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#224427 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Mukersman on 19 April 2009 - 06:40 PM in Off Topic

Ok I would edit my post, but can't find it... so anyway, GT is still Mukersman, but I now have
Halo 3, BF: Bad Company, Forza 2, and Fable 2. I generally only really play on weekends when I have no homework. So with that, ADD ME! RAWR!

#208816 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Mukersman on 01 February 2009 - 10:51 PM in Off Topic

Gamertag is also Mukersman. I play halo 3.

#227911 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by Mukersman on 03 May 2009 - 03:03 PM in Modifications

WOW! This is the best LS I have ever seen. Congratulations! I'm jealous.

I just got my account validated and I'm extremely new to mods, do you have any tips?

Well, with this necro, you won't have it for long.

#224906 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by Mukersman on 21 April 2009 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

I will not post anything political or I will be banned.

#234567 Nerf In Popular Culture

Posted by Mukersman on 05 June 2009 - 11:24 PM in General Nerf

Everything is in second life. I was watching X-play once and one of the games for "adults only" was second life, someone created a mod to give oral sex to a unicorn.

All I'm saying is that Second Life is so fucked up, you can't count it as popular culture.

#218308 My Homemade Battle Stop-sign

Posted by Mukersman on 16 March 2009 - 06:24 PM in Off Topic

Also, you should make a giant chicken.That would be awesome.


This beats the shit out of anything I've ever made.

#256237 Modern Warfare 2

Posted by Mukersman on 14 November 2009 - 12:07 AM in Off Topic

I haven't noticed anymore camping then usual. The maps are pretty set up so you can flank if you need to. I guess it all depends on what game types your playing. I still don't see why everyone has a hard on for Halo, but I'm not going to harp on that. The third person game type is actually really cool and different. You almost have to completely change up your classes for it because attachments are useless. You can also peer around corners and shit. It's a pretty cool way to change things up if you get bored or frustrated.

what is this 3rd person mode of which you speak? 10 more dollars and it is mine! also, are the campaign cheats like in cod4?

#232140 Dremel Accident

Posted by Mukersman on 23 May 2009 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf

As I began to dremel off the top rail, a piece of sharp, hot, plastic, flung at me and hit me square in the eye, while the dremel was on it's 30k RPM setting.

Do dremels normally go spin that quickly? mine only goes to 10k RPMs and I can actually touch every bit while it is spinning at that speed and it doesn't hurt at all. But anyway, good message to give to people.

#209806 Purelife

Posted by Mukersman on 05 February 2009 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

It was already bumped up because Camalot just added another thing to the thread, I had already thought of that.

#209758 Purelife

Posted by Mukersman on 05 February 2009 - 07:15 PM in Modifications

God damnit everyone! can't y'all just let the thread die?! If you think his ranges are fake than good for, don't post anymore! I'm not saying I'm for him or his ranges, but god I'm so annoyed by having this thread take up space on the front page! :angry:


#205732 Double Nf Writeup

Posted by Mukersman on 23 January 2009 - 06:11 PM in Modifications

Some of the pics are broken, but good writeup otherwise.
EDIT:Ok nevermind. Sorry.


#223691 The Avenger (a Nitemanta With Added Awesomeness

Posted by Mukersman on 14 April 2009 - 08:39 PM in Modifications

Could we see that Longshot in the picture? On topic, maybe a ramrod would actually reduce reloading time in this case. That is, if you are fast.

#229672 Longshot With Pas

Posted by Mukersman on 11 May 2009 - 08:32 PM in Modifications

No, making your gun purple makes it look cooler OMG HAWTNESS!

Anyway, of course you should add a grip to the PAS, you will be more accurate. Also see if you can clean up any dead space in that PAS or find a way to rear load.

#206428 2009 Edition Bbbb

Posted by Mukersman on 25 January 2009 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

I recently picked up a 4B from target to fiddle around with, and after plugging the pump and cutting the barrel down, i still wasn't getting more than 50 feet. I used both grey stefs and the original rockets and they were both averaging 40 feet. I checked the box again, and I noticed the copyright date was 2009 on this gun, plus it is green and blue. I'm just asking if anyone knows of a change made in the manufacturing of the gun that makes it weaker. I have searched but to no avail.

I'm trying to post pics, tell me if they work.
Green 09 BBBB
Turd stefans When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#206466 2009 Edition Bbbb

Posted by Mukersman on 25 January 2009 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

Try clicking the picture of tree to insert pictures, then put the links in the box that pops up. That will make them appear directly on screen. Can you take pictures of the internals? Maybe next to 2008 edition if you can too.
Edit: also try a longer, looser barrel.

Thanks for the tips for pics, just to make sure, what color is a 2008 4B? I'm using the stock barrel currently, the 5 minute mod where you just cut off the barrel past the two holes on the side. That mod allows the air to be more direct. I've done the same mod before to a black/yellow 4B, before rebarreling, and got 60' with the rocket, and 70' with a stefan.


