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#53746 Modifying My Nite Finder

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 April 2005 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

6. put an ACTUAL LASER in for a sight. using existing wiring and batteries, but changing the inside components.

Lasers can blind people. I suggest taking it out if you're going to use it in a war. Or you can take out the batteries for wars and leave them in when you're not having a war.

Nice job though.

#53499 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

There's one at The LaMario's Nerf Site.

#53498 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 07:08 PM in Off Topic

In coherence with this topic:
Bush is meeting with a Saudi prince (you'd be suprised that the Saudi's are the richest people in the world) to try to lower gas prices.

What has our country come to? Complete deceit, that's what. You can't listen to everything you hear on the news, you have to find out what they are saying and then get another opinion. Then you can form your own opinion and that's when you realize things. The only way we can lower gas prices is if we raise taxes. You know how Bush has been lowering taxes and then sending you checks? It's bull. Complete bull. It makes you think you're getting more money but you're not. You end up paying more than you would with higher taxes because the lower taxes are causing extreme side effects.

And cars, well the only way I would ever modify my car is to run on something other than gas. That would be the shiznat. When I get a car, I'm gonna buy some bumper stickers for it. I like bumper stickers. I like reading them. Does anybody know if it's possible to make your own bumper stickers? That would be awesome, because I've seen many that I would like but I've never seen bumper stickers for sale anywhere.

#53468 New Discovery!

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 04:51 PM in General Nerf

Hopefully they are going to re-release the guns, but I think the green/pink darts are just the Hasbro knock-off darts of the Larami darts, not the actual ones that everybody is looking for.

#53406 List Of All Guns Ever Made

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 08:29 PM in General Nerf

Orange, the Slingfire does exist. I saw it in a recent eBay auction that included the Slingfire, a new SM750, SM250, SM350, and an LnL. I don't have the link right now but somebody else might.

#53403 Stefan Making Tip

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

About dropping the dart in ice water, do you just drop the foam in or do you drop everything, including the glue tip, in the water? And what length should I make my darts?

#53400 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Not really, that's how I decided on Space Marines...

#53376 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic

I have a ghetto car for now.

A red 88'  Ford Crown Victoria LX edition.

Aren't Crown Victorias used for police cruisers sometimes? I didn't think they were available to the public :D.

Edit: Oh, and Jakethesnake, Bushy is "hooked up." He knows some people in the oil business and they are helping each other (and lying to our country) and that's why the gas prices are so high. It's extremely deceitful, and I'm EXTREMELY ashamed that guy was elected in the first place, and even more ashamed he was re-elected.


Julie drives an '05 Prius completely loaded with bluetooth

Pardon the stupidity, but what's bluetooth?

#53375 Secret Shot Mod²

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

That's a nice mod, and it's very clean. Well done. Does it shoot both darts at the same time, or can you switch between the two barrels? That would be schweet.

I remember my friend got a set of those at a garage sale for three bucks, we would play with them for hours... I don't know whatever happened to those, I should ask him. That was like, the best gimmicky gun ever. We would spend hours acting like James Bond with the pistols touching our heads, sneaking along the walls, then shooting out of the handle instead of the main barrel. Good times :D.

#53374 Stefan Making Tip

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:28 PM in General Nerf

Okay I'm really confused. When I first went out to buy Stefan materials, I got 1/2" FBR and copper-coated BB's for micro Stefans. After reading some more, I found out that BB's aren't that great for weights. So I went out and got 5/8" FBR and 3/0 Split Shot sinkers for mega Stefans, and some BB-sized Split Shot sinkers for micro Stefans. Are these the correct materials? If not, what are the correct materials? And what length should I make my darts?

#53305 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 April 2005 - 11:47 PM in Off Topic

bottom line is, it may seem nerdy to some people, but once you get past all that shit it's a blast.

You can't really listen to what other people say. I've noticed that most "nerdy" games are the fun ones. Nerf, lacrosse, Warhammer just to name a few. All fun, and all considered nerdy or geeky (at least here they are)

#53304 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 April 2005 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

1. Rollerblade TRS Access, trying to get new wheels (preferrably Cozmos)

2. Haro bike, green and can't remember the model name

3. JD Razor, green handle grips and wheels

4. NSS shoes

If I ever get a car, I'm getting a Toyota Prius. I'm sorry but $2.57 per gallon is just WAY too much, but 70 miles per gallon should keep the costs down.

#53249 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 11:32 PM in Homemades

Accurate Range: 10ft
Intended Use: losing

Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: losing

You've got to be kidding me.

#53219 Resistors

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 06:54 PM in Modifications

Sorry if this sounds idiotic but I am lost as to what a resistor is...

I think he meant restrictor, as in air restrictor.

