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#63281 Blast Bazooka Retail

Posted by opiumpanda on 07 September 2005 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and fairly new to nerf. I just got a nite finder and modded it. It was quite a simple mod too, I just removed the air restrictors and the quite useless light on the bottom. I then added a PETG barrel onto it. Anywats, I was planning on getting a blast bazooka but I was wondering how much it would cost for one in canada, and where where i would find one. Thanks for everything in advance.

#63284 Blast Bazooka Retail

Posted by opiumpanda on 07 September 2005 - 09:04 PM in General Nerf

You might wanna take caution to the wind and start captilizing I's and what not.

Well, thanks for the tip I'll keep that in mind.

#63328 My Sexy Nite Finder

Posted by opiumpanda on 08 September 2005 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

So my friend Illadar introduced me to Nerf a few months ago and hooked me up with this hot NF. I got around to painting it (mooching paint from Illadar) and I thought I would post it here. So here it is.
My NF:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

What do you think?

#63337 My Sexy Nite Finder

Posted by opiumpanda on 08 September 2005 - 06:20 PM in Modifications

Personally, I like Illadar's painted maverick better.  Still, an amazing paint job.

Illadar has a great paint job on his maverick but unfortunately, it doesn't work. He's getting a new one so I can't wait to see that.

Also, thats not hot glue but a really sloppy job of "Goop". (Goop being some really strong rubber cement of sorts.)

I left the battery lid off of it because it looked way to long with it on.

#63380 My Sexy Nite Finder

Posted by opiumpanda on 09 September 2005 - 09:55 AM in Modifications

Not Bad, But I know that you can produce something better with spraypaint, all my paintjobs were done with Spraypaint.

I did use spray paint. I forgot to mention this was my first Nerf gun that i modded and painted.

#63397 My Sexy Nite Finder

Posted by opiumpanda on 09 September 2005 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

I also sugges clearcoating anything you paint afterwords.

Look, I probably should have explained this better but I got really good help from my pal Illadar. I did everything correctly and so far you are the only one who seems to be undermining me. I used spray paint and clear coat and the only thing that is bad about this gun is the front of it which I may just redo and cover it up with some PVC.

#63405 My Sexy Nite Finder

Posted by opiumpanda on 09 September 2005 - 09:20 PM in Modifications

It's certainly not a bad paintjob for a first-time using spraypaint. My suggestions would be to mask a little better, and go over with more coats than you did with the white. Other than that, nice job.

For masking, I use masking tape and an exacto knife, and a very steady hand.

Also, for a recommended filler, I would go with Bondo to fill in any large gaps and smooth out holes. Works wonders. Of course, take your time, otherwise up-close it'll look like shit. Kind of like my 3/4 finished loser, except as soon as second semester is up I'll re-bondo it so it actually looks smooth.


Thanks a bunch for the advice. I still have one last question though. What is "bondo"? I've heard 2 or 3 people use the word but i havn't looked into the meaning. If someone could quickly explain to me what that is I would greatly apreciate it.

#63440 Simple Lbb Mod

Posted by opiumpanda on 10 September 2005 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

I plan on buying a Lanard Blast-Bazooka either today or tomorrow. I've got the cash for it and as far as I know, everything i need. I just need to know what things I should do to it that won't put a hole in my wallet and won't waste my time. (My time is worth $8 an hour so i don't wanna waste it.)
If you could, just post simple steps that I can take to make my LBB shoot upwards of 90' other than the blatently obvious.
Thanks in advance.

#63630 The Loud Nf

Posted by opiumpanda on 14 September 2005 - 05:53 PM in General Nerf

Unless of course you are playing a really stealthy scenerio in a dark cave than i don't see why you would need your NF to be quiet. It makes sense to have your NF quiet (or any gun for that matter) unless it helps with the range or accuracy.

#63632 Firefox Search Plugins!

