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#37037 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 02:58 PM in General Nerf

Very nice, I like that idea alot, it is a great way of getting to know people. One concern I have, however, what if you have a teacher/dean around, do you continue fighting, or do you put away weapons. If caught, does anyhting happen to you? Law of fire arms applied? heh. Sounds great though, it would suck to have someone dodge, to have it hit a teacher right behind them. Or a neutral bystander twice the size of you.

#37018 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 01:08 PM in General Nerf

Also, I just remembered something that could be added to the bomb concept, since its difficult to defuse, it could be difficult to place in the first place. I was think having the person have to put the batteries in, and then close it or something. Also whats cool, is if you have a large area, I mean REALLY large, and having 2 bombsites, where you would have to cover both, or one, and then see if the bomb was planted at the other one.

#36955 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 09:42 PM in General Nerf

Heh, glad you guys like. Also, when you are moving (I just recentely did), I find the funnest thing to do is to get like 20 cardboard boxes per team, and build a base. You would be amazed at what the bases looked like, it was alot of fun. Anyway, back to what I was going to say. Here is another idea, not as good as the others, but we tried it last weekend, and we thought it was ok.

Defend the base!

Suggested players: 6+

Suggested playing field: Outdoor area with a fort, or swingset sort of thing, that has a uphill advantage. A long field with multiple obstacles, large rocks, or bunkers.

The idea of this is to have a few people, 4 or 5, in a fort or "base" what have you, and have a fortified-raised advantage against the others. Place flags or what ever item you want to use as things, at the bottom of the base surrounding it, or what ever. The other team starts a sum 50-100 feet away, with obstacles and bunkers seperating them and the "loser post". The idea is to have the losers at the post (with BBB's, titans, crossbows, or other good accuracy, long-range weapons) stop the others from running from obstacle to obstacle getting to their flags, and running them back. The people on the ground are not on a team, but cannot shoot each other, they can only shoot the "losers" at the "loser post"(the runners should have 2 pistols, or a small semi-auto). The runners have unlimited lives, but when shot, they must return to the beginning of the field, and try to get to their flag and back again. The losers are invulnerable, but when shot by a runner, they cannot fire for 10 seconds, which then lightens up the fire for the runners. Once a runner gets their designated flag (each runner gets their own flag/item) they must run it back to the area they started at. The losers should have an abundance of ammo, and only single shot weapons. First runner to make it back with his/her flag, wins. This was quite fun with 7 people, 3 losers, and 4 runners. We had 2 of the losers with 2 single barreled AT2ks, and me with my BBB, while all 4 runners each had 2 NF's. This was quite fun, but then evolved into a cursing match. Ohh, and the losers cannot leave their tower, there was quite confusion with that when I played. Sorry that it was so long, its a long game that takes much description, explanations, etc. Have fun. Hope you like it.

#36949 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 08:53 PM in General Nerf

Yeah that was the concept, where you would try to protect the guy that had the defusal kit, and if he died, it could be dropped, and then picked up by a teammate. My friend and I realized that normally, al lthe wars based on a bomb was hold your hand on it for 10 seconds, or turn it off, was to easy, so we wanted to make it where you really had to have teamwork to do it, or have the other team entirely dead before you started defusing. Also, it takes time to do it, so the bomb can go off, even if the other team is dead etc. I would suggest a egg timer, or something, but normall those don't need batteries. The tech target is getting busted up for people throwing it beacuse they didn't finish in time, and the screw is geting stripped, heh.

#36943 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 08:37 PM in General Nerf

Me and a friend have had a few ideas (CS based), and I don't think they were listed before. Not sure how they would work with other people, but at his house, they turn out quite fun.

Hostage Rescue

Suggested Players: 4+ (preferably 2 or more on each team)

The idea of the game is that one team goes into an area where there are multiple rooms (master bedroom with closet, bathroom etc.) and hides around 2-4 "hostages". These can range from toys, stuffed animals, or actual people (then it gets real interesting). Anyway the other team, starting on the other side of the house, have to capture, and bring back the "hostages". The team defending the hostages cannot camp (honesty system) and must stop the other team from capturing and returning the hostages to safety. We played with dual NF's at like 12:00 midnight, and it was fun because we had to use the lasers to find the "hostages". Each player should roughly have 2-4 HP. We have alot of fun doing it, hope you guys will.

Bomb Defusal

Suggested Players: 4+

The idea of this (most likely posted before) is one team has to plant the bomb, while the other either 1. Protects the bombsite(s) from the bomb, or 2. Once the bomb is planted, defuse it. This can get very interesting. I am not sure of what could be used but we used the tech target with the timer going. The team trying to defuse the bomb would have to use the screw driver, and pull out the batteries (got quite annoying too) before the timer went off. We tried doing it just touching the bomb, but it was to easy. We even had one person have the "defusal kit" with a mini electric screwdriver, to speed up the process. Hope you guys like, I know they are Counter-Strike based, but we were running out of ideas, and had fun making these up. ^_^

#37456 What Ever Happened To....

