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#177653 Nerfhaven Accessories Directory

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 15 September 2008 - 09:41 PM in Modifications

Well since you're adding tactical rail-related items, i would think that tactical rail weapons would be good to add as well.
The tactical shot in my sig would be a nice addition.

Theres also a few LS scope + AT2K guns, but i think im the first to put a disc shot / nite finder into a rail accessory.

#181477 Favorite Primary / Main?

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 October 2008 - 02:00 PM in Modifications

Triple D:

Big Blast-100' (angled)
AT2K- 70' (angled)
SSPB-20' (angled)

Never post angled ranges. I'm surprised that you haven't been burned by flames, yet.

#177656 Nerfhaven Accessories Directory

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 15 September 2008 - 09:47 PM in Modifications

I understand that your gun in the rail accessory makes sense to be here, but this is really for home-brew items which make our guns and/or setups more efficient, rather than a temporary integration, which is what I see yours as. It's in the modification directory, I believe, and that's where it ultimately belongs.

S'fine, i didn't see it but thats alright.

#240116 Air Zone Scorpion Bow Optimization

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 July 2009 - 12:18 PM in Modifications

You always post some of the more interesting write-ups.. Nice job! Although I do hate the shell on this gun. I'd probably cut off all unnecessary parts right away.

#213699 Clusterfuck Of A Longshot

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 20 February 2009 - 11:36 AM in Modifications

Thats just freaking cool. Props.

#207205 Longshot Tactical

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 28 January 2009 - 12:38 PM in Modifications

Awesome, You should've intergreted a Ball launcher for a Grenade Launcher. The LS is so much like an M16, you should call it the SOPMOD M4

Don't necro old threads, it clogs our tubes and makes things messy, blah blah blah.

#204539 Rifletech2000

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 18 January 2009 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

I'm sorry, but thats fugly. Ergonomics should always be one of your top priorities when it comes to pump guns.

#215341 So I Modded My Rf20

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 February 2009 - 01:27 PM in Modifications

Too bad it takes so many pumps. If it had shorter barrels then you wouldn't have to pump them that many times, but you also wouldn't get the ranges. hmm.

Thats pretty cool, i must say.

#225717 Buzzbee Rfr Modification

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 25 April 2009 - 11:28 AM in Modifications

Mad ranges for a BuzzBee gun. Sweet.

#191652 Crooks-bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 24 November 2008 - 10:45 AM in Modifications

That thing has more handles than an indecisive 13-year-old, damn. But still a great mod. Good work. I like the paintjob alot.

#247741 Mega Missile Decrapification

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Thats just beautiful. I've always been opposed to getting one because of the pump-length. Nice job, and seconded about the not bringing it to SOFA, even though i did not go.

#200388 Nightfinder Manta Ray Mod

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 01 January 2009 - 11:56 PM in Modifications

There's no way to get a NF to cock with three springs in it. Because they're all the same diameter, they compress on each other, making their total compressed length three times as long as a single spring. I couldn't fit two NF springs in.

I'm calling bullshit. The way to add springs is to layer them, so they're all on different circumferences around the plunger rod.

This is correct. The total compressed length of 3 springs is too long, so the NF won't be able to catch.

You'd need the plunger rod to have enough space from the catch to the head to fit all those springs. Agree'd.

#191819 Crooks-bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 24 November 2008 - 11:25 PM in Modifications

Not bashing on the handles, btw. Can the BBB be primed with a hand on the 2K's handle?

#184567 Nightfinder W/ Magazine

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 October 2008 - 07:59 PM in Modifications

I would love to see a video of this thing in action. This is great work.

#177419 Comming Soon: The Nerf Pen

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 14 September 2008 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

By the way the reason the stuff costs so much is the shipping. I'm gonna make sure that if there's a way to make this thing cheaper, I'll know about it.

If this is all supposed to fit in a pen then why would shipping cost so much? Where is this guy located from where you live? You're still not convincing anyone, just in case you're wondering.

#177427 Comming Soon: The Nerf Pen

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 14 September 2008 - 08:01 PM in Modifications

Fox is right, I apologize. I can understand about being excited about posting a mod you have, but really, good things (along with all-round better responses) come to those who wait.

