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#163136 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 17 July 2008 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

This reminded me of an idea I had a while back. When I was looking at the Magstrike I noticed it resembled somewhat a paint ball gun with the tank jutting out the rear end. Then I thought, hey! What if we cut off the tank and did sort of what CS did but instead of a back pack tank/bladder, we could put an actual paint ball C02 tank! One of the 20oz. refillable ones, for those of us who can refill on at home, this could be very convenient. We could carry multiple clips and tanks and we might be able to get several clips out of one tank. Might not be as practical as CS's version, but for someone with the money and knowhow, this could work very well!!!

Sorry for the hijack.


#163227 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 18 July 2008 - 02:33 PM in Modifications

Never mind, CS just answered my question. Good job CS! I might try this when I get some money.

#196943 Mech 6 Discussion

Posted by Banshee on 18 December 2008 - 07:52 AM in Modifications

Its a flywheel design. Even if the wheel is spinning faster, it can't throw the dart any further, just faster. I don't see any potential in this gun. Just like the Mech Tommy series, it'll go nowhere as a weapon.

#191064 Is A Realistic loser Rifle Possible?

Posted by Banshee on 21 November 2008 - 12:17 AM in Modifications

The only true nerf "loser" rifle ever made:


That said, "losing" in nerf is retarded, impractical, and it goes against everything nerf stands for (not to mention it's not really possible). In fact, it is such an Effeminate failure in nerf that we can't even type it without it becoming hilariously and deservedly filtered, via our awesome overlords.

I don't see how that gun is the only true s?iper rifle? Is it because it uses shells, or that its semi auto, or what? Because I've seen guns that shoot farther and more accurate. Not as practical but still, what are you basing this on?

#180965 Bbb Mod

Posted by Banshee on 01 October 2008 - 11:36 PM in Modifications

Fuck.... you know what? Let me say that again "FUCK." Thats all I can say... I want 20 seconds of my life back. This is like the 5th fucking "lets shove dicks in a BBB without pictures" mod in the past month. WHY ARE YOU WASTING OUR BANDWIDTH??? Go read the CoC, take a break from nerfing for 4 years, and come back when you can write a fucking mod writeup. I'm sick of this...

#181279 Painting Tips?

Posted by Banshee on 03 October 2008 - 06:47 PM in Modifications

In my experience, if you use cheap hi-gloss paints, it will be gummy even after weeks of drying. I painted my AT3K with a cheap hi-gloss brown and I couldn't pump it for a good 2 months. So I always use flat colors. Unfortunately that limits your color range. But adding thickness isn't whats going to stop your accessories from attaching, its whether or not your surface is smooth and bonded well. Luckily for me, I always paint mine with that cheap $.96 flat black Wal-Mart spray paint. So if you wants flat black, there's the way to go.

Heh... You avoid gloss because you don't want to spend a little more on paint? Seriously?

DupliColor makes a really nice gloss black Vinyl Dye, and some really kickass Metallics.

Krylon Fusion has some really good gloss as well.

Don't be a cheapass about your paint and you won't have problems.

Haha, okay... NO. I'm not a cheap ass. When I say cheap, I mean "low quality". The brown paint I used on my AT3K was a $8 can of paint, but it still sucked. However, the lower priced paint does the job just fine, but I'm not a fan of gloss, so I just stick to flat black and at $.96, I've never been let down.

#181224 Painting Tips?

Posted by Banshee on 03 October 2008 - 02:27 PM in Modifications

In my experience, if you use cheap hi-gloss paints, it will be gummy even after weeks of drying. I painted my AT3K with a cheap hi-gloss brown and I couldn't pump it for a good 2 months. So I always use flat colors. Unfortunately that limits your color range. But adding thickness isn't whats going to stop your accessories from attaching, its whether or not your surface is smooth and bonded well. Luckily for me, I always paint mine with that cheap $.96 flat black Wal-Mart spray paint. So if you wants flat black, there's the way to go.

#295828 Spring Problems On A Diskshot Project.

Posted by Banshee on 11 March 2011 - 07:24 PM in Modifications

Take a washer thats bigger than the spring, but smaller than the plunger rod (if possible), take the plunger head and the spring off, put it before the catch on the plunger rod, then reassemble. The washer should be on the plunger tube side of the barrier, not the catch side, but that should take care of it as long as the inner diameter of the washer is smaller than the diameter of the spring.