Posted by The Large Moose on 18 September 2004 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I am sure many of you know him as Sniper5000. He used to be on NO when I first started, and he had an excellant site, that overall, had the most reviews, and best mod write-ups IMO. I never found out what happened to him after NO shut down. Did he quit nerfing? Or did he just not do it as much anymore to care for a website.

I remember for awhile the site shutdown due to bandwidth problems, or something like that, and it had alot of Write-ups that I can't find anymore (such as the Larami 500, and other older guns).

Anyway I just was wondering what ever happened to him, and, has anybody used that website revival thing to try to bring back his site? I loved it and that and NO were basically all I went to at teh time. It would be helpful (to me) since many of the mods I remember that were on the site are not easily found anymore.

#49359 What Guns Do You Take Into A War?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 March 2005 - 11:33 PM in General Nerf

In my older nerf days, I would carry a PC and my trusty SS1. I personally like the SS1, because I tend to go for spring guns, and the extra shot is pretty nice to fall back on. My PC doesn't work anymore. I've tried several times to fix it, and it was resurrected for a little while, but not any more  :cry:

Nowadays, I still use my SS1 on the side. After adapting a bit, my new love is an SM 1500 PVC mod.

I do have an RF20, which I have debated on using in place of the PC, but I just don't like it as much as a 1500. Sure, it's an auto, but I don't have the same finesse with it.

Hey, you are talking about the Secret Shot right? Well the Secret Shot is referred to as the SS1, and the Sharp Shooter is referred to as the SSI. Just helping ya out.

EDIT:nvm, looked like an I on my laptop, sorry

#48872 What Guns Do You Take Into A War?

Posted by The Large Moose on 06 March 2005 - 10:24 AM in General Nerf

Gun (range) = type

Setup 1
X-bow (70-85') = Primary
Dual LNL's (70') = Secondary

Setup 2
Maxshot Revolver (93') = Primary
2 First Shot (60') = Secondary

Setup 3
Arrowstorm (70') = Primary
2 Nitefinders (50') = Secondary

Setup 4
EaB (85') = Primary
Racthetblast (20') = Secondary

Setup 5
At3k (75') = Primary
2AT2k (90'-100') = Secondary

Setup 6
Titan (142') = Primary
2 Mavericks (45') = Secondary

Setup 7
SM1500(90') = Primary
2 Nitefinders (50') = Secondary

Setup 8
BBB (85') = Primary
2 TTG (70') = Secondary

Setup ???
SM5000(still fixing) (was 120') = Primary
2 SSII (100') = Secondary

Setup Death
Ruff Stuff Shotgun x 10 (muahah) = Primary
Ruff Stuff Shotgun x 10 (rawr) = secondary

So basically I can supply a 4 on 4 war myself. I still am daily adding to my collection.
Yes I am a sucker for duel pistols. Sadly my cosmetics mods SUCK.

Of course, if I could only bring one, it would either be the one with the BBB, the one wiht the AT3k, or the one with the xbow.

#43285 Where To Buy

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 December 2004 - 10:59 PM in General Nerf

For all the old guns that are not in production anymore, the only places that you can really find them is eBay and the trading forums here. I am not sure why you don't trust ebay, I have never been ripped for anything I have bought, for all the hundreds of items I have bought. If you don't like ebay you probably won't be to secure enough to trade with people here, because many people who sell nerf guns on ebay, are here and at nerfhq.

#43597 Where To Buy

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 December 2004 - 10:48 PM in General Nerf

I actually did get ripped for a Nerf gun. But I wasn't upset or anything, its a toy gun, so just atke a chance and use eBay. Ohh, and it was a SM500 for 20$ stock. :(

#57639 Where To Find Double Shots?

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 June 2005 - 02:45 PM in General Nerf

I have two doubleshots, and roughly 12 shells. They have horrible range with even the best of micro's (red airjets with black tip) getting only 30' some feet.

I am trying to remove the peg's in the shells to use stefans, so I think that will atleast increase range to 40', as the fit will be tighter, and the stefans will be further in the shell, giving a longer amount of time for pressure to build up, since most micro's just fit loosely.

Overall, if you like a gun just to use the clip ejection/loading, then go ahead and buy it, or wait for the rapid fire rifle, but if you are looking a good rifle for decent ranges, look somewhere else.

#38424 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 05 October 2004 - 09:22 PM in General Nerf

Alright, hopefully I get it tommorow, since I am going to my friends after school. He has so far 20 chain links, and its not modded, and its getting pretty average ranges. Its so fun to fire, you can just sit there and crank it while someone feeds the chain in. Its quite fun, even if you don't hit anyone. I was thinking about an ammo box like NSF said, but it would have to keep the chain straight as it goes in; still constructing the idea.

#38281 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 07:53 PM in General Nerf

lol sorry, I couldn't stand seeing that name like 20 times in a row, anyway, have you gotten any of my PM's? I have sent you atleast 5 regarding the guns, have you gotten them, or have you not been getting them.

#38207 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, I didn't know where it would fit under, my bad.

