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#299498 Foam Sports (Silicone Tip Dart, Video)

Posted by mintee on 07 June 2011 - 06:40 PM in Darts and Barrels

Hey inf0rm3r, I never got a reply to my second email, so I'll ask you here.

At NUV I've got a tentative order of 175m worth of foam, 2800 LITESILTIPs (175m * 16 darts = 2800) and as much 734 glue needed to make those 2800 darts.

If shipping to Vancouver, Canada is more expensive than shipping to United States, I have a P.O. Box in Blaine, Washington that you can send it to.

Please let me know if you can do this order, and how much it'll come down to so I can send the payment. :)

#299165 Washington Warfare (Western Washington Nerf War)

Posted by mintee on 02 June 2011 - 12:02 AM in Nerf Wars

Didn't they already have a war there though? I'm not sure if it was organized on NH or not, but last year during summer there should have been one...

#298338 2011 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by mintee on 20 May 2011 - 09:24 PM in Nerf Wars



[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21112]25th [BC] Return to Elevator Action![/url]


#298254 Foam Sports (Silicone Tip Dart, Video)

Posted by mintee on 18 May 2011 - 01:25 AM in Darts and Barrels

Eff it. I gotta get me some of this. Group buy time, any Vancouver area people want in on this, it'll be on NUV's facebook page.

#298248 [6/25] Return to Elevator Action!

Posted by mintee on 17 May 2011 - 10:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Nerf United Vancouver is proud to be hosting nerf wars again! Back in time for a few wars for summer/fall 2011, we're starting off with a throwback war.

Close-quarters urban combat is the name of this war's game. This is the PERFECT time to join if you're a newbie to foam ballistics, as we'll be playing mostly indoors, where stock weaponry is equally as useful as modded.

Yes, a few of the vets have expressed their interest in having Nerf Wars again, and have proposed we go back up to scenic SFU campus on Burnaby Mountain and revisit our old battlegrounds, namely...


You heard right; smack dab in the middle of Simon Fraser University, in the depths of the Faculty of Science halls, where many darts were lost, where many legends were created. Multiple levels of barren concrete halls, steel stairs, doors and elevators, and a bit of glass.

We'll be playing CTF, DM/TDM, Freeze Tag, et cetera!

Make sure to have your gear and darts marked! :D

I know this is the same date as Maker Faire, so I'll be organizing one for July and August as well.

And like it says on the description, it's a GREAT time for new blood to join us! We'll be playing mostly indoors where the advantage of heavily modded nerf guns disappears. So we're definitely welcoming anyone who is interested in the sport and new to the hobby!

Facebook event link|Facebook group link
UPDATE: We're organizing a group buy for Foam Sports stefans. Check out our Facebook group page for more details. Watch the video, be amazed!

#298227 Foam Sports (Silicone Tip Dart, Video)

Posted by mintee on 17 May 2011 - 06:39 AM in Darts and Barrels

We need to have ourselves a distributor for this stuff here in North America. I'd be 100% down for an immediate purchase.

#272604 Vancouver Zombiewalk 2010

Posted by mintee on 18 April 2010 - 05:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Just a few things I'd like to stress.

How NUVO will be doing the event is as follows:
-Small teams of no more than five, with one cameraman videotaping the entire event.
-Everyone is to stay in character, as if in the middle of a real zombie outbreak.
-Goal is to survive the two hours of the Zombie Walk with each team doing different Objectives (to be determined) and rendezvousing at the end of the two hours.
-After the event, we gather ALL FOOTAGE and I make an Effeminate Zombie video.

Since we're technically crashing someone else's events (Vancouver Zombie Walk, and Vancouver Zombie Hunt), we really have no place for high-powered blasters. Again, try to bring close-to-stock Nerf guns. AR removal and barrel upgrades are fine, of course. But avoid bringing a singled air gun like a titan, or an Angel Breech LS with ar-15 spring. If possible, downgrade them (using multiple barrels, using the stock LS spring).

I'm not sure about stefans yet. But ideally bring stock darts. I know, stefans are dirt cheap. And we'll be losing most of our darts. So the clear winner is stefans. So it's probably gonna be allowed. But prepare to use and lose lots of stock darts should we get any complaints about stefans. In fact, prepare stock darts in case I disallow stefans.

Also, NO HEADSHOTS PLEASE. We'll try to get the zombies to go down on one shot to the body, but if all else fails, well they're zombies, you should be jogging or running most of the time. There shouldn't be any sprinting zombies at this event. It's the Zombie Walk, after all...

