind.

#295620 Bs-12 Advanced Tactical Nerf Rifle

Posted by Ozymandias on 08 March 2011 - 11:11 PM in Homemades

It's Christmas somewhere. If it wasn't before, it certainly is now.

I am particularly impressed by the ballistic info.

If you had to give an educated guess, what is the cost of materials for your final version?

Are you sticking around for awhile?

#295342 High Volume Springer, Easy To Make And Cheap Version Of +bows And Snap

Posted by Ozymandias on 04 March 2011 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

In case anybody is interested...

Posted Image

The inner diameter is about 4in. I started working on one last fall, but shit came up and I never got back to it.

It is at Walmart and less then $10. My plan is to attach it to a nitefinder a la The lord of fish via a combination of couplers, bushings, hot glue, and ducttape.

It is a 2-way pump, which means hot glueing (sp?) the 'plunger head' is required.