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There have been 127 items by princexbuster (Search limited from 17-January 97)

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#277829 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2010 - 09:29 PM in Off Topic

Anyone got red dead redemption? I'm looking for someone to play with because trying to storm a town of by myself doesn't work.

GT: princexbuster

#270699 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by princexbuster on 29 March 2010 - 04:16 PM in Off Topic

Anyone up for some nazi zombies? I'm on about every day just send me a friend request and message me whenever. Sometimes it is my brother playing but it is mostly me.
GT= princexbuster
EDIT: Playing xbox and posting is not a good idea if you are trying for quality.

#261954 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by princexbuster on 15 January 2010 - 09:15 PM in Off Topic

My gamer tag is princexbuster
I play MW2, Gears 1, and I have team fortress 2. I'm on about every day except for days I'm at a war so yeah, look me up.

#236374 Wildfire

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 02:33 AM in Modifications

First of all , thats what she said...ew. Now for the on topic. The staggered barrels on the wildfire/rf20 confuses me can someone please explianthis? Or am I wrong all together.

#266095 Why I Love Nerf

Posted by princexbuster on 19 February 2010 - 10:38 PM in General Nerf

HEY! My allstars are green!

But in all seriousness, that was a beautiful post. I hope to see more people share this point of view. I come from a different background ( I played with a broken twenty two I found on a mountian in west virginia) but I to share a love of making things fly.

#235682 What Do You Do With Wet Internals?

Posted by princexbuster on 11 June 2009 - 06:00 PM in General Nerf

Not sure what topic to put this under but im kinda in a hurry.
Today I was painting my Big Blast and my At3k in my driveway (I have no room with adequate ventilation). I had to run to the store for about ten minutes. As luck had it, it began to rain while my Big Blast and most of my At3k internals were hanging in my driveway. Needless to say, they got quite wet.

My question: What seems to be the best way to dry out you blaster with minimal damage?

My solution: Get very pissed off at myself and the proceed in opening up the blasters, dry them with a towel/rag, and then put them under a fan to get rid of any remaining water.

Is this a safe route or should I dry this by some other process?

#235704 What Do You Do With Wet Internals?

Posted by princexbuster on 11 June 2009 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

Chefdave: Dont be an ass, it didnt look like it was going to rain.

Just Some Bob: Thank you, I wasn't sure if the fan would help or hurt. I was afraid of oxidising and rust. Unfortunatly I don't know if my At3k will ever be the same.

Lt. Stefan: I was painting the black parts and I took them out of the blaster and the Big Blast is a guled back together because I minimized it and then changed my mind, so it was taped up pretty well.
Posted Image
And yes, before anyone says anything about it, that is a kitten on the mouse pad. What ya gonna do about it?!?!

#264945 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 10 February 2010 - 05:08 PM in Nerf Wars

After shoveling my driveway for an hour today I had a thaught. Would anyone be interested in making some snow based forts and something of the like? If so be ready for that and bring tools acordingly.

#264891 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 February 2010 - 11:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Are they only sold in 100 foot sections?

#264888 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 February 2010 - 11:30 PM in Nerf Wars

@Dom: Literally two miles away if not less. And yes i would like some black foam

@ flamin': Do testicles count as lip warmers?

#263319 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 26 January 2010 - 06:55 PM in Nerf Wars

All atendees who do not have a moustache will be forced to draw a line on their upper lip.
Day:Feb 28th
Time: 10 till when ever you nancies want to go home
Hosts Flamincows and princexbuster
Location: The location is still being descided but it will be around here
Bring protection... of the eye variety
food+water/beverage of choice (ie. pop, gatorade, vitamin water, orphan tears, etc)
leave your wine coolers at home.
Nerf guns
dress accordingly

Game types played
mostly 5/0 and 3/15
a couple pistol rounds
defend the core
This is a nerf war, we will just do what we want.

Soulscud( membership here?)+1 I think

Your mom

I made special darts just for this.
Posted Image

#264807 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 February 2010 - 02:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Sooo uhm how about that snow.