I think that sums it all up. Please come if you're in the area, and have some fun shooting zombies!

PM Me or Jagiro if you're interested, or join the event on FB:

Or join NUVO on FB for a faster response:

#227099 Nuvo - Vancouver Nerf Wars

Posted by mintee on 29 April 2009 - 03:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Hi guys,
I live in lower main land and I am interested in coming to the 2009 war. Please put me on the list and contact me if the date is set. I will most likely be free all summer.

P.S.- I can also bring a few friends with me.

SDS, add me on msn. min.tee@hotmail.com, I'll tell you about the war there.

#223899 Sof Vancouver War (july 21)

Posted by mintee on 15 April 2009 - 11:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I've been trying to get together a plan for me and my best friend down to it, i might but still not sure, its a fair drive for me.

Do your best to come, it'll be lots of fun.

SOF 2009 Vancouver Nerf War event page on Facebook

I also took the liberty of creating the event page on Facebook. I know Canadians use Facebook. It would be awesome if you guys hit the link and RSVP'd there too.

#223764 Sof Vancouver War (july 21)

Posted by mintee on 15 April 2009 - 07:44 AM in Nerf Wars


It has come to my attention that nobody's organizing the SOF's stop to Vancouver. Does that mean there's no active nerf community in Vancouver? HELL NO, though as much as I hate to admit it you guys sure are quiet. (Two pages on the NUVO thread and most of them are mine. Thanks, guys. I hope this won't be the case again.)

So let's plan! I've already scoped out this brand-new park in Surrey that looks FANTASTIC to play in (and is literally across the street to a Skytrain station and mall/eateries/supermarkets). Holland Park (google map, click on satellite).

If we don't have any better suggestions then this is where we'll war it out. You can take any bus to Surrey Central or King George station, or take the Skytrain to King George station and simply cross the street.
Posted Image

I've also considered Stanley Park and it's just too busy to play in. (Though who wouldn't love a war at Deadman's Island?) Our backup is 3 blocks down, at Bear Creek Park (a short bus ride away). NUVO's old stomping grounds are too small.

Date is Tuesday July 21st, 2009. Let's get there around 9, 10 am?

Bring snacks or money to get food.

We'll be playing the usual Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Pistol Round, Infection, and Team Freeze Tag. The usual NUVO rules will be followed (one shot kill, 3/15, melee/gun blocks, guns are tested on field, etc).

#223037 Season Of Foam Trip Map

Posted by mintee on 11 April 2009 - 06:36 PM in Nerf Wars

That war currently doesn't have an active community representative pulling the event together. If you feel up for it, consider it your responsibility to find a location adequate to handle about 18 nerfers with plenty of cover.

Email me personally at tripmap@seasonoffoam.com, and we'll talk. Thanks!

I do believe I sent an email already regarding that inquiry a while ago.

#222553 Nuvo - Vancouver Nerf Wars

Posted by mintee on 08 April 2009 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars

When will the latest war be in the season? If there are some in september or october I might be able to make one. I try to visit my friend at Emily Carr at least once a year.

Let me know when you're planning to come down, I imagine we could go into October at the latest.

#222551 The Messiah

Posted by mintee on 08 April 2009 - 10:30 PM in Modifications

May I be the first to say that this mod is actually really cool? He took a six shot gun, singled it, and then added an additional 20 shots. Who cares if it's not as good as a DTG? If it's practical, which I assume it is, it's good.

Carrying an RF20 along with a singled longshot, is a nice combo. Was it worthy of its own name? Maybe, maybe not, honestly, who gives a flying fuck?

He singled a six shot gun when there are ways to increase range without reducing rate of fire or getting rid of the clips. He glued on a huge POS that takes ages to reload and prime, and made the Longshot much more unwieldy in the process.

How is this RF20/Longshot monster practical? The DTG is much easier to prime than an RF20, is more accurate and less wasteful of ammo, is smaller and lighter, which makes it more suitable for an integration than an RF20.

The singled Longshot is already impractical enough as it is when there's the brass breech mod for it. Why not get an AT2k/3k instead?

#222473 Fullmetalgir (nerfman101) Longshot Mod

Posted by mintee on 08 April 2009 - 08:07 PM in Modifications

Yet another reason I don't like Longshots, Newbs are attracted to them. Newbs that aren't sure of themselves tend to bullshit data.

Then again, newbs tend to bullshit data regardless of which gun they mod, as long as it's their favorite. Reason enough to hate all popular guns, lol.

