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#335443 NIC Primary

Posted by flyingchicken on 15 November 2013 - 03:39 PM in General Nerf

I've been using a Big Bad Bow as my primary for nearly five years. Of course, that's not all I use. I'll often use an Arrowstorm, some hideous clusterfuck, something gimmicky, or occasionally a hoppered SNAP/PumpSNAP.

In the end, you should use the blaster you have the most fun with. As Duxburian mentioned, your playstyle has a lot to do with it, but it's not terribly difficult to adapt to a different blaster.

Don't worry about being able to keep up with other Nerfers' blasters; anyone in the Southeast will tell you I'm just as competitive with a BBB as anyone on the field is with their fancy homemades. My playstyle has adapted to the blaster and I've learned through experience what I can and can't do with my BBB.

Just have fun.

#323470 Novembwar - Georgia Nerf War

Posted by flyingchicken on 11 November 2012 - 10:02 PM in Nerf Wars

This is On Nov 17th just to clarify. I will contact chicken to change the date.


Updated thread with date and attendance.

#321874 Novembwar - Georgia Nerf War

Posted by flyingchicken on 22 September 2012 - 01:26 PM in Nerf Wars

It's been too long.

Date: November 17

Time: 9:59 to whenever we're about to pass out from exhaustion.

Location: 434 McBride Rd, Fayetteville 30215
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What to bring:

A) DARTS. Our pink darts are almost depleted, so we will not be lending out any. Make your own, please. I recommend at least 200 per person (more if you are using hoppered springers).

- I would prefer not to to see a ton of scavenging off the field (again our pinkies are starting to get worn out).

- The only restrictions on darts I am placing is No Slingshots, and darts must have at least a inch of foam and no exposed metal.

- #6 Slugs are preferred on all accounts.


B) BLASTERS. You need 1) a couplered primary, 2) a spring pistol, and 3) an awful (shoots 15 feet or less).

- If you find yourself lacking on any of these blasters, other attendees may be willing to lend you some.

- You may carry as many blasters as you wish.

- DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. We will still allow the normal singled BBBBs and the like (Please use slugs with these). If your primary is deemed to be too much, we will ask you to put it down.

- No all-black painted blasters.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count, this however does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster. Be smart, or I will ban it.



- There is no limit to the number of melee weapons you can carry.

- Melee weapons MUST be covered in foam. If it is deemed unsafe to be hit by, it will not be allowed.

- A melee weapon applies as both a blaster and a dart. You MAY block darts. You MAY throw melee weapons. You may even attempt to block a melee weapon with your blaster.

- HOWEVER, melee weapons that hit/skid/bounce on the ground before hitting someone DO NOT count as hits. If a thrown melee weapon hits a blaster, it is considered dead and will not count if it ricochets.


Other things to bring:
- LUNCH. I would NOT LIKE to see people running off for a 45 minute lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. It's not my fault if you miss out on Nerfing because you were gone too long.
- WATER. Even even fall, water is just as important. Bring lots of it. I also have an Igloo cooler full of cold water available to those that want it.
- SUNSCREEN. Just in case.
- EYE PROTECTION. It doesn't matter how old you are, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- A fold-able chair, these make resting in between rounds so nice (if you have one/can fit one)
- Something to lay your blasters out on/in, unless you don't mind them laying in the grass
- Money/blasters for trading, we like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude, if you act like a crybaby we will escort you off the premises as a crybaby.
- Bring a loaner/backup blaster if you got one, stuff happens.
- Do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event. Or you will be escorted from the premises.


Deathmatch (primary or pistol)
Freeze Tag (primary)
Wingman (primary or pistol)
FFA (primary or pistol)
No-hoppers rounds (primary)

The final round will probably be a 5:15 Deathmatch.

Any gametype rules will be explained at the event if needed.



- We are Nerfing on private property. Be respectful. Don't shout obscenities too loudly. Don't get close to someone's house.
- A port-a-potty will be provided, but it's not that cheap. We'd really appreciate it if everyone would bring $5 to pay for its use.
- Again, being smart and having a good attitude is KEY. Do not touch someone's stuff without their permission.
- If NoM or I start yelling, it's because we're trying to get your attention. Please pay attention to all rules/war explanations.
- We do dart sweeps every few rounds. I recommend getting one of those pole-magnets to save your back some pain.
- We will set up five tarp obstacles to break up the field a bit. If you have anything that can be used as cover and can be staked down, bring it! It helps A LOT.
- I will be there before 9:30. Be there by 9:45.

