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#298522 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by chavez guy on 24 May 2011 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

This is my first post, ever, and here is some of the stuff i have put together.

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All brown parts on my PAS painted red. The hopper kinda kills it though, so I need to paint that.

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Titan with a 3 barrel shotgun speedloader thing. Takes like 15 or so pumps to fill it, considering I plugged up all the other tubes and valves leading to the other useless crap that comes in a titan.

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Singled longshot. Extremely sloppy job. Performs suboptimally. Very few redeeming qualities. Even the PVC stock sucks.

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RSCB'd reactor. Hits high 30's to mid forties depending how fast it is pushed. I know it sucks, but it is a big improvement over shooting balls ten feet.

#309280 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by chavez guy on 08 January 2012 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

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1.25 to .5 inch bushing in the PT of my PAS. Kills dead space, but then I end up making more because the hopper can't be flush with the bushing. Oh well. I tried.

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Shows off the nitefinder handle I E-puttied on there. It is quite stable, but i don't know if it would last that long if I tried ripping it off. But it works.

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Choppered quad-shot. I effed up the turret and was just frustrated so I singled it. And stuck a chopper on there. It gets a perfect seal witht he stock skirt. And to you nay-sayers, YES, I did keep the trigger pressed down while testing to prevent the ratchet plunger rod from catching.

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My draw extended nite finder with bigass speedloader. Write up here.

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3K overhauled Ryan style.

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2k thrown together from spare parts. Yes, that is a LSFG handle.

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Titan shotty. Shoots three, or 6 at a time. Has a speed loader thing and a 1/2 inch PVC frame.

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The longshot that has had like 6 attempted modifications to it. I just singled it so I wouldn't mess up the parts anymore. PEX barrel. CPVC, for all intents and purposes.

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Couplered Harpoon Blastah. Came with the effed up OPRV, but pumping it like 10 times (as per either baghead's or muttonchop's suggestion, not sure who told me) unstuck the valve. I minimized it in a way that leaves that comfy fore grip so I can easily pump it, but leaves space for a hopper or RSCB or speedloader or inline or deoderant clip or slide breech or missile attachment or shotgun attachment or what-fucking-ever I would want to put on it.

Thanks for looking at my work. I have more coming, for anyone that cares.

#301612 Semi-auto 2k Prototype-its A Start

Posted by chavez guy on 15 July 2011 - 03:59 PM in Modifications

This thread is probably sick of being risen from the dead.
I'm risking my membership here, but I hope this counts as a legal necro. The second one in this thread.

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Basically I have done what Merzlin did, but stick it in a shittily painted mav shell. And I used a 3k tank instead of a 2k tank.

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Originally I had tried the whole semi-auto thing by getting the trigger to be always pushing against the magstrike push-release valve, and then the same trigger would be pulled back to release the valve, and pull the 3k pin. I did not succeed in that. I tried having bungies pulling the 3/4" PVC ring on the maverick trigger so that when i wasn't doing anything the valve was being pushed. However It made the trigger pull too hard and I thought something was going to break. So instead I decided to just make it so that I could push forward with my finger until I hear a little "hiss" from the air, and then pull back the release the air in the tank.

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In the above photo, there is a shitload of hotglue on the tubing because when I ordered the check valve from McMaster, I got one size too big, so I had to make it fit. Thus the hotglue, and other scraps of titan tubing.

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Here is the bladder. There is a check valve between it and the pump because the stock one stopped working. I also figured banding it would be good because if there is more pressure on the air in the bladder, there is more pressure putting air into the tank. Therefore, more air goes into tank and ability to cause welts is increased. Theoretically.

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Here is another photo of all the internals.
Before anyone asks, I have not officially range tested. This is for two reasons. I don't have a long tape measurer thingy, and all my stefans suck shit. When I buy some of Angel's beige stuff I'll have better stuff to shoot from this. And yes, I tried a hopper. Even with Brit's guide thing inside it wont feed properly. So an RSCB works fine.
I hope this has somewhat contributed to the work already done here, and I'm sure someone more experienced could make something truly semi-auto out of what has been done here. I know just yesterday Banshee posted something virtually identical to what I am showing in this post, and I would like to say 2 things. One, Banshee did a better job than I did on this if he is getting 100' with streamlines, and that I had no prior knowledge of his work, as he probably had no prior knowledge of mine.

