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#59691 Mystery Gun!

Posted by kickass jb on 19 July 2005 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

Its the pistol from the Defender T3

#54024 Where To Buy Brass Piping?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 May 2005 - 03:14 PM in General Nerf

I live in Ottawa, but my brother just got a job at home depot so I'll see what he can do for me before I buy it from some one else (no offence, just would be cheaper).

With regards to MMNO 3, I highly doubt I'll be able to make it out because I can't drive yet and the parents won't drive me four hours to play a nerf war. Maybe in a few years if this is all still going on I'll be lucky enough.

#53995 Where To Buy Brass Piping?

Posted by kickass jb on 01 May 2005 - 09:35 PM in General Nerf

Yea I know, I've been shown up by that too many times and I did use it this time. I live in Canada though so that site is no good to me except for the online store, which is no good to me.

#54409 Need A Good Combo

Posted by kickass jb on 08 May 2005 - 02:50 PM in General Nerf

Now I don't know about everyone on this board, but when I play inside or out, I HATE just sitting there and losing people, it bores the hell out of me. I'm the rusher/ambush type, even when it's not to my advantage and gets me killed (doh!). I was hoping you guys could help me out with a good combo to use. I currently have a rototrack, 2 EaB, 2 BBB, SS1 and SSII. I am hoping to expand my arsenal regardless, but I was hoping I could get a good combo with what I have/the best with what I don't. I KNOW there is no "best gun" but I'm just saying based on characteristics of the guns ( like a PC because it's rapid fire for eg). I was thinking for what I have: the Rototack for rushing, the SSII so that safety shot or two, and the BBB carbine (all the sites and front handle taken off) in a long leg holster just incase I ever need that long shot.

#54494 Need A Good Combo

Posted by kickass jb on 09 May 2005 - 03:27 PM in General Nerf

I don't think I should make a new thread on it because I've made enough this week already ( I know it's only monday) but does anyone know of a way to make a homemade belt for the rototrack?

#54500 Need A Good Combo

Posted by kickass jb on 09 May 2005 - 05:00 PM in General Nerf

does anyone know of a way to make a homemade belt for the rototrack?

You probably could with 1/2 in. pvc. If you but rubber washers on the end and connected the pvc with duct tape.I'm going to try to build one for my rototrack.

No good, I tried and the PVC is too thick.. I was thing maybe PETG wrapped in electrical/duct tape, then connected via duct tape. I dunt have any PETG but it's an idea for someone who does.

#53992 Stefan Write Up?

Posted by kickass jb on 01 May 2005 - 09:12 PM in Homemades

Here is a writeup on my variant of the stefan. It is supposed not to hurt as much if you shoot someone. Thus the name of Safety Stefan! Ok, you can either make a stefan as usual and as the hot glue is drying, put a small wafer of FBR on it. OR, you could just get the ideal length of the FBR: cut: and make a hole in the back of it so it works in modern Nerf guns. Either way, you get the Safety Stefan! The final thing should look like this using the 2nd method.

Safety Stefan Pic method no 2

Yea, I used the piece of FBR on the tip as well but a few wars down the road I found that the ranges were decreased slightly and that well people didn't always feel it. It was in fact, too safe. So we went back to the old way and wore eye protection. Also the original way helps if you a cheater or newcomer that claims not to have gotten hit, just check for the bruises/welts. :ph34r:

#54412 Need A Good Combo

Posted by kickass jb on 08 May 2005 - 03:00 PM in General Nerf

yea its the secret shot 1, cept I cant triple mod it since I lost the tubing,,,unless someone can tell me a good substitute?

#53409 Stefan Write Up?

Posted by kickass jb on 24 April 2005 - 09:05 PM in Homemades

Hey, since NO went down I can't seem to find a write up on stefans as good as they had, I looked on here but couldnt find anything. Does anyone know good site that gives intructions with possible pics/drawings of it? I'm looking for a process that would involve the drill press and such.


#53990 Where To Buy Brass Piping?

Posted by kickass jb on 01 May 2005 - 08:50 PM in General Nerf

Aside from online, where can one buy brass piping? I checked home depot plumbing section but I was looking in the wrong section? Any information on where to buy some would be great.

#71678 Possible Nerf Grenade

Posted by kickass jb on 25 January 2006 - 07:30 PM in General Nerf

Plus, it looks like the inner PVC tube is isolating the CO2 from the stefans?