#251801 I Got A Maverick And A Crossfire.

Posted by Banshee on 27 September 2009 - 01:38 AM in Modifications

You're on the fast track to getting your ass banned off this forum. There's a pinned modification thread here for that. DO NOT post bulletins asking us to spoon feed you shit, you'll get torn to pieces for it by everyone here. I'm probably going to get yelled at for even replying to this, but I'm against people getting banned with no warning. Read the Code of Conduct at the top of the page, follow it and you'll have no problems.

#181175 Whats Wrong With My Nitefinder

Posted by Banshee on 03 October 2008 - 01:10 AM in Modifications

Can you tell me what the piece I pointed out is?

I dont really know what it isbut it is a new one.

Well if you didn't put it in and you bought it from the store, we all have to assume it comes that way. But why? Can you take some pictures of it with the plunger head off and such so we can figure it out?

#182992 Orange Ring On The Titan.

Posted by Banshee on 11 October 2008 - 10:55 AM in Modifications

Hacksaw? Pipe cutters? Your brain?

#161875 Big 0-ring=bad Seal?

Posted by Banshee on 07 July 2008 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

Well, if the o-ring is too big that it doesn't slid smoothly through the plunger, then the ranges will suck. You want the o-ring to be just big enough to create a perfect seal between the head and the wall. I always use this little test to check my seals. Stick the plunger head in the plunger and stick the barrel in your mouth. Then blow out and then inhale through the barrel and if the plunger moves with ever breath, you got a good seal.

#161909 Big 0-ring=bad Seal?

Posted by Banshee on 08 July 2008 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

^ I would highly reccomend aganst doing that if you have sprayed any kind of silicone lubricant on the plunger.
Package says it could kill you.

True, however I think they're referring to straight consumption or "huffing". In this case hes just using the air in his mouth. He should be just fine if he doesn't eat it. Also, he should be using a light oil. It works better than WD40. I got a small 4oz bottle from a hobby should for like 5 bucks. Stuff works great! 4 years later and I still have 3/4 of the bottle!!!

#161995 Big 0-ring=bad Seal?

Posted by Banshee on 08 July 2008 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

I am not sure about silicone lube. I was lubing my LS and it melted the plunger tube and plunger together and I had to throw it away.

Wow... sound like you used super glue instead.

#162724 Weighting Stefans With Pennies

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2008 - 01:26 AM in Modifications

Learn to edit also. We don't really need to see you walkign around or pumping your gun 10 times or whatever.

20 times to be exact.

#159638 Rapid Fire Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 18 June 2008 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

Yes, descriptive is good. What do you mean crossbow configuration?

#162783 How Do You Make A Clothespin Trigger?

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2008 - 05:02 PM in Homemades

Okay, I'm sure I'm going to get yelled at for this, but I've been searching for an hour now and I've found all kinds of stuff of clothespin triggers and other triggers EXCEPT how to make one! I understand the concept of it because its pretty simple, but what I don't understand in what happens when you pull back the plunger? Wouldn't the plunger head get stuck on the nail? So that would mean you'd have to pull the trigger to cock it. then does the nail hold the plunger from in front of the head, or a hole drilled in the head? I'm so confused. I can't find anything that actually shows how to make one the right way and how it works. I've never made a homemade before I always just mod guns, but now I'm really lost.

Sorry for being the "Homemade Noob" but I could use some help here.


#162786 How Do You Make A Clothespin Trigger?

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2008 - 05:09 PM in Homemades

The writeup for the SNAP-1mk2 has an in-depth description of how and why it works. You can find it here.

Thanks! I didn't see this when I searched. What about all those dead picture links? Is there any way to put them back up without going too far out of your way, because they'd really help!

#162788 How Do You Make A Clothespin Trigger?

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2008 - 05:25 PM in Homemades

Oh thank you so much!

#179006 Lightstorm Ls2 Updated 9/24/08

Posted by Banshee on 22 September 2008 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

I've seen a couple of these lately. When you get it can you take some internal pictures so I can see if there's anything useful in it? Thanks!

