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#253447 Fall Dcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 13 October 2009 - 08:58 AM in Nerf Wars

I can't come on the 14th, but I'm available on the 7th...

#279272 N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 July 2010 - 03:00 PM in News

I found this patent filed by Hasbro for a break-barrel blaster. It could be the same technology used in the Barrel Break.

Am I seeing a regular, non-inverse plunger in the patent's diagrams?

#263274 Reverse Plungers

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 January 2010 - 02:35 PM in General Nerf

Z80's got the right point. The problem with weak blasters is how slowly the dart leaves the barrel, and by extension, barrel taps. A player using a weak blaster, such as one with a reverse plunger, has terrible odds against a player with a strong blaster, even at very close range.

Pretend we have two Nerfers, Mario and Luigi. Mario has a Big Blast with a speedloader, and Luigi has a Raider with a full drum.

If Mario spots Luigi at, say 100 feet, he'll have many opportunities to take him down before Luigi closes the gap. Even with the (overestimated) difficulty of landing a long-range shot, Mario will probably be able to take Luigi down before he can close the gap.

If Luigi gets within, say 50 feet of Mario, Mario can run from Luigi, move out of range, or dodge his shots. As long as Mario can outrun Luigi, he has a tactical advantage.

Even assuming Luigi gets close and rushes, Mario has another advantage in that the opponent is moving at HIM. He can dodge Luigi's shots (which is easy, since they're moving half-speed), and take a barrel tap.

If Luigi manages to really get up in Mario's grill, say 10 feet, range and rate of fire don't matter at all. It becomes a race to barrel-tap.

So what do you do about it? A possible solution is to eliminate barrel taps. If Luigi were to rush Mario and Mario couldn't barrel tap, Mario would only have one extremely risky shot before he was forced to run.
When the defender can barrel-tap, he has all the advantages in close-range. He can dodge the darts, he can run out of range, and he can still retaliate without the risk of losing his only shot.

War organizers, the ball's in your court. It's up to you to discover and implement rules that strip the advantages from long-ranged players and let participants use a wider variety of weapons.

TL;DR: Range matters. Dart speed matters, too. All of the advantages of short range blasters are nullified when a long-range player can barrel-tap.

#263288 Reverse Plungers

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 January 2010 - 04:37 PM in General Nerf

Zack, you're about half a rung down the never-touching-cleavage ladder from penning a nintendo themed nerf fanfic. Turn back now!

If you really want to encourage rof over range, though, the simplest solution would be to try some rounds with the long since abandoned "east coast rules". "East Coast rules" has always been a lame way of saying that there is no countdown after a hit. If someone pelts you with 4 shots from a mantaray (teehee) you take 4 hits. If someone unloads a magstrike on you, count the darts and take the hits.

In this way someone with a ranged blaster that lacks rof might be successful in getting the first hit, but will struggle to keep up with someone packing a clip and a little closing speed. Be warned, however, that this rule set was abandoned by most because rounds are over incredibly quickly, and fairly counting hits from high rof nerf guns is difficult in the heat of the moment. Other things that become difficult in the heat of the moment; reloading anything, iambic pentameter, your mom saying no to me.


Ha ha, I figured Nerfers would be geeky enough to instantly recognize the names. I was originally going to use Edward and Jacob, but the last thing we need on this forum are people who Google that combination. Not to mention my post looked about 9001% gayer.

Anyways, I think the general consensus lately is that the standard 3-15 game rules don't match up to what players find enjoyable, and aren't compatible with the currently-available Nerf products. I'd say that the subject definitely deserves some attention, but this particular topic isn't the place to do it.

#263569 Reverse Plungers

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 January 2010 - 06:27 PM in General Nerf

I compiled the rules discussed in this thread, along with a few I've picked up at other wars, into a new elimination rules thread. You can check it out here and contribute your own alternate rules.

Now, let's all get back to talking about how reverse plungers are awesome.

#263342 Reverse Plungers

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 January 2010 - 09:04 PM in General Nerf

This is a little out there, but bringing back megas would solve several common complaints people have with Nerf.

None of the reverse-plunger blasters take Megas, so this is out of place.

At any rate, almost no turreted or clipped blasters accept Megas, which defeats the purpose.

Oh, I realize what you're saying - Everyone who's NOT using a high-ROF blaster can only use Megas, which both limits range and makes close-range shots less painful. That's actually a really interesting idea.

#263120 Reverse Plungers

Posted by Zack the Mack on 25 January 2010 - 02:32 PM in General Nerf

I believe an indoor war is easily more fun than an outdoor war 9 out of 10 times. The reason being is that people don't get boners over spending 10 hours integrating 5 different 2k tanks BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

Indoor wars are definitely more fun, but it's REALLY GODDAMN HARD to find even a crappy indoor location.

War hosts: Try a reverse-plunger-only round.

#275482 Spring Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 21 May 2010 - 05:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Yay for double post. I'll be there. I'm makin shit happen for this.

Oh, and Zack, I got ya with those materials.

You're the man, LT.