#54928 Nitefinder Question

Posted by kickass jb on 15 May 2005 - 01:00 PM in Modifications

Thanks, made that easy enough. When I tested it before and after, there wasn't much difference in range. Did I do something wrong or is there a reasonable explanation for this?

#55646 Newbie To Nerfing

Posted by kickass jb on 25 May 2005 - 10:04 PM in General Nerf

Off topic I know, but talio why not single barrel an AT2K if your using micros? too much velocity? I have 2 unmodded and one quad and I was thinking of singling one with CPVC, or would it turn out too powerful?

#54950 Nitefinder Question

Posted by kickass jb on 15 May 2005 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

So in other words, remove that middle connecting piece altogether? Because when I tried to do that, the two pieces have the same diameter do did you just glue/tape it together?

#54938 Nitefinder Question

Posted by kickass jb on 15 May 2005 - 01:54 PM in Modifications

Lord, when you say the punch the entire x-thing out, did you mean just the whole x shape, or like so all that was left is just the outer ring?

I think he means he made it so all is left is the outer ring, but don't do that because then the plunger has nothing to stop on, and it could lead to the death of your gun over time.

Edit: He beat me to it.

But if I did leave just the outer ring, when the plunger moves forward wouldn't it hit the ring, giving it something to stop on?

#54925 Nitefinder Question

Posted by kickass jb on 15 May 2005 - 12:15 PM in Modifications

Now I checked the mod on here but it didnt show much about the air restrictors. I have the new ex-3 (don't know if they are any different) but I cut off the peg in the barrel and am wondering do I take out the air restrictors on both piece (the one with peg and the one connecting that piece to barrel)? because I don't want my darts falling into the plunger tube.

#54935 Nitefinder Question

Posted by kickass jb on 15 May 2005 - 01:36 PM in Modifications

Lord, when you say the punch the entire x-thing out, did you mean just the whole x shape, or like so all that was left is just the outer ring?

#53578 New Discovery!

Posted by kickass jb on 26 April 2005 - 06:27 PM in General Nerf

Somewhat off topic but... When was the BBB re-released?

#53501 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by kickass jb on 25 April 2005 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

Can't find the link to it. It just gives me a link to nerf HQ where theres nothing.

#53947 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by kickass jb on 01 May 2005 - 03:53 PM in Modifications

I know that part, but should the brass pipe (that I stick into the barrel) be flush with the barrel? Or does it stick through the coupler so that I load the micro in there and then stick the pvc/brass barrel on top of that?

#53784 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by kickass jb on 29 April 2005 - 02:31 PM in Modifications

Seems easy enough. Two quick questions about it though. One, how long of a 17/32 pipe should I put in? Two, will a 1/2" pvc coupler fit over the pipe?

#53991 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by kickass jb on 01 May 2005 - 09:05 PM in Modifications

So to close this thread off, maybe you can tell me if this set up is good. I'll take the 17/32 and make it come out about 2" of coupler which will go inside 6" of 9/16 which will be epoxied inside 10" of 19/32 (all brass) which will finally be epoxied inside 10" of 1/2 pvc. Took the idea of CX's post but changed it so that the 17/32 is fixed into the barrel and I'm attaching the rest of the nested barrel to it...good idea or no?

#53485 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by kickass jb on 25 April 2005 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Hey I've read some mods on the BBB here and it's about the only place where I can find one, but does anyone have a mod that has pictures to go with it? I have two to mod and they aren't mind so I don't want to ruin the guns. Thanks

#56403 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 06:22 PM in Modifications

Seem to know what your talking about, any idea how to open it up, I don't really want to hack saw it unless I have to...

#56380 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

To check for leaks I put whole thing under water and pump it right? if so, how do I get that huge yellow thing off?

**EDIT** I put it in a bucket of water and when I pumped it it was fine but then when I pulled back on the metal rod, the air (bubbles) came out of the place where the rod slides out from... Not sure if this is the check release valve or whatever, but that's my problem.

#56386 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Option A didn't work, guess I'm stuck with B. Any ideas how to get it open? and where can I buy o-rings, home depot right? If so what section? And I should use epoxy to close it back up again right?

#58303 Nf Spring Excahnge?

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

So nothing a couple of bands can't fix, and one more o-ring on the plungerhead. But while all you guys are complaining about the new nf's suckage, I'm pretty sure it's all the same internals so maybe it's just your gun.