We will be having a raffle after the last round. Everyone's name will be entered if there is enough raffle items. If you submit a raffle item, it MUST be Nerf-related, ie blasters, barrels, springs, etc. No Nutella or broken/garbage stuff.

DINNER! If you are awesome you will attend dinner with us at a nearby Golden Corral.

- Chicken + 1-4
- NerfOmania
- Bobololo + 2?
- Gamer
- Drac
- Spud
- Mellow
- MyKeoger
- Spitfire + 1-6
- ScoobaSteve
- KoolKid
- Nacho
- Modman712 + 1

If you are new, this huge wall of text may be somewhat daunting. Don't worry about it!
It's basically just common sense.

#298958 Quick BBB Mod with Great Results

Posted by flyingchicken on 30 May 2011 - 07:35 AM in Modifications

It's not original but I'm just posting what I discovered.

Go ahead and pick up one of these things:

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Honestly I have no idea what the official name is called. It's just some adapter. This mod is pretty much based off it.

Now take the front part of your gun apart. If it has the bow arms on, just use a flathead screwdriver to pry them off.

Get the piece on the right and make it look like the one on the left:

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Now take this piece:

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Make it look like this:

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Now dremel until the thinner part of your adapter can fit through:

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Lay down some hot glue around where the thinner part meets the 1/2" part on the adapter, and put it in place. The adapter is very easy to center:

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Dead space?

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Fill it with hot glue. Now here's the great part: the end of the adapter lines up with the ridges on the inside of the tube. It's nearly perfect. I used a guitar string to prevent dart suction:

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Now take a 1/2" PVC coupler and cut it in half-ish:

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and put it at the end of your plunger tube. This compresses the spring a bit for moar power:

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And that's it. Leave the stock seal and spring alone.

Put it back together.

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With my custom Lt. Stefan 9" CPVC breech:

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Here's my favorite part: results.
With the above breech and 1" slug darts, I'm getting around 75' flat, with some outliers going past 80'.
What's ridiculous is that is ALMOST as good as my primary BBB, which shoots 80's and boasts heavy modifications.


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Overall I'm more than happy with this gun. Serves as a great backup or loaner. Soon it might be getting a spring upgrade and integration. Who knows.

Questions and comments are welcome.

#298780 SANO

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 May 2011 - 03:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Attendance lists and official date posted.

#298360 SANO

Posted by flyingchicken on 21 May 2011 - 03:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Anyone in or around GA wanna Nerf? We do!

Location: 414 McBride Ave, Fayetteville, GA 30215
Date: June 18th
Time: 10:01 am SHARP

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Rules (copied from Rogue, duh):

Eye protection is a MUST!


Don't be a douchebag. If the strength of the weapon is considered to be excessive we reserve the right to "spot ban" it.

No singled, plugged Titans. Titans are allowed if they have more than 3 barrels(shotgunned)

No tack darts (A.K.A-deathdarts)

No slingshot weighted stefans

No guns that shoot over 200 feet.

No darts heavier than a nerf ball. Stefans must have a rubber, glue, cloth, or foam cover.

All darts and guns will be inspected thoroughly, no jutting out spikes on guns---use your head guys, and remember that these are toys--lets keep it that way!

The only shields that will be permitted are Manta Rays and Crossfire Shields

Barrel Tapping is allowed however, your gun MUST be locked and loaded to tap--A tap from 5 feet away is nicer than being shot, wink...wink.

Do NOT bring anything painted all black. We REALLY don't want the cops called for someones stupidity!

In this SE war, gun hits WILL count.

The Old Guy
Spud Spudoni +2

flyingchicken's +1

#286694 Wincno 2

Posted by flyingchicken on 08 October 2010 - 05:10 PM in Nerf Wars

They're pretty good. Unless something unforeseen pops up, we'll plan around it.

