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#132251 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by Prometheus on 12 December 2007 - 10:41 PM in Homemades

Fuck, it's huge. How heavy are these projectiles, you're getting almost 4 times the max distance of a standard stefan.

#132365 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by Prometheus on 13 December 2007 - 09:27 PM in Homemades

That's awesome. Any chance of some video footage of the beast in action?

That also explains how you are firing the thing rocket so far.

#135042 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by Prometheus on 05 January 2008 - 09:56 AM in Homemades

Fucking Awesome gun. Any chance of a write-up?

#136614 Lancer

Posted by Prometheus on 20 January 2008 - 12:45 PM in Modifications

Looks like someone's been playing Gears of War a bit too much :)

Put lights on a PowerClip to make it look like the Plasma Rifle on Halo ^_^

Nice man, Nice!

Notice how Angels mod actually resembles the Lancer? No similarities between the Power Clip and Plasma Rifle at all.

#136464 Lancer

Posted by Prometheus on 19 January 2008 - 11:49 AM in Modifications

Nice work, as usual. Is the painting the more peaceful aspect because of the high from the paint fumes, or because it requires less experience?

#107187 Modifying A Longshot?

Posted by Prometheus on 22 May 2007 - 10:49 PM in Modifications

no no no, cut it down to roughly 3-3/4". Any more than that and it won't compress enough to allow the plunger to reach the trigger plate. And you will need to add a stronger spring to the trigger plate as well.

I bought a AR15 spring from Gyrvalcon, who bought it from you. I cut it to the same length as the original spring, and it cocks fine. It was roughly 4 5/8" long, not exactly sure.

#126468 Modifying A Longshot?

Posted by Prometheus on 17 October 2007 - 02:02 PM in Modifications

I'm sure I can find a way to fix that. A rubber disc and some lubricant maybe....

The longshot's bolt& plunger tube is almost a pre-made blow-forward valve. I intend to be the first one to try this, so no stealing my idea bitches.

As there is not copyright/other "officialness" to protect it, and it's publicly displayed, everybody feel free to use these ideas.

Honestly, what are you going to do if I get a working prototype before you?

That's right. Nothing.

EDIT: I stand corrected.

#101666 Modifying A Longshot?

Posted by Prometheus on 01 April 2007 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

As this is a pinned topic, I don't feel quite so bad reviving it. There is a cross/star shaped piece on the plunger tube, and I was wondering if it is really necessary. If so, where the hell does it fit? I didn't notice it when I split mine, and now it is tucked up in the corner stopping my jam door from opening. Any help/pics is greatly appreciated.

#102021 Modifying A Longshot?

Posted by Prometheus on 09 April 2007 - 11:32 PM in Modifications

Well, I didn't have my plunger tube in properly, so mine didn't cock right, so the bolt didn't travel back 100%, so the mag would not come out. Then CaptainSlug told me where to stick it (pun intended), and now it's all better. Your mag might be catching on the edge of the bolt.

#106786 Longshot Mod

Posted by Prometheus on 20 May 2007 - 06:23 PM in Modifications

do you need a dremel to take the restrictor out? I dont own a dremel and i really dont want to go out and buy one

No. A drill press with a long enough stroke will probably be easier to use, or you can try to steadily hold a drill with the bolt sled securely in a vise.

#110069 Longshot Mod

Posted by Prometheus on 08 June 2007 - 01:58 PM in Modifications

1. It will have a better seal if you add another o-ring. You can get them at most hardware stores.
2. Yes you could but it would be a royal pain in the ass if you didn't have a dremel or drillpress.

Not so. CaptainSlug doesn't own a dremel, and look at all his ass-kickin' work...

#106270 Longshot Modification.

Posted by Prometheus on 18 May 2007 - 06:17 AM in Modifications

Mine is done. And yes these take a lot of time to machine and get working perfectly.
Posted Image
The breech only works well with magazines made "stefan compatible" incase anyone was wondering.

CaptainSlug, what did you use/do for your tightening rings? Same as FA_24?
Oh ya, very nice looking.

