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#229612 Pas Intergration

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 06:13 PM in Modifications

Finally. Been waiting for this to pop up on the boards tonight. Nicely done. Like you had mentioned today though, you may want to put some more support for that pump against the shell, so it doesn't break by flexing up or down. I like this placement of the blast button better than on the back though. Seems very comfortable. I can't wait to see a pic with everything installed.

And the inevitable question, although it's not really essential to have excellent ranges from a backup shot, what're you hitting?

Yeah, also, as Pointblank said, you may want to watch the durability of both the chamber and the tubing.

#229538 Modular Longshot.

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 05:53 AM in Modifications

I think my original point may have been misunderstood. I was not trying to say that the cosmetic additions are bad. By all means, go for it. I love the look of some of those (The top piece of the front gun cut and upside down in the forgrip). All I was saying was that when I had thought of doing such a thing, I had considered more functional adaptions. However, that's just my personal preference. Honestly, all of the attachments look pretty cool, and I like the variation you incorporated.

I said it before, but nice work.

#229481 Modular Longshot.

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 10 May 2009 - 09:00 PM in Modifications

Damn. You know, I hate those people who always post in a thread and only say "You stole my idea," or "Damn, I was just thinking of doing this," or they start pulling out photographic evidence, "Look, look, I came up with it first," but in all honesty, I'm going to be one of those people right now. I have been kicking this idea around for a while now, and I must say, it is nice to see it put into use and put into use well. I was considering more functional adaptions, rather than cosmetics, but the concept is all there. But yeah, I was thinking more, modular 2k intigration, front gun (and I know you made one, I'm just saying), and anything else I could think of. But again, great job, it all looks great. And yes, I do hate those people, but I'm not kidding, I've been considering this...

Now that I see it, I have to put it to use.

And Salindin, taping isn't bad when you do it a lot...it does take a bit of time though to get it just right. All my pj's are tape jobs.

#229350 Another Claymore Writeup

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 10 May 2009 - 12:10 PM in Homemades

I would be careful about your connection between the spring and the washer. If that were to fail, it could go from harmless dart shooting mine to a steel washer to the side of the face.

#229208 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 09 May 2009 - 02:18 PM in Homemades

Yes I am putting the dart in the 9/16. The smaller 17/32 Brass is only to make sure the dart will not get sucked back up into the gun. The 19/32 brass was just laying around and cuts the space down between the PVC and the 9/16 brass.

Sorry for the confusion.

How long is the piece of 17/32" and the 9/16"?

Do you ram the dart all the way down the 9/16"?

What are your darts weighted with?

How much lubricant did you use?

Is the spring the [k26] like it should be?

#229203 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 09 May 2009 - 01:57 PM in Homemades

This would generally not need to be asked, but which end are you putting the dart in? You said in the 9/16"?

#229104 Pas Mod

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 May 2009 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

Mine's been done for a while now, just haven't taken the time to get pics up. It was up in my modding service thread, just not here yet. Again, I love having a breech on this thing. It's so much more practical than the speedloader. One thing I noticed at the recent war we went to is that flipping the speedloader while running wasn't exactly fun. This solves that:
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Adorned with a little ducktape knife for close combat situations when I don't have a barrel loaded...same reason why pearson's manual rotating turreted one has the knife in the middle of it.

Rangewise, I'm hitting around 120-125ish flat on a windy day, going into/side on to the wind. It was also a bit chilly. I could squeeze 130 out of it on a nicer day.

#228955 Longshot Front Gun Shoots 45'

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 May 2009 - 05:55 AM in Modifications

Wow. Excellent video quallity, and a front gun that shoots that far? Very nicely done. Everyone does have some valid points though. Just make sure you keep watch on the internals for any signs of wear.

#228703 Pas Mod

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 May 2009 - 09:10 PM in Modifications

Just wondering where did you get your camping foam from and could you post a pic of the packaging?
And how did the gun bear with the "Battlefield conditions"?

I think I can answer these:
1. From an old camping matress he had around I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong.
2. Well. The test shots with my darts we estimated at 120 were shot after the war.

#228699 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 May 2009 - 09:03 PM in Nerf Wars

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My bro reloading his nf.

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Silencer and I. Still using my PAS.

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My brother and his nitefinder vs. Silencer and +bow.

That’s everything for this one. Fun, fun war. Can’t wait for the next one.

#228673 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 May 2009 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Finally hassled my dad out of some pics:

In the staging area (During everyone’s rampage to buy stuff from me):
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Oh, and OMC sitting on the cooler. That cooler had some very nice guns inside it…it was pretty empty when he left though.