#276129 Nite Finder Help

Posted by Banshee on 26 May 2010 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

No, we just like replacing barrels for shits and giggles... Yes, it improves ranges if you do its right. Crayola barrels are noob proof, but I recommend Roseart markers instead. They're cheaper and they don't need to be drilled out inside. CPVC confuses new modders because its very tight on darts and people think they're doing it wrong. Either one need no structural modifications to the gun.

#162634 How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

Posted by Banshee on 13 July 2008 - 01:26 PM in General Nerf

Thank you for my title...about 100 ft please and thank you. Link is right...

VVV below this line.

Ok, is that 100ft level or angled? And what do you mean by "Thank you for my title..."?

#162639 How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

Posted by Banshee on 13 July 2008 - 02:16 PM in General Nerf

I know you meant well by this thread Banshee, but range boasting threads never end well. All this dick wagging and at least one person always posts bullshit ranges, like analogkid has just done. It has been discussed way too many times in the past and no one has EVER gotten a NF to shoot 100' level. It can't be done! Did you ever post your mod so we all can see how you broke the 80-foot barrier? I'm thinking no, you have not. Has any of the much more experienced modders like FA_24 or CS achieved 100 feet? No.

There was a user from last year named precisionnerfer that said he had gotten his NF to shoot 100 feet. He even sent it to me to test it and verify or disprove his ranges. Suffice it to say, it shot about 75 feet average, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE'S NF CAN!!! He let me keep the gun and to this day, it shoots what I tested t to shoot.

Unless you have definitive proof analogkid of your gun shooting 100 feet level, I highly suggest you just stop now before you embarrass yourself further.

May an admin see this quickly before it spirals out of control like every range thread before it.

I understand what you're saying here. And this is the reason why I started this topic because I knew no one would believe me if I told them I broke the 80ft barrier. I wanted to see if anyone has. I can get video proof of me shooting my night finder that can get a 96 foot level shot. I know it sounds crazy, so thats why I started this thread.

If you're curious as to how I did that, I nested a double shot spring with NF spring and banded it with a new Roseart marker barrel and AR removal. But I took out a tape measure and got 3/4 rounds over 90 feet with no wind. Don't believe me if you don't want to but I'm just trying to say, sometimes crazy ranges aren't all bullshit.

#162627 How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

Posted by Banshee on 13 July 2008 - 12:58 PM in General Nerf

Most of us, if not all of us own at least one Nightfinder. I have like 3 or 4 and I just re-modded one of mine and I'm getting very good ranges. Higher ranges than I've heard of from a NF. But I'm not sure, so I want to know how far does your Nightfinder shoot? Angled or flat, doesn't matter, just let me know which one.

I'm curious to see who's got the most kickass Nightfinder!

#162666 How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

Posted by Banshee on 13 July 2008 - 06:09 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I'd fuck myself too if someone showed me a Nightfinder with a stock plunder that can reach 100ft level. Mine can't do that, but if I banded it with like 8 large bands I might but I'm afraid of only getting a couple shots off like you said. I think my great ranges are due to my very good darts. stock taggers out of my gun only shoot about 75 feet. But as I said I'm going to do a mod and see If I can hit 100ft without replacing the plunger or damaging anything.

And please people, lets not start fighting. I asked a simple question that requires a simple answer. If someone is going to bitch another person out for making radical claims I'd call them childish and insecure. Let people exaggerate with their claims. If they can't prove it then consider them full of shit, but there is no need to tell them, they already know it. As for me, I'm going to see what I can do about hitting 100 feet.

#162648 How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

Posted by Banshee on 13 July 2008 - 03:40 PM in General Nerf

I will post a mod and a video. But It'll take me some time as we all know. So you'll see it in a few weeks.

#263308 Handmade Nf Plunger Rod

Posted by Banshee on 26 January 2010 - 06:21 PM in Modifications

Alright well it seems like a 3/8"x 3/8" would be the best route but where do I get it? Can it be found at a hobby shop as Cheesy suggested?

