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#37297 Darts

Posted by undeadtom on 16 September 2004 - 01:28 PM in General Nerf

Yeah I'm back ready to try it again.

What I do is cut the foam to the lengths I want it, then stick it in an RF20 or WF turret and use a hair dryer on it's highest setting. You want to heat each side (top and bottom) till the plastic is noticeably warmer (warmer not hot). after that just let it cool then finish making the stefan.

There are many ways to straighten stefans. I'm still trying to find new ones, only when I'm bored.

:ph34r: Undeadtom :ph34r:

#17495 At2k Problem

Posted by undeadtom on 29 January 2004 - 12:06 PM in Modifications

the only possible solution is crappy and probably won't worktoo well if at all I think my friend beasted my 2k that way ( he said he accidentally broke it) , hehe i rhymed, I hope when he finally get's it back to me it won't be broke that way other wise :knife:.

#17699 Just In Case You Wanted A Nested Brass Lnl

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 01:05 PM in Modifications

why do you call it a lockERload? That sounds neat. but black duct tape doesn't look so good with those colors you may want to paint it (guns that is).

#18126 The Thing That Should Not Be

Posted by undeadtom on 04 February 2004 - 03:35 PM in Modifications

If i owned that gun i'd be afraid it would eat me in my sleep.

#10225 Tn Nerfers

Posted by undeadtom on 22 September 2003 - 09:18 PM in General Nerf

Tennessee. Nope sorry But I'm in a neighboring state. According to my T.V., N.C. Is the place to be. In other words I live in North Carolina.

#14964 Rapid Fire 20

Posted by undeadtom on 23 December 2003 - 08:49 PM in Modifications

Well maybe it's a problem with the valve thingy, sorry if I've offended you.

#14949 Rapid Fire 20

Posted by undeadtom on 23 December 2003 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

Did you put the little yellowknob on? It "uses", I guess is the word, one of the valves allowing air to go aroound in rapid fire otherwise, if not pressed down, it remains in single.

#17775 Solenoids

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 09:18 PM in Homemades

your link doesn't work for me. can you post the exact url of the image?

#14998 Holy Fuck!

Posted by undeadtom on 24 December 2003 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic

"She was a slut."

God, that just made my day.

#17326 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

Well it doesn't/won't work too well till i get all the kinks out. I have gotten some of the kinks out but i need different rubba bans and for my dremel to start working properly. anyways in response to famine's post that RF20 has an SM3k's internals attached to the same pump as the RF20 internals and I'm currently trying to mod the RF20 internals so it has more power.

#17274 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 12:11 PM in Modifications

Truly it's not finished it's jujst back in working order. I'm having problems pulling the clothes hanger back because it is and uncomfortable unergonomic grip. The burns in the handle actually make it a more comfortable grip. Ninja bob here and rags will tell you that. the duct tape is simply to secure the rubber bands I'm now obviously working on the more comfortable pull back mechanism.

#17260 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 10:41 AM in Modifications

Ok go here and click on various mods. if you see a red x click refresh. if that doesn't help then right click the red x go to properties and copy the address and paste it to your address bar. If that doesn't help then I'll probably need to figure something out or move it to another site. stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

#17257 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

I'll let the pic do the talking:

scroll down

#17512 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 29 January 2004 - 04:15 PM in Modifications

Ok rags, haahaahaha, I can't believe that worked either, if you do show them that crapped pic then show them the pic of it when i left. anywho yes i have a knack for destroying guns and making them work as you said, because umm... Taboo? actually i just get lucky enought not to kick their asses when i destroy them so I'm able to put them back together. and rags again, We really need to get my friend hunter at our next war, can you say "canon-fotter", I keep popping him with hat thig from close ranges, yeah the second pic Actually makes me seem like the Jesus of nerf.

#17619 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 30 January 2004 - 06:17 PM in Modifications

me did. Plus his post was "Like totally" misunderstanding my way of destroying it. anywho my main message was me did.

#17498 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 29 January 2004 - 12:14 PM in Modifications

Stock mech broke, no i wanted to be able to put rubba bans on it but that is fucking me

Left glue gun to close, no i got lighter happy and made it a comfortable feeling gun

Range is actually the same so I'm probably going to change it back to the original cocking mechanism and yes that is a crayola because That is what i had lying around when i barrel modded it about a couple months ago and i don't feel like screwing with that part because part of it broke. anywho I'll probably just change it back cause it's easier to cock that way so yeah this topic could probably use a little stabbing.

#17656 First Shot

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 12:15 AM in Modifications

Stock mech broke, no i wanted to be able to put rubba bans on it but that is fucking me

Left glue gun to close, no i got lighter happy and made it a comfortable feeling gun

Range is actually the same so I'm probably going to change it back to the original cocking mechanism and yes that is a crayola because That is what i had lying around when i barrel modded it about a couple months ago and i don't feel like screwing with that part because part of it broke. anywho I'll probably just change it back cause it's easier to cock that way so yeah this topic could probably use a little stabbing.