If this is not a legal necro, admins, please let me know.

#303454 Orange Mod Works Kit Reviews

Posted by chavez guy on 17 August 2011 - 02:37 PM in General Nerf

I'm a bit worried if they have aluminum internals they'll be pretty heavy to just run around with.

Dude, aluminium is one of the lightest metals, haha.

#322583 Vote for NH's Next Avatar Pack

Posted by chavez guy on 14 October 2012 - 11:20 AM in Off Topic

If it hasn't already been mentioned/isn't already there, I would like to see some Regular Show avatars.

#310469 Another Simple 3D Printed Blaster

Posted by chavez guy on 01 February 2012 - 01:22 AM in Homemades

Props and shizz!
I really like this. Is the red thing at the front like a bushing or coupler?

#304284 Homemade Vortex Discs

Posted by chavez guy on 04 September 2011 - 02:54 PM in Darts and Barrels

Very nice. The Vortex guns aren't even officially released yet, and the community is already making home-made ammo. My crystal ball and I predict some sort of usable disk ammo sometime next year. Or not. Who knows? Not me.

Either way, I am very excited to see where this whole disk shooting guns thing takes this hobby. Keep up the good work. I am very much looking forward to seeing where this goes.

#299679 Another Recon Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 10 June 2011 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

So unless I am entirely missing the point, this setup (using different sizes in brass, and nesting brass inside the PETG) can be adjusted to fit different size darts, correct?

#299610 Another Recon Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 09 June 2011 - 05:39 PM in Modifications

I really like the simplicity of the breech. The ability to fire stefans is a major bonus in my opinion. Is it designed in a way so that the stefan goes INSIDE the 17/32 brass? or does the brass push it into the PETG? And if it is medium wall PETG, wouldn't it be too loose on your darts? or are they just really fat?

Thanks for doing such a nice clear write up.

#299619 Another Recon Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 09 June 2011 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

The 17/32 acts as a dart pusher---as well as the seal for the breech. Interestingly: A segment of 17/32 could also easily be nested in the barrel, positioned so that the dart is pushed in the brass---while still leaving a small amount of PETG left to seal against the stub in the bolt. INSTANT dart-fit change!

I have a small amount of foam that is a good fit for medium walled PETG. I do need more......wink,wink... :rolleyes:

So the 17/32 brass acts as the barrel? Would that make the PETG a faux barrel?

#309549 Fully Auto Nerf Barricade Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 15 January 2012 - 06:53 PM in Modifications

Why not just post a video of you range testing it? That should shut up any nay-sayers and add further validity.
In an attempt to get people to focus less on statistical values of this mod, how strong was the spring used to push (or pull?) the arm?

#309569 Fully Auto Nerf Barricade Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 15 January 2012 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

So what you are trying to say is that the bb is going to add 60ft? Please, 9v mods have been done many many times before and they all come out to be around 50ft flat.

There is no way that you got those ranges with stock motors and that battery. If anyone doesn't believe me then pop a 9v in a barricade, tape the wheels and use weighted streamlines and see for yourself. I guarantee you will not be getting 100ft ranges.

I'm sorry, but you are really pissing me off and I am not even the OP. Please shut up. It has been made more than clear that you don't think this mod is accurate, and there is no point in repeatedly shoving it in everyone's face. You may be trying to sound smarter by repeatedly slamming the OP, but the fact that you won't let go is starting to make you look like a douche-nozzle. Even if his ranges are BS, it is a great mod and I think people should focus more on that.

#309476 Fully Auto Nerf Barricade Mod

Posted by chavez guy on 14 January 2012 - 12:22 AM in Modifications

I don't think this comparison has been made yet, but it sounds like it functions (the arm anyways) like a swarmfire plunger. Would this comparison be correct?

#319961 Creating a NIC Biography

Posted by chavez guy on 05 August 2012 - 11:16 AM in Off Topic

I greatly appreciate you including me in this list of possible subjects. I am quite willing to help in any way possible.

