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#300581 The Two (or Three) Hour Homemade

Posted by Ivan S on 26 June 2011 - 11:26 PM in Homemades

This looks awesome! But I'm not quite clear on the O-ring. Is it glued around the inner edge of the tee(like concentric circles)? What's its function? Thanks.

#300868 Most durable bike pump?

Posted by Ivan S on 01 July 2011 - 02:56 PM in General Nerf

For my berserker I use a Spalding Championship pump. You can get a 12" one here:
Or an 8" one here:
They're pretty durable, and move a lot of air. I just used epoxy putty, and it's never broken/fallen off. You can also get them cheap at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section.

Edit: I just noticed you said "forward facing" bike pump. You can do that with these too, but you'll need vinyl tubing.

Do you need to add a check valve to this type of pump? I've noticed 3DBBQ uses similar pumps, and all of his have external check valves.

I support LT. DAN's suggestion. Also, you can get them at Walmart for $10 easy, AND they fit very snugly into 3/4" PVC couplers/fittings. Good for homemades as well as stock blaster modification.

How do you fit that pump into a coupler if each end is larger than the shaft? does it involve removing/disassembling one end?

#303627 Stampede, Bolt Return Spring

Posted by Ivan S on 20 August 2011 - 10:38 PM in Modifications

Your catch control spring probably needs to be realigned, or better yet replaced. More info here: http://modworks.blog...rol-spring.html

#304897 An intresting Vortex nitch

Posted by Ivan S on 21 September 2011 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

I've had similar problems with wet darts in my clip modded barricade. Losing grip from moisture is probably the most likely explanation. Maybe if you were to put grip tape on the flywheels it would help some.

#310935 How to get idiots to play Nerf?

Posted by Ivan S on 08 February 2012 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I agree (in principle) with the previous posts. If you show them that nerf gun can be just as powerful as all the other "toy" guns out there, they'll probably be a lot more interested. Just from seeing me build and test my JSPB Mad Ghost, three people in my dorm who had never done anything with nerf before asked to buy one, and lots of other people were really impressed/interested.

#311481 clip system compatable tagger stefans

Posted by Ivan S on 19 February 2012 - 02:58 PM in General Nerf

Do they stick to t-shirts when fired? I've found the most of the velcro sold in craft stores doesn't stick to clothing nearly as well as real taggers do. What brand is it?

#311490 Stampede Problem

Posted by Ivan S on 19 February 2012 - 04:07 PM in Modifications

4 14500s should be enough for a stampede. Check the voltage of each battery to make sure they're fully charged/working properly. Also, are you sure you're using the unprotected variety? If they're trustfire, they should be the gray kind.

#311608 clip system compatable tagger stefans

Posted by Ivan S on 21 February 2012 - 07:49 PM in General Nerf

I tried this myself with Michael's velcro, and they came out surprisingly well. They stick to t-shirts as long as they hit close to straight. I used a die punch to cut out 7/16" circles and gooped them onto the felt of some slugs. They feed fine through rscbs and hoppers.

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close up:
Posted Image

You can get precut velcro circles(1/2") www.mcmaster.com/#9736K44 from mcmaster, or strips(5/8") www.mcmaster.com/#9489K628. 15 feet for just $5.

Maybe not war worthy, but they're fun.

#311845 looking for a good Guide to painting

Posted by Ivan S on 25 February 2012 - 07:02 PM in Modifications

An extremely in-depth (probably too detailed for most people) one here.

#311895 VANS Are Not Slugs

Posted by Ivan S on 26 February 2012 - 03:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

Do you think it would be possible to burn the hole instead of drill it?

#311898 clip system compatable tagger stefans

Posted by Ivan S on 26 February 2012 - 03:29 PM in General Nerf

Do they attach well to Dart Tag jerseys?

I don't have any dart tag jerseys, but since they're made to be stuck to by velcro, I'd guess they'd work great.

Wouldn't that hurt like hell if that hit skin? :o

I had a friend shoot me bare-skinned with some slugs and some of these without telling me which was which, and I couldn't tell the difference. I think the picture exaggerates the size of the velcro hooks.