Happy? Why won't this die?!?!?! :stab: :stab: :stab:

#17492 Materials

Posted by undeadtom on 29 January 2004 - 12:01 PM in Off Topic

Ok so currently I'm turning a model car sorta into a mix between the diablo from NFS and a car from 2 fast 2 furious. I am trying to fit the car's mother board (it has the option of being remote control or a model) into it so I can use it's sounds and original lighting for parts of it.

on the pyro subject I meant i phase in and out but there's always that passion for fire and explosives.

#17336 Materials

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 07:45 PM in Off Topic

my mistake. anywho I'd like to put something in this little kiddy brief case so i have a use for it other than it holding stuff from my pyro phase.

#17204 Materials

Posted by undeadtom on 26 January 2004 - 07:41 PM in Off Topic

Someone's been watching a little too much Tech TV (maybe, just maybe too much G4). Actually I want to know how your planning on doing this or atleast document this. Please do it for the chil- hell no do it for me.

#17327 Materials

Posted by undeadtom on 27 January 2004 - 06:27 PM in Off Topic

Why not break it and re-solder thit together with some wires so it will fit. I looked at that NESPC. damn that was um *schwing*.

#14844 Nerf Games

Posted by undeadtom on 22 December 2003 - 01:10 AM in Nerf Wars

Well It's late/early and I'm bored so I happen to be browsing the forums in my somewhat hypnotic state. here's some games.

Nerfin' roullette: two-three players. Get a bucket box etc and fill it with guns. have some go behind a wall or somewhere unseen and load x-1 darts(where X is the number of players) into x-1 number of guns then then jumbe them up. you oughta know the rest from here, I'm too tired.

Armory: (played teams or brawl) Each player can hold, at any time, only one weapon. when hit you drop your wepon and run back to your armory (same as base, you keep the rest of your X amount of guns here) and grab a weapon if you choose. when a team runs out of weapons they are out. more fun with 3+ teams but keep gun supplies to a small amount.

Apache: same rules as regular CTF except your allowed to hide it where noone could see it even if they were right next to it.

By the way when you said UT did you mean me?

#14890 Nerf Games

Posted by undeadtom on 22 December 2003 - 07:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay Just checking. I think I posted something like that or siege wars on NHQ. Anyways I got another Game:

Got it from your UT:

That bomb style game. You need some kinda timer thing and put it on a pizza box or something that size(It's better to use something like a Tech-Target since it has preset times so it's less likely that someone cheats). The bomb starts off in the middle of the playing field (between everyone's bases) one shot kills, infinite number of lives (you must go to a designated point before your back alive, there can be more than one point if wanted/needed). The way a team is eliminated is that the bomb goes off in their base. be the last team standing and win.

#14948 A Dollar Store Pistol Vs. Lnl

Posted by undeadtom on 23 December 2003 - 03:51 PM in General Nerf

Well the last time I looked in my dollar tree they didn't have those. I need to check somethime soon, probably when i return a shopping cart to a store (It was broken so I took it out of their trash( ahd some good down hill rollin')). Any ways I might become another supplier if they stock 'em regularly. well they look schweet.

#18661 Homemade Writeup - Interest?

Posted by undeadtom on 10 February 2004 - 04:35 PM in Homemades

The RapidFire 20 is a gun that I would like to see modified, if it is at all possible. They are more available right now, and I have yet to see a well documented, successful mod for it.

I have a write up for the RF20 piston mod but i have a tubing problem because i destroyed the part of the case (the part that sealls the tank good) in the midst of puting it back together so i think I'm going to single barrel it since i have nothing better to do and have no way of fixing it, yet. anywho it will be like diablo's single barreled pc since that's an interesting dealy. for now I'm waiting to get some good barrel materials and some couplers but those will have to wait till after the 27th (hehe my B-day). anyways carry on.

#17510 Nerf Holsters

Posted by undeadtom on 29 January 2004 - 04:11 PM in General Nerf

Hmm I wonder if anyone has ever made a studded leather holster.

Anywho does anyone know how to make one of these holsters only for smaller guns: Posted Image

#17600 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by undeadtom on 30 January 2004 - 04:09 PM in Homemades

I want to make some clip(s)/ Magazine(s) SORTA like this:


Basically once one part is empty you just turn it and BAM! but I'm looking for a gun That i want to do it on. probably a spring gun. yes the pic sucks.

#17744 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

I hate the stock darts both of mine came with. the swerve left and right making it hard for me to hit my grandma's cat. it's ok their not modded yet. but I'm getting around to it. anyways if you look in the holsters topic at the pics i posted i finally made a holster like that especially for these two guns so i can go dualie.

