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#251271 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 September 2009 - 12:12 PM in Off Topic

Everyone get Halo 3 ODST. Now.

Halo sucks.

ODST even more so.
Just finished The lost and the damned. Really disappointed I paid for that piece of crap...
Cod4 tonight (GMT) anyone?

#251292 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 September 2009 - 03:51 PM in Off Topic

Seriously, it's like every frickin COD nutsack thinks Halo sucks. Like Horus said, if you haven't tried it, don't bash it like a squirrel bashes an acorn in the ground. If you played a prior game in the series but didn't like it, try another in the series, even if you just rent it. If you didn't like it because you got your arse kicked, go get laid or something and try again. Or do what I do where if I don't get at least 2nd I use my anger to pwn. It works, even though now I really don't have to try except against generals.


I love halo, I love the whole series, APART from ODST. And my real anger sits with TLAD.

Jesus, I thought we were all civil and were allowed to voice our opinions.

#241584 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 12 July 2009 - 11:48 AM in Off Topic

About time I got Live...


Playing a lot at the moment, had to get my new score up....
Halo 3
Forza 2
Gears 2(coming soon)

PM me with your Haven name as well.....


#251385 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 23 September 2009 - 11:11 AM in Off Topic

Seriously, it's like every frickin COD nutsack thinks Halo sucks. Like Horus said, if you haven't tried it, don't bash it like a squirrel bashes an acorn in the ground. If you played a prior game in the series but didn't like it, try another in the series, even if you just rent it. If you didn't like it because you got your arse kicked, go get laid or something and try again. Or do what I do where if I don't get at least 2nd I use my anger to pwn. It works, even though now I really don't have to try except against generals.


I love halo, I love the whole series, APART from ODST. And my real anger sits with TLAD.

Jesus, I thought we were all civil and were allowed to voice our opinions.

Yeah, that's a little over the top in response to someone just saying "Halo sucks".

Just curious BritNerfMogul, what didn't you like about ODST?

Just the feel of the game. I couldn't get into it, and I hate that when games cost $80. It's gotta be worth the money, or I'm not buying it.

#323448 X-Clear Triple Shot Sighted ?!?!?!?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 11 November 2012 - 06:35 AM in General Nerf


These have been popping up in the UK for a while now...

#227709 X Men Origins: Wolverine

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 02 May 2009 - 07:06 PM in Off Topic

The effects on his claws seemed... off, and they seemed really short too.
The two best characters, Gambit, and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds, not zombie deadpool) got less screen time then Venom did in Spider-Man 3.
The Adamantium bullets thing was excruciatingly stupid.

On the other hand, Sabertooth was a HUGE step up from the neanderthal version we had in X-Men 1.

So, meh. It was ok.

I agree with most points, except the claws. I thought they were the right length, more to scale. My homemades are about the same length, as they measure from the same distance as my fore arm. That way they look like they might actually fit inside my arm. Some of the effects were poorly done thought.

#227694 X Men Origins: Wolverine

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 02 May 2009 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

Too much sorrow and pain for my liking. Nice special effects thought.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going coating my skeleton with admantium. Now where's my cheque book.....

#352223 Who's still around from 2008/2009

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 March 2016 - 07:14 PM in Off Topic



Yeah, this thread has run it's course.  Closing and moving the guy asking about Nerf Online to another thread to let this one die. 

#274234 Where Are Nerf Guns Going?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 07 May 2010 - 09:19 AM in General Nerf

I think you all need to get a grip...

For me, it's not what I use but how much fun I'm having

As long as I'm having fun with nerf, I'll use anything from a recon to a +bow.

#334007 What would be a good replacement motor for Nerf Stampede

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 14 September 2013 - 04:26 PM in General Nerf

Small block chevy. 4 barrel carbs.

#292789 What Should I Name My Band?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 14 January 2011 - 06:28 AM in Off Topic

Magic Roundabout

#321738 What kind of paint to use?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 18 September 2012 - 10:20 AM in Modifications

So if I apply the Clear Coat over the handle, the texture will be like on a stock blaster?

No, it'll feel like clear coat. The only paint that I've known to be close to original paintjob is what I use, which is Games Workshop paints. See my sig for details.