#311928 VANS Are Not Slugs

Posted by Ivan S on 26 February 2012 - 10:12 PM in Darts and Barrels

I don't understand; why do you have to remove the adhesive? Wouldn't that help it bond to the silicone better?

Silicone is basically immune to adhesives. By using bare felt, the silicone seeps in between the threads and cures, forming a bond.

#312124 Swarmfire Overhaul.

Posted by Ivan S on 29 February 2012 - 03:51 PM in Modifications

You can get the charger and batteries cheaper here.
Plus they're unprotected which generally give better performance, and shipping is free internationally. The only drawback is they usually 2-4 weeks to arrive after ordering.

#312128 Swarmfire Overhaul.

Posted by Ivan S on 29 February 2012 - 04:13 PM in Modifications

Are the batteries chargeable in a regular, say energizer, double A rechargeable battery charger? And 15 volts seems like alot to me. I'll maybe just use two.

No, they are unfortunately not rechargeable in a conventional battery charger.

#312779 Nerf Barricade - Voltage increase, inbuilt voltmetre, safety removal

Posted by Ivan S on 13 March 2012 - 06:49 AM in Modifications

Very cool. Where did you get the voltmeter? It would be especially useful for unprotected batteries, to prevent them from being over-drained.

#312792 Nerf Barricade - Voltage increase, inbuilt voltmetre, safety removal

Posted by Ivan S on 13 March 2012 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

I've removed the thermistors/ovf/whateveryouwannacallit from my 'cade and my BBURB, and they've stopped giving me any problems like that. Only prblem is, I want to use them with stefans, and I really don't want to make 2.5" stefans.

Sgnerf has a very clever setup where he puts a 1.25" fbr spacer at the pusher-end of each barrel, so that 1.25" stefans can be pushed into the flywheels.

#313602 Stefan Trouble

Posted by Ivan S on 27 March 2012 - 02:12 PM in Darts and Barrels

It occurs to me that there are no decent writeups for stefans. Maybe IceNine should step up to the plate:

Posted Image

Langley made a very comprehensive one many years ago. I recommend it to anyone trying to make glue dome stefans for the first time, but like so many above, I prefer slugs.

Ice's look fantastic though, so I definitely wouldn't object to a write-up from him too.

EDIT: Rereading the guide, it does have some dated conventions, like drilling holes in the backs of darts and making them 2" long. Not to say it's bad, it just wasn't made in the age of the hoppered homemades. So maybe a whole new write-up would be useful.

#314002 Strange Stampede Problem

Posted by Ivan S on 05 April 2012 - 12:13 PM in Modifications

Ok for your issue, I hazard a guess that the battery power is too strong for your plunger spring setup.

The 4 trustfire 14500s a very common battery mod for the stampede, and people hardly ever see this problem. I would venture to say that you just got a model with a weaker than average gearbox. If you did a REALLY poor job with the seal improvement, added friction may have contributed to the problem, but that would be pretty unlikely.

Anyway, I don't think there's much you can do other than buy a broken stampede off of someone solely for a replacement gear. If you were really ambitious, you could try casting a new one out of epoxy, but that's probably be more trouble than it's worth, and might not even work.

#314148 5 $ 5 minute 100 ft homemade

Posted by Ivan S on 08 April 2012 - 04:16 PM in Homemades

Does the speed that you pull the "trigger" affect the ranges, i.e. is it a similar release method to a 4B or is it instant release?

It may or may not make a difference with this specific hose nozzle, but I've used nozzles before where it definitely does. It varies, I'd guess that ones with higher flow and shorter travel are generally better.

#314261 "Optimal" 4B Barrel Length and Pain

Posted by Ivan S on 11 April 2012 - 12:27 AM in General Nerf

I'm kind of confused by the numbers. How is it that 4Bs are infamous for being so powerful, but can barely break 100ft?

#314848 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Ivan S on 26 April 2012 - 10:31 PM in Modifications

While this thread is up, I thought I'd ask: Is there anywhere to get red or other brightly colored foam now that Kane's stopped selling? Modman's website is apparently gone too. The fbr directory is horribly out of date, basically all the sources listed are no longer supplying.