#286692 Wincno 2

Posted by flyingchicken on 08 October 2010 - 05:03 PM in Nerf Wars

I think I'm gonna go ahead and say the 6th is it. If anyone needs to protest, do so immediately.


We can't do the 6th. The 30th is more preferable for us, just saying...

#286040 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 25 September 2010 - 04:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Video is up, courtesy of Carakki and his editing skillz. It's a short vid because of the horrible footage I took, so yeah...

#285358 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 13 September 2010 - 03:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Picture time, fools.

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#285319 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 12 September 2010 - 11:15 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be honest here, this wasn't one of the best wars for me. I wasn't really at the top of my game for whatever reason, whether it be from not running enough to no salvo tanks/lack of use with my SNAP. I just wasn't doing well.
Of course, that doesn't mean it wasn't a great war.

- 15 people tops... while there should have been more, that's still a good sized turnout.
- Meeting some extremely cool new guys; Nerkum, Cory and nerfomania
- Zax, Rogue, and rork deciding to team up. Yay...
- Nerkum's crossbow. Like, holy shit. He was easily trading shots with SNAPS with that thing
- Getting a NIB Big Salvo for $12, and another single air tank
- Getting shot right in the nipple from no more than 30 feet, courtesy of rork's SNAP
- Carpe. Probably the most intense round. Ever.
- Poptart: "No going off solo, okay guys?"
- Poptart: (goes off alone)
- Triple meatshield
- "What's better than one Tornadobow?! TWO Tornadobows!"
- Dual TTG's. Hella long time to reload, but very fun to use...
- If anything, my dart-dodging skills have increased dramatically. Just ask... most people.
- Rogue clearing his breech from his LS... it was angled just right... it shot the dart in a perfect ark... and freakin' took out my last life. That was at least 120 feet away.
- First FFA round. Running from Rogue + trying to flip speedloader = falling to and rolling on the ground, while gun and barrel fly out of your hands.
- Umpa, I demand you not bring that guest to a war again. Right after I cleared in, he ran up to me and point-blanked me with your SM1500, yelling "Oh yeah" or something like that. Afterwards, just saying "Chill out, it's a nerf gun." I should've taken my SNAP to him. What a dick.
- Drinking tons of gatoraide
- Cory is my new best friend
- My dad's gun working great... as in, not breaking!
- My BBB doing awesomely. I love that gun. The chicken on it makes it shoot at least 15' further
- Team Chicken winning the last gunslinger's pistol round
- Freakin ant bites...
- Ants also infesting Nick's subway
- Getting a lot of darts back
- rork and Zax whistling in unison
- Rogue being a rockstar
- Chain forgetting that we had no alliance.
- Nerkum's and Nerfomania's incredible creations
- Dongshots suck
- Finally seeing Rachetblasts in person. I love them

- Rogue uses Asian baby fat on his salads. HARDCORE
- Boobies? Girls are disgusting!

Pics coming soon.

#285194 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 September 2010 - 08:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Poptart: Sorry, Team Chicken is exclusively for my dad and I.

rork: We have buckets we will bring.

Also, last minute words to the wise: my dad picked up this thing at Lowes. It's basically a magnetic strip at the end of a pole. For $14.99, you can get a handy-dandy dart picker-upper too!

We're also bringing a crap-ton of Gay-tor-aide. Since we're not sharing, I advise you do the same.

#285167 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 September 2010 - 03:01 PM in Nerf Wars

they newbie has unlimited lives with a 15 second count, but they then spawn from the vet.

But then they wouldn't learn anything.

For the rest of you... Prepare to see a gun that WILL diddle the face of children everywhere

If this gun is what I've been told it is... Team Chicken vs. Rogue and Zax will be E-F-F-E-M-I-N-A-T-E.

#285115 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 08 September 2010 - 08:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Augh! Pre-war anxiety! I stlil need to make my dad's 260+ darts and finish up our pistols...

Also, because this seems to be happening recently, I do not expect ANY of you to bail out on this war. We have anywhere from 20 to 24 definites by my count, and I do NOT want to be disappointed.

#284127 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 August 2010 - 03:35 PM in Nerf Wars

You will have to inform us on what "carpe testiculum" is...