Some out on the field:
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My SNAP and I…definitely the smartest place for me to be. Wide open target right in the middle of everything.

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Heh, the “People who can actually NERF well vs. Those who had a bit of trouble” Round. Can’t exactly call it noobs v. vets considering Alex and I were both on the team that would be “vets.” My bro took one for the team and went to the other side to even out the numbers… This pic is just of our team before we got started. Not sure why Blueshirt’s in the mix. He’s behind me, flailing his BBB around.

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Our team moving out for the kill. From left to right: Silencer with +bow, me with my SNAP monstrosity, and Alextwin with his PAS. OMC’s right behind him. I think he was using his 2k.

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You can see OMC and Silencer just kind of standing there…they really had no reason not to at that point…

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Notice the brown spec in the background? My brother sneaking around behind OMC and Silencer.

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Another pic of both my bro and stealthman.

Other rounds:
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Alex and his PAS. And in the shadow of the tree in the background, my bro sneaking around again…if you haven’t yet, watch the video joe posted. See the resemblance?

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In for the kill…

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Me with a change of pace. Decided to use my speedloader’d PAS for a round. And Silencer covering me with his +bow.

Will have more shortly. Damn picture posting limit.

#228630 The Xbow And Lnl Debate

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 May 2009 - 06:33 PM in General Nerf

About range:
I figured I'd throw this in simply because I don't want to get flamed for saying that the +bow and SNAPbow have better ranges. I take range more at a standpoint of velocity, rather than in the respect of hitting someone from 120 ft. away, because unless you're very, very lucky, that's not happening mid-war). However, greater range translates to greater velocity. Greater velocity translates to the dart getting where it has to go faster, which translates to it being more difficult to dodge. A shot from an x-bow at 70 ft. is going to be easier to dodge than one from a SNAP or +bow, for example.

That is my doctrine 100%. Is this a complete coincidence, or have I mentioned this to you before?

Complete coincidence. Actually, if anyone, Alextwin and I have discussed the topic of range vs. velocity a few times. But no...I don't think you've ever mentioned it.

Oh, and what everyone's saying about SM1.5k's, they're kind of difficult to compare, seeing as they're two entirely different types of blaster. I have a 1.5k as well, and it's great. Better than x-bow ranges, better ROF, smaller package, etc. However, to compare it to a completely different style gun is hard, which is why I used the SNAPbow and +bow as points of comparison.

Also like other people have been saying: Stick with what suits you. (Even though I know this is not a "which gun is best thread" and that's not really what you're asking for.) It's relevant in that if an x-bow suits you perfectly, and it really is the gun for you, to you it may be worth that high price. However, if you're just purchasing it to say, "I have an x-bow," paying such a price is foolish. I got mine via trade, so I was pleased. Now I can go crazy on it and see what I can concoct out if it. Once I'm done and have used it in a war, only then can I give an absolute review on it.

#228590 The Xbow And Lnl Debate

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 06 May 2009 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

I personally have not used my x-bow in a war, as I'm still working on it's war-readiness. It's not quite 100% yet. However, I must say it is quite comfortable, even though comparatively, a +bow or SNAPbow has a much larger grip. Yes, I do understand the prices for which they go. However, I don't necessarily agree with them. I personally own and use a SNAPbow. Namely, The New Firm. I'll edit a link in in a second. Comparitavely, like most SNAPbows and +bows, it gets far better ranges than most xbows, is just as accurate if not more so, and due to the pipe insulation foam I used on the stock and cheek-rest portion of the stock, it's quite comfortable. To answer your question though, yes, I think it carries with it prestige, which makes it achieve such rediculous price tags. Yes, it is a great blaster, but so are the analogs of it, and they are far more inexpensive.

Lock n' Loads are also great blasters. I have one, and I love it. It has a great feel to it, is quite easily holsterable, is simple, and gets good ranges (even though ranges don't really give you much. See below for my feeling on ranges). Comparitavely to a nitefinder, they're the same ability wise. Range is similar (assuming both were modded at the same level), accuracy is probably similar, and the nf is also fairly simplistic once modded. I also am quite partial to the grip of a nitefinder. While it does require minimization to holster, it's a great pistol as well. I got my LnL fairly cheap, so I really can't say anything for the prices, but I can vouch for its preformance.

About range:
I figured I'd throw this in simply because I don't want to get flamed for saying that the +bow and SNAPbow have better ranges. I take range more at a standpoint of velocity, rather than in the respect of hitting someone from 120 ft. away, because unless you're very, very lucky, that's not happening mid-war). However, greater range translates to greater velocity. Greater velocity translates to the dart getting where it has to go faster, which translates to it being more difficult to dodge. A shot from an x-bow at 70 ft. is going to be easier to dodge than one from a SNAP or +bow, for example.