I think he was referring to that wannabe vampire guy.

Anyways, it might be a good idea to include different dart making methods used throughout the ages. i.e. glue domes, slugs, etc. Speaking of slugs, include Captain Slug. Even though he isn't around anymore, he did contribute a lot of great stuff.

Include the angel breech, the hopper, the RSCB and whatever other loading mechanisms you may find out there.
Include the 4B and it's modern OPV relocated variants.
Kane's HAMP. Those are pretty cool.

Besides those specifics, look into some of the origins of the NIC and some of the first popular blasters and modifications that came a lot with it. Mention popular wars (Armageddon, Apocalypse etc.)
Make sure, however, you don't make us all look like even bigger nerds than we already are.

#301689 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by chavez guy on 17 July 2011 - 12:33 PM in Modifications

It would be uncomfortable to operate if you ask me.

Also the spring would need to be so ridiculously strong, that the trigger pull to fire the tank would simply be too dificult.

#301637 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by chavez guy on 16 July 2011 - 12:26 AM in Modifications

My knowledge of air systems is fairly bad (and with no practical experience), but how does this happen? Without the check valve the only way I can see air flowing back into the Magstrike bladder is if it's at a lower pressure than the Quickblast tank, but from when you're filling the tank shouldn't they be at the same pressure? Or is there an element of timing when you're filling the tank?

He means that after he pushes the push button valve for the air to go from the bladder into the tank, without a check valve right before the tank, all the air just comes out the push valve thing when you release the button. The check valve stops the air from going in that direction. I know from experience, the check valve IS vital.

#300727 New Nerf Guns

Posted by chavez guy on 29 June 2011 - 12:01 AM in News

I have a feeling that either small plungers, reverse plungers (or both) are going to be used here, considering it probably takes a lot less air to fire a little disc than a relatively large chunk of foam with plasticky rubber-esque stuff on it. I wonder if people will start making home-made discs (and blasters & home-mades to fire them) as counterparts to stefans and slugs.

I wonder if the sight on the first vortex one is just like a reflex sight, but in a plastic shell.

#301647 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by chavez guy on 16 July 2011 - 10:00 AM in Modifications

It will work with any air tank, but the results will depend on what tank you use. I've stated my reasons for using this tank previously, so if you use something else, let me know how it goes.

I know you were asking Kyrativ, and not myself, but I thought I should share that I pulled this off using a 3k tank, and Merzlin pulled it off using a 2k tank a while ago, but I'm not sure if Merzlin ever suck it inside a shell or anything.

#301623 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by chavez guy on 15 July 2011 - 08:10 PM in Modifications

(like the recently revived semi-auto 2k)

I was going to mention that, haha. My design isn't as comfortable (not does it look nearly as effective) as Banshee's though. I will probably end up re-arranging the push button to make it similar to this, since my semi-auto attempt didn't work.

#301650 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by chavez guy on 16 July 2011 - 12:26 PM in Modifications

Exactly, it can be done, but you said you weren't getting 100 ranges with your 3K tank, right? I am, so I can't recommend any tank but the one used if I want to guarantee people 100 foot ranges.

I havent actually range tested yet, but I do not have a tape measurer that long. Nor do I have any quality stefans at the moment. I can't guarantee 100 foot ranges, but I think it would be very likely provided the bladder is banded enough, considering when there is enough pressure in a 3k tank it can hit 140'.

#304508 No Time to Nerf

Posted by chavez guy on 09 September 2011 - 04:06 PM in Off Topic

I always liked your work CS. Enjoy your wife, house and job.
It isn't like someone can nerf for their whole lives (realistically) so I am glad to see you have contributed so many amazing things to the community before you left.
Just one question. Will you still be moderating and/or posting on the forums?

#313770 Baby Bottle Hopper

Posted by chavez guy on 31 March 2012 - 12:43 AM in Darts and Barrels

You should invest in a pair of knee pads.

I laughed so hard when I read that.

But on topic, I recall you (MIG) saying somewhere you hate hoppers. Is this the change in hoppers you were looking for to make them suited to your nerf connoisseur tastes?