Posted by opiumpanda on 14 September 2005 - 05:58 PM in Off Topic

That pluggin is going to be really usefull when I need to search the site. I have found it works better than the sites engine (just like most people) and I will use it whenever i can. Very cool indeed.

#63654 Your Armory

Posted by opiumpanda on 14 September 2005 - 11:37 PM in General Nerf

Woah, those are some HUGE arsenals.
My arsenel consists of a Supermaxx 3000, A pimped out Nite Finder (See thread: "My Sexy Nite Finder" under mods) and my latest addition, an LBB.

EDIT: I forgot my semi-stock Max Shot. I say semi-stock because it removed the cap from it so the darts would fit into it a bit better.

#63705 Nite Mav

Posted by opiumpanda on 15 September 2005 - 07:00 PM in Modifications

Well I can't really help you with that but I can give you limited advice. I suggest taking both of them appart and figuring out how they work. Then you should probably just gut the NF and stick the plunger and whatnot inside to Mav. I'm not sure how doable this would be but I think it would be really great if it worked. Keep us posted on the results of this.

#63726 Your Armory

Posted by opiumpanda on 15 September 2005 - 09:54 PM in General Nerf

Here's most of mine, sorry the pics are so large:


Where do you put those? That is a lot of guns (and I mean a lot) but I couldn't picture where you put them? Do you have a room only for the guns or do you keep them in various places?

#63757 Tek 10

Posted by opiumpanda on 16 September 2005 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

I suggest taking the gun appart again and making sure everything fits in properly. I'm not familiar with the Tek Ten but i think you may have either left out a peice (Is that possible?) or didn't put something in properly. Just take a look at it again and see if you can find anything wrong with it.

#63758 Nerf Flash Game

Posted by opiumpanda on 16 September 2005 - 09:14 PM in Off Topic

So here I was, with my good pal Illadar, and we were contemplating the idea of a Nerf game in the format of flash. I'm not gunna release too many details about it but I heard something about a previous flash game. If anyone can link me to this game or suggest ideas for my game that would be very helpful. This will be an overhead shooter. Almost like an rpg / action / adventure / shooter.

#63760 Nerf Flash Game

Posted by opiumpanda on 16 September 2005 - 09:36 PM in Off Topic

Go to the NHQ gallery and Grant Theft Nerf is there.

With god as my witness, my game will be nothing near that horrible. In fact, it will be very similar to this previous Flash game i made.


I guarantee it will be better than both of those games. I still need suggestions on game types though.

#63858 What Other Sports Do You Do

Posted by opiumpanda on 18 September 2005 - 06:57 PM in Off Topic

I play both rugby and I used to play this really cool wallball variation called bob-ball. (all lowercase) It's quite fun and has no loop-holes.

#63860 Maverick Mod Question

Posted by opiumpanda on 18 September 2005 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Here is the NHQ thread on my Mav. I personally can't get enough of that blaster especially for indoor wars where rane isn't as important.

I guess this is a little off topic but if I ever get a Mav i'm definately doing that paint job to match my NF.

#64302 The Scout

Posted by opiumpanda on 25 September 2005 - 11:06 AM in General Nerf

Illadar says that he is going to buy himself an N-Strike but he doesn't need the scout too badly. I have a few questions. Is the scout worth buying? Why or why not? How much should I be paying for it? What ranges does it get and how easy is it to mod?

If you can answer any or all of these questions or point me in the right directions it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. (I may also thank you afterwards as well)

#64307 The Scout

Posted by opiumpanda on 25 September 2005 - 11:32 AM in General Nerf

Yes, I can help you.

Well I did that first but I got nothing on how it should be priced and I got loads of mixed ranges and people who said they messed up their guns.

#64325 The Scout

Posted by opiumpanda on 25 September 2005 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

I used to have a Scout, but broke after stretching out the spring.  I found it not so hard to mod, though.  The Nite Finder, however, is a more powerful pistol and easier to mod as far as I know, but the Scout can do if you want to buy the whole Unity Power System.  The only thing that annoys me about the pistol is that the box claims that it shots 30 feet.  It only shoots 20 for me.  When I toke out the air restrictor, the range didn't really change either.  The pistol is very accurate in my opinion, though.