Also, with what everyone is saying regarding the ability to fix an x-bow easily and replace parts, the SNAPbow and +bow fall into that catagory as well...so it's not necessarily an advantage of the x-bow over its analogs.

Ok, that's it for my lengthy, lengthy opinion.

#228157 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 May 2009 - 06:52 PM in Nerf Wars

now I'm confused. Who's me?

The one with the longshot with the huge stock. That stock, by the way, also happens to be most likely the most comfortable nerf gun stock I have ever used, ever. And I own an x-bow.

#228131 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 May 2009 - 04:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Ah. I'm still afraid of that PAS. Man that was a fun war.

Hell yeah. Ha, if you feared one, be ready to be running from two of them at the next BCNO. Mine's all finished up...check my sig (modding service). There's a picture of it. That's if I can part with my SNAP for a few rounds...

#228121 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 May 2009 - 04:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Finally! In a few though, it's not me, it's Alextwin. Like the one covering blueshirt, and the last one. I think that's it. And it's my SNAPbow, not my LnL.

#227870 Bonsai!

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 03 May 2009 - 10:44 AM in General Nerf

If I could cange my vote, I would. I'd play...I mean...it's a Nerf game...

#227867 Bonsai!

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 03 May 2009 - 10:36 AM in General Nerf

And it would be a ton more fun without the weapon restrictions.

Which is why I voted no. No offence, but gun restrictions beyond pistols only in gunslinger, and the general banned guns brought the fun of the game down a bit for me. It'd be cool without gun restricions beyond that all the captains can use is a pistol.

#227765 Question With Nitefinder

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 02 May 2009 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

[quote name='undercoverishowiroll' date='May 2 2009, 11:19 PM' post='227763']
[quote name='PointBlank' date='May 2 2009, 07:58 PM' post='227753']
What weight were you using? Also, what kind of barrel were you using? If you were using stock, that's where the problem is, cpvc barrels are much better for ranges.
Yes, I was using a stock barrel, but a 25 ft difference over a barrel. I don't think so. For my weight I use airsoft bbs.

Airsoft BB's are too light, and the stock barrel isn't going to do the job. What do you have for a spring? How's your seal? Anything else you can share would help greatly.

#227750 Question With Nitefinder

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 02 May 2009 - 09:52 PM in Modifications

1. Use stefans. You will get better ranges.
2. Do a barrel replacement.
3. Uin13 was newer then. Something tells me that he exadurated those ranges a bit. 80' Flat out of a nitefinder is quite hard to achieve. You'd need a very powerful replacement spring, PETG barrel, and appropriately fitting stefans, perfect seal, possibly even a mini-bungie or rubber bands.

#227692 Unique Brass Breeching System

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 02 May 2009 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

Cosmetics time.
Yeah, it was a bit of a wait, but I think it was well worth it:

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I haven’t shown Nerfrogue that it’s done yet…so you’ll get to see his reaction here. I think it came out pretty well. I hope you like it man, and everyone else for that matter.

By the way, just a note, this isn’t a commonality with my work. I’ve had a lot going on recently, being the only reason it was completed so late, and my customer understood this, so if you wish to have something done, just know that it will be done in a timely manner.

So…what do you guys think?

EDIT-By the way, the letters are intentionally not clean cut. Think about it..."Rogue"?

#227372 Nb-2k

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 April 2009 - 09:18 PM in Modifications

Very, very nice. I can't even remember if I sold my NB-1...I hope not. Off to look...beacuse this thing is awesome.

Does look a tad awkward to fire though...how does it work for you? (because that's really all that matters)

#227239 At2k In A Disc-shot

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 April 2009 - 02:10 PM in Modifications

Nice mod but i looks like you should move the pump mech up so that you can hold the gun easier, and that way you could use the actual trigger instead of the wire in the back, otherwise nice mod.

I agree with Basilisk here. It looks a tad awkward to hold. You may want to go for a more "Cyclops" approach (See pointblank's entry in the contest), which would allow you to fire from the original trigger, have a full grip on the handle, and still have the same function you're going for here. Nice idea though; my brother is planning something similar, but maintaining the function of the disk shot.

#227134 Bcno

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 29 April 2009 - 06:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Thought someone would put pics up by now, in the mean time:

Ha, I found that as soon as I got home. Nice find. That'd be my bro right there. OMC, that's still probably my favorite quote the whole war. That's the video you meant, right?

