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There have been 333 items by MattPaintballer (Search limited from 12-February 97)

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#56287 Lucky Finds

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 June 2005 - 04:38 PM in General Nerf

$1 EaB Mint condition no ammo from my neighbor/friend
SM1500 old school style for 3 cookies from my friend at school with 2 SuperMAXX darts without the pink tip (just the green foam)
$5 for 2 Blastfires

#55799 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 May 2005 - 07:28 PM in Modifications

How is the weight for the gun? Would adding a shoulder strap make it easier to lug around?

That would probably make it easier to shoot and stabalize while shooting, too, thus improving accuracy.

Do you think it would be possible to make your own PVC chainss?

#58540 Market For Surgical Tubing?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 July 2005 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

What about dayglow orange foam backing rod?

Dude, that would be friggen schweet. What sizes would it come in? I was disappointed to find that pink FBR only comes in 1/2"

I mean, just think about it, FBR... Whoa...

Edit: You don't know of any Indiana nerfers do you?

#46264 Maveric Rev-6 Mod

Posted by MattPaintballer on 18 January 2005 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

Great job FIDO! Well-written mod, especially for a dog :D.

40 feet flat is on par with the powerclip, which gets about 80 feet max. That's not to shabby for a pistol w/ 6 shots.

A Powerclip... gets 80 feet... Single barrelled, maybe, but definitely not an average, 10-shot Powerclip. And who would single barrel a PC? That's like double barrelling a WildFire or a RapidFire 20...

#53858 Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 05:01 PM in Site Feedback

most of you all are slackers that are too stupid to get into colleage!

And you're too stupid to spell college correctly! Slacker! Hypocrite!

And ompa, I really don't see why you (and Talio and OMC for that matter) are always dissing NHQ. That site is much more welcoming than this one (not to diss NH, though) and it's what started me in Nerf. In fact, NH kind of ran me away from Nerf at first, but then after my first 3 posts I realized that this website is more mature, so to speak. I think if everybody here were just a tad bit nicer and less rude off the punch, it would be better. My first thread was asking for help with mods and naming a gun. The first 7 replies that weren't made by me didn't help me AT ALL. Over on NHQ though, every single reply helped me. NH would be perfect if the members were a little more considerate and forgiving.


#53865 Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 06:08 PM in Site Feedback

I haven't seen people get blasted because they're noobs.

Ehh, I was, but I also lost my cool cuz I was mad when I made the post then some idiot posted some shizzle that seemed mocking at the time, telling me I should look at a pic but the words in the pic were too small to understand. Whoa, talk about a run-on sentence ^_^. That's in the past though, let's forget about it.

And you stole my icon.


Yeah but Dogbert "is the shiznite" as Master Shake would say :).

Edit: And if it seems like I'm dissing NH, I'm not. I like NH and NHQ, that's all. My greetings here were pretty rough, but then everything smoothed out after a while.

#45360 Maverick Internals

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 January 2005 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

I still don't understand...

#45356 Maverick Internals

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 January 2005 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

Why did they ever even consider this 'reverse plunger' method... so lame.

What exactly do you mean?

#46336 Maverick Issues

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 January 2005 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

If you removed the slide, you could do the traditional keyring as on the Lock 'n' Load, or you could use one of those cheap plastic toothbrushes that look like gummy bears. You cut off the toothbrush part, then dip the whole thing in hot water for a couple seconds. Pull it out, shape it in the form of an oval, circle, or whatever you desire, and epoxy it onto the the cocking mechanism. I'm pretty sure it was Uriel who did this to one of his Lock 'n' Loads. Uriel was the first person to do this. He attached a Colgate toothbrush to his Lock 'n' Load plunger arm. It looks fantastic! Check it out: Here is the original post.

#46333 Maverick Issues

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 January 2005 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Would the forwards-style plunger add range or anything? I'm assuming the Maverick is like the Scout, in that after you cock it the slider goes forward again after disconnecting from the plunger. This makes it so you can't put rubber bands on the slider. Is there any way to fix it, like by making the slider stay back until you pull the trigger, and having it not disconnect from the plunger? This would reduce RoF slightly because you have to wait for the slider to move forward before you could cock it again, but it would increase range because of the plunger being pushed faster. The RoF decrease wouldn't be that bad, especially with the bands on there, because the bands will make the slider slide forward faster.