#101891 Longshot Modification.

Posted by Prometheus on 06 April 2007 - 11:50 AM in Modifications

Very nice, and yeah, sorry about the PM FA24, I wrongly assumed this would be an add on (edited into) of the original writeup. But this will make everybody's life a lot easier, and a lot less brass will be wasted. Also, I noticed that two 1.3" stefans fit nicely inside the clip, end to end. I fed them into my longshot, and they fed nicely with the stock breech. Do you think there is anyway to lengthen the breech opening, so longer darts/two darts at once can be accepted?

#103788 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Prometheus on 03 May 2007 - 05:45 PM in Modifications

Some hobby shops stock it. Just look around if you live in the city, or go to the city and look around. Never know what you'll find.

#131469 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Prometheus on 05 December 2007 - 07:54 PM in Modifications

I wonder if that will collapse like the Canadian K-Mart chain did.

#119334 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Prometheus on 12 August 2007 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

[quote name='NerferKid' date='Aug 12 2007, 06:00 PM' post='119318']
[quote name='meiser5' post='87997' date='Aug 21 2006, 12:48 PM']

It has been talked about before,trust me.
As for springs you can get the at these fine local stores...

Ace Hardware


so,were supposed to buy a compression spring,right?*haven't added springs to anything yet...:lol:*

Wait, so what was there there that I missed that is supposed to be helpful? I'm confused. Oh, that's right. There's nothing helpful there that we don't know.

#108091 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Prometheus on 29 May 2007 - 12:12 AM in Modifications

I recently went to a TSC farm store, and discovered that there is indeed three types of PVC, as I previously thought there was two. There is 200 psi thinwall, SCH40/80, and electrical conduit, which is a dark grey in colour. I've always assumed that the electrical conduit was SCH40. Is there any significant differences, other than size limitations? I've used 1/2" conduit for a prototype pressure tank, and it will hold 70 psi no problem, and 120 psi is the assumed upper limit. Anything else I should be wary of between SCH40 and the electrical conduit?

#120318 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Prometheus on 18 August 2007 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

I've found copper pipes at Lowes. is there really any difference between that and brass?

Yes. Copper is copper, whereas brass is a copper and zinc alloy. Brass is usually more corrosion resistant, and more malleable than copper or zinc.

#131507 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Prometheus on 06 December 2007 - 06:54 PM in News

The new pistol grip doesn't look as comfortable as the LS grip.

#131957 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Prometheus on 10 December 2007 - 07:17 PM in News

That sounds like some bs. Your friend probably doesnt know what it even looks like


People need to fucking lay off, we all have our opinion, so let's respect that. Comments like this achieve nothing.

Just my two cents.

#132253 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Prometheus on 12 December 2007 - 10:46 PM in News

So that means us Canadians can expect a price oof around $30-37 for one, judging by the differences on the pricing of LS's.

#127011 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Prometheus on 22 October 2007 - 11:37 PM in Off Topic

Prmetheus - not sure what the default is, I think it is 15 minutes.

To both of you, run the fah.exe from a command prompt with the tag -config. You will want to change advanced settings, and Prometheus - you can set how frequently it updates, Lynx, you can choose to set as a service which will make it run the the background. If you are unsure what a certain option is, don't input anything, just hit enter to go to the next.

Are you using Vista? I tried running it from the command prompt, but it didn't work. Mine is working, but I can't get it into the background at all.

#135040 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Prometheus on 05 January 2008 - 09:39 AM in Off Topic

So, I've been folding away for a while now, and I was wondering: Does this download an upload information? If so, how do we find out how much it is transferring. I am moving on campus and my university has a 5GB upload and 5GB download limit, and I don't want to be consuming it all for this. I use my desktop so I can't piggy-back off of unprotected Wi-Fi networks at all. Anybody have any ideas?

#127039 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Prometheus on 23 October 2007 - 04:46 PM in Off Topic

I am not familiar with Vista and F@H's interactions.