#222334 Fullmetalgir (nerfman101) Longshot Mod

Posted by mintee on 07 April 2009 - 11:53 PM in Modifications

ar removed both guns
added spring both guns
locks removed
simple mods really can't remember anything else

And the guy claims 90ft in his vid. And that his Longshot DTG integration was the cleanest ever, even comparing his against specific modders' and such. :wacko:

Are kids no longer modest or honest anymore?

#222243 Season Of Foam Trip Map

Posted by mintee on 07 April 2009 - 06:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Season of Foam Nerf Out, Vancouver, BC - July 21st

Have you guys made arrangements for your trip to Vancouver? Is someone already making plans for the war? I can bring maybe 6 to 10 people, depending on availability and whatnot. Let me know what's up. I know there are two other active nerfers in here aside from me and my crew, and I've just pm'ed Betrayal and SuperDetectiveSpy.

#222227 Nuvo - Vancouver Nerf Wars

Posted by mintee on 07 April 2009 - 05:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I live in Vancouver and I will be gladly to join the next war.

We're starting up our 2009 activities again. Join the Facebook group and get the updates there. I haven't checked NerfHaven in a while, because we were on winter hiatus and a lack of interest from users here on NH has led me to forget about NerfHaven for the most part.

I'll be sending you a PM, as for this bump I hope more Vancouverites notice this thread. I won't be bumping again unless there's *gasp* replies...

I'm sure you are already aware, but I figured I should make sure you are planning something to coincide with the Season Of Foam's trip through the continent? They hit Vancouver on Tuesday, July 21st, the day after our big Seattle war. Oh! And if any of you guys want to come down to that, let us know in the war thread. We would love to have you!

I'll talk to the core NUVO peeps about it, but July 21st eh... I'll take a peek at the SOF's plans and plan something to coincide with their visit =D I'd love to make it down for the Seattle war but I'll have to see.

#221947 Nuvo - Vancouver Nerf Wars

Posted by mintee on 06 April 2009 - 05:46 AM in Nerf Wars

I live in Vancouver and I will be gladly to join the next war.

We're starting up our 2009 activities again. Join the Facebook group and get the updates there. I haven't checked NerfHaven in a while, because we were on winter hiatus and a lack of interest from users here on NH has led me to forget about NerfHaven for the most part.

I'll be sending you a PM, as for this bump I hope more Vancouverites notice this thread. I won't be bumping again unless there's *gasp* replies...

#181937 Official "show Off Your Longshot" Thread

Posted by mintee on 06 October 2008 - 03:09 AM in Modifications

This is a bit late but I give a shit. One, Tantum you can FUCK OFF. I actually buy all my shit myself, because I have a job and had a few grand from bar mitzvah money. Personally I don't give a shit what people think unless they say i'm spoiled, because i'm the exact opposite. I bought the lancer, and my crossbows with MY MONEY. I've attended wars too dickface, have you? I went to APOC and DCNO plus i'm going to a few more during this year. The only reason I bought the lancer was because I've admired it since it came to production. Maybe you just criticize people about being spoiled little fucks because you are, and you just want people to think that you're not. Seriously get a life, same for you Busta Faget.

I fucking lol'ed. What's funny is that you're the one who's upset at being called a spoiled little fuck and now you just want people to think that you're not. How's that bar mitzvah money treating you? Must be nice to get a few grand for turning thirteen, eh? I'd like to know what kind of a job you've got at your age, since apparently you make enough expendable income to buy NERF guns at a couple hundred dollars a piece (and the Lancer at a grand).

Actually, don't bother replying to this because you'll just make yourself look dumber.

#179697 Longshot 2k

Posted by mintee on 26 September 2008 - 04:07 AM in Modifications

Psssst Coop, they sell brass online, did you know that?

Plus, the way people make their CPVC 'breech' is just retarded at the moment. You have to stuff the dart into the barrel, and reaching into the hole to put the dart in (even with the rail cut off) is a pain in the ass, especially compared to the more advanced breeches which have a half-pipe for you to simply place the dart in. The only time saved is priming the blaster, since the LS bolt opens the breech and primes the plunger at the same time.

To add to your headaches, there's no way to do speedloaders on a singled LS unless you make it a carbine, whereas you can make shotgun 'shells' for large air guns, and speedloaders for any singled guns with some sort of coupler. Heck, most singled pistols can vacuum-load. In that sense my Disk Shot shoots faster than any singled CPVC Longshot.