#245767 Working Semi-automatic Homemade

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 10:32 AM in Homemades

Freakin' sick man. Very nice work. I should make more homemades..

#177238 Comming Soon: The Nerf Pen

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 13 September 2008 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

Why does no one else see the fun in things like I do?

I understand the concerns but isn't modding supposed to be fun? Plus you could use the pen as a bragging right because it takes such skill to make.

No I'm not insane. I am though, very strange. AND I LIKE THAT.

Sure you are. Take a look around you and all your friends. You're all the same.

Yes, it is supposed to be fun, however your "friend" is surely just robbing you. It does not cost $50-$60 to make something from tiny parts, not matter how "complex" they are.

That is unless its made with microchips. And has to do with combustion chambers.

#172852 Condom Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 August 2008 - 01:13 PM in Modifications

I thought you were gonna use an actual condom.

I right away thought about all the jokes made by everyone about lubricant and all the gay jokes made on the haven and it made perfect sense. To bad huh?

Great way to make a good ghetto fix. Hope it lasts.

Speaking of which, Random fact:
I once used KY to lubricate one of my guns. :P

#172848 Condom Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 August 2008 - 01:08 PM in Modifications

Cool, smart idea.
But i'm not sure how long the plastic will last like that.

#176990 Integrations...

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 12 September 2008 - 11:26 PM in Modifications

Pictures would help alot.

#205322 The Longshot Contract.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 22 January 2009 - 04:25 AM in Modifications

I hold high respect for Angel, no matter what he ends up coming out with.

#176996 Integrations...

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 12 September 2008 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Alright alright.
I've never thought of that, but i'd assume that the 2 air tanks you connect should be the same for equal air pressure distribution with the pump. But hell if i know, never attempted this before.

#277339 Talos

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 10 June 2010 - 01:16 PM in Modifications

Thats pretty sweet. But when are you going to start doing write ups again? Video after video after video is getting to its limit.

#254560 Stormtrooper Blastech E-11 Raider With Brass Breech

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 25 October 2009 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

You've breathed new life into our forum. Thank you. Thank you very much. And an awesome mod.

#245479 Homemade Holster For Minimized Nfs

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 August 2009 - 03:47 PM in Homemades

I might have to do this at some point. Very very nice write-up!

#241077 New Barrel Matirial Found!.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 09 July 2009 - 02:41 PM in Modifications

Have any pictures of this?

Also, i recommend spellcheck. or English lessons.

or school.

#237709 Driftkings Pistol Splat Ps-800/wipeout Mod

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 20 June 2009 - 11:33 PM in Modifications

I've become increasingly interested in these.. nice work.

#180405 Angel Breech On A Recon

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 September 2008 - 12:47 PM in Modifications

Mocky, i've tried doing that before and it just doesn't work. I have the Recon with the longer "plunger guard" thing and it doesn't allow any space for a spring (at least of that size) in there.

EDIT: Sorry, thought you were talking about just the regular Recon internals, my bad.

#170500 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 18 August 2008 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

I added a trigger!

And it comes from the battery pack cover off the original tactical light, so it looks even more like the light did without modification.
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Just hot glued on to the top of the catch plate with the little notch at the end of the cover. Works just by pressing down, and is now MUCH more comfortable. Now maybe i can USE it! :P

#170178 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 17 August 2008 - 11:55 PM in Modifications

Well, I did have a spare tactical light (ripped it off of my BBB 2 or 3 days ago) and I did have a spare Nite-Finder (ripped it off that same BBB 2 or 3 days ago...after the barrel fell off). SOOOO, I got to work, what happened was I gutted the crud outa everthing in the tac. light, crayola (yes crayola, no roseart for me...but it's the same color, yellow...) and hot glued the plunger in. Now I just feel like I wasted a perfectly good Nite-finder and Tactical Light. Why you ask? Well it's almost done, and since we're leaving for vacation tommorow I won't be able to work on it for 4 days. My only problem is the catch, it's just there, loose, so then gun is uncockable, and whenever you do try to cock it, either 1 of 2 things happen:
1. The entire plunger rod flies out along with the spring and cocking mechanism.
2. You bend the catch spring, you are able to pull the plunger rod back, yet it doesn't cock
because the catch spring isn't firmly mounted on the bottom so you just have to slide the
plunger rod back to the uncocked position.
I did take pictures but I haven't uploaded them yet.

