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#162237 Nerf Zapper Write Up

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 04:27 PM in Modifications

Hey I got the same little gun at walgreen's and slapped a coupler on it and banded it and I'm getting about 30'.

#162242 Foam Recommendations

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 04:43 PM in General Nerf

The Frost King foam from Home Depot sucks!!!! Buy the Ace Hardware brand it works really well with cpvc. The only thing that FK is good for is certain brass barrels

#162243 Mncso

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 04:47 PM in Nerf Wars

If you're worried about the police coming just bring some orange safety tape and tie it on everyones guns that look too realistic. About the plugged pump Big Blasts just limit the number of times people pump them.

#162254 Nerf Recons

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 05:32 PM in General Nerf

The recon is a good gun it was kind of tricky to mod (partialy because it was one of my first mods) but now I am getting pretty good ranges.

#162255 Ever Nerfed On Your Birthday?

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 05:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I'm hosting one on the 19th of August (my b-day) is anyone game?

#162257 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 10 July 2008 - 05:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I am planning on hosting a nerfwar for all you nerfers in Minnesota. It will be held at Basset Creek Park in Golden Valley, Minnesota. I will be fairly loose on which guns you can bring and which guns you can't. Please use common sense. Is this a good date for everyone? Any questions?
[size=7]ATTENTION!!!! The date has been changed to August 23rd a saturday!!!PM me if you can come I will be gone for a week so I might not reply right away.[color=#FF0000]

#162379 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 12:52 PM in Nerf Wars

have you attended any other of the MN wars in the past? just asking.

But I am a maybe. I dont really want to go to golden valley if at all possible, and also, could you take pictures of the site?

I think that he was at MNNO, from what NerfCrazy told me. We are already having a war on the 2nd. And as Sam said, thats on a tuesday, so few would come.

Yes, I was at the MNNO and I will go out today and take pics of the sight. It has great woods with extensive trails. And how about the 22nd of August (A friday) for the war?

#162409 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 04:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I agree with NerfCrazy about the pics. The woods are amazing! It also has a massive hill to play king of the hill on. ATTENTION!!! Possible date change to Saturday, August 23!!!!

#162420 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 05:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I was the kid who came in that huge carload of kids and went with Messiah to get lunch.

Here's the pics:Posted Image
This is where we would base out of.

Posted Image
This is just part of the woods they get much thicker behind the massive hill.
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Here is the massive hill it is much steeper on the other side.
Posted Image
You turn on Welcome and it dead ends at the park.
Sorry about the size of the pics!

#162427 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I had long blond hair and was about 6' tall and had aviator style sunglasses.

#162434 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 06:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, you remembered right the date has been changed to August 23rd a saturday!
If you don't mind me asking, what state do you live in?

#162435 Who Likes The N64? Nintendo?

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 06:21 PM in Modifications

You could put an at2k into a Guitar Hero Controller!!!

#162436 What Is This Nerf Gun?

Posted by tatertotguy on 11 July 2008 - 06:24 PM in General Nerf

Those are actually kind of rare some people would pay alot.

#162495 Unsticking Stuck Barrel Material

Posted by tatertotguy on 12 July 2008 - 10:38 AM in Modifications

I don't know if you've solved the issue yet but if you dipped the part in boiling water as per F_A24 instruction, then quickly take it out, and spray the brass with a can of compressed air turned upside-down. It should spray a column of really cold(like -200 degrees) air that would quickly cool the brass and shrink it.

Chances are that really cold air will also make the plastic crack.

The plastic could not only crack but this process could make the brass brittle and it could shatter if you tried pulling on it with pliers right after you sprayed it with the really cold air.

#163344 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 19 July 2008 - 07:48 PM in Nerf Wars

OK heres my reasons for on the 23rd 1) I wouldn't be able to make it on the 16th 2) on the 2nd there is a war and if I plan the war for the 23rd it will give people a chance to make repairs and more stephans.

#163465 Gvno

Posted by tatertotguy on 20 July 2008 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh, forgot to mention this the closest McDonald's is four miles away. You should bring your own lunch or bring money to get donuts for lunch. (there is a bakery about 2 blocks away with amazing donuts, and there is a pizza man so we could all get pizza.)

#163467 Message To The General Public - Regarding Spud Guns.

Posted by tatertotguy on 20 July 2008 - 06:57 PM in Homemades

With Nerf guns you can't almost burn your eyebrows off, or dent the side of your neighbors wooden garage siding. What fun is a giant fun where flames shoot out the barrel if you can't shoot it at people? I own a potato gun and it is pretty fun but you can't shoot it in the city.

#163891 Great Vulcan Deal

Posted by tatertotguy on 23 July 2008 - 02:53 PM in General Nerf

I was looking around on the internet and I found the Vulcan for $39.95 on Wal-Mart.com with free shipping!

#163892 Ar-15 Spring

Posted by tatertotguy on 23 July 2008 - 02:56 PM in Homemades

I saw an extra strenght AR-15 buffer spring for $4.95 new.

#164117 The Vulcan: Unboxed

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 01:44 PM in Modifications

How deep would you say the screw wells are? How big are the screw heads? I just purchased the Vulcan value pack from Wal-Mart.com for $39.96 with free shipping!!!!