Anyways, enjoy being outranged by every cheap 4B, Titan, and cheap LBB.

Also, ice, I find it absolutely ironic that you're using DTB with cylinder clips on a singled Longshot.

#179296 Couple Of Longshot Questions

Posted by mintee on 24 September 2008 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

1) Take pliers and just twist the post out. However, you don't really need to worry about the darts getting sucked into the plunger tube since the barrel gets tight enough to prevent such mishaps. I hammered mine out completely and had no problems with stock darts or stefans.

2) You probably misaligned something when you put the bolt sled back into place. I don't know how exactly to fix it, but trial and error helped me fix mine. Then again I don't pull the bolt using the right side anyways.

3) Which mod are you referring to? I strongly suggest against making your LS shoot taggers.

#179255 Help For People To Get To Wars.

Posted by mintee on 24 September 2008 - 01:08 AM in Nerf Wars

What do we care if someone can't get a local Nerf community started? If someone can't fly across the map to a big war?

People have jobs. That's how they make money. Get a job.

#178985 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by mintee on 22 September 2008 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

Any little old spare spring should work. Just cut it to length.

I had a 1st-gen LS and a more recent LS and I simply combined the two's catch springs (one was shaped like a cone kinda, the other was just a normal rod shape so I meshed them together and fishin' glued it). If you have a few broken guns, you've got plenty of springs to use.

#178648 Please Help A Noob

Posted by mintee on 21 September 2008 - 04:07 PM in Modifications

Wait, what?

You should not CPVC your Longshot unless it's broken to the point where there's no other way to fix it. Please save yourself the trouble.

#178575 Cpvc Or Angel Breech

Posted by mintee on 21 September 2008 - 06:15 AM in General Nerf

@ BulletDragon: In your last paragraph, I assume you're comparing a stock LS to a singled, CPVCed LS, correct? And not some sort of significant difference between materials that would make CPVC barrels much more accurate than brass barrels? And to clarify, the OP's question was regarding which modification to the Longshot's breech system to do.

@ BustaNinja: I guess you must have had a lemon of an LS (LemonShot? hehe). However, I believe integrating another blaster with higher ROF does not address the issue that a singled LS is damn near worthless on the field with cheap Big Blasts to be had (along with the slow reload and low range of turreted guns, and how unwieldy it would be to integrate a Magstrike with a Longshot).

4Bs have much more integration potential and have greater air volume output. The amount of work needed to hack apart a Longshot to single it and put a coupler on it to mimic the shotgun loads seen on many 4Bs, Titans, and LBBs, and the singled LS will still have less air output and will never share a pump with a smaller integration like an AT2K or Marvelous Salvo.

To all others:

Believe me, I've tried rationalizing the idea behind CPVCing a Longshot, and outside of salvaging a broken bolt sled (and somehow not having the means or funds or whatever to buy one from an NH user, and not being able to do a variation of hereticorp's foregrip), I see no point in CPVCing your Longshot. Even now I am doubting the claimed range increase. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not convinced that we should be suggesting newbie modders modify their shiny new LS into a lump of hot glue and CPVC.

#178371 The Nerf *what* Community?

Posted by mintee on 20 September 2008 - 12:35 AM in General Nerf

We all do different things with our Nerf stuff, but the one thing that brings us together is the Internet (specifically, this forum).

#178369 Cpvc Or Angel Breech

Posted by mintee on 20 September 2008 - 12:22 AM in General Nerf

I war.

I've been in range stand-offs before.

The world's fastest 100m dash can run at almost 10.25 meters a second. If you can dash half that fast, let's say 5m/s (or 16 feet/second), you can easily get in range withing a few seconds for your Longshot.

Exactly what do you mean, barely any correlation between range and ROF? The correlation in question is regarding the differences between a CPVC Singled and Angel Breeched Longshot. With an Angel Breeched Longshot, the operation steps and time is similar to a Longshot with a stock breech. Insert magazine, pull bolt back, push bolt forward, fire. It's possible to fire off a shot every second, and depending how accessible your magazines are, you can reload within a few seconds. However, a CPVC singled Longshot takes considerably longer time to operate shot after shot. It takes a few seconds to pull the bolt back, take a dart, reach into the barrel to reload, align the bolt's CPVC coupler with the barrel (if you didn't keep the boltsled), and then fire. Considering the small increase in range when doing singling a Longshot, people claim between 100-140' compared to the ~90' I get with an Angel Breeched LS, then there's the simple correlation between ROF and range. (However, do keep in mind that there are always variables to these claims - barrel/dart fit, seal quality, other performance enhancing mods, and plain bullshit measurements. For an extreme disparage in comparisons, ice claims on one of his recent videos, a conservative average of around 90' on his singled CPVC LS while Angel claimed around 100' on a cold day.) Even if you're comparing ROF between a stock Longshot and a Big Blast, the difference would still be significant.