#208599 2009 Edition Bbbb

Posted by Mukersman on 01 February 2009 - 12:46 PM in Modifications

Sorry for the semi-necro, but I was hoping to discuss this also and didn't want to make a new topic.
I've noticed this also, but my main problems have been with the pump. In my experience, the pump on the 2009 BBBB actually requires modification to be at all efficient. I haven't modded mine yet (except the pump), so I'm waiting to see. Just from putting my hand on the barrel, it seems a little bit weak.

Yea, I've noticed that the pump seems rather flimsy, mine shakes side to side when I pump it. I'm not sure if that's normal, but I'm pretty sure my Texas friend's did not do that when I pumped it. He had a black/yellow one. I would ask him, but he lives in Texas, and I don't have his phone number anymore. Also, when plugging the pump, do I just put a dot of hotglue on the hole in the middle of the pump? I did this, and the 4B still makes the air-release hissing noise. any help would be nice.

One last thing, whenever I reply to something in my thread does it bump it? I just don't want to get banned for the 3-bump rule. Thanks.


#206707 2009 Edition Bbbb

Posted by Mukersman on 26 January 2009 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

what color is a 2008 4B? I'm using the stock barrel currently, the 5 minute mod where you just cut off the barrel past the two holes on the side. That mod allows the air to be more direct. I've done the same mod before to a black/yellow 4B, before rebarreling, and got 60' with the rocket, and 70' with a stefan.


The only colors I've seen are the Black/Yellow and Blue/Green. I got both mine with the copyright 2004. THey both work fine. I'm not sure if they even have a 2008 edition.

There's also a yellow and blue... All three of these I got in 2008...Near Julyish...

I believe that the 2008(?) edition was orange and white

Thats the 2009 I think...

Either way, do you know where you can find any of them any more? I'd be willing to buy the stock or modded. I do want to take a look at each one's internals, like someone suggested. Pm me if you have one to sell.


#209450 2009 Edition Bbbb

Posted by Mukersman on 04 February 2009 - 02:30 PM in Modifications

the hissing sound is definitely an air leak.

here's what to do to check for leaks:

1: take out the internals (duh)
2. fill a spray bottle with soapy water
3. pump the tank, then spray it with the soapy water.
4. the water+soap will bubble wherever there's an air leak.
5. apply hotglue/etape/whatever to the leaking spot.

hopefully you can find the leaks. if the new model is this leaky, i probably won't buy it.

Thanks, I've also noticed that on the stock barrel, the holes in the side are much smaller than previous models.

#243729 Jspb-aliendb1

Posted by Mukersman on 24 July 2009 - 10:42 PM in Homemades

Holy fuck that is cool.

#208622 Glue Gun Screw-up

Posted by Mukersman on 01 February 2009 - 02:02 PM in General Nerf

I recently found out that last week, when I was making stefans, I left the hot glue gun on. I mean it was on ALL week. I tried using it again, and it worked, but instead of being clear, the glue looked like amber-brownish gold. Is this normal :lol: or is my glue gun radioactive?

oh, yea, I'll try to have pics by the end of the day.


#236743 Bow And Arrow Modification

Posted by Mukersman on 16 June 2009 - 12:10 PM in Modifications

My pink and blue B+A plunger rod is not glued together. There are little nubs on the side of the white piece that can be easily pulled out and re-inserted with a pair of pliers. This allows you to access the spring.

Thanks a lot! this worked fine, so now I'm wondering, should I get a spring that is the same length as the BnA spring, or could I just throw on an NF spring or 2?

EDIT: Would it also be a good idea to reinforce the plunger rod?

EDIT 2: I'm just going back and forth between the blaster and my comp. and I found out that recon springs are about the same diameter as the BnA spring.

#236546 Bow And Arrow Modification

Posted by Mukersman on 15 June 2009 - 07:59 PM in Modifications

I hope this doesn't count as a necro, but I have the blue yellow and pink version. the plunger is different, and looks like this.




Does anyone know how to get it off so I can add a spring? There are no screws anywhere, and it looks like I could cut it, but I don't want to ruin the great seal it has.

BTW: I tried posting pink by pasting the link into the box that asks for the image url and got this:
Sorry, dynamic pages in the [IMG] tags are not allowed. Anyone know why?

#211712 Milwaukee Area Nerf War

Posted by Mukersman on 12 February 2009 - 02:39 AM in Nerf Wars

I actually might be able to go! Finally a war in Wisconsin that's near me! Sh00p D4 W00p! Oh would an entire shirt made of duct tape be good enough for a team marker? ;)

#221875 Chalk Darts

Posted by Mukersman on 05 April 2009 - 07:38 PM in General Nerf

Actually, this just came up on NHQ a few days ago. Split said in the write up that he got 80 with only a pvc coupler, and that stock, it had a perfect seal.

#245434 New Menu Item At Mcdonalds

Posted by Mukersman on 04 August 2009 - 11:41 AM in Off Topic

I submitted it to chickencrap.com too.