#38202 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 01:09 PM in General Nerf

My friend and I have been looking for chains for his Razorbeast, because he already is using his old 20 chain, and he wants to add more to it. We just thought it would be a cool idea to be able to just sit there and unload 30+ shots. Anyway, if and of you have working chains, that can still connect to other ones that would be greatly appreciated. I am also looking for rototrack chains aswell. PM me about them, and I might be able to buy it/them.


~The Large Moose

#38275 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

Well, the idea was to have one giant chain, that wasn't looped, so it was like 30 or maybe even 40 before it ran out. One of us would sit there helping feed it while the person fired the Razorbeast. I am sure it would be much harder with a rototrack or chainblazer, do to the fact that it must be manuelally(SP?) pushed and pulled, making it hard to steady the gun. With the razorbeast, you can just crank it, and there isn't as bad of a recoil. It would be pretty cool, just spraying foam all over, atleast untill you got hit yourself, or the buddy helping load the chain in.

#38286 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 08:16 PM in General Nerf

Maybe something is wrong with my PMing thing or something, send me one, and we will continue this in PMs.

#38290 Where To Find....

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 October 2004 - 09:07 PM in General Nerf

Is that the silver chain, or the black one? Because I might want to add them to mine.

#60291 Why Not, Eh?

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 July 2005 - 10:07 PM in Off Topic

Although the time period is unknown, as soon as my computer is finished being built (basically me becoming un-lazy), I will run it as much as I can whenever it doesn't interfere with whatever I am doing.

#41193 X-bows

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 09:30 AM in General Nerf

Yes, Airsoft999, I myself would like a crossbow from you. PM me if you sell them here, or I will just continually go check ebay.

#41247 X-bows

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

Can someone with one of these new xbows take a clear picture of the front and back of the box and post it or email it to me please? The higher the resolution the better.

As soon as I get mine, I wll post pics with my camera phone.

#49838 X-box And Computer Networking

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 March 2005 - 08:25 PM in Off Topic

Bleh, just posted at same time as you Talio, sorry.

#51037 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 March 2005 - 04:15 PM in Off Topic

GT = The Lost Llama
Games playing:
Worms 3D, Halo 2, Mechassault 2, Iron Phoenix, Spikeout, DOA ultimate, and some more.
This is my new GT as my last one ran out.
Halo 2 level (as of before):41
Halo 2 level (as of now): 17

I will be playing soon:

#51564 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 04 April 2005 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

Get real, dude.  Head to Head is chock full of standbyers, there is a 50% chance of hosting and only 1 possible person to report you for standbying.  Cheaters are abundant in matchmaking, because of people who want to show off to their friends that they got an uber high level.  When the update happens, standbying will be pointless and the levels will all balance out.  Send me a friend request, my gamertag is Jangadance if you want to prove your "AWSOME LEVEL 41 SKILLZ!!"  My friends and I made the legit clan Myr which got to 16th best clan in Majors.  Playing without cheats is the only way to get better.  Try it some time.

But there is a way to know when your host. I always get host before I start a game, beacuse I don't want to be cheated. Once you get to about level 20-30 the fairness is almost non-existant. There is a way to out-cheat cheaters, but it was removed along with sword cancelling. I kid you not Janga, I am no cheater, if you really want to know. Tell me a time and date, I will be there.

Janga, I am also looking for a clan because my old clan The Retribution disbanded. I know you think I cheat but play me, I could be quite the asset for your clan.

#51330 Xbox Live

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 April 2005 - 12:12 AM in Off Topic

Halo 2 level (as of before):50

Cheater. My clan would own your face.

No cheating, actually wasn't 50, 41 was my H2H rank with no stanbying or dummying. I then joined a clan at 50 who did cheat, just to take a pic. So 41, sorry for not clearing that up. But I shall make one thing clear, I am not a cheater.

#51264 Your Pope Died.

Posted by The Large Moose on 01 April 2005 - 02:25 PM in Off Topic

Oh I see, the Vatican is going to pull a Terry Schiavo. Clever, very clever. But ultimately futile. It's only a matter of time, I can wait. When the time comes, and the dias is empty then a new Supreme Pontif will rise to power!
The Great Reverend Jesse Jackson!
or some old Italian guy.

I take offense to that. The Terry Schiavo case was very depressing, and very emotional. Not really for me myself, but for most of the people around me, and it has been a very distressing time.

#64804 Youre Computer Specs

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 October 2005 - 02:15 AM in Off Topic

Boltsniper knows the way of teh heat dissipation. B)

P4 3.4ghz OC'ed @ 4.0ghz
LanParty 915x UV Pro
2x 250GB Maxtor 8MB Cache 7200RPM
2x 52x48x52 CD Burner/ 16x DVD Reader
2x 1GB GeiL DDR2 Performance RAM
Thermaltake BigWater Watercooling Kit
Thermaltake Xaser III Super Tower
22" Sony Flat Panel Monitor
Creative Sound Audigy 2 (w/e its called)

Thats what I have for now...soon upgrading to an AMD.