Besides, long-range stand-offs are boring as hell. If you want to play that way, like you said yourself, a Big Blast or a ERTL Shotgun would better suit your style. Which is where my argument stands: there are blasters which inherently perform better and are easier to single. The Longshot isn't one of those blasters. So why go through the trouble of singling it when you can get better singled performance out of a cheaper blaster?

And I'll reiterate what I said in my previous post. Are we seriously talking 100% accurate shots with FOAM DARTS and PLASTIC TOYS at >100'?

#178288 Cpvc Or Angel Breech

Posted by mintee on 19 September 2008 - 05:08 PM in General Nerf

sub280, I think your reasons for CPVC singling a Longshot is flawed.

1. You're only salvaging half of what makes the Longshot great when you single it. All parts pertaining to the operation of the magazine suddenly become useless plastic, when there are people selling replacement LS parts here on NH.

2. The small increase in range does not outweigh the significant decrease in ROF and handling. A 20-40 ft increase is great and all, but will you be able to hit consistently at over 100 ft? (Hint: the answer is no. Most engagements occur at <100 ft and if you think that a toy dart blaster firing man-made weighted foam darts will give you consistent groupings at >100 ft then I think you're in the wrong hobby.)

3. The cost of making an Angel Breech for a Longshot is not $50. Assuming you've got no brass, fishin' glue or tube cutters whatsoever, and 1 ft of each size is at most $5, and that you're building an Angel Breech with using a foot of 9/16" barrel:

1x19/32" + 1x9/16" + 1x17/32" + 1x1/2" + tube cutter + fishin' glue
= $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 + ~$5 + $10
= around $35

Now I had to use 17/32" for my barrel. Add $5 for another tube of 15/32", that's still $40. And on average the prices of brass per foot is usually under $5, I bought my tube cutter for only $3, and the fishin' glue was only $7. I got all of my materials for under $35 and had enough materials except for the barrel for another brass breech, so to make two I just add another 17/32" for $5 and I make two 17/32" AB's for under $45 if you consider the true prices of the materials. If you charge only $5 for labour and sell the second one for $25, then you've made yourself an Angel Breech for $20.

4. Singling a Longshot because of the inherent design flaws of another blaster is absurd. Especially when most powerful air guns can outperform a singled Longshot with plenty of room for integrations (not to mention unifying the pumps on your primary and secondary is easy).

Call me a jerk or elitist or whatever, but I think that a singled CPVC Longshot is a lazy/poor man's mod. It's aesthetically appalling and reduces overall performance for the sake of a few extra useless feet of range.

edit: Slowguitarman, I see what you mean, but even with precise aiming and discipline, not every shot will hit. We're talking about hand-made foam darts, fired by fallible humans, after all. This is where the ROF comes into play. Even if you miss, you've got another chance. Why not have the discipline and precision WITH multiple shots to back you up? Isn't that the ideal situation?

#177459 Thinking About Starting A Regular Nerf Youtube Vlog

Posted by mintee on 14 September 2008 - 10:26 PM in General Nerf

^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICarly

I wish I really didn't.

#177285 Thinking About Starting A Regular Nerf Youtube Vlog

Posted by mintee on 14 September 2008 - 03:02 AM in General Nerf

Dear Jesus,

Please don't let another dipshit with a webcam take poor quality videos of himself and dispense blatantly WRONG information on the internet to a legion of tween fans ala iCarly. Let that dipshit instead enjoy the nerf hobby without the need to make up for their inadequate male anatomy. For this we pray.

Faithfully yours,
The One Man Clan and everyone else on NH


#177188 My Jspb "boost"

Posted by mintee on 13 September 2008 - 06:24 PM in Homemades

It should work great with a titan.

I disagree; it would be less than optimal with a Titan. The traditional couplered barrel would work much better due to the fact that the titan doesn't have a reserve tank as well as the firing tank. With an inline clip, each shot would have to be primed by pumping up the main tank in the Titan, compared to simply flipping the rear valve to refill the firing tank on a JSPB. You'd still have significant priming time while reducing the gun's power because of the inline clip's dead space.