#54963 Megazooka

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 May 2005 - 06:33 PM in General Nerf

Wait, what does this thing exactly do? Does it just shoot air?


Possibly made by the same people who made this?

Possibly, and that's the one Duce and I were referring to.

#54955 Megazooka

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 May 2005 - 05:41 PM in General Nerf

Duce, I've seen your version before and I don't see why you would have to hold the elastic thing back while you load the dart.

#53996 Mod For Airtech 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 09:52 PM in Modifications

How do you know how many pumps are needed for which guns? is there some way to test other than "lets see how many times we can pump our gun until it explodes"?

Now that I don't know. Personally I don't reccomend plugging pumps though. If the pump isn't plugged, you can't blow the tank. I loan my guns out, so I never plug pumps except on certain guns (see below next quote). It doesn't add much range, but the main thing is air per pump. With a plugged pump, you get more pump efficiency. A plugged AT2K takes 3 pumps to prime, but an unplugged one would take 5 or 6 to get the same pressure.

Also nerfmonkey your not suppose to plug the pump on a rapid fire 20 or wildfire.

Actually, you can plug the pump on them without risking blowing the bladder. The air-release valve is a little push-button thing in the case that holds the bladder. When the bladder is inflated too much, the button presses in against the plastic bladder case and releases air until it is un-pressed. When the bladder deflates a little bit, the button is not pressed against the bladder case. Plugging the pump on RF20's and WF's will increase pump efficiency without the risk of blowing the bladder.

#54303 Mod For Airtech 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 06 May 2005 - 09:23 PM in Modifications

What happens if you only partially cover up the whole? Will it give you more air per pump without running the risk of blowing your tank?

#43907 Mod Your Ste[f]ens

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 December 2004 - 01:02 AM in Modifications

...5/6'Foam, 3/0 size Fishing weights, and hot glue...what else do you need for a homemade stefan?

For megas, you need 5/8 of an inch foam, not 5/6 of a foot, otherwise,

That'd be a bigass dart.

Also, I reccomend a candle w/ flame, cardboard, and some nails. I took a box, put a bunch of nails in it in a grid form, and then got a long nail. Light the candle, and you use the long nail to burn the hole in the back of the dark. Then you set it on a short nail which is atteched upwards into the box. This holds the dart upright so you can melt, glue, put the weight in, and glue.

#40369 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 03:02 PM in Modifications

Hello. I have 5 Nite Finders and one N-Strike system, and I would like to modify them. I have searched so don't tell me to search! I found one mod for the Nite Finder, but all it said was to increase barrel length which does jack squat for me because the local Home Depots don't sell the stuff for Stefans... I would really like to modify my fix the P.O.S, aka the Scout so as to get SOME performance out of it. Is there anyway I can increase the range for my Hornet and my Nite Finders??? I don't know what I can do with the Titan... it's just cool ^_^. I have an Airtech of some sort, I don't know what model it is cuz I got it as a birthday present. Many people have said that AirTechs are good, but I would seriously rather have a Scout in my hand than my AirTech cuz the AirTech is so big and doesn't yield much performance. Anyways, if you can tell me what model it is, it looks like this: Posted Image

#42064 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 08:10 PM in Modifications

I apologize, I was really mad that day (when I made the other posts). I guess I should have looked at the name of the picture, but I really don't pay attention to that kind of stuff. But umm, now I'm confused. I opened up my NiteFinder, and there's the orange restrictor and the peg and stuff. But there's 5 pieces and a spring. I can put it back together, but I don't know what to do to increase range. I know you're supposed to take out the peg, but what else?

#40371 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

If you can't help don't reply and do shut up.

#40392 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 04:02 PM in Modifications

I have bad eyes and the picture looks like it says 3000 or 2000, and for some reason my AT either came with no stickers or they were scratched/peeled off before I recieved the gun.