#275426 Spring Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 May 2010 - 11:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Fucking hell, I completely forgot about this war. You bet your ass I'll be there, but I'll be using my old slingshot-weight darts. Sorry.

Seoul, did you send out the BS tanks? If I had known you'd be coming, we would have just made our deal in person!

#275503 Spring Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 21 May 2010 - 07:06 PM in Nerf Wars

You're the man, LT.


Heh heh... you're the man, DB.
LT, you're also the man. :D

DX - The Mag7 and many other hosts have been banning all non-CS darts from their wars. The idea is to limit range and prevent the poor widdle nerfers from having to suffer through the agony of welts.

I'm glad we're all macho here and don't restrict darts.

#275427 Spring Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 21 May 2010 - 12:37 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry for the double post, I wanted to draw attention to this:

I REALLY need 7" of [k26] spring and a 1/2" PVC wye. Can anyone bring a pre-cut spring of this length or a wye for me to buy?

#243956 Gnomefest 09

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 July 2009 - 12:59 AM in Nerf Wars

All right, a war a week before I'm back at college! Looking forward to getting one more war under my belt before classes!

I should be able to show!

#282268 2-11

Posted by Zack the Mack on 05 August 2010 - 11:03 PM in Homemades

Awesome design, great progression of the +Bow. Simple, elegant, looks like anyone with a brain stem and a bandsaw will be able to fabricate one. It's the AK-47 of Nerf.

I especially like that catch - I can see it becoming a critical part of RTP-like blasters. What's it made of?

#251551 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 24 September 2009 - 07:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Anyways, my guns aren't war capable at the moment and I'm probably not going to be able to complete them in a month with no break from school, so I can't make this.

Don't worry about it - there will be plenty of loaners. I'll make sure to bring at least one extra.

#251201 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 21 September 2009 - 08:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll try hard to get there. Bring a halloween mask. Hopefully I'll have the +Bow-Lanard Shotgun-Wipeout ready by then...

#252655 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 05 October 2009 - 09:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Also, what ranges would you say are too high?

Anything that outranges and/or out-ROF's his Lanard Shotgun. Such as a quad-RSCB'd Signal Launcher.

EDIT: Ice, you should PM Langley to add this to the war schedule.

#244323 Nerf Wars On Wikipedia

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 July 2009 - 11:05 AM in General Nerf

I re-wrote the entire page. It turns out that about half of the page was copied and pasted from the NerferWiki, and some ten-year-olds wrote the rest.

Anyone with plenty of time on their hands should add references to the Wikipedia page pointing to forum articles here. After all, NH is the real Nerf resource.

#244361 Nerf Wars On Wikipedia

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 July 2009 - 02:47 PM in General Nerf

For the (absolutely hilarious) record, you can see the original page RIGHT HERE.

#244329 Nerf Wars On Wikipedia

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 July 2009 - 11:41 AM in General Nerf

I thought It seemed a bit to... actual.

I think the ten-year-olds tried to mash up Nerf and Call of Duty. Anyone who would tell another to use a Reactor as a primary with an Atom Blaster backup should not be allowed to give Nerf advice.

#254302 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 22 October 2009 - 09:46 AM in Nerf Wars

It's supposed to POUR on Saturday. Is this going to affect the date?

#254102 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 October 2009 - 05:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Do you want me to rig up a Core? The Tupperware last time didn't work too well...

#254062 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 October 2009 - 01:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be bringing at least one friend.

#252812 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 06 October 2009 - 11:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Is this an insult? lol. I use the rules of no multi rotational springers with more then four barrels hitting over 65 feet flat. And nothing that shoots over 130 flat. I erotically massage RSCB'ed +bows (or anything of the like) with more then 5 shots (Damn you Zach!), but I will not stop them from play. Integrations can be a hastle if it's a really good combo (+bow's with lanard shot guns on them), but are pretty much always aloud.

Well, that's convenient, because I'm probably bringing a 5-shot RSCB'd +bow with an integrated Lanard Shotgun. And a Signal Launcher with an integrated Marvelous Salvo. Mwahaha.

And it's a lot easier to just say "No Doomsayers".

For the record, the best integration is probably Gears' Ellen.

#254360 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 22 October 2009 - 09:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm up for Nerfing in the rain, I just wanted to know in advance if you guys were planning to pussy out. Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the Nerfers from their appointed rounds of 3-15.

#251822 Pa War 8

Posted by Zack the Mack on 27 September 2009 - 11:39 AM in Nerf Wars

DX, where are you leaving from?

#281046 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 23 July 2010 - 12:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll go. BJ, Chops, and others, I can try to pick you up if you're on the way.

#283334 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 17 August 2010 - 12:43 PM in Nerf Wars

What the fuck is going on with this.

+1. I wouldn't have known about the date change if Ellen Rage didn't make this post, and I might have shown up this Saturday. Pull your shit together, dude.

I can't make the 28th. I'm moving back into college that week, and I'd rather drink than Nerf.

EDIT: I can still make the 21st.

#283430 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 August 2010 - 03:51 PM in Nerf Wars

DarthMaker from NRev says he'd prefer the 21st.