Has anyone tried to contact 3DBBQ about shipping over some of those ball valves?

#176869 Banning Guns.....

Posted by mintee on 12 September 2008 - 02:21 PM in General Nerf

Have you considered door-to-door salesmen?

Sadly, we don't have those around here. We don't even have door-to-door religious freaks. I'm really deprived of good targets.

The Ice-Cream truck is too armored for good shots either, despite the extreme annoyance of the music.

Back on topic though, uber-power guns can make a nerf war seriously un-fun, it really depends on the situation.

But if you're letting people use modified guns, you REALLY must require eye protection, real stuff, not sunglasses. Doesn't have to be expensive, but you definitely need to have it.

You should stalk the Ice-Cream truck until it stops and deploys siege mode - that is your only opening since the truck will be busy dealing with the little zergling rush. You could then proceed to take potshots at the little zerglings or the tank, and get away before anyone chases you down. :P

On topic though, I don't think it's a good idea to allow such blatantly overpowered guns in a war unless the guns in question are modified only lightly, so they aren't too powerful. Also, if your fellow Nerfers are young, you don't want them taking home bruises from a Nerf war. Their parents are bound to ask questions. Also, if your fellow Nerfers are irresponsible, they're bound to hurt someone with that gun.

Simply banning the guns takes care of the headache called liability.

#176867 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by mintee on 12 September 2008 - 02:11 PM in Modifications

^Maybe he cut down the nub too much, that there's not enough plastic surface area glued down to the brass. If he cut the orange nub too skinny then I can see this happening. Otherwise, if he did sand down the brass enough and put down enough Zap-a-Gap, it should hold. My breech has held up for a few wars, +100 shots, and I only held it down for five minutes with my bare hands.

umdlancer, try putting some more Zap-a-Gap around the joint to further reinforce it.

#176811 F2p Mmorpgs And Mmogs

Posted by mintee on 12 September 2008 - 04:43 AM in Off Topic

S4 League

English version in beta, found in http://en.alaplaya.eu/

Damn addictive. Think Gunz (F2P third person shooter that runs matches via Peer-to-Peer) but with no K-style faggotry... with the various shift-key skills and weapons, it actually plays a bit like TF2 but with more flexibility/personalization (no set classes). Runs on even low-end computers. Levels don't mean shit, which makes the game damn balanced (clothes give minimal bonuses, no tiered gear/armor system which gives higher stats on weapons/armor to higher levels, etc).

Touchdown is damn addictive. It's basically football with guns.

#176787 Smdtg Trigger

Posted by mintee on 11 September 2008 - 11:04 PM in Modifications

I wonder if it is possible to chop off the bottom part and just seal it so that there are absolutely no pressure regulators. Props for the excellent diagram.

#176783 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by mintee on 11 September 2008 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

I just want to put it out there, that adding another spring or two to the lock/unlock switch in the stock will keep your stock adjustable, yet hold it in place strong enough for you to prime it again and again without the stock collapsing. (One added spring is enough for a LS + NF spring combo in the plunger, and a stronger combo might need the two springs. You can use any of the springs in any gun internals that you no longer need.)

Anyways, great stuff as usual from Hereti Corp., and nice detailed write-up. Real pretty gun you got there... hell all of your guns turn out so awesome! =)

#176775 My Idea Of What A Longshot Should Look Like

Posted by mintee on 11 September 2008 - 10:12 PM in Modifications

What this needs is a good helping of paint.

Awesome job so far, though, and definitely worth gutting those other guns to do so.

#176772 Scout Tech Target

Posted by mintee on 11 September 2008 - 10:04 PM in General Nerf

"Blue and red version" might be his idea of the crossfire/strikefire pistols.

Or, it could be his idea of the original, RED Scout which came with the N-strike Unity set, and the new, BLUE Scout which comes with the Titan/Scout set.

Either way, it is unlikely for the re-coloured Tech Target Scout to outrange the originals.

#176566 Scout Tech Target

Posted by mintee on 11 September 2008 - 01:35 PM in General Nerf

I think the paint job is rubbish, but what's this about outperforming the red and blue version???

#176437 Which Gun To Use For Hell Before Halloween?

Posted by mintee on 10 September 2008 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

Why would you use a BBB when you've got an AT3k? I think you should brass/petg your AT3k. I mean when it comes to ROF and range trade-off the AT3k is your best compromise - and the range you should be getting from a good AT3k should be somewhere around that of a BBB...