Deathmatch is always fun. To add to those three, I'd love to play a few wingman rounds, as per usual.
I want to do pistols. It's a great change of pace and requires a whole new style of play. And my dad owns in it...

#282494 The Snap-7 Microbow

Posted by flyingchicken on 08 August 2010 - 09:59 PM in Homemades

That is so cool. I love the traditional Bow N' Arrow feel you've got here.

#281468 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 28 July 2010 - 09:41 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm bringing the camera.

My dad's also bringing his still camera. All of you should know that means good pictures.

And I have a small red video camera that I taped to my gun before. I'm gonna do it again for certain rounds.

#281267 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 26 July 2010 - 10:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Bumping this thread back up.

Are we allowing 9-round RSCB's at this war/in the Southeast in general? I need to know before my dad goes crazy with his new primary.

#280960 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by flyingchicken on 22 July 2010 - 12:48 PM in Modifications

Just some work-in-progresses.

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#280652 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 18 July 2010 - 10:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll most likely be able to come. If my parents don't feel like taking me, anyone wanna carpool?

We might be able to take you, but if we stay after the war for whatever reason, we plan on staying the night. Just saying.

#280303 Septembwar

Posted by flyingchicken on 15 July 2010 - 09:47 AM in Nerf Wars

Hell yeah! We are IN!

Two things:
-Why 11 AM? We need to start earlier. Southeastern wars don't usually start on time, for some reason.
-What's the difference between 8 and 6 washers? I have no idea what I'm using.

#278747 Cfnf #4......summer Fl Nerfing At It's Best!

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 June 2010 - 06:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Picture Time!

These are 15 good ones out of forty, edited where they needed it.

When the Riverside guys showed up. Oh, the pain we would all endure...
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Semper posing for the camera
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Rogue and his incredible Tornadobow
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Chilling between rounds.
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Pointing the barrel down because that thing has insane recoil.
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This pretty much sums up the day:
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Carakki's working on the vid, so I'm looking forward to that.

#278728 Cfnf #4......summer Fl Nerfing At It's Best!

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 June 2010 - 02:18 PM in Nerf Wars


Fired up the Mac as soon as I got home. My legs/thighs are sore as hell, but the Mtn Dew and Publix sub taste great.
Anyway, this was probably one of the best wars I've been to. Huge thanks to Rogue for working and hosting it, as it was the highlight of my summer.

- Mod party the previous day. Next time, more mod, less party.
- Arriving early the day of the war for lack of reason to go anywhere else.
- Only having 5 people for the earlier part of the day, then Carakki and his gang showed up for some fun.
- Winning the very first round of the day, an FFA pistol round, with no belt, hair in my face, a TTG with loads of recoil, and Rogue 50 feet away. Someone's watching out for me.
- Using a deploy strap as a belt... win!
- Meeting Carakki, Bear, Duck, and Oddball; some very cool newbies
- Seeing Rogue again!
- Meeting Hawk, Ultimate, and other FL nerfers
- Hawk and I struggling to put my new Deploy back together, then Rogue easily fixing it the next day. Fail

- Shoutout to rork for selling me his own personal SNAPbow so I could get one before the war. It did not disappoint. Great kills all day, and fended off many a nerfer.
- The hopper clip on my SNAP coming off.... e-tape and superglue took care of that.
- Letting Hawk shoot my SNAP. Now he and UF want one.
- Putting down my SNAP for certain rounds to let my ol' BBB a chance to shine, and shine it did.
- Rogue's tornado bow probably holding the record for "Most Barrel Taps in a Southeast War"
- Ironhide, how ridiculously powerful it was with that raider drum.