Don't insult the members for helping you, and don't insult the members for pointing out obvious stuff that you should have noticed. Especially since he pointed it out in a NICE way. You should be happy that someone pointed it out nicely.

Maybe I took it the wrong way, but seems to me that Chessler is calling me stupid. There is nothing nice about calling somebody stupid, therefore I have every right to insult his ass. And I'm not stupid either. I was bumped up 2 grades, and I am waiting for the results of another test. Now call me stupid you little prick Posted Image

I appreciate people like ompa and THIRST, who actually read what they type before they post, and think of what somebody else would think when they read it. And they don't make pointless comments to increase their stupidity level or their post count, they are actually helpful and kind. But kindness matters more than the helpfulness, and kindness is what is lacking in these forums. What a perfect greeting, being called stupid after your first post on a forum. That really makes me want to come here again.

#42152 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 November 2004 - 02:38 PM in Modifications

Does anybody know where I can get a stock Titan barrel without buying a whole new N-Strike System?

Edit: I did Ragornocks' mod (taking out the peg part) but I also cut out the air restrictor thing that's in between the peg and the barrel part, and now my Nite Finder just sounds louder, there is not a noticeable range increase... Did I do something wrong? I haven't put all the screws back in, so maybe air is escaping, but I'll screw it all back together when (if) I get some PETG. By the way, where can I get PETG?

#58524 Modified Secret Shot

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 July 2005 - 12:34 AM in Modifications

Another cool thing you can do is tri-barrel it. Myself, ompa, and a few others are about the only people I've seen who really appreciate this pistol. I personally love it. Sidearms are supposed to have a high RoF for tight situations, why not pack 3 extra shots instead of just 1?

In pistol wars, I like using a Nite Finder and a Secret Shot 1.

TS, I totally agree. That seems to happen to me a lot.

#52118 Modify A Secret Shot Pocket Blaster

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Two mods from Lefty of the Merry Men of Michigan.

Barrel Replacement
Tank Enlargement

#53746 Modifying My Nite Finder

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 April 2005 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

6. put an ACTUAL LASER in for a sight. using existing wiring and batteries, but changing the inside components.

Lasers can blind people. I suggest taking it out if you're going to use it in a war. Or you can take out the batteries for wars and leave them in when you're not having a war.

Nice job though.

#58029 Mods In The Making, You Guys Have Never Seen

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 June 2005 - 05:14 PM in Modifications

A valve from a Secret Strike Pocket Blaster.

#52933 More New Writeups

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 09:26 PM in News

You know it'd be funny. Face it- middle of a fast dance someone gets nailed in the head, and it's so crowded nobody knows where it came from- except me and my buddies laughing by the punch bowls.


Not just any "someone," how about the prom queen? :P

That RSCB barrel thing looks interesting... I think it'd be unweildy and too heavy, but that's just me. And why do you have to point the gun down while pumping?

#54694 Most Over/under-rated Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 May 2005 - 02:38 PM in General Nerf

Underrated: Secret Shot 1. These things are so cool. When modified to shoot 3 shots out of the front barrel, they are so fun to use in pistol wars.

Overrated: Lock 'n' Load. There are better pistols out there. I've never heard of a Lock 'n' Load shooting 80 feet flat, but I've heard of Nite Finders that do.

#45677 Music Genres

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 January 2005 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

Dangit! Nowadays there are too many music genres! I was putting more music on my iPod, and I noticed that it's all categorized in three places: (I only put like 4 CD's on it so far... don't worry I'll put more!) Metal, Rock, and Alternative and Punk. What the hell? I know metal is like heavy-ish rock, but what the hell is alternative? An alternative to rock? What?! And punk? What the crap!?! Can somebody tell me what these different genres are? Lost Prophets is under metal, Aerosmith is under rock, and the Used and My Chemical Romance are under alternative and punk. I just want to know what the genres mean and stuff.


#55104 My Finished Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 May 2005 - 04:33 PM in Modifications

It matches the Warhammer 40K Space Marine Dark Templar paint scheme.


#51971 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 April 2005 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Are these angled or flat ranges? And stretching the spring actually weakens it over time you might not want to do that.