What code did you use in the command prompt? I might be able to spot an error if you post it.

I don't use it. I'm using the FAH504 - console application.

Oops. Sorry.

#126467 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Prometheus on 17 October 2007 - 01:46 PM in Off Topic

That means it's going. Depending on your specs, it could take an hour or a few horus to get to the next step increment. Just keep it running in the background - it's going unless you have errors, which I've never seen.

Yeah, now it has done like 38991 of 5000000. How often does it do a progress update?

#126450 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Prometheus on 17 October 2007 - 12:23 AM in Off Topic

How do I tell if it's running? It says that it has completed 0 out of 5000000 steps.

#134729 Beginner's Guide To Machining Plastics

Posted by Prometheus on 02 January 2008 - 02:47 PM in Modifications

Alright...this is pinned so hopefully it's not bad that I'm reviving it. It looks like I could ask on this thread since you're talking about CAD... well when I try to download Alibre it asks me for all this information. Information that I usually don't have to ever fill out over the internet to get something. I would fill it out without hesitation if I lived somewhere else, but I don't want my parents to get spammed with phone calls. Do you have to own a company to register? Could I use my cell phone which I never use for a phone number?

Better yet, is there a mirror that I could download this from without registering?

I filled it all out, never received a phone call or spam or anything. I think they use it just to keep track of where their software is being used, and it's also for promotional things, like when there is a special on the full version of alibre.

#101565 Beginner's Guide To Machining Plastics

Posted by Prometheus on 30 March 2007 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I was going to attempt thermal welding with some scraps of teflon with my 100W soldering iron, but I am a little doubtful of it being successful. I also have lots of ventilation since I do all my work in my shop. Also, now that you mentioned sign shops, I'm gonna try my local one, 'cause a while ago I was interested in some sign material cut offs (the light duty corrugate plastic). They might have some other materials as well. Also, my dad suggested puckboard, but as far as we know, 1/8" it the thinnest it comes. I don't know alot about it other than it is white and has a super smooth finish.

#101555 Beginner's Guide To Machining Plastics

Posted by Prometheus on 30 March 2007 - 02:20 PM in Modifications

With a spindle lathe you can turn endcaps, making a groove for O-rings. I think a spindle lathe would work very well for plastics, but you definitely need a jaw chuck so you can turn bore out plastic. For the extra cost, you double the possibilities. Cheap way to double usefulness, eh?
Also, anybody have any idea of Canadian stores that sell PETG or PVC sheets? Polycarbonate is expensive as hell, and my thinnest teflon is 1/8", which is in limited supply anyways. I've thought about planing some plywood, but that will have nowhere near the strength of the same dimension plastic. Oh yeah, in a week or two Better Farming will have some charts up for welding plastic, and these charts come straight from Canadian Plastic Institute. If feasible, I would consider plastic welding way more effective than adhesives, unless you want to be able to somehow split the adhered sections in the future.

Edit: Just called Homie D, they have FRP Panels, it is 0.090" thickness, has rough finish on one side. This could easily be planed/milled. However, I have no clue what the plastic is/is like. It is $46.78/ 4'x8' sheet. Pretty cheap if it is useable.

#101093 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 14 March 2007 - 10:18 PM in Homemades

Thanks a bajillion LastManAlive.

CH - I found the bolt pretty simple to build, just time consuming. I also have the barrel done, just waiting for another O-ring before I glue it all together in place. I am still working on a mag idea. Anywho, this bolt will be for my shotty next, as I like megas for some reason. Picture a slot in your coupler, right? just a straight in, but it does not go all the way through lengthwise. If this confuses you, picture BS's FAR bolt where the extractor is, same idea. A piece of PVC will slide in and out of there no problem. But how to keep the ejector in? Well, widen that slot, but not at the edge, so you get a demented and oblong "L" shape: (0's are empty space, the post would not display properly)

Like this. Now cut a piece like this:

It will fit in the other piece (the original coupler,) and still slide well. The insert your pen spring in behind it. You might want to notch the ejector piece a little to help the spring stay in place. I also noticed that you must have a thin extractor ring on your shell, or else it will catch on the side of the bolt. I have to cut mine all down a bit so they ejected easier. There is also a piece that I glued in to the "L" shape to preven the spring from moving to the other side (I made the diagram with the piece not cut out).