#53218 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 06:40 PM in Off Topic

Well, it depends. I sucked when I first started painting them. I mean I REALLY sucked. But after, I don't know, two, three weeks, I was pretty good. My hand is a lot steadier now, and I go as much in detail as I can. I guess once you get the hang of it, and master the different techniques like drybrushing and inking, it's not that hard. The paintbrush has become like an extension of my fingers now. Here's a tip, if you ever mess up, clean it off with a Q-tip so you don't have to start over. (I know some players who, before I told them this, would actually start all over again if they messed up)

#53200 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 04:53 PM in Off Topic

My brother and I sometimes play. My brother is more into it though. I like painting the models the most. I would rather paint, take pictures, then re-paint, take pics, etc. than have a war. But I think that's because the people I play with always take soooo long.

Orcs and Gobbos - Me
Lizardmen - My brother

Space Marines - Me
Tau - My brother

I'm not really that serious into it. But I really like painting so this is the perfect way to hone my skills and have fun painting.

#53134 Laser Tek

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 April 2005 - 07:50 PM in General Nerf

Buzz Bee, and Buzz Bee's main distributor is K-Mart so try there.

#53048 Good News, Bad News

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 April 2005 - 10:25 PM in General Nerf

Okay, seriously, why did you post like that, and then say that you thought they were making it quieter?  I was merely posting a posibility, not making some kind of assertion.  You're contradicting yourself in more ways than I care to count, and it's hurting my head.  Ugh I hate petty shit like that.

"Right hand in the air in the land of hypocrisy..."

Umm, did you even read my post? I didn't say anything hypocritic(sp). I was just quoting and saying what OMC said!

Here is the thread where he posted it. It is on the second page.

Ugh I hate petty shit like that.

As do I, so don't post it. "Right hand in the air in the land of hypocripsy..."

Edit: Changed 'he' to 'OMC'

#53039 Good News, Bad News

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 April 2005 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

Getting a spare BBB will be beastly.  If they do change the color, they will probably change the plastic, which mean it would almost definitely be better, but I guess we'll see...


He also said somewhere that they are considering making it quieter, which is awesome. When I heard a BBB being primed for the first time (it was in a video) I thought the person in the video broke it or something, but it was just the really weird cracking/snapping noise it makes during priming.

Edit: Grr Typo

#52937 Supper Soaker

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

Yakman's Writeup.

#52933 More New Writeups

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 09:26 PM in News

You know it'd be funny. Face it- middle of a fast dance someone gets nailed in the head, and it's so crowded nobody knows where it came from- except me and my buddies laughing by the punch bowls.


Not just any "someone," how about the prom queen? :P

That RSCB barrel thing looks interesting... I think it'd be unweildy and too heavy, but that's just me. And why do you have to point the gun down while pumping?

#52925 Xbows?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

Barrel mod is pretty easy, and mine is modded to shoot mega stefans, but if you put some brass in the PVC it would instantly shoot minis.

I expected better from such a respectable person as you! The correct terminology is "micros."

The Crossbow shoots megas and arrows. Here are some dart barrel materials:

What kinds of barrels fit arrows?
AT2K/SM1500 Pump Tubes

What kinds of barrels fit mega Stefans?
SCH 40 PVC 1/2"
AT2K/SM1500 Pump Tubes

What kinds of barrels fit Micro Stefans?
1/2" SCH 80 PVC
9/16" or 17/32" K&S Brass
1/2" CPVC
9/16" PETG

What kinds of barrels fit Nano Stefans?
7/16" K&S Brass
3/8 PEX Pipe

#52923 Need Help Mod A Suppermax 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 07:48 PM in Modifications

I wonder how hard it would be to integrate the internals of a BBB into a SM3K frame, under the hope of producing an 8 shot BBB?

Methinks it would be easier if you just took the turret off a SM3K and rigged it to the BBB.

NJNerfer, there is no SM2K. I think you mean the AT2K, which is considered the SM1.5K's "cousin."

#52919 Good News, Bad News

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 07:12 PM in General Nerf

YES!!! I dreamt it would happen, but I seriously doubted it with things like the Powerclip and stuff. I mean, every little 6 year old out there would rather have a fully automatic 10-shot clip loaded gun over a single shot arrow-shooter that's taller than they are. But this is freaking awesome!

Please say the rest of Hyper Sight will be re-released too (without lying) PLEASE?!?!?!

#52689 Blowguns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 April 2005 - 02:47 PM in Homemades

Wow! Nice blowgun! It looks just like my friend's blowgun, but this one is for Nerf.

A while ago, Duce posted a picture of some of his stuff, along with one of those stick horse things. I responded saying he should turn the horse thing into a blowgun. Here is the thread on NHQ.

#52652 Titan Missile Prototype

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 April 2005 - 07:22 PM in Homemades

They look like they ARE angled.

I don't think so. Did you mean they are cut so they aren't just square-shaped? Because waht I meant was so they are like the arrows that come with the Big Bad Bow in that the fins are at like a 10-15 degree angle so when fired, the arrow spins and is mroe accurate. Kind of like rifling.

