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#116371 Transformers Nerf Blasters

Posted by Mike on 18 July 2007 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

I haven't been on here in a LONG time and I just started getting back into nerf.

So on to my topic. Has anyone managed to mod the new transformers blasters yet? I tried searching and everything but got nothing.

Thank you.

#103185 Your Weapon Setup.

Posted by Mike on 30 April 2007 - 03:58 PM in Off Topic

I usually just use my dual nf's, both with the same mods (ff spring, crayola barrel, banded).

#102544 A Little Algebra Anyone?

Posted by Mike on 23 April 2007 - 07:07 PM in Off Topic

I prefer to add her to the bed.
Subtract her clothes.
Divide her legs.

And hope to god we don't multiply...

Wow, that is the oldest and stupidest joke ever. That got old like 5 years ago, bud.

#101889 Fun Alternative To Nerf.

Posted by Mike on 06 April 2007 - 11:16 AM in Homemades

Okay, I think this would be better in Off Topic, as it's not exactly "nerf". Also, when you said a fun alternative to Nerf, are you implying nerf is boring? I mean, would this forum be here if it was boring? If you're bored, you can always do what every 14 year old guy does in the bathroom when he is a little lonely. Some people would consider that fun. Maybe even as far as orgasmic fun. But yeah, good idea, but I'm all for nerf (no offence).

Okay, I never meant to imply that nerf was boring. I love nerf, that's why I'm a member here. And you're right about putting this in Off Topic. Just calm down.

#101867 Fun Alternative To Nerf.

Posted by Mike on 05 April 2007 - 08:32 PM in Homemades

A while back I was sitting around with some friends talking about elementary school memories. One of our favorites was the rubberband and paper hornets. We then came up with an idea to make these giant hornets and shoot them with a coat hanger with 2 or 3 rubberbands connecting on both sides of the hanger. The result was similar to a sling shot. We made a ton of ammo and set up some cover in my basement and played. These things aren't the best in accuracy but they definitely hit hard. I was hit from about 20 ft away once and I could feel the sting.

Here is one of my sling shots. If you're going to play, make sure you use this kind of coat hanger. You can also store one hornet on each side of the hanger.
Posted Image

Some of the ammo:
Posted Image

When we were playing upstairs, we flipped a desk chair in my bedroom upside down and supported the seat of it on the edge of my bed. Then we tied about 5 rubberbands together and used it as a cannon. This thing is powerful.
Posted Image

I don't know if this has been played before, so I won't take any credit. Hope you like it.


#101241 Baskeball

Posted by Mike on 20 March 2007 - 03:05 PM in Off Topic

I am big fan of march madness.

Come on the real american sport is football.

No, the real american sport is nerf.

But I like basketball too. I don't play, but I'm a big fan.


#100481 Cheapest Homemade Ever!

Posted by Mike on 26 February 2007 - 07:54 PM in Homemades

Yeah I guess you're right. But when someone makes one little mistake like forgets to put a comma or capitalize something people go crazy.

#100479 Cheapest Homemade Ever!

Posted by Mike on 26 February 2007 - 07:45 PM in Homemades

Why does everyone have to be so anal about perfect grammar? This is the internet. A place where you really shouldn't have to worry about that stuff like you do in school.

Jergling, could you please post a pic of your gun if you're reading this?



#100454 Assassination

Posted by Mike on 26 February 2007 - 04:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Just a note, I know you're planning on doing this daily but if you did extend it for whatever reason I don't believe you're permitted to shoot people at work, either.

None of us have jobs. We're just a bunch of high school kids with nothing to do.

#100452 Assassination

Posted by Mike on 26 February 2007 - 04:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I read an article on the web about a nerf assassination type game played over a period of time. Kids in a high school would form teams of up to I think five people. Each team had an entry fee of like $40. You could be shot anywhere in a normal every day situation except at school. The game would last until there was one team left and they would recieve the prize money. What's amazing is that they recruited MANY people.

I want to host a similar game this summer over by where I live (southeast MI). Next to my neighborhood is my friends' high school; I would go there but my dad put me in private school :angry: . My old middle school is located right in front of the track/field and the high school which is way in the back. There are a couple of baseball diamonds located on both sides of everything and then a large tennis court area. There are also many trees and good cover all around the area. Instead of playing for a period of time like in the article, I was thinking of having the game last from late morning to mid-afternoon. It wouldn't be played over a few weeks because of the lack of participants that would be willing to play in my area. There are only a few true nerfers out in my area including myself. I know I'd be able to recruit at least up to 20-25 people because I have a lot of friends that are starting to get interested in nerf though. The entry fee would be like $15 per team. Oh, and what's really sweet is that right down the street by the high school there's a gas station and pizza place where we can all eat and stuff.