#239068 Billy Mays- Dead!

Posted by Mukersman on 28 June 2009 - 04:06 PM in Off Topic

The Shamwow guy probably killed him in his sleep.

#235204 New Logo And Favicon

Posted by Mukersman on 09 June 2009 - 02:17 PM in Site Feedback

Just wondering, is a favicon the icon by the url? I don't even remember what the old logo looked like now.

#224901 My Cheapbow!

Posted by Mukersman on 21 April 2009 - 08:45 PM in Modifications

Me no comprehende. Can you post a diagram or another pic of the spring in the pump? I don't understand. does the spring pump it up after you pull it back or what? Thanks.

#252757 Big Salvo With 3-shot Barrels

Posted by Mukersman on 06 October 2009 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

Can someone explain defend the core to me?

#212059 Intense Indoors Recon.

Posted by Mukersman on 13 February 2009 - 06:47 PM in Modifications

Nice post. I like the clip, that was surprising and good thinking on your part. I must say though, it seems to me that the keyring pull is rather pointless. The stock would get in the way and the keyring must flip around a bit doesn't it? Plus, the regular cocking slide (Can't sig me now bitches! :P ) is much faster.


#212645 Ss2 Mod

Posted by Mukersman on 15 February 2009 - 11:26 PM in Modifications

This is a good detailed mod, but it makes me SO MAD!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I had 3 SS2s! 3! and we sold them because I thought the nightfinder was cooler! UGH!

#225107 Melee Madness

Posted by Mukersman on 22 April 2009 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

Now, I usually don't like getting barrel tapped but I want to get barrel tapped by this axe.

I think DrSpaceman here has an unusual fetish for your axe, hit him extra hard, he likes it!

#221490 Nerf Popular Mechanics Article

Posted by Mukersman on 03 April 2009 - 08:53 PM in General Nerf

Can a stock PC really shoot a dart that far? Or a LnL for that matter?

EDIT: They probably meant angled, but still.

#233126 Changing Voice In Audacity

Posted by Mukersman on 28 May 2009 - 06:55 PM in Off Topic

I'm wondering how can change my voice so that its really hard to tell that its actually my voice. I've toyed with pitch and speed, but it still sounds a lot like my voice or it just doesn't sound realistic at all (way too low or high for a real voice). Does anybody know of any other methods to change one's voice in Audacity or other freeware audio-editing software.

If you can, use GarageBand It might be Mac only, or not freeware, I'm not sure for either, but they have realistic preset voice enhancements including auto tune. I use it for singing a lot.

#226367 Short Bans

Posted by Mukersman on 26 April 2009 - 08:18 PM in Off Topic

Sure there's the chance you just banned the next Captain Slug in terms of homemades, but you may have banned the nerf Hitler as well.

There's no chance of that frankly, since neither of us were terrible posters in the beginning.
In my various experiences as an Admin of different forums the members that start as terrible posters and don't improve when warned will always stay terrible posters. You can polish a turd, but it's still a turd and smells just as badly as it did before it was polished.

Members that improve their behavior when warned are welcome here.
But members that never need to be warned are much preferred.

Hitler was a good poster? I thought he would be spamming something like "For the FATHERLAND!!!!!!!" all the time.

#240621 Echoes (official Post)

Posted by Mukersman on 07 July 2009 - 11:07 AM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a maybe. I might be able to go, but anyway Kaukana smells like ass. Nose protection will be just as important as eye protection.

EDIT: Why can't we have guns in pockets?

#220547 New Longshot Mod

Posted by Mukersman on 29 March 2009 - 07:14 PM in Off Topic

I wonder how he will take this, he even says he's a dick, but if I were him, I'd bring the banhammer down.

#222101 Extending Plunger Pull.

Posted by Mukersman on 06 April 2009 - 09:58 PM in Modifications

I was aware of the DTG mod, actually I got the idea from it, I just hadn't read through it recently, so wasn't really familiar with it anymore.

#221908 Extending Plunger Pull.

Posted by Mukersman on 05 April 2009 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

I was looking at the +Bow writeup a while ago, and was intrigued about its three pull settings. I was wondering if it was possible to create a new catch on a springer, farther back on the plunger. I was thinking that the extension of the pull would give an increase in range, and would be incredibly simple. By cutting out a new catch, and filling in the old one, you could extend the pull about 1.5 or Cm. It seems miniscule, but worth trying. the catch area in the plunger of a NF is actually hollow too.

One concern however, was that it would increase strain on the plunge, requiring additional reinforcement.

Admins, sorry if this is too much of a concept thread, I just thought it was so simple, that it was worth posting, and I haven't seen it before. I hope to have a real picture up after spring break, I'm heading to Louisiana by plane, and I don't want to be slammed against the wall and searched by the TSA.
The pic isn't working for some reason.

#221911 Extending Plunger Pull.

Posted by Mukersman on 05 April 2009 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

Ok thanks for the input. That also means this would be practically impossible to do with more than a stock spring.