Just filling in anyone else reading this, OMC described my brother and his nitefinder as the cat in that video. Before you knew it, he was right next to you shooting you/barrel tapping you. He got me out in like thirty seconds in the gunslinger round and then his team went on to win...it was pretty scary.

#227036 Hornet Mods

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 29 April 2009 - 05:27 AM in Modifications

Tantum-hehe...you know the reason for the ominous laugher...

Yep, my next mod is almost done, and heavily utilizes hornet parts.

My end's still very much in the works due to that setback.

#226946 Best Way To Take Out Maverick Air Restrictors?

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 April 2009 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

4. All of the above

#226934 Hornet Mods

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 April 2009 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

Dude, mod anything you want to, but a word of advice, don't start with a recon or longshot because you might end up messing up the internals and breaking your blaster. Also, don't post a mod that you think that you think has been posted or is very simple, ars removed, spring stretched (that has been happening like crazy lately), and for reference, check FallenAngel24's mod directory or just use the search function.

NerfRogue83: The mod is nice, but looks sort of fugly.

Fallen angel?

On topic though, like everyone has said, don't mod a hornet unless you're using it for parts. Just don't. And like Basilisk said, no Recon or Longshot either. Buy a nitefinder.

Tantum-hehe...you know the reason for the ominous laugher...

#226399 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 09:20 PM in Nerf Wars

I hope JATDO will come so he can get sniped.

You need to stop...I could beat you anytime.
But put me as an option 1 maybe
I need to run it by my parents.
Dimondback just wondering for now, would a unplugged BBBB be banned?

Sounds like a showdown.
Sure, sure, I'l put you down.
Nope. It'd be fine, but be ready for me to pump it 20 times to make sure. Not that I don't trust you. I just need to be sure.

#226307 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 06:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, he does, as do I. But my parents are just acounting for that one idiot who shows up, hurts himself on purpose, and decides to get all pissy with us. I understand that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the community wouldn't pull such a thing, and I want to even say 100%, but as this is my first war that I'm a part of hosting, they are a tad hesitant.

Besides, you are an individual, not a business or an organization. The liability would really only be on the school itself.

Which happens to be my school, so I don't want it to come down on me. My parents are only paranoid because it's my first time hosting. They'll get more comfortable with it as it gets closer. Admission will still be $5 regardless (Except for you slug, as you're bringing obsticals), because we plan on making a ton of obsticals to use. Not too many that it's impossible to move, but just enough.

But why still do it if it never happend in a nerf war before?

The $5 entry is not for insurance purposes any longer. It is for the cost of creating obsticals and other preparations that must be made. I will be purchasing loads of water bottles incase anyone needs them, and gatorade as well, although I expect that people will at least bring some on their own. However, this price may vary based upon how many obsticals slug can bring.

#226250 Arrowstorm

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 04:43 PM in Modifications

Sorry, but it's been done before.

Yeah? Well, so have nitefinder coupler mods, but there have been a hundred or so writeups on them. There are differences between the two writeups as well. This is a NERF arrowstorm, and his ranges are better.

Personally, I think you did a pretty good job, especially compared to the last one. No offence, but it wasn't the prettiest looking thing in the world.

#226247 Question On Painting A Nerf Gun...

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 04:39 PM in Modifications

EDIT-Nevermind, froot covered it fine.

#226231 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 04:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, he does, as do I. But my parents are just acounting for that one idiot who shows up, hurts himself on purpose, and decides to get all pissy with us. I understand that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the community wouldn't pull such a thing, and I want to even say 100%, but as this is my first war that I'm a part of hosting, they are a tad hesitant.

Besides, you are an individual, not a business or an organization. The liability would really only be on the school itself.

Which happens to be my school, so I don't want it to come down on me. My parents are only paranoid because it's my first time hosting. They'll get more comfortable with it as it gets closer. Admission will still be $5 regardless (Except for you slug, as you're bringing obsticals), because we plan on making a ton of obsticals to use. Not too many that it's impossible to move, but just enough.

#226205 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 03:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I am a maybe for this. though I don't see the point of forcing everyone to be covered by insurance. If I get injured in any way from a war, I always take sole liability for my own actions.

He does have a good point.

Yes, he does, as do I. But my parents are just acounting for that one idiot who shows up, hurts himself on purpose, and decides to get all pissy with us. I understand that 99.9% of the community wouldn't pull such a thing, and I want to even say 100%, but as this is my first war that I'm a part of hosting, they are a tad hesitant. As slug said though, if anything now, it will most likely be just some form of waver. And again, that's if there's anything of the sort to begin with.