#52035 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 April 2005 - 12:12 AM in Modifications

Power Wheels? Cool concept, but aren't they like $150+?

#51273 My Newest Homemade

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 April 2005 - 03:12 PM in Homemades

That is awesome! It looks like some kind of sweet paintball marker painted black. Hope the semi-auto stuff works out! Good job. I like the handle thing a lot - I hate those hose things too. They are so uncomfortable and hard to squeeze! Is it easy or hard to pull the trigger on this one?

Edit: Typo, I said it instead of is.

#49822 My Next Big Project

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 March 2005 - 07:28 PM in Homemades

They all sound too cool... How about option 8? This would be 1+3+4! Just kidding...

Make 'em all except #2? That's what I'd do. Spring break is almost here, you'd have time...

I don't really like the idea of 2, but 1, 3, and 4 sound pretty awesome to me. But I think if you make number 1 and it fails, you should try number 2.

And for number 4, what do you mean no secondary shot? Mod an SSPB and tape it on the side.

#42058 N-strike Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 07:51 PM in General Nerf

Wow, thanks for the pictures! Umm I've got a question. Will the new N-Strike guns be compatible with the current ones (Hornet, Titan, Scout)? ie. Could I take the Titan and put like the Maverick on it??? please say yes please say yes...

#42065 N-strike Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

I think you mean the PEV-6 is real... IX-3=Scout, PEV-6=Mav.

#52923 Need Help Mod A Suppermax 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 07:48 PM in Modifications

I wonder how hard it would be to integrate the internals of a BBB into a SM3K frame, under the hope of producing an 8 shot BBB?

Methinks it would be easier if you just took the turret off a SM3K and rigged it to the BBB.

NJNerfer, there is no SM2K. I think you mean the AT2K, which is considered the SM1.5K's "cousin."

#46089 Nerf Ammunition

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 January 2005 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

Hello! I've got a few questions about Nerf ammo and the order form.

11 Inch 2 Pack Arrow with Clip $5.00
11 Inch Arrow $1.00 each
Buzzing Arrow 11 inch 6 Pack $5.00
Gyro Rocket 3 Pack $3.50
Target Master Arrow 6 Pack $5.00

Which of these is like the normal Arrow that fits over AT2K pump tubes? What does it mean "with Clip"? Is the Buzzing Arrow like a sonic dart only it's an arrow? Target Master Arrows are the cheapest at less than $1.00 a pop, but are they the normal kind? I really want arrows! (I also want AT2K pump tubes and AT2K's but that's beside the point) Also, what are Gyro Rockets? Oh, and can somebody give me the dimensions of a normal Nerf Arrow?

I know this is sorta off topic but what ever... Is there really much of a difference between the Wildfire and the Rapid Fire 20, other than looks, and that the WF has a strap?

#46125 Nerf Ammunition

Posted by MattPaintballer on 14 January 2005 - 02:25 AM in General Nerf

I also need to know if the fins are straight (as on the BnA) or diagonal (as on the BBB) on which types of arrows. I'm assuming that if the fins are diagonal or curved it is more accurate because it will spin the arrow? Not sure about that.

#63763 Nerf Flash Game

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 September 2005 - 11:19 PM in Off Topic

Go to the NHQ gallery and Grant Theft Nerf is there.

With god as my witness, my game will be nothing near that horrible. In fact, it will be very similar to this previous Flash game i made.

Burned. Didn't DJ make GTN?

Good luck with your game, hope it turns out good.

#45247 Nerf Gun Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 09:52 PM in Off Topic

Okay first of all, NC's pics aren't very good. Second of all, they're watermarked which makes them look even more retarded. Also, I would look stupid because I'd be using pics that aren't my property.

#45237 Nerf Gun Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 05:48 PM in Off Topic

Sup! I am looking for some pictures of Nerf guns that I can use. Google Image Search hasn't been giving me good results when searching for Nerf guns. I need pics of the real thing, not the box. I need pictures of:

Big Bad Bow (With bow parts and without bow parts)
Crossbow (With bow parts and without bow parts)
Mattel Ultimator
Lanard Blast Bazooka
Lanard Max Shot