#280799 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 July 2010 - 08:34 AM in Nerf Wars

I'd love to go, but it depends on the date. There are at least two August wars already planned in the area - could we have this on 6/31 as a warm-up for Apoc?

#280811 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 July 2010 - 11:52 AM in Nerf Wars

Really? Where?
And no, Im busy that weekend.

We've got Apoc on the 7th, and LINO on the 28th. Now that I think of it, LINO isn't close to PA at all. And I don't think it would interfere much anyways. Never mind.

#256709 Dart Weight Regulations/range Testing

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 November 2009 - 07:44 PM in Darts and Barrels

I don't think Nerfers will voluntarily cripple their dart speed - personally, I take enemies out at very long ranges. I'm also not a fan of Slug darts - I find that they fall apart, don't feed well in RSCB's, and scratch the insides of my barrels.

Regardless, it might be a good idea to increase your sample size and provide standard deviation, etc. so we can drag some more insights out of this.

On another note, we really need a standard test for accuracy.

#280203 Humans Vs Zombies Recommended Weapons

Posted by Zack the Mack on 14 July 2010 - 09:30 AM in General Nerf

My friends at UMD and Goucher (they invented HvZ) tell me that your best bet is to avoid combat as much as you can. Remember Rule 17: Don't be a hero.

But if you really need to go down guns blazing, you won't do better than a stock Longshot with a Raider drum. Don't single a Berserker for HvZ, you'll kill someone.

EDIT: Padding your plunger head or using an airgun will keep your squad quiet in night missions.

#299599 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by Zack the Mack on 09 June 2011 - 03:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm back, and I'll be there! If anyone can sell me 500 Slugs with airgun fit in PETG, hit me up.
Anyone in central NJ, Essex County area need a ride, say the word.
For the record, Benbo, I'll be bringing a Stampede with stock ammo. Stampede strike force!

#292057 Bfny 5

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 January 2011 - 02:43 AM in Nerf Wars

So I unearthed an ancient cache of slingshot darts. What do you guys think, are they unsafe coming out of the Super Soaker?

#291609 Bfny 5

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 December 2010 - 10:56 PM in Nerf Wars

NLKM asked me to RSVP for him as a strong tentative yes.

#262274 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 January 2010 - 01:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, Alec! Change me to a definite, with at least 1 friend. Stevens is rollin' out!

#262361 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 19 January 2010 - 12:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Bump, and one of my friends will need to borrow a primary. Can someone bring a spare?

#264131 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 February 2010 - 12:37 PM in Nerf Wars

War's over, and it's postmortem time! Interesting bits coming your way!

- Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju! not functioning at all!
- RIDICULOUS COLD. Got frostnip on my left hand after ten minutes of play.
- Stevens army rolling out four-deep. Z80, Non-NIC Twitch, Noodles, holla.
- No gun breakages!
- Rapid prototyping the Shields game! See below.
- Slept through a train and missed one more...
- Kicking ass with a Pirates of the Caribbean pistol!
- Hanging with the Stevens crew, Cheesy, Lucian, DX, Silencer, et al
- Totally failing yet again to nail down a trade with Lucian

I want to give the Shields game type some special attention. We tested it out in a few rounds - two with one life, two with one life where you had to kneel as you counted, and a pistol round. Here's what I observed:
- Standoffs ended naturally. Players realized quickly that unless they were spread out, they would never land two hits.

- Standoffs weren't totally eliminated, since players were reluctant to take the first shot. Players who were confident in their accuracy or just reckless broke the ice by landing a hit or charging.

- Teamwork went through the roof. Players organized themselves into 'fire teams' or buddied up before rushes.

- Strategy came into play very prominently. Long-ranged players had to coordinate with short-ranged players so the latter could clean up after the former landed a shot.

- Gameplay proceeded slowly at first, then got faster as players were eliminated. The last player on a team had an impossible time.

- Short-ranged blasters, pistols, and melee weapons became really powerful. Players could continue their rush even if they were shot, and hitting someone at 10 feet could make or break a play. I cleaned up half a team using an Arrowstorm and a Warlock, and Jeff took down a few guys with an Atom Blaster!

- Players were confused about barrel taps, and we couldn't decide how to handle them. This part needs some work in the future.

- The kneeling thing was interesting, but dropping to one knee on frozen earth was torture. We ended this round quickly.

- Players still needed some time to adjust to the game. Many players' primaries took too long to reload, and players were unaccustomed to the type of strategy and teamwork needed to score kills.

- The general consensus was that Longshots would be super-weapons in this style. None of us actually brought a Longshot, so this went untested.

Bear in mind that the temperatures were EXTREMELY FUCKING COLD, which cut players' accuracy, and more importantly, reload speed. I'd definitely try this game mode when it gets warmer and players are encouraged to bring high-ROF blasters.

#260265 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 December 2009 - 11:59 AM in Nerf Wars

You'll need to change me to a maybe. This is the second week of the spring semester for me - I'll need to see how much time and cash I have.

#257623 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 30 November 2009 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I'd probably be up for it. That's winter break for me, so I'll have plenty of time to mod and war.

Edit: 100th post! Hell yeah!