#263606 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 28 January 2010 - 09:52 PM in Nerf Wars

On a side note, My town is almost exactly on the ohio border. To give you an ideathere is a kid that goes to my school that can see the ohio sign from his house and it takes about tenish minutes to get there from town. Not expecting a huge turnout for this one but just for future refrence, I know use western pa nerfers have talked about waring with ohio people before.

#263939 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 31 January 2010 - 04:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Bump new requirement!

#263673 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 29 January 2010 - 03:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll try to get more than two people to come. We'll see how it works out. Honestly, I wouldn't care if it were just you me and NerfMonkey, Gabe.

That seems to be the general opinion. I do enjoy Dom's company though so I hope he can make it. A small war would be a blast. Well at least bowser needs to come so we can all pile ontop of him for not coming to the last war.

#264858 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 February 2010 - 08:23 PM in Nerf Wars

There is a bathroom thats about the extent of the inside part. I was walkng around town yesterday in a sweatshirt. (prolly not good judgment on my part because I was already sick). My advice, bring extra pants incase you get wet and socks and shoes to change into afterwords. I am working on an indoor location but no promises. Bring warm clothes.
(If I'm babbeling I'm sorry, I have a fever and am a bit delisional.)

#264893 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 February 2010 - 11:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good.

#265911 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 18 February 2010 - 07:25 PM in Nerf Wars

meh, bump

#265098 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 11 February 2010 - 08:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Just talked to John, he can't make it and asked if we can rescedule. The best day I can see is the 28th. Is that alright with everyone?

#264951 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 10 February 2010 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Thats not a problem I have pleanty of foam for this one. You dont have to bring your toolbelt though just some gloves and if you wanna get serious, a shovel.

#267199 Valentine's Day Massacre!

Posted by princexbuster on 27 February 2010 - 11:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Alright, with me being out of town I have not been able to update this tread.
To get to this war go to Kiwanis Park Rd, West Middlesex, Mercer, PA 16159 in google maps and get directions from there. sorry this is so late. hope to see everyone there.

#295471 Tornado Blast

Posted by princexbuster on 06 March 2011 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

Nice. Looks like a fast gun, and pretty light, too. I'm guessing that this one didn't have a trigger, but I'd like to see a LAMP version of this gun, just to compare. LAMPs are still pretty powerful, I have a RSCB Reactor with a ton of deadspace, but gets around 50'. That's the only reason I'm wondering. Although only 6 pumps is still pretty fast.

Yeah, I tried to put an rscb on my lamp but it just shot sparks. I think it has something to do with the bulb being broken.

On topic: Nice job bud. Is the clip just to hold darts?

#235149 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by princexbuster on 09 June 2009 - 06:59 AM in Modifications

When you pull the trigger does it put a lot of stress on the piece of wood and would i be nessesary for me to consider a different material for that piece?

#294967 The Right Airtank

Posted by princexbuster on 22 February 2011 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

Just make a hamp so this topic can be over.

#294959 The Right Airtank

Posted by princexbuster on 22 February 2011 - 09:45 PM in Modifications

Uhm you could do this with another air tank, but semi-auto shotguns are gay.
Posted Image

This system needs alot of air so anything smaller might not work.


#285761 The Most Importantest Birthday Ever!

Posted by princexbuster on 20 September 2010 - 12:20 AM in Off Topic

Happy late birthday gearz. I don't remember if I already told you. Sorry I was really weird at the wawa.

#237113 The Guns You Don't Use Anymore

Posted by princexbuster on 18 June 2009 - 11:27 AM in General Nerf

Currently sitting in my bowl chair

x1 longshot (ar's removed and aditional spring( hatred))
x2 recons ( one basic mods one broke so its singled)
x1 RFR (piece of shite(intentional misspelling))
x1 canibalized nitefinder
x3 mavricks (one singled, one drop silinder, and one russian rullet)
x2 doubleshots (basic mods)
x1 bbb (breeched with doubleshot glued to the bottom for fun)
x3 bbbbs (one is being fixed and two are being customized as grad presents for friends)
x1 firefly (basic mods)
x1 vulcan (basic mods)
x1 of the last at3ks in a twin pack sold at my walmart (got fot $7 i was stoked)(rebarreled)
x1 Wain tech tri-fire blaster (barrel replacements)
x1 inline cliped reactor
x1 Mega mav

Also AssasinNF makes me feel inadequate.