- Face-offs with Rogue, always fun and intense no matter who wins
- Many, many fist bumps, high fives, and an elbow.
- Teaming up with my dad to dish out the pain. And we served it on a silver platter. Georgia represented!
- Playing my favorite games, wingman and FFA, frequently
- Developing a new taste for Gunslingers
- Playing some new games... "Medic", "Gladiator", and "Wildcard"
- Medic was an extremely fun game type, and added a new sort of "GET HIM!!!" feeling to it.
- Wildcard... I got owned by a stock titan!
- Dodging darts and firing shots, hitting Rogue then Hawk one after another
- Many painful hits, especially from Ironhide... awesome spring combo FTW!
- An extremely Effeminate wingman round... my dad and me versus Rogue. I hit Rogue in the leg under the playground (sorry if you didn't feel that one) and then I had two lives, my dad and Rogue each had one. Rogue rushes, takes out one of my lives and my dad. It comes down to me vs Rogue. I count back in and he reloads his Tornado Bow. I move behind a pole as we both get ready. I fire a shot and quickly prime my SNAP again as Rogue starts to rush. He fires his gun, but through some miracle he misses me and tries to run around the playground. I fire a shot, miss, and finally get a hit to win the round. It was caught on video too
- Later in the day, Rogue sneaking up behind and me and wasting me with two shots in the back from the Salvo tanks
- The heat swelling up darts so that my dad's longshots started to fail. Plus both integrations have started leaking
- Carakki and Soggy filming rounds, my dad and I capturing pics, which will be up shortly.
- Huge disappointment that rork and Ben could not attend. You guys were really missed.
- Speaking of which, Pinz didn't show up and Hawk only stayed for a short time. tsk tsk
- Carakki getting a hit on the vip with my BBB. Great shot
- Ultimate getting a great shot on the little part of my body sticking out behind a tree.
- Those two trees in the middle of the field. Just wow.
- Intense action in the portables
- Drinking anywhere from 12-16 gatorades between me and my dad.
- Wearing my awesome Mountain Dew hat.
- Ultimate making some pretty iffy calls... you really gotta chill out dude.
- Some people not following rules... who were quickly silenced by Rogue.
- Soggy's drop n' roll method not working too well haha
- Five people camping on the playground. Rogue, my dad and myself made quick work of 'em.
- Except for some cases, sportsmanship ran rabid at this war.
- Ultimate desperately trying, and failing, to sell a longshot shell and a hand cannon/man cannon/shot gun WHATEVER
- Rogue owning with his deploy and it's "RIP"
- The Old Guy also holding his own with his integrations... including hitting Rogue
- Trying to convince people to be bait for Rogue and Hawk
- Having a number of welts, still highly visible.
- Sharing Effeminate war stories
- Semper and Ultimate looking for darts and water... priceless.

- Winning a stock NF in the raffle after saying I wanted it over the Mav. Thanks Rogue!
- Having slight sunburn on my arms, dirty legs and feet, and sweat all over my body after the war
- Eating some good New York style pizza with Rogue and my dad afterwords

Again, this was one of the best wars I've attended, and I look forward to next time we meet.

#276872 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by flyingchicken on 05 June 2010 - 10:00 AM in Modifications

Here's some of the stuff I have that's post-worthy.

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My BBB. It's been through a lot; five wars, several people, and many modifications.

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Mav-titan. I had nothing else to do with the shell and tank, so why not? My friend and I painted it.

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One of my dad's primaries. I think I did a decent job with the paint. It's a longshot (duh) with an awesome Angel Breech (built by Rogue). Once we find good foam that fits it, it'll get a lot of use. It's hella powerful too.

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NF's. The green one is my dad's, the white+flames mine, and the first gen is just there

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Man, you have no idea what this pistol has been through. Mod after mod, paint job, breaking, gooping, gluing, wars, abuse, everything. I'm happy it still works.

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Finally, my dad's new longshot. It's probably my best work yet (which is kinda sad). PETG barrel (needs to be shortened) with a stub of 17/32's brass in the bolt for a good seal. Longshot, recon, and Scorpion Bow spring. Great seal. Extremely functional. I've also integrated an AT2K; the tank is enclosed by the handle and fired by a keyring near the trigger. Has a Lt. Stefan breech (buy one) and a cpvc coupler. The best part? The two sides of the shell are completely separable.

#275194 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 18 May 2010 - 04:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Almost forgot to say... I found someone's NF in my bag. It's minimized, extended plunger draw, and yellow tape around the coupler.

#274975 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 16 May 2010 - 07:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Try photobucket. It works for me.

Meh, I've never liked photobucket as much.

Hurray it works!

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So yeah.