So tell me, do you think it would be worth it to organize this? It seems like it would be a lot of fun and I welcome anyone in the Michigan/ Mid-west area to come and play for the day.


#100412 At3k Problem

Posted by Mike on 25 February 2007 - 04:08 PM in Modifications

i put the rubber disk in but i screwed trying to punch a hole in it. I'll check the valve and get back to you guys later.


#100397 At3k Problem

Posted by Mike on 25 February 2007 - 01:48 PM in Modifications

I'll take all of that into consideration.

Here are two pics of the internals:

Posted Image
zoomed in:

Posted Image

#100391 At3k Problem

Posted by Mike on 25 February 2007 - 01:04 PM in Modifications

I've been modding my at3k with the help of my friend dj since friday night. We didn't have any barrel material so we were forced to use crayolas. We cut the stock barrels down to the right spot and tried so stick the crayolas in and they didn't fit. We went home and the next morning we opened it up to drain the blue goo and clog the valve. Then i stuck one hollowed out crayola in and glued it and supported it with tape. With about 4 pumps it got across my whole upstairs area (est. 35'). I shot about 5 rounds and now it isn't working. I'll pump it and pull the trigger but no air is coming out. I'm new to modding air guns so could you guys give me some help here?



#100372 The Most Awesome Gun I Own...

Posted by Mike on 24 February 2007 - 11:56 PM in General Nerf

I have one of those stores about 15 minutes away from me. I'll go check it out but I just hope they have nerf guns.

#100284 Michigan Nerfers

Posted by Mike on 23 February 2007 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah he messaged me on here a long time ago before but their site hasnt been really active lately.

#100272 Michigan Nerfers

Posted by Mike on 23 February 2007 - 06:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Anyone in Michigan wanna host a war sometime this summer with me and some of my friends?

I live about 30 minutes south of Detroit in the Macomb Twp. area.

PM for more details.

#84400 Your Armory

Posted by Mike on 05 July 2006 - 08:17 PM in General Nerf

My arsenal consists of:

3 nite finders

1 maverick

2 fireflys, one broken, one modified

2 lanard first shots

2 secret strikes

1 off-brand super soaker modified

1 tech target

yeah, i don't have many guns, and they are all a little bit newer, since i've only been a serious nerfer for about a year now. i'm looking for an at2k and an sm1500. hopefully they will be part of my arsenal soon.

all guns have been modified.

#84386 Fort

Posted by Mike on 05 July 2006 - 05:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Like some of the other nerfers said, you're not going to be sitting in a fort through a nerf battle, but if you play certain games such as ctf or attack and defend, nerf forts can be pretty cool. When we play ctf, teammates and I usually gather up a nice supply of ammo and keep it in the fort and stick a sharp shooter and trooper in there to protect the flag. We usually make our forts out of these cool blocks that are pretty large in size sitting around in my basement and we set up the fort a small distance from the flag. My basement is finished with a bar and play room, so we also use the bar as a fort on the far side of the basement. In outdoor wars, I have a pool deck, where we usually stick a loser on top of with a trooper under the deck to go through the passage way along the fence behind the pool to get to our main ammo supply and sometimes hostage cage (aka the trampoline w/ net). We haven't yet tried these ideas yet, but you could get some logs or something out in the woods and make a decent base that blends in with your surroundings and put a peep hole in it so you can spy on the enemy and set up an ambush. You can also use deer stands in trees to eat shit or look around the woods for enemys with binoculars. I hope I was of any help.


#83896 Basement Combat, Aar

Posted by Mike on 27 June 2006 - 03:38 PM in Nerf Wars

That sounds pretty fun. My basement is a decent size and is finished with carpeting, bar, play room ect. But we never seem to get enough people to play, so it's usually just myself, maybe three or four friends, and my two lil bros. The carpet is great for sliding with socks to dodge darts and seek cover. Your game sounds cool, but I'm kinda searching for a game you can play with six or less people other than 2v2, 3v3, ctf, or center flag. Any suggestions?

#83895 Michigan? Nerf War?

Posted by Mike on 27 June 2006 - 03:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey I know this thread is pretty old, but I live in Macomb Twp. near Lake St. Clair not too far from Detroit. If anyones interested in a MI war, contact me.