EDIT: I just remembered FA's website, which has beige. Anyone know of anywhere else?

#315133 Small Batch Silicone Darts

Posted by Ivan S on 03 May 2012 - 02:45 AM in General Nerf

Excellent thinking with the syringe, it looks like it makes application a ton easier, and eliminates the "air pocket" issue discussed in the vans thread.

What do you use to cut your foam out of pool noodles? I suspect silicone bonds better to noodle foam than fbr, since noodle foam has larger cells which give the silicone more to grab on to. I've found the bond between silicone and fbr can be be quite weak.

Oh, I just noticed that some of your foam is actually very small-celled. Have you noticed a difference between the two?

One more thing, I don't think dap is actually silicone. Shouldn't make a difference for these purposes, though.

#315540 General Homemade Airgun Reference Thread

Posted by Ivan S on 11 May 2012 - 01:35 AM in Homemades

This guide is a great idea. Another write-up that I think is very useful for this kind of thing is adjustable homemade OPRVs.Easy, adjustable, under a dollar.

#320091 mad ghost problems

Posted by Ivan S on 07 August 2012 - 02:46 PM in Homemades

If you put some sort of faceplate over the trigger bolt that allows you to pull with more than one finger it helps a lot. I use a ~2" long piece of 2" pvc pipe that's been cut to fit over the bolt and around the trigger tee. I'll post a picture once I'm back from vacation.
Just bracing the butt of your gun against you shoulder helps a ton too.

#320485 Homemade Rocket Launcher Contest Submission Thread

Posted by Ivan S on 14 August 2012 - 11:51 PM in Homemades

3", two section snap.
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Plunger showing:
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Close up of interesting parts of the plunger:
Posted Image

The back half is a standard snap body, but the plunger rod extends into a 12" long 3" plunger tube. This allows a k12 spring, which is too big for a normal snap, because it catches on the nail, to be used with the normal snap trigger set up. The catch is behind the spring, and catches at the handle while the spring is kept inside the 3" pipe by a large washer "floating" on the plunger rod. It has 6 3/4" vent holes in the plunger tube, and uses 1" polycarbonate tube as a barrel.

It uses a hamp-like 2" endcap wrapped in duct tape and yarn as a punger head. To my knowledge, rubber washers aren't made big enough for 3" pvc.

The 9637k12 spring is immensely powerful. With 68 pounds of draw force, it's the strongest 11" spring big enough to fit cpvc that Mcmaster sells. Using this spring, I thought that decent range would be basically guaranteed, so long as the gun didn't explode from the force, but ranges are actually kind of disappointing, at around 30'.

There are several things that could be improved. Deadspace and plunger head mass could both be reduced, and adding another inch of compression(currently 6") would probably help a lot. I'll give updates if I make any progress, but that is what I have for now! Update below.

Total cost was about $25. the main cost is the 3"x2" couplers. But apart from that and the other large pvc parts, everything is pretty cheap and is stuff you'll have laying around if you've built a snap before.

(maybe a bit too comprehensive)Parts list:

12" 1 1/4" pvc
1 1/4" - 2" pvc bushing
2" - 3" reducing coupling
12" 3" foam core pvc
2" - 3" reducing coupling
2" - 1" pvc bushing
1" - 3/4" pvc bushing
12" 1" OD polycarbonate tube

7/8" nail
1 1/2" angle iron

Plunger rod/head:
1/2" cpvc tee
12" 1/2" cpvc
Epoxy putty ramp
#6 bolt(holds next 5 parts together)
1/2" cpvc endcap
1" fender washer
nylon spacer
another 1" fender washer
another 1/2" cpvc endcap
large fender washer (ID larger than cpvc, OD larger than 1 1/4" pvc)
9637k12 spring
2" pvc endcap
duct tape
1/2" x 1/2" carriage bolt cpvc endcap (to attach head to rod)
1/2" machine screws to hold the whole thing together