#274914 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 16 May 2010 - 10:43 AM in Nerf Wars

I was so bummed out because of the rain and leaving early, but in the short time we played, we had loads o' fun.

-Soccerbeast is one of those kinds of people who prepare for wars forever, show up, and kick ass. It was great meeting him and his friend Josh.
-Getting some good rounds in
-Soccerbeast and my dad facing off as the final two of FFA
-Poptart's extremely ghetto guns. I am inspired.
-My BBB acting up... it's weird. Sometimes it has this problem where everything functions normally, but the dart won't leave the barrel. UGH
-Rork generously offering me darts and a big blast to use. I was eccentric. I was finally able to use the gun that I loathed so much! But to me, it was too unwieldy.
-Then, Ben let me use his snap. It was amazing. With the 4-round hopper clip, I was playing so well. The gun itself is extremely comfortable, and however much I dislike the hopper clip (because it's kind of unfair), I need to order one. Thanks so much guys!
-Nick's guns. They never break. Seriously. Have fun with that Big blast.
-Leslie owning with her big blast
-Poptart and I making a break for it, running between two teams on either side.
-All the newbies that were there. They were so... entertaining.
-Deciding that my holstered NF just got in the way. It did.
-My dad breaking his back up, which he preferred to his main primary. ~Your fault, not mine~
-Pheylan showing up. 1. He's freakin tall. 2. Once I get my SNAP, we'll own.
-Great conversations and attitude. Even with the rain, there was still a good vibe going around.
-Grinning creepily at people until they smiled.
-Only one with long socks.
-I feel kinda sorry for those kids that came from Tennessee. I know they must be disappointed that their first war got rained out.
-I vote Rork/Ben as permanent team captains

Imageshack is being weird, so the few photos we have won't show up.

#274700 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 13 May 2010 - 05:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Due to a sudden money-draining event, I am unhappy to say my WINCO roadtrip will not get to happen. I am sorry rork, I WILL be at the next one....fuck this economy! Have fun all, and I will see you guys this summer for sure.--Rogue.

Come on! This sucks!

Although, I am still greatly looking forward to this. I haven't Nerfed since January and I'm itchin' to get out there again. My dad's armed with his new longshot and I finally have a good pistol holster and several batches of slug darts.

Bring it ON!

Umpa: My dad messaged you; we can give you a ride.

#266915 Winter Seno: The Squeakquel

Posted by flyingchicken on 25 February 2010 - 06:07 PM in Nerf Wars

We won't be attending. I'll hopefully see you guys in a few months.

#265739 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 17 February 2010 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

If it's the 24th, we can't attend. We can only go on the 17th or maybe the 15th.

#262589 Wincno

Posted by flyingchicken on 21 January 2010 - 06:54 AM in Nerf Wars

Papa and I do not plan to miss this one.

#261917 Winter Seno: The Squeakquel

Posted by flyingchicken on 15 January 2010 - 03:55 PM in Nerf Wars

I would prefer the 20th as it is during my school break, but either one works.

Rogue, if you can make it, we'll probably let you use that LS drum for like a round, but make sure to bring something less insane

One FFA! That's it!

#261775 Glo-laser + Drain-blaster

Posted by flyingchicken on 14 January 2010 - 04:20 AM in Modifications

Looks pretty cool. I bet you could cut a slot on the top of the shell where the logo is and make it breech-loading.

#261615 Winter Seno: The Squeakquel

Posted by flyingchicken on 12 January 2010 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Both those dates work for me, although my attendance will be decided on the 12th (grades).

My dad is unsure whether he will want to attend or not. Persuade him!

xtoss: If I can't ride with my dad, I'd like to take you up on that offer. Thanks.

#261443 Winter Seno: The Squeakquel

Posted by flyingchicken on 10 January 2010 - 10:58 PM in Nerf Wars

No poptart, chicken biscuit cannot provide a ride.

My dad's not exactly up to driving there again next month. I'm a maybe for now.

#260560 Winter Seno '09

Posted by flyingchicken on 03 January 2010 - 10:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Haha, Papa chicken.

Oh, and that leg shot left a nice welt. I like it.

I am greatly looking forward to that April war.