So would it be worth me spending five or ten dollars on it or no? I mostly want this gun so I can paint it up really nice. What color schemes do you guys think would go well with the scout?

EDIT: Thats Canadian dollars I'm talking about not US.

#64332 Nerf Flash Game

Posted by opiumpanda on 25 September 2005 - 04:44 PM in Off Topic

Opium, you want to see a really shitty nerf-based flash? Try doing a search for any of dark1337's (formerly darksolider) "nerf games" he made. Also, you can try not to be such a fucking prick to someone who slaved over a project that meant something to them. How would you like it if you spent 5-6 months making a flash animation, just to have it shot down by someone? You wouldn't.

Sorry about that, I know i put it down but I only did that because well, it's sticks. I have always hated stick animations even the good ones like Xiao Xiao. I'm sorry if i made anyone feel bad. Does anyone have a link to dark1337's flash nerf games?

#64410 Micro Hornet!

Posted by opiumpanda on 26 September 2005 - 06:46 PM in Modifications

Although that looks really nice I think you should have made the pump come out the front of the gun and keep it in the case as much as you can. Keep up the cool mods though.

#64420 My Gun Design

Posted by opiumpanda on 26 September 2005 - 09:16 PM in General Nerf

Well, I was bored just now so I decided to make up a cool looking pistol. I would absolutely love to have this gun and after seeing it I think you would too. What do you think of My Gun Design? I also need a name for it. Well, I just thought I'd put that out there. It looks pretty cool to me so i wanna see what you guys have to say. ;)

EDIT: I just realized that on the side view the pullback thingys are too high. I don't think i'll bother to fix that.

#64421 Nerf Bomber

Posted by opiumpanda on 26 September 2005 - 09:23 PM in Homemades

Dude, that would be awesome. But make sure that it can drop other stuff too, not just nerf darts. I'm really not sure what else you could drop and keep it lightweight, maybe flour bombs or something.

Well he could drop water on people, that's always fun. Water might way it down too much though so that might be a bad idea, plus it probably does not have a water tight bottom. Maybe you could drop eggs.

#64463 My Gun Design

Posted by opiumpanda on 27 September 2005 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

The real question about the gun is that would the darts stay in the barrel if you pointed it down?

That questions goes for any gun. If you point your NF (I'm merely assuming you have an NF) down does the dart fall out? The answer is no, it looks like it has a large barrel but you can make that effect with just about any gun. It's purely asthetic. It is kinda like the Splitfire i guess.

I think I should make this out of 2 NF's and a homemade fibreglass case.

#64494 Splitfire Tactical

Posted by opiumpanda on 28 September 2005 - 09:40 AM in Modifications

Don't worry abut the goo ill take care of that ill just slice it off with a knife proably leaving marks but the paint job will take care of it.i still need colour suggestions gold barrels and black everything else?

Yay, Black and Gold are my school colours. I think you should do it.

#64546 My Gun Design

Posted by opiumpanda on 28 September 2005 - 10:38 PM in General Nerf

I was thinking of a Blastfire, but spring powered like that gun. My Hornet would would always skip like half of the 6 shots I fire. I find that spring powered guns are more reliable. I really like the idea of pulling back multiple plungers when you prime a gun.

Heh, that just gave me an idea for an NF / Hornet mod. All you would need to do is something similar to the micro hornet by Renegade and add 6 NF barrels and springs. It might be hard to get them to stay back and release on command though. Any thoughts or ideas?

#64547 New Nerf Bullets, For Mag Fed Guns.

Posted by opiumpanda on 28 September 2005 - 10:54 PM in Homemades

Sorry for the double post.

ok, my science teachers didn't know how to make perict points, but someone said to make a mold, that you can produce more then one tip. then glue it on.