By the way, I should've mentioned in my first post, when you post, tell me which option you want. 1 or 2 (Have your own guns or need guns), just so I have an idea. This isn't the final thread, which will have more detail. I just need an idea of what I'm going to need to prepare.

#226122 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 12:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Shoot me a PM and we'll discuss it; maybe a discount is in order for such a situation. The only hesitance I have here is that part of the blanket admission payment was for the insurance my mom is insisting that we get in order to host such an event.

So the school isn't insisting on insurance and you don't have to pay for the venue? You don't need insurance then, because you're not charging admission.
If your parents are worried you could just have general liability waiver forms on hand instead of getting insurance.

Well, as I said, we have yet to ensure that this is a definite event, as those higher up in the board have yet to consent, although the principal already has. Just as this is variable, as is their want of insurance, or lack there of. No, we do not have to pay for use of the venue at this point (This may change, although I don't believe it will).

I will look into that, as it would drop the cost down to $5 for everyone else, and $0 for you if you were to bring a substantial amount of obsticals. Nothing too much, because as you see, we should have those mats, unless they are elsewhere in the school at the point of the war. How many do you think you could bring?

#226117 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 12:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Can I get in for free if I bring extra obstacles?

Shoot me a PM and we'll discuss it; maybe a discount is in order for such a situation. The only hesitance I have here is that part of the blanket admission payment was for the insurance my mom is insisting that we get in order to host such an event.

And by the way, OMC, you're down as a maybe. I hope you're able to come up.

#226086 Pas Ball Shooting Attachment Mod

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

One question, why would you want to shoot someone with balls?

Ball rounds, zombies, etc.

Nice mod, tantum, looks simple and effective. I may have to try this, seeing as I have two roto-rockets laying around. I'm interested to see ranges as well.

And I'm surprised nobody has asked this yet: what's that black gun in the side of the last picture? Next project?

EDIT- Heh, or you can go with flyingchicken's explination on the ball shooters.

#226050 Bbb Coupler Writeup

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 April 2009 - 09:04 AM in Modifications

I believe it was Norther_of_Heaven who did that in his Vicarious writeup, although I don't know if he was the first.

#225955 Bbb Coupler Writeup

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 April 2009 - 09:29 PM in Modifications

Is it my computer or are the pics not working?

No, they're not working on mine either.

#225951 Bbb Coupler Writeup

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 April 2009 - 09:24 PM in Modifications

Okay I got some less blurry pictures of the gun...

Full gun

Front of the gun

Speed loader

how we put the pluger tube and other internals into the shell (I think we did it wrong)

How the gun looks after I unscrew it from being stuck

Sorry about the links. I tried to post pictures but some message about "no posting dynastic pictures allowed" or something.

I am having some difficulties with the internals though. I think I have the orange pieces with the spring that go into the groove and the plumger toob assembly in the wrong places. It would be great if somebody could help me out with this. Also the problem is that the gun is cocking out and shooting, but after the shot it kinda locks in place and wont come back in.

Damn. You're not in great shape if this is happening. Same thing happened to one of mine. I'd recommend just opening the front part of the shell up, checking to ensure everything is in place, and close it up again. You may very well fix your problem.

#225926 Hendrick Hudson Nerf Outing

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 April 2009 - 08:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Stealthman, the school is in Montrose. This location is great, the picture don’t quite do it justice. I ran in here for track and it’s well over 100 meters in circumference. Diamondback and I are also thinking about making more cover.

No, it doesn't do it justice in any way, shape, or form. It is a really great location. Yep, more cover will be made: Tarps hanging from basketball hoops, foamboard barricades, and anything else we can get our hands on.

If nothing comes up, I'll be there.
Hope you can get this thing to work.


I hope so too.
Hope to see you there. I've heard of your "active camoflauge"

Put me in as a maybe, also, which one of these is it?

You're down. Hopefully you figured it out by Alex's answer. I'll have a google maps link up when I add the detail to the thread. For another detail I'm adding, see below.

I might be able to come.

You're down as a maybe. Hope to see you there.

Now, the aditional detail. I know this may change some's opinions, but there is going to be an entry fee of $10. This is to cover any insurance we need, making barricades, and other various things that go into making this war a success. Then, the second option, for a small fee of an additional $5, Alex or myself will supply guns and/or darts. This may draw some more people, but could also turn some away because of admission. Obviously admission would not be payed now, but when I have the full thread up. If your mind has changed due to this, please let me know...although I really hope it hasn't. I'd like a good turn out for this.