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Sorry it's so big, it was being a pain in the ass to try and get the right URL for the image.

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#106806 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 20 May 2007 - 07:42 PM in Homemades

Ronster had a design in mind for a carrier, he just never posted it yet. Perhaps if we were to obtain it, we would be able to have more feasible designs...

#106997 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 21 May 2007 - 08:07 PM in Homemades

Ronster had a design in mind for a carrier, he just never posted it yet. Perhaps if we were to obtain it, we would be able to have more feasible designs...

Feasible? I'm close enough to knowing how to build this gun that the carrier is the only hitch in the plan. Once I figure that out, I can start getting materials/beginning construction

Well, not that these designs aren't feasible, but that a simple, efficient carrier is used. Otherwise, it's a gun without a carrier, kind of like a car without a motor. Sorry if you mistook that, I was more referring to a feasible carrier.

#102556 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 24 April 2007 - 08:15 AM in Homemades

Yeah, I'm gonna say that plunger stroke is too short for your barrel, Boltsniper used a full length AR spring, but just my opinion... oh yeah, what did you end up using for the seal around the bolt and bolt carrier?

#101974 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 08 April 2007 - 10:36 PM in Homemades

I would try a longer section of 1", not entirely sure it will help, but it's worth a shot. Perhaps your plunger is accelerating too slowly? Try some lube, it might improve things. Also check for any leaks around the back of the bolt, you might have a good seal with shells but poor seal with plunger tube.

#124839 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 02 October 2007 - 08:20 PM in Homemades

I have a Remington Nylon 66 .22 rifle, with an individual feed rear-loading tube magazine. I'm thinking of how the system works, but it's not as reliable as the system that Ronster posted.

#102022 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 09 April 2007 - 11:38 PM in Homemades

Okay, sounds like the same problem my FAR bolt carrier had. I only had E-tape on it, but some spot I could see a sliver of light through, and my plunger seal was immaculate. I was losing alot of pressure when I plugged the one end and blew through the other. Then I added some glue, and now no seal problems at all. I'm thinking this is what happened to you, so glad you got it fixed.

#121512 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 29 August 2007 - 07:49 AM in Homemades

So does the bolt actually work?
Is this the first bolt (outside of Boltsniper) to actually chamber and eject brass shells?
If so...AWESOME work dude!
I'd love to see simple video of you gun just cycling shells!

Didn't CH's bolt cycle shells, or did his not eject them, only load them?

#101084 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 14 March 2007 - 06:27 PM in Homemades

LastManAlive, good for the measurements. Any measurements for thinwall PVC? Oh yeah, I just finished my FAR bolt today, but don't have pictures up yet. I also have a new ejector design that I will make some diagrams of, as mine is inside the bolt, so ya can't see it. Unless you are Superman with some X-ray vision. Which is cool. So yeah, pics I am currently working on.

#107700 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 26 May 2007 - 07:09 PM in Homemades

Well, I've been working through the day, so here's what I have done.

I also have the plunger completed, the main spring ready, and the bolt is almost complete, I just have to add an extractor/ejector system, and a restrictor claw, or something of the sort, since I'm using Commonly Hunted's ramp idea. I'm using a combination of Torque's trigger idea with Boltsniper's trigger plate for the fire control group.

A few questions:
How are you guys planning on connecting the slide to the bolt? Internally or externally?
What do you guys think of my design?

Shell ramp looks fairly steep. Same with pistol grip.

#102188 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by Prometheus on 14 April 2007 - 10:58 AM in Homemades

Yeah, that's definitely a problem. You might even want to try a progressive barrel, or a new barrel, or new foam. If you can see light around your dart, that is probably the biggest culprit.