EDIT: (here are the picture[s]!) sorry for the bad quality
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Just to see if I gutted anything extra, from your pics, it looks like I gutted alot more then I should've.
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I DID TAKE THE HOT GLUE OFF (well actually when I cocked it the hot glue ripped off)
Also, the light is upside down, if you look closely you can see that

I'm sorry to say sir.. but if you'll look at my modifications to the inside of the light's shell, i did not cut out ALL the pieces of the inner tactical light shell.

**Posting a picture edited to explain how i put every thing in**

#170118 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 17 August 2008 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

Very nice modification, makes me want to buy another tactical light for that reason. Also, what rail was on your BBB when you attached it onto the BBB, it doesn't look familiar.

I cut up the barrel extension for the Recon, just the bottom rail.
It fit pretty well, I also took the rail connection piece (whatever you call it) that holds whatever onto the rail. This way i can put a NF or something on the other side.

#170033 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 17 August 2008 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

I would've used NF guts, but i didn't have a spare one.

This kind of started out with me being afraid to really integrate anything with anything else permanently.
But now i can equip and un-equip as i please.

#170507 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2008 - 12:22 AM in Modifications

Its fine.
Well im assuming that you now do have a camera, so do you have plans on posting it? I've been hearing about all these other mods like this but no one can ever find them! I'd like to see what others have done with the tactical rail.

#170746 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2008 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

I posted it a while ago, here it is. I tried fixing the font and size last night and made it worse. :ph34r:

Thats really cool, i've never had any of the ATXKs before to try anything with them, but this looks really good. Nice job.

#170028 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 17 August 2008 - 03:25 PM in Modifications

**NOTE** I'm not going to bother with a write-up to this, it took too many tiny details and pieces from various things to get to the end product. If you're willing to attempt this, then just go by what you see like I did.

Now a write-up.

So I was messing around one day with my disc shot and i ended up just taking it apart. Took out the plunger tube and noticed i had a spare Tactical Light laying around. I then took that apart and saw what space it had inside it.
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I got to working.

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I took about 3 or so hours cutting out and removing any pieces inside that were just taking up space, and kept the parts that i could use to help fit the plunger tube with more snugly than just having it sitting inside.

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EDIT: This is how I went about cutting all the internal shell pieces in order to fit the tube & such:
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This was my original plan for the internals:

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Turns out the PVC wasn't doing any good, so i took it out.

Another angle (with PVC):
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Barrel stabilization was simple, just trim the hole up where the light used to be so the end of the plunger would fit. Barrel would be added on later.

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End product:
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I used a roseart barrel instead of anything heavy, mainly due to the fact that i've never seen a piece of brass in my town or anywhere near where i live.

EDIT: I ended up having the original hot glued barrel come off, so i gooped it on later.

Top View:
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I didn't do anything fancy with the trigger mech. Just pressing down the catch plate was enough to function as a trigger.
EDIT: Working on a trigger of some sort.
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Flat: 40-50 ft.
Angled: 1,000,000 ft. (I kid, i kid..)

It fits just like any other accessory with the tactical rail on it. Thats the beauty.

Other stats:
-Used a slightly stretched Sharpshooter II spring
-Will most commonly be used with my Mini Stefans™ for burst shots. Works very well for close-ranged fire fights, great addition to a long-range gun.
-Wrapped plunger head with teflon tape, then e-tape. Glued down with hot glue.
-Lubed up with silicone spray.


First Test Shot:

Integration with guns:
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#180350 Angel Breech On A Recon

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 28 September 2008 - 10:29 PM in Modifications

Yes i'm sure it is. Now why don't you go out and try it?

#179849 Marvelous Titan Guide

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 September 2008 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

This is great! I may make one of these someday. Awesome work!

#170752 The "tactical Shot"

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2008 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

Sooo... the actual gun slides out of the controller? Is it on a tactical rail?

#205053 Powerline Bb Gun

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 20 January 2009 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

I recently obtained a Remmington TAC-1 Airsoft shotgun and i had an idea similar to yours.
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But i thought that since its breech-loaded, it wouldn't get nearly the power-output that one would want when converting an Airsoft gun to a Nerf gun. But yours seems fine. Cool mod.