#338344 What Happened to NerfRev?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 20 April 2014 - 11:57 AM in General Nerf


By not responding to either PMs or posts, okay, sure.

I know Bob, contacting Spanky is difficult at the best of times. I'm hoping I can take it over

#338342 What Happened to NerfRev?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 20 April 2014 - 11:20 AM in General Nerf

NHQ is still going, just trying to find a new owner at the moment...

#248533 What Are We Allowed To Post?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 25 August 2009 - 02:58 PM in Off Topic

No, I kinda like what Soothsayer said. I think he's on to something here.

Yeah, way to improve the site...... Make sure no-one ever posts. Shear brilliance. Why didn't I think of that before?

Look, yes, shit gets posted in Off Topic. But it just needs direction. That's all.

Not the admins saying nothing can be posted. Ever.

#248531 What Are We Allowed To Post?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 25 August 2009 - 02:50 PM in Off Topic

Nothing. No one is allowed to post anything. Ever.


Grow up ass hat.

If you are unsure about the subject matter, PM an admin member. They can point you in the right direction.

#230970 Welkinhawk

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 18 May 2009 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

Also, to dizzy, was the new cocking mech made out of choice or because it had to be repaired?

It was my choice. I found having to "claw" the back of the blaster to a primed position was uncomfortable and impractical.

Fair do's. I'm not a big fan of PVC pipe cocking mechs, but if it works for you.
Good job. Do I detect a slight hint of cleaness to the paint job also? It seems like the colours aren't as dark as some of your other works. I like the new look.

#230967 Welkinhawk

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 17 May 2009 - 11:55 PM in Modifications

I really like this. It's made a overseen blaster become something more and the PJ's perfect. Now if only I could get one....

Also, to dizzy, was the new cocking mech made out of choice or because it had to be repaired?

Again, great job.

#322889 Vote for NH's Next Avatar Pack

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 October 2012 - 08:07 AM in Off Topic

Pinups please.

#278837 Vintage Nerf Inbound

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 28 June 2010 - 11:40 AM in General Nerf

Just need to get me some Megas now and maybe let Brit do some crazy mods to them.


*thinks of something crazy... like taping a block of butter to the wildfire....*

I'm also happy to help shift them if you need the help.

#287688 Vengeance 3 Videos

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 30 October 2010 - 12:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Loving the fact that the only female nerfer is also hot. Good war BTW guys...

#271578 Trying To Find Specific Moded Nerf Gun

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 07 April 2010 - 01:06 PM in General Nerf

Nevermind. I didn't bother reading

#247850 Titan Mod Without Pvc Pipes?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 20 August 2009 - 05:13 PM in Modifications

I did mine with spare brass:


#352127 thoughts of the Vulcan

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 10 March 2016 - 09:19 PM in General Nerf

I'm running 12v's through mine and I've never had the mechanism break. Personally, it's just a good looker:

- Slow reloads compared to mags
- No true way to store chains
- Heavy


Just not war worthy. Sorry

#351541 thoughts of the Vulcan

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 February 2016 - 07:13 PM in General Nerf



Awesome comes in many flavours...

#228617 The Xbow And Lnl Debate

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 06 May 2009 - 05:43 PM in General Nerf

I'm fairly new to the nerf scene, so I thought I'd throw in my opinion. I have no intention of getting or planning to get either of these blasters.

Yes, they are simple, and yes they appear comfortable, but that doesn't mean I'm going to pay stupid prices for two pieces of plastic. Even if I did, I'd never use them. In most of my wars, my fellow combatants only carry Tommy 20, or other useless shite. If I showed up with a xbow and LnL, they'd all go home.

This is the reason I stick with my LS and Recon. They are all I want from my blaster. comfy and useable. And cheap.


Posted by BritNerfMogul on 30 September 2011 - 08:50 AM in General Nerf

I can actually see this game working with a few rules additions:

- Only put 'loaners' in the pile. If you don't want it to be used by someone else, don't put it in (Problem solved Groove).
- Great game to play if you're only using stuff that's lightly modded/ stock stuff for indoor wars. Again, this is connected with the above point.
- 1 gun, 1 person. That way every one gets a weapon.
- Start at the pile, rather than make it an objective, OR have the rules state that no one is to fire until all players are back at their start points.