#314165 Baby Bottle Hopper

Posted by chavez guy on 08 April 2012 - 08:46 PM in Darts and Barrels

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Out of complete curiosity why is there a second barrel taped to the bottom of your hopper's barrel?
Not a criticism, but since this isn't the first time I have seen this I want to know if there is a reason for this.

#320679 Hey Guys, iNerfHaven Dev Here UPDATED ANDROID VERSION TO BETA 4

Posted by chavez guy on 19 August 2012 - 01:02 PM in General Nerf

Instead of bagging on him, why not just ignore the thread? If you don't like his product, don't buy it.

How would you feel if everybody who didn't like your rockets went and starting shitting all over your sales thread Draconis?

Granted, most of us won't use his product, but it isn't like it is hurting anyone. If you want an Android app, make it yourself.

#320674 Hey Guys, iNerfHaven Dev Here UPDATED ANDROID VERSION TO BETA 4

Posted by chavez guy on 19 August 2012 - 12:01 PM in General Nerf

Personally I like the orange a bit better because eff yeah bright colors.

But the blue looks more nerfhavenish.

#317478 Prototype WHIP-S2

Posted by chavez guy on 24 June 2012 - 12:27 PM in Homemades

Nota: No puedo usar acentos, tengo un teclado ingles.

Si estás en un PC, usa Alt + 130, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 164


#302757 Nerf Bolo Rounds

Posted by chavez guy on 03 August 2011 - 01:20 PM in General Nerf

Could we get a video? This is actually pretty cool. If we could get slo-mo footage too, that would be also awesome.
Do you think that with smaller (normal sized) darts, this could be used to join together like 4 or 5 or some other number of darts to control the spread of a shotgun type blaster (like my titan).

#302380 JSPB-The Mad Ghost

Posted by chavez guy on 27 July 2011 - 12:05 PM in Homemades

Wow. When I saw that 3DBBQ added a topic I got all giddy and excited and whatnot. I was wondering if the ammount of PVC pipe between the trigger and the RSCB is creating enough dead space to noticeably hurt ranges, because it kinda looks like the dead space could be reduced some.

#299214 Tyco RC Rapid Assault

Posted by chavez guy on 03 June 2011 - 08:45 AM in Modifications

That is pretty cool. How fast does the car thingy itself move?

#304892 Homemade Ren Fair Firearms

Posted by chavez guy on 21 September 2011 - 08:39 AM in Homemades

I don't get why people are getting all up in this guy's ass. Yeah, I think the idea of building a muzzle loading nerf gun is obscenely stupid, and useless. But that is just me. If this guy wants to do it, I don't see why he shouldn't. He seems quite focused on the mechanics of it, and not just LARPing with a bunch of other people and blabbing about it here.

Who knows? What if in the process of making this he discovers something that is actually useful to the rest of us who want to use war-worthy home mades? It isn't likely, but it would still be cool.

#320178 The Remedy Metal SS Boltsled, a working and produced part

Posted by chavez guy on 08 August 2012 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

Does anyone else see the elite blasters making the longshot obsolete soon? They can be modded similarly to how a longshot can in a way that achieves the same ranges, without having to pay $70.

The reason I bring this up, is because if longshots go obsolete, so with longshot boltsleds. And while this is definitely a...shiny...product if nothing else, by the time these are produced enough to lower the cost, the longshot itself will probably be as obsolete as the slide breech is now.

Either way, that is one nice looking boltsled. It is a shame nobody can see it once it is inside the blaster.

#320184 The Remedy Metal SS Boltsled, a working and produced part

Posted by chavez guy on 08 August 2012 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

Well apparently I stand corrected.

#304003 Nerf Mod Community Dwindling?

Posted by chavez guy on 28 August 2011 - 08:41 PM in Modifications

I haven't been here too long, but I have been lurking for over a year. Most of the good modifications I would see while lurking, and even today are for blasters that are no longer sold in stores, and because of the increasing rarity, are more difficult and expensive to obtain. I am finding it harder to find nite finders in stores, my local target no longer stocks berserkers and UMBs, and the only thing that might have amazing potential that I can locally obtain is the swarmfire (which I have actually not obtained yet, ironically). The closest TRU to me is hella far away, but last time I was at a TRU the triple shot and nite finders and a couple other non-shit guns were still being sold.