#235477 The Gemini

Posted by princexbuster on 10 June 2009 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Has anyone considered making this as more of an over and under type deal, for holstering perpouses, or has anyone fenangled an effective way to holster this.

#258614 Specific Nightfinder Question

Posted by princexbuster on 11 December 2009 - 12:00 AM in Modifications

You could use some a' dat dare epoxy putty if I'm understanding you correctly. It paints pretty well, at least the stuff I use does.

You can bondo however small an area as you want. Just mix a really small batch.

#294193 Slugs And Domes And Taggers, Oh My!

Posted by princexbuster on 08 February 2011 - 03:01 PM in General Nerf

I dont understand why everyone is concerned about their personal safety. Maybe it's just me but I almost die at least once a week. No one has ever died by being hit by a dart. Maybe instead of trying to make everything safe we should instead focus on conquering our fear or pain. Life is short, why spend it worrying about our friends accidently causeing us physical harm.

In other words, who gives a fuck?

#309056 Simple CPVC Tek-3 Micro Turret With Vacuum Loading

Posted by princexbuster on 03 January 2012 - 02:59 AM in Modifications

drunk edit:I dont know if I missed it in the jumple of letters and what abkind of range are you getting out of this?

#295470 Signal Gear/big Blast Problem

Posted by princexbuster on 06 March 2011 - 08:13 PM in Modifications

Something I have had some success with is filling the tank with water. Aim it up and pump it untill it seals then aim it down and pull the trigger. You might just have small peices of debris in the tank that are forced to the front when you release the pressure. Signal lauchers (at least mine) are made of a goofy softer plastic that clings to small particles so it might be just a matter of flushing the tank.

#338289 Sex(Dwarf) up your spring!

Posted by princexbuster on 18 April 2014 - 04:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Im very interested in nerfing. I really would rather not use slugs though. I promise not to shoot anyone in the face to hard.

P.s I dont think I have ever been or ever have shot someone in the face.

#269726 Sex Dwarves Last Minute Spring Warm Up

Posted by princexbuster on 20 March 2010 - 10:47 AM in Nerf Wars

You guys now I'm there. Probaly plus one or 2.

#259026 Rscb Bow And Arrow

Posted by princexbuster on 14 December 2009 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

In both of the ones I have the seal goes bad at the last inch so that is most likely normal. Thats really clean though. Congrats.

#260877 Reverse At2k Turret

Posted by princexbuster on 05 January 2010 - 11:14 PM in Modifications

Ahhh Black Fox, he had excellent taste in avatars and I'm assumeing music.

on topic: I'm very glad you braught this from the depths of the mod paintjob thread. It may bring a larger desire for 2ks/ turrets among the noobs but hey this is a sweet mod and if you pull it of you have a nice little modular turret.
Are you possitive it still seals?

#284673 Redshot's Pa Nerf War!

Posted by princexbuster on 03 September 2010 - 09:11 AM in Nerf Wars

Two wars on the same weekend. I now dub September to be NERF MONTH!

#285831 Redshot's Pa Nerf War!

Posted by princexbuster on 21 September 2010 - 04:42 PM in Nerf Wars

If I can get the money for gas I will be there. On a related note, anyone want a contract?

#285975 Redshot's Pa Nerf War!

Posted by princexbuster on 24 September 2010 - 12:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Flamincows and I are bringing a shit ton of blasters to sell so bring your billfolds honkies!

#284575 Redshot's Pa Nerf War!

Posted by princexbuster on 02 September 2010 - 10:54 AM in Nerf Wars

If my parents are cool with me taking the car to punxy twice in the span of a week then yes I'm there. My only stipulation is that I'm not on a two person team with you redshot because you know how that worked out last time haha.