Like I said, not a bad idea.

#329543 The Rapidstrike CS-18, a Sneak Peak

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 09 May 2013 - 11:31 AM in General Nerf

Myself and Kevne managed to get both the centurion and the Rapidstrike on pre-order from eBay after a slight mix up with listings.

#295797 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 11 March 2011 - 01:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, my group is having to back out. I will be jealously awaiting pics/vids.


We'll make sure they're plenty of pictures/video

Anyone else thinking of making it, let us know

#293973 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 06 February 2011 - 04:42 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm a definite on this one. Will work on recruiting people to come down with me.

Slugs? I suck at making those, for some dumb reason. But I fail at simple things in general :lol:

It's okay Buff, I suck at them too. Hence why I'll be using stock darts.

#296046 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 March 2011 - 02:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Guess who has 2 thumbs, and is waiting in Phili airport for his connecting flight to Ohio?

^ this guy ^


#294054 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 07 February 2011 - 06:15 AM in Nerf Wars

If someone is happy to get me 200 or so felt pads, I should be able to half make my stefans over here, and I'll finish them at Flash's. I'd like white if I get a choice of colour...

#295936 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 13 March 2011 - 12:28 PM in Nerf Wars

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Hope you lot are prepared...

#296566 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 25 March 2011 - 08:14 AM in Nerf Wars

For DemonLord:



#295243 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 02 March 2011 - 01:48 PM in Nerf Wars


So any of those maybe's, make sure you confirm. I want as many people coming to this.

#293931 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 05 February 2011 - 06:41 PM in Nerf Wars


Just so everyone knows, don't all leave at the end. I'd like everyone to sign the BritBow before they go.


#296700 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 27 March 2011 - 02:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Guys, we just won "Shot of the Week" on Nerf Nation's Facebook page!

Here's the direct link

Note: You have to have an FB account, and Friend 'NerfNation' to get access.

Canada has been having international wars fo' evah. Brit = pretentious?
Grats on the war though. Sounds like a decent time. What was the final attendance count?

Split = pompous ass hat who can't make homemades?

Doesn't matter, we still won.

#296340 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 21 March 2011 - 01:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Awesome war. And here's the reason's why:

# Nerfing with a hell of a lot of awesome people
# Great day trading with so many people -buy from Ryan and Kane. NOW
# Winning gay chicken with Chop
# Shooting Twitch
# Hunting Shrub
# Teaching Ryan McNumbers to slide across his hood like a professional
# PUCNHING the dent out of Ryan's hood after the hood-sliding lessons
# Bunny rockets
# Hunting Shrub
# Great use of young children with magstrikes :D
# Warring all day long. For a change
# Having fun no matter what we were playing
# Awesome weather
# Sword fight between myself and DemonLord.
# Proving that I am not some form of internet fairy, and putting faces to names. Although some faces weren't great to look at...

# Skyline Chilli - looks like shit in a bowl, tastes like it too
# A little too much down time, but hey, it's not major
# Blew out my elbow 2 rounds into the war, but struggled through
# The BritBow sucks, and it took me a while to fine a great primary
# Prince Valor shooting me in the face and in the arse
# Getting a shot to the nuts
# Not getting as much video footage as I would have preferred
# Shrub showing up

And finally...

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The only photos that really count from this war.

But I have these too:
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I really want to do this again. But who knows when...

#295666 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 09 March 2011 - 04:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Since Co-op has bailed, is anyone else making the flag poles? and is someone bringing a US flag?

#293977 The Ohio Revolution

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 06 February 2011 - 06:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Could we please define what a "slug dart" is? Is it the use of a washer, felt pad, or the combination of both? I really hate using washers because I feel they are the weak point that falls apart first (washer/foam bond). Also, the diameter of the washer interferes with the use of my barrel size slightly, and hinders the performance and accuracy of the dart due to the orientation within the barrel. I could use smaller washers, but using the standard washers give awful ranges and get blown around in the wind too easily as it is, I really don't want to get lighter.

Could I use 3/0 fishing weights with felt pads with your rules? If this type of dart is allowed, I'd understand if you wanted to limit the weight behind the felt pad (like banning 1/4" slingshot weights) because it's still a lot of weight on impact.

Only if I can use these:

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