The point I am trying to make is that since less and less amazing blasters are being sold in stores, the ability for people to make good mods out of them becomes less and less as well. As mentioned earlier, home-mades are becoming increasingly more prevalent. Did you notice Ryan made a home-made contest? And there hasn't been a mod contest in a long time. I do not want to speak for him, but I think it may have to do with less good modifications being done. My only hope is that Nerf or BuzzBee (or hell, Airzone for that matter) will release some new groundbreaking thing (the next LS, or 4B, or Airtech) that us modders can make use of. That, or once the Vortex line comes out people will convert to disk shooters and find out how to make home-made disks that fly straiter.

To answer the question, I think the modification community is declining, but not by any ammount anyone should be worried about. I just think people will have to hold out and just spend a little more for oldie guns on eBay or the trading forums.

#303492 [Help] Stampede mod gone wrong?

Posted by chavez guy on 18 August 2011 - 12:28 PM in Modifications

I don't know if this is relevant, but I had a dream about this thread. And in my dream I found the solution. But in my dream stampedes were reverse plunger or some shit. But even still, in my dream you had to big of an O ring. If that isn't the problem, there isn't really much else I can say, haha.

#300487 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 24 June 2011 - 10:51 PM in General Nerf

After my Lego Harpoon Blaster (Basically a 4B) came in the mail, I realized the overpressure valve does not kick in. I remembered Coop mentioning that in a video, and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same issue with the Harpoon Blaster. I searched and did not find a fix. Anybody else find a fix to this issue?

#300534 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 26 June 2011 - 12:02 AM in General Nerf

While I have no experience with OPVs my guess is that it's stuck. You could try making it kick in with a pencil or something, and adding some lubricant somehow. Perhaps the OPV was changed slightly, an autopsy is the only way to be sure. Homemade OPVs are always an option, provided local war hosts trust your better judgement.

Haha, not only do I have close to zero knowledge on the inner workings of overpressure valves (an enlightenment from someone more experienced would be nice), I have even less knowledge on building one. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Being a newish member (through FNG method) I have not familiarized myself with how trades work (despite my year of lurking). When I get that down I'll look into buying a replacement pump. Until then I think having a screw around gun is a nice option, haha.

#300823 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 30 June 2011 - 06:10 PM in General Nerf

Sorry to double post, but even though I posted this morning, it didn't bring the topic to the top and it still said the last reply was from Curly. I know bumps are extremely erotic, but since something glitched out and it gave me an "internal service error" when I posted I thought an exception could be made. Please tell me if I am wrong.

#301897 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 20 July 2011 - 04:44 PM in General Nerf

Pump very slowly. There is a very different feel, you'll know when it happens.

That is what she said.

Sorry, sorry, but in all seriousness, thanks for the info. I'll go try that right now. I'll let you know if it works or not in a minute or two.

*2 minutes later* Wow. That worked perfectly. It kicked in at EXACTLY 10 pumps, and now I have a working overpressure valve.

Thank you so much people!

#301894 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 20 July 2011 - 04:35 PM in General Nerf

Being that I have four Harpoon blasters, this happened to two of mine. Curly was right the first time, the OPV is stuck. Just pump it up way higher then you normally would, it will likely engage after the ~10th pump, and after that it should work normally. No pulling apart the blaster, no installing new parts. Simply pump the blaster up and the OPV should engage. Be careful, be gentle (dont pump it like an asshat) and you'll be fine.

I'll try it, but is any of my tubing in danger of going kablooey or anything?

#300800 Harpoon Blaster OPV issue.

Posted by chavez guy on 30 June 2011 - 11:16 AM in General Nerf

Last night I had sort of an epiphany for this issue.
Internally, the airgun part of a berserker is identical to a 4B's internals right? So I was just thinking take the pump shaft from the berserker, throw that where the 'poon blaster's pump shaft would go, and then place the Harpoon Blaster's pump shaft in the berserker, and give it (berserker) a shotgun attachment so it would be more war legalish.

What do you all think?