#164169 Places That You Wish You Could Nerf

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 04:38 PM in General Nerf

I'd say the Colusseum in Rome, the Tower of London, The Vatican, and the Mall of America!!! (I have been to all of those places and they would be so frickin' amazing for nerfing. And I would also add Ostia a Roman port it has tons of partially destroyed buildings and tunnels and there are tons of walls and pillars for cover.

#164179 The Vulcan: Internals And Mods! New Mods Pg.9!

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

Ever since I saw the pics of the ammo belt I had the theory that the plunger tube creates a seal on the ammo belt and you should be able do cpvc the belt. How long are the screws?

#164192 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

My dad is an electritian and he says if you get a 9v. transformer you can wire up the Vulcan so all you have to do is plug it in and shoot. I am also thinking of the possibility of having this be removable so you can take the transformer out and convert it back to battery power.

#164203 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 05:35 PM in Modifications

The kind of transformer I was thinking of was a cell phone charger that has a 9v. output. All you would have to do is strip the wires and attach alligator clips to the ends of the wires and connect the clips to the battery terminals.

#164205 The Vulcan: Internals And Mods! New Mods Pg.9!

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

The chain is half backwards and because of this I doubt it would "PWN"...

#164207 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 05:41 PM in Modifications

You could also E-tape the clips on.

#164286 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 24 July 2008 - 09:17 PM in Modifications

I was thinking that you could set up some type of pill box or bunker with a lookout to call the shots like a loser team and they could cover you while you reload. The whole premise of the plug and shoot was if you were in an indoor war you could use the extension cord if the batteries went dead as a failsafe.

#164404 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 12:48 PM in Modifications

I was thinking that you could set up some type of pill box or bunker with a lookout to call the shots like a loser team and they could cover you while you reload. The whole premise of the plug and shoot was if you were in an indoor war you could use the extension cord if the batteries went dead as a failsafe.

What the heck someone fricked with my post it originally said $niper team!!! Every time I go to write the word $niper it changes it to loser?

#164408 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 12:51 PM in Modifications

When I recieve my Vulcan I will by a 9v. transformer and e-tape the wires to the battery terminals just to see if it will work before I destroy the internal wireing by trying to parralel wire it.

#164451 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

My dad is an electritian and he says if you get a 9v. transformer you can wire up the Vulcan so all you have to do is plug it in and shoot. I am also thinking of the possibility of having this be removable so you can take the transformer out and convert it back to battery power.

So, some nomenclature:

What you're talking about is not a transformer, but a power supply, and then you are correct.

The trouble with using a transformer (which is just a matched pair of coils) is that there is no rectification of AC to DC. the Vulcan runs on DC - running it on AC has the potential to seriously damage it.

So something that you could in fact do is use a 120VAC-9VAC transformer, and a piece of electronics called a "bridge rectifier" which is in fact simply four diodes which chop the AC waveform into an all-positive set of humps, and a capacitor to smooth that waveform out to something closely approximating steady-state DC.

That is a good idea and if you really wanted to get fancy you could attach a photovoltaic panel (solar panel) to it for unlimited power or even attach a mini wind turbine.

Here is a picture of how a bridge rectifier works:
Posted Image

#164466 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 04:12 PM in Modifications

I was being optomistic about the options we can use to power the Vulcan.

#164468 How Well Does Omc's Petg Fit Stock Darts?

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 04:14 PM in General Nerf

Ask NerfCrazy (he might be gone). Why can't you use stephans?

#164471 Vulcan Firing Video

Posted by tatertotguy on 25 July 2008 - 04:25 PM in General Nerf

It took the gun 8 seconds to discharge the 25 darts.

#164640 Outlet Powered Vulcan

Posted by tatertotguy on 26 July 2008 - 01:38 PM in Modifications

When I get my Vulcan in the mail I will first do basic mods then carefully move on to other forms of power.

#164642 $5 Magstrike

Posted by tatertotguy on 26 July 2008 - 01:51 PM in General Nerf

So I went to Target today and found out that the Iron Man magstrikes were only 5 dollars they also had the new strikefire nerf guns (repainted crossfires).

#164810 Nerfing In Hawaii

Posted by tatertotguy on 27 July 2008 - 02:51 PM in Nerf Wars

That convoy idea is interesting I think I will play it at my next nerf war.

#165001 Chubbs

Posted by tatertotguy on 28 July 2008 - 05:36 PM in Modifications

Hey, g-force you should make it so the alligator could shoot flames out of its mouth. Nice mod!! :D

#165192 Armadillo Run

Posted by tatertotguy on 29 July 2008 - 03:26 PM in Off Topic

This game is really fun but in order to be good you must have a good understanding of physics.

#165406 Legality Of Nerf Gun Modding

Posted by tatertotguy on 30 July 2008 - 01:08 PM in Modifications

The local laws in my town say that you can't discharge any weapon that launches projectiles. I shoot potato guns at my neighbors garage and the police didn't come so I think it is safe to mod nerf guns.

#165453 200+ Feet? How?

Posted by tatertotguy on 30 July 2008 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

Is there a link to mod the Nat geo gun?