-Winning the last round of the day in style.

Yep... ow...

#260543 Winter Seno '09

Posted by flyingchicken on 02 January 2010 - 11:12 PM in Nerf Wars


Group shot at the beginning:
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Wow Ben...
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The father and son duo
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#260539 Winter Seno '09

Posted by flyingchicken on 02 January 2010 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Well.... my feet hurt.

-Being the second ones there and having to wait a bit... not much of a problem
-Freaking COLD. Everyone's hands were freezing. It warmed up later though. (and at SOFA we complained about the heat)
-Tam coming to play for a round and delivering my new LBB (thanks man)
-Not starting with a traditional FFA... but it doesn't matter that much
-Freaking COLD.

-Alright, so I've quite "leveled up." All day I was getting great hits, great dodges, and being able to face the likes of Zax and rork and get a hit. After four wars, I'm finally a vet.
-Only using my trusty BBB... and it's all I ever need. It never misfired, nothing broke, fired accurately consistently, and it got some good comments.
-First wingman round... survived with my dad as the second to last team. When my dad got out, it was only Zaxbys and Josh left. It was like my worst nightmare. After taking my 2nd life with that damn serpentine pattern, Josh took it alone to take out my last life. Just as I aimed and almost shot, he pulled the trigger and hit me right in the gum. I bled a little, but it was an awesome way to end a round.
-Ben getting a gash from an AC. Ouch.
-Ian coming in the middle of the day and playing some rounds
-"diddle anything that moves." "Even the crickets?" "Yes, [even] the crickets."
-The SNAPs on the field were great
-Nick bringing some fresh blood, Mark.
-Mark got two hits on my in an FFA, so I got rather ticked, rush, and shot him.
-In fact, Mark played pretty darn well for his first war
-Getting some Effeminate jump dodges over darts when Nick had his 1500
-Pop Tart
-CTF was sort of fail, but we know that we shouldn't really play it at Langford.
-So this was the last round... I was sneaking up on my dad to shoot him in the back, when suddenly Ben, who had disappeared until then, shot around the corner and shot me with that damn big blast from like 5 feet. After expressing my agony with a loud "DAMN", I semi-limped toward the fence. Guess it's revenge from FANO haha
-Subway for lunch, and exchanging some shots afterward with Pheylan
-I am never being a team captain. I can't pick people or give orders for shit.
-Josh doing his own thing and crawling under the portables... plus duel-wielding big blasts
-Josh also got a face shot on Pheylan... it probably hurt worse than my tooth/gum shot.
-Being called chickenwing
-My groin getting a good amount of stretching because I dodged the most darts by jumping over them... man, it takes its toll.
-3/7... or, rork, Zax, and Ben against everyone else with the 4/20 rule.
-Pistol rounds were fun and a great change of pace
-Minimal delay time between rounds and everything was well organized.
-Just talking to people about nerf was great.
-Drinking around 3 bottled waters and a Monster
-Hitting rork through the fence... the wind actually helped that time
-Wearing a Hawaiian shirt, but taking it off after it was disrupting my game... somehow
-Getting the last shot on Mark to win team deathmatch. I felt proud.
-Whenever rork or Zax said "Get 'em, chicken." I got 'em.
-Never got to play gunslinger, but we did a great amount of good rounds
-My dad playing very well
-I decided to waste one of my two lives and rush... I jumped around the corner and Josh and I shot each other. Shweet.
-Reloading my BBB so fast I almost never got rushed.
-Great sportsmanship all around
-realizing I have way too many highlights.

My dad got some pictures; should be up tonight or tomorrow.

So now I've got some stuff to work on. I need to fix my new LBB and my dad wants a "proper" primary. It will be fun...

#260338 Winter Seno '09

Posted by flyingchicken on 01 January 2010 - 10:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Whoooo one day till SENO!

I'll be bring two petg'd + ACE 49 spring NF's to lend out as well as a dark green CPVC'd Tech Target.

Do you want us to bring that water cooler like at FANO?

#258909 Winter Seno '09

Posted by flyingchicken on 13 December 2009 - 10:01 PM in Nerf Wars

My dad and I will be attending. I hope I don't procrastinate too much, though.