It's the same internals, minus the spring, which is weaker. If it was just my gun, why would everyone else be having the same problems as well. I know bands would help but I despise them. I prefer the cleaner look where its all on the inside (if I can help it), I don't like things getting caught or snagged or snapped.

#56373 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

It's never been modded, I openend it up and pulled the trigger and did it physically with my hand as well, I can see the rod come back and the valve opens, but there is no air in it?

#58300 Nf Spring Excahnge?

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't, The nf is good as it is a pistol. Mod it right and it'll be all you need as a sidearm, the last thing it needs is a spring replacement.

On the new EX-3, the springs suck ass.

#56428 Plz Help! Mavrick Not Working

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 10:08 PM in Modifications

Yea, chances are there just isn't a good air seal. It happened to me to. I tried the whole hot glue thing as well as the FBR to bridge the gap. I'm hoping for some copper/brass/PETG that will fit my darts to stick nest in the barrel so I can glue the cap to those barrels. Anyway man, good luck and if you get it to work let me know.

#56146 Sm1500 Strange Fact

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 03:52 PM in Modifications

Nerf monkey say you were right, then technically when I only used four pumps wouldn't I get even LESS range because its letting lower air pressure slower as well?

#55414 Nf Question

Posted by kickass jb on 22 May 2005 - 01:35 PM in Modifications

I have also found out that my spring (the new EX-3 version) is too weak. I've called every hardware store in the city ( including Home hardware, Rona and Home Depot) and they all carry springs but they are too small. I picked up one for a screen door kit but it was WAY too powerful. Does anyone know a good place where I might find one, preferably NOT online.

#55391 Nf Question

Posted by kickass jb on 21 May 2005 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

I took out both air restrictors but this mod is supposedly supposed to give it a good range, I was just wondering if my barrel was too long of if someone who did that mod could point out something I did wrong or didn't do at all. Crayola is just a temporary solution because no place in Ottawa sells brass piping so I'm waiting on either BW to email me back or I find a good place on the net that ships to Canada.

#55388 Nf Question

Posted by kickass jb on 21 May 2005 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

I modded my NF tonight and did the crayola barrel with pvc over it to stabilize it. The total length of the barrel is about 5 inches from tip of the marker to the end of the overlaying pvc. I'm only getting about 40' which I can do better with the stock version witht the pole removed. People had said the mod should give me around 60'. Is the barrel too long? is something done wrong?

#56334 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 01 June 2005 - 09:31 PM in Modifications

I tried to mod it but when I pulled it out of the old bin and pumped it, it worked because I could feel the resistance on the pump but when I went to fire no air came out? HELP.

#55420 Nf Question

Posted by kickass jb on 22 May 2005 - 02:25 PM in Modifications

Unless you live in the middle of the desert you should have plenty of stores that carry springs of all sizes. I got my spring for my NF at True Value Hardware, so if you have one of those near you try there. It shouldn't be a problem, every hardware store I've been to has springs, I don't see what you mean that they are too small. Just go to your nearest one and look for them rather than calling.

Also aren't most screen door springs stretch rather than compression springs?

They were too small because they wouldn't fit over the plunger and they were only like 2" long.

There is too springs on the screen doors, one that stretches and pulls which compresses a compression spring.

And no. There is no True Value in Ottawa :(

#54571 Hi Long Time No See Guys! I'm Back! ^^

Posted by kickass jb on 10 May 2005 - 08:25 PM in General Nerf

How did you mod the charger 600 (orange and beige), did you just cut of the restrictor and stick brass on?

#56136 Sm1500 Strange Fact

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 03:11 PM in Modifications

I CPVC modded my SM1500 (plan to have 2 CPVC barrels and 2 PETG barrels in the future) and I range tested at different pumps and I found that after four pumps, the range actually decreased for every extra pump (up till 7, when I stopped) that I did. Just thought the added air pressure would make it go farther but guess I was wrong.

#54557 Hi Long Time No See Guys! I'm Back! ^^

Posted by kickass jb on 10 May 2005 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

Wow for that orange and beige pump it charge it water gun you have, I'd be interested in the stats/mod because I have one just sitting in my shed.

#58063 Titan As-v.12

Posted by kickass jb on 23 June 2005 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

As mentioned before, horribly impractical. But then again, neither is running around shooting people with toy guns, but hey it's fun. If I had a Titan I'd do that mod for sure. I'd Maybe add more barrels for less range, you know just to clear out a close combat area/emplacement or something then drop the gun and continue on with your primary. Very cool.