EDIT: I hope it's not too late for a quick update.
I shortened the plunger rod so the spring is pretensioned and gets full compression. I also shortened the plunger tube to match and remove some deadspace. Finally, to reduce plunger head mass, I got rid of the carriage bolt screwed into the plunger rod, and replaced it with an endcap machine screwed on. It now gets a respectable 45 feet.
It takes some muscle to prime, but is still totally doable. The full compression is just barely visible through the vent holes.
Posted Image

#325819 Question to all you modders

Posted by Ivan S on 25 January 2013 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

I'd like to see the return of semi/fully automatic air guns. If they used n-strike clips that'd be awesome. And I know this is asking for too much, but my dream Hasbro gun would be an electrically pumped air gun.

Most people in the NIC can easily throw together a simple homemade that shoots 100 feet, but automatic and semiautomatic guns are something the community has never really been able to reproduce. So I think the place where Hasbro can provide us the most is complex, rapid fire guns like the stampede, RF20, and magstrike that we could never build ourselves.

TL;DR: We can build simple, long-range guns ourselves. Hasbro should build us complex, rapid fire ones.

#325963 Stryfe Modification - Something slightly different...

Posted by Ivan S on 28 January 2013 - 03:20 AM in Modifications

Someone please be my hero and convert their blaster to larger diameter brushless motors. It would require major reconstructive surgery on the blaster but the results would be in a whole 'nother universe.

Would something like this work?

I understand that brushless motors are more efficient than standard ones, but what advantages would they have in a flywheel gun? More torque, therefore less downspin from firing?

Edit: I now realize that these are only 10k rpm, half the speed of the mod here. So I guess they wouldn't work? Or could torque make up for it? I really don't know much about flywheel guns.

#326229 The BEST upgrade motor for the Stryfe (after extensive testing) is...

Posted by Ivan S on 01 February 2013 - 02:30 PM in Modifications

Wow, those are amazing!

Would you say these are the best motors for all flywheel nerf blasters? To my knowledge they all use 130 size motors.

#326598 Exclusive pics of new 2013 blasters and new ranges

Posted by Ivan S on 10 February 2013 - 12:27 PM in General Nerf

As a father with a 4 year old daughter, who loves my sonic Longstrike and Longshot. The Rebelle line is a nice way to introduce Nerf blasters to girls. But the theme could use a little refining. My daughter will probably like it cause she is the type of kid to dress up like a princess and then play in the mud. But I showed the line to my wife, her instant reaction was "why do they have to be pink?"

The design is fine, although that bow looks small, but adding other colors like red or purple might not be a bad idea.

There is a larger sister to the Xcross shot. Griever some great points - would you mind asking your wife why that was her reaction? What did she expect to see? What colours in her mind are more befitting? Thank you!

That was my reaction too, because some girls like colors other than pink. My suggestion to Hasbro for selling guns to girls would be to stop putting 18 year old marines on their box art, and start using normal kids, some of whom are girls.

That's not to say that blasters targeted at girls are a completely bad idea, but these seem like the femininity aspect is a bit overdone.

#326650 Optimally done Optimal-Y

Posted by Ivan S on 10 February 2013 - 10:21 PM in Darts and Barrels

Is there any chance that you or, I don't know... someone else very interested in metal-free darts... might be selling these? It's a great design, but most nerfers don't have access to a lathe.

#326887 airgun info request

Posted by Ivan S on 15 February 2013 - 07:55 PM in General Nerf

I don't think "failure pressure" is going to be terribly useful to what you're doing. The pressure at which a tank will burst when being pressurized once is far above the pressure at which it can be pumped to consistently without failing over time(working pressure). I doubt anyone has taken the time or effort to determine max working pressure of nerf tanks.

I hunted down some tank volumes with the search function because I'm also interested.
SM1500/AT2K: 17.67mL
Panther: 37.78mL
Titan: 320mL
Cobra: 750mL
Sources: here, here, and here.

Some stock pressures(which are determined by the pump, not the tank) That I know offhand are titan/magstrike:~35psi and secret strike pocket blast: ~55psi. You might be able to find more with the search function.