#52650 Titan Missile Prototype

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 April 2005 - 06:45 PM in Homemades

That's really awesome. I need to buy some couplers and stuff because I am going to basically do ompa's Titan modification, but with SCH 40 PVC instead so it shoots megas. That way, I have a removable barrel so I can use the missile or megas, and now your homemade missiles.

Have you tried angling the fins like you did on your arrows?

#52607 Do You Recommend The Maverick?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

I haven't seen that mod, but what if you could make a Maverick that had interchangable (sp) clip/turret thingies (Like the powerclip)? That would be schweet.

You can.

#52606 This Mod Kicks My Mod's Ass

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 10:40 PM in Modifications

you'll need a TON of LEGOs

Who says I don't have a ton of LEGOs? I friggen LOVED those things when I was younger. I've got pounds of them sitting in my attic. And plus, I could always use the electronic stuff then glue/tape it to something else to make for a more stable robot.

#52591 This Mod Kicks My Mod's Ass

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

It's the same group.

I feel extremely stupid. But I've got an idea for making me one of those Nerfbots. Maybe. Or something. See, I've got this LEGO Robotics thing laying around... I'm pretty sure the motors in it are too weak to do anything, but who says I can't rip them out and put something in there with more torque? What if somebody made a mutli-function robot with an AT3K and a speedloader for it? That would be sweet. Press a button, and the pre-loaded speedloader reloads the AT3K, then moves out of the way of the barrels! That would be awesome (and would require a lot of servos :)).

#52582 This Mod Kicks My Mod's Ass

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 04:51 PM in Modifications

That reminds me of these.

#52560 Favorite Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 09:26 AM in General Nerf

I still want some other guns that look cool. These include:


The Expand-a-blast may look cool, but in a nerf war it's not a very effective gun. Trust me that gun sucks in nerf wars of any kind, but I've only used it unmodified. So it may be good enough to use in a nerf war if it's modified.

Modified, the thing kicks. Cxwq used it as his primary for a while.

The good thing is my friend has one unmodded, along with a Vortex Firestorm and 2 Blastfires, and he doesn't know a thing about nerf or what anything is worth :). I'm gonna give him like $15 for the whole lot, and he'll probaby take it.

#52543 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by MattPaintballer on 14 April 2005 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

Although they re-released it several times already, it has essentially been replaced by the AT2k

I beg to differ. I extremely prefer my SM1500 over my AT2Ks.

, the AT2k gets same ranges, on same pumps, if not less, and is smaller.

SM1500 tends to get a bit more range at the same amount of pumps as an AT2K. AT2Ks are smaller than SM1500s, but that's more of a disadvantage than an advantage. AT2Ks are harder to hold, shoot, pump, they're uglier, and have less space for mods, integrations, and whatever else you want to do with it. Also they have smaller turrets.

My want list for re-releases:
Airjet Power Plus
Hyper Sight
SuperMAXX Larami (old school ones)

Also, it would be funny if they re-released some guns that nobody seems to want, for example Perceptor, Autogrip, etc.

#52450 Shoring Up Aging Micro-darts

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Modifications

So that fixed your dart problems? Neato. Well, I found this stick laying around, and I used it to widen the hole in a few of my stock darts, and it increased the range of my Scouts slightly, but improved the velocity noticably. I also had a fishtailing problem where the first 6 inches or so the dart would fishtail, which totally threw off my accuracy. The larger hole fixed this.

By the way, the straw thing, it reminds me of the creator of !Nerftech!'s idea for the Ultimante Stefan (scroll down to see it).

#52382 Another 2k Petg Mod...

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 April 2005 - 09:48 PM in Modifications

I'd say 8", but that's me. That's what we use for PVC, but it might be different for PETG.

I assume that goes the same for SM1500s, too?

Piney, that's a nice 2K. I'm really digging the new pump handle, because even my tiny hands are too big for that thing. I've seen other pump handle replacements before, but they had really long handles which look weird and weren't very practical. Yours however is he perfect size. By the way, where did you get your PETG?

#52248 Where Can I Get Brass?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 11 April 2005 - 04:45 PM in General Nerf

You can also get it online. The first two options for 9/16 are the same thing but different lengths. Don't order the third option, it's extremely heavy compared to the other brass. There is no third option for 17/32 so don't worry about that, they are the same thing just different lengths.

18/32 (9/16) Brass Online
17/32 Brass Online

#52120 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 11:41 PM in General Nerf

When can we expect to know what is being re-released, or when it is going to be re-released?

#52118 Modify A Secret Shot Pocket Blaster

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Two mods from Lefty of the Merry Men of Michigan.

Barrel Replacement
Tank Enlargement

#52043 Review Of The N-strike Three-in-one System

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 01:48 AM in General Nerf

ImageShack is your picture-hosting dream.

#52035 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 12:12 AM in Modifications

Power Wheels? Cool concept, but aren't they like $150+?