#17762 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 08:49 PM in Modifications

I can't believe you didn't see by the pic of his holster (with gun in it) showed that he cut it down so it would fit. but I'm going to make both my NFs smaller than his once I um get a barrel. probably a crayola (hey it's the only thing i have and both are probably side arms for me.

#10221 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 22 September 2003 - 08:56 PM in Modifications


#10191 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 22 September 2003 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

Cadmond, it will be hard for me toget you pics of the internals, so unless you request them again after using the key above, then I won't be willing to get them.

#10160 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 21 September 2003 - 09:09 PM in Modifications

Ok seel the duct tape at the bottom, that's the trigger.

See the huge thing on the back, that's the pump.

See the short little stub on the front, that's the barrel.

On the front side view under the barrel, the hole is the extra ammo space.

It is like that because it was badly, badly broken. I hope you can tell now. It shots 70+ ft. Since those pics I've made some barrel modifications and I'm working on another mod and am looking for 20 markers for another. Soon I'll post the new pics of ANDREW.

Internal pics coming soon to a message board near you!!!

#10224 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 22 September 2003 - 09:13 PM in Modifications

UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, F-F-F*ck!!! Lech nice job Can I have it? Just kidding.

Anyways cadmond I'm gonna try to explain it to you For the final time and I want you to tell me if you do or don't understand it. Here goes:

That weird looking thing at the bottom where the original pump part shoud be is the actual trigger (the original broke).

And of course the weird looking thing on the back is the modifiedd pump (it broke).

And then there is the is the barrel in the front (the original broke). I stuck a crayola barrel inside and permanently attached it to the inside of the PVC pipe so the dart would be snug.

As a plus right beneath the barrel is a holder for extra ammo.

If you look at the original pics then you should see everything except the crayola marker parts.

I'm working on another one. I hope you could understand it Cadmond.

#10285 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 23 September 2003 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

No it's your darts being fired up my ass!!! Anyways like I said props.

#10126 Forum Contest!

Posted by undeadtom on 21 September 2003 - 01:41 PM in Modifications

Since NHQ is down of course and obviously I'm posting my entry here unless NHQ comes back up before the contest is which I'll repost it there. I call it ANDREW (I have no idea whatsoever why I named it that, but that's what I named it) BACKGROUND INFO: Ok now this gun is a Super maxx 3000 that brooke horribly so horribly that when you shot it it only went about 5 ft well I then the pump handle broke so of course I had to improvise with this and the broken trigger system. Now the pump is in a weird place but very effective and the trigger system, from all other nerf guns and mods I've seen is almost if not completeley unique. The original 8 ammo holding barrel decided to die. The barrel is at a great automatic incline and is short because it was only modded to be a cover fire mortar firing style weapon. Beneath the barrel is a hole where where you can put one dart but I'm working on that. this gun can shoot an overwwhelming 70+ ft now that it's fixed up.. To see it you'll have to click on the link.


#18035 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by undeadtom on 03 February 2004 - 03:56 PM in Nerf Wars

i didn't know my B-day was on a friday.

I order you to stfu with your nonsense, capeesh? This is a YANO thread, not a "whose birthday is it on Friday" thread.

Well my b-day is the 27th and i didn't know you'd react so impishly. if it will please you i will be quiet.

#17928 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by undeadtom on 02 February 2004 - 03:37 PM in Nerf Wars

i didn't know my B-day was on a friday.

#17603 Canada Anyone?

Posted by undeadtom on 30 January 2004 - 04:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd understand that seeing as how shakespeare was either gay or bisexual. but i probably shouldn't be posting here since i live nowhere near canada.

#17701 Avatars

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 01:16 PM in Site Feedback

what about a hitler?

You were probably joking, but I hate that man more than any other person that ever lived.

The word "Auschwitz" gives me the chills down my spine.

If anybody has done any research on the Holocaust, you may know that sick/young/helpless people were immediately lead to the gas chambers for extermination. The dead bodies were then stripped of valuables (such as gold fillings) and thrown into the crematory - basically a large oven used to burn the victims.

After reading that once the Russian allied invasion begun, the bomb raids destroyed all three remaining gas chambers at Auschwitz. The Nazis, realizing that they're primary way of killing (at their largest death camp) had been destroyed, they decided to kill as many prisoners as possible by just throwing them into the crematories...alive.

The thought of having my skin burned off in an oven while still alive makes me want to vomit.

Yes i was kidding about hitler and the swasticas but i do want some dictator/ tyrant type like castro.

#17745 Avatars

Posted by undeadtom on 31 January 2004 - 07:17 PM in Site Feedback

Yes i was kidding about hitler and the swasticas but i do want some dictator/ tyrant type like castro.

Well, in that case, put pictures up of people like Jean Chretien and George Bush :ph34r:

That's one for the history books. yeah put up some squirrels or atleast an avi that says king of the squirrels (That's my title(not not under my avi)).