It'd be great to have a directory of tank volume/stock pressure the way there is for spring length/compression force, but since airguns are generally less popular and more complicated than springers, it'll probably never happen.

#326960 NDA Exclusive - Nerf Gatling foam-ball blaster

Posted by Ivan S on 18 February 2013 - 01:18 PM in General Nerf

The fact it has an Innovation Patent means it's closer to seeing Retail-Light than the ECS-50 drum ever was.

Could you elaborate on this part? It's my understanding that the majority of patents never get brought to market. Wikipedia says an "innovation patent" is "A type of patent in some countries used for inventions that have a short commercial life or that offers a comparatively small advance over existing technology. It often has a shorter term of protection, for example 8 years instead of 20 in Australia".

So I see how a working prototype implies that it's close to market, but I don't really get that part.

#327044 2013 New Releases Mod Contest

Posted by Ivan S on 19 February 2013 - 09:27 PM in News

Are multiple entries allowed per person?

#327060 VAFF

Posted by Ivan S on 20 February 2013 - 02:04 AM in Nerf Wars

Virginia Foam Fling

When: March 10th 1-3pm
Where: Hollymead Elementary School, Charlottesville, VA. Unfenced playground. https://maps.google....c=A&gl=US&hl=en (some some reason googlemaps says it's in Rivanna, that's wrong)

This is a war I'm having with some local friends, most of whom aren't enthusiasts like us. But I know the NIC doesn't do many wars in Virginia, so if you live nearby and would like to come, you're welcome to. We will be playing mainly with modded guns and stock darts, but homemade guns and (metal free)darts are allowed.

Eye protection mandatory
Nothing that shoots over 110ft
Homemade airguns must have OPRVs
No black/camo guns
Stock darts and metal free darts only(I'll have AMIORs to share)

#327062 2013 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Ivan S on 20 February 2013 - 02:25 AM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23689]10th [VA] VAFF[/url]

#327603 NDA Exclusive! New 2013 Nerf Mega Centurion

Posted by Ivan S on 04 March 2013 - 12:45 PM in General Nerf

Guys. Hasbro absolutely always, in every case, 100% of the time, no exceptions, advertises angled ranges. This thing maybe has modding potential to 100ft flat and beyond, but expecting it to get that stock is wishful thinking.
Notice that the fine print, just like every other nerf blaster, says "fires up to" in front of the range.

#328089 Understanding Air Guns

Posted by Ivan S on 16 March 2013 - 05:57 PM in Homemades

I think one of the things that keeps people from building air guns is the fear that they're too complicated. I think it should be noted, just for beginners, that you don't need to understand most of this stuff if you just want to make a good Mad Ghost, TH^2, WNTS, or similar. The essential things to understand are check valves and over pressure valves.
You may also want to add this link to the oprv section, it has some crucial information on how to use them.

#328116 3D printed Wye on a Snapbow

Posted by Ivan S on 17 March 2013 - 08:58 AM in Darts and Barrels

I agree with this, if we could just easily slide in our cpvc barrels this would be extremely nice. That would also allow you to change the length of the barrel more easily.

I think this is a great idea, why not make the ID of the front the same as the OD of 1/2" cpvc? That would make switching barrels way easier, plus remove the possibility of bending the barrel when you hammer it into a pvc stub.
It would be more difficult to fit barrels for air guns, but who am I kidding, springers are waayyy more common than air guns. Maybe you could also make the OD of the front the same as 1/2" pvc so a coupler could be attached and sch80 or petg could be attached to that?

#328165 Magstrike Air Tank Mod Revisited

Posted by Ivan S on 18 March 2013 - 07:46 PM in Modifications

Wow, this thing is awesome. How many clips can it go through in one fill? I'm assuming you fill it electrically and disconnect the pump until next round/day/ however it works with hvz?

#328291 Magstrike Air Tank Mod Revisited

Posted by Ivan S on 23 March 2013 - 03:21 PM in Modifications

Two more questions, What type of foam did you use, and where did you get it?