There is no need to double post here, there is an edit button for a reason. And I disagree with those new "Nerf Bullets" cause they look kind of inferior and too hard to make.

#64603 Stefen Dimple

Posted by opiumpanda on 29 September 2005 - 05:50 PM in Homemades

Holes in the back = good for air guns
No holes in the back= good for spring guns
That pretty much sums it up.....

What if you dimple it like a golf ball? It seems to make sense to do that because it decreases turbulance behind the dart hence increasing range. It wouldn't make a difference whether it's an air gun or not.

#64701 Winfixer 2005

Posted by opiumpanda on 30 September 2005 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

Hmm... thats a virus hey. I never noticed it download anything, I always exited it like ten times until it finally stopped. How did newgrounds become the one spawning this virus anyway? Well keep us posted!

#64702 Anybody Turning Toronto Into A Warzone?

Posted by opiumpanda on 30 September 2005 - 09:11 PM in Nerf Wars

May I ask what exactly you are asking?

#64728 Ventrilo

Posted by opiumpanda on 01 October 2005 - 10:35 AM in Off Topic

I meant it's funny to read about someone taking responsibility with a picture of someone with a dumb look on his face.

Chill out you insecure son of a bitch.

Wow You're retarted

I think that just proves his pioint. You know, that part where you are insecure?

#65155 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by opiumpanda on 05 October 2005 - 11:00 PM in Homemades

Damns that thing is cool. I can't wait for the write up so i can build my own! :P

#65318 Painted Green & Black Crossbow W/ Matching Lnls

Posted by opiumpanda on 08 October 2005 - 01:23 PM in Modifications

That has got to be the nicest XBow paint job i have ever seen. I love those old school colours. (Those are the colours they used to have on really old toy guns isn't it?)

Keep up the good work.

#65346 Home Made Ball Valve Air Gun Results

Posted by opiumpanda on 08 October 2005 - 05:53 PM in Homemades

Sorry to sound like a noob but what is a ball valve air gun? More improtantly, what is a ball valve?

#65880 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by opiumpanda on 15 October 2005 - 10:25 PM in Homemades

All this talk of a kit is making me want to buy one more and more. And only $20? That just sweetens the deal. You should look into selling these kits over a dedicated website based on how much the guns go for on ebay. I'd definately buy one.

#65947 2 Sweet "old" Nfs Painted

Posted by opiumpanda on 16 October 2005 - 07:00 PM in Modifications

They loook alright but I think you should have put more detail into them. The cases are sprayed one color and the internals another. It also looks a bit too glossy. I really think you should have sprayed the cases more than one color because they look half assed. Also, painting a gun black makes it lose a lot of "character" and "originality". I personally believe the paint jobs could have been done much better than they are.

EDIT: Sorry, the pictured weren't of that great quality and made me believe that it was black and not navy blue. but nonetheless, still a flat dark color.

#66030 2 Sweet "old" Nfs Painted

Posted by opiumpanda on 17 October 2005 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

Okay, I'm sorry i knd of went a little overboard. I assume that those touched up pictures are closer to what the guns really look like. Someone a few posts back said it was cleanly done just not something they fancy and I probably should have said that in my post. It is kind of too late to edit it now considering I already got that post from you. What I was trying to get at in my old post was that I didn't care much for the single colour that is not masked. Sorry to spread the confusion.

Also, the sexbow color scheme kind of creeps the hell out of me. Those colors bring back horrible memories. *Shutters*

#66034 Gun Idea

Posted by opiumpanda on 17 October 2005 - 07:24 PM in Modifications

okay sorry im new here and i dont know the rules to well. :w00t:

There were many things wrong with that post. First off, you must use proper capitalization. 'I' 's must be capitalized (That falls under capitalization I guess) You must use proper punctioaction as well. Please also don't excessivley use smilies. I know i'm kind of a noob here but I thought I would pass on the rules one newbie to another. Hope that helps you. :D