#263239 Handmade Nf Plunger Rod

Posted by Banshee on 26 January 2010 - 12:39 AM in Modifications

I'm replacing all the internals of my nitefinder and I have all the parts except the plunger rod. I don't have any extra rods lying around to make an extra long one and frankly that sounds like a cheap way to go, so i want to build one. However I can't seem to find the materials ANYWHERE. I'd really rather not order something if I don't have to, so I'm wondering what to use that can be found at regular stores. I've looked for 3/8" square metal tubing in all sizes and the don't have the right size. They do have steel but its way to heavy. Wood is too fragile, and they don't sell acrylic or Plexiglas thick enough. I'd like some PVC square rods but I have no clue where I'd find that other than online? Is it used for something specific so I might be able to find it at a specialty store?

Any ideas?

#125285 Nitefinder Cocking Slide Ii

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2007 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

Huh... It seems a little impractical to be completely honest with you. Maybe it's better for you, but I honestly think it would be easier to just pull the stock cocker arm. But hey, its your mod and I respect that you did it and it actually works. Well done!

#181505 What Are These?

Posted by Banshee on 04 October 2008 - 04:08 PM in General Nerf

HAHAHA!!! They have tactical rails!!! Some one put a LS scope on one and take a picture, that'd be ridiculous!!! Does anyone know if they sell them singly? What on earth would I do with 6? I have one free arm during battle... And that arm is usually busy slapping noobs.

#181510 What Are These?

Posted by Banshee on 04 October 2008 - 04:18 PM in General Nerf

HAHAHA!!! They have tactical rails!!! Some one put a LS scope on one and take a picture, that'd be ridiculous!!! Does anyone know if they sell them singly? What on earth would I do with 6? I have one free arm during battle... And that arm is usually busy slapping noobs.

You could have a bandoleer with the rail clips or something similar and attach the Eliminators. Keep them loaded and primed for awesome "shoot, drop then grab another" action! Though it would be kinda of a hassle to collect tiny pistols during a firefight.

Haha, yeah. In the end I would end up gluing all 6 together in some sort of a ball, cock them all, then roll it at a small group of noobs with mavericks... Stupid Mavers... Haha...

#259152 Shell Shock.... Sticking Slide...

Posted by Banshee on 16 December 2009 - 08:19 AM in Modifications

What gun are you talking about. The PAS

Where did you get that idea?

Anyways, try taking most if not all the internals out of the gun so its just the shell and install the slide on it and try cocking it. If it moves then everyone here is right and you reassembled it wrong. If not, then we can assume the paint is holding it. In which case give it several days to completely dry and try it. If it still doesn't work then sand off the paint underneath the slide.

#159053 Magstrike Sale At Wal-mart!

Posted by Banshee on 13 June 2008 - 01:34 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I was afraid it'd only be local. Also, it was the single pack in red or blue. I've only seen the double pack at Toys R' Us.

#158958 Magstrike Sale At Wal-mart!

Posted by Banshee on 12 June 2008 - 03:02 PM in General Nerf

I was in Wally-World today and saw that they're selling the full Magstrike kit for only $10.00! They used to be $40.00! I don't know if this is just locally to Phoenix, but you guys should really check it out, cuz at that price they're gona disappear. I already cleaned out my Wal-Mart!

Just thought y'all should know!

#158989 Magstrike Sale At Wal-mart!

Posted by Banshee on 12 June 2008 - 05:41 PM in General Nerf

Wait... theirs a nerf product awareness thread? Where?! Shoot, I should've been posting in there! Sorry Guys.

#219946 Longshot Stock Mod

Posted by Banshee on 26 March 2009 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

Haha, this reminds me of what I did to mine. I did a 12 shot mag mod and I had an extra follower (plastic part that pushes up darts) afterwords, so I shoved that in the stock. Did it work? Yes. Is it worth the time to tell everyone about these tiny pointless idea's... no not really...

#253653 Best Modification

Posted by Banshee on 16 October 2009 - 01:28 AM in Modifications

Also, a MUST do to any nerf gun is put pink and white tassles on the barrel. That way when you're running through strawberry fields in spandex, throwing glitter everywhere, you can go extra fast!!!!

#281407 What Size Brass Fits Stock Darts?

Posted by Banshee on 27 July 2010 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

I wanted a loose fit so the breech would function smoother. I ended up getting 9/16" and nested it into 19/32" much like a simplified version of the Angel breech and it works awesomely. I'm getting 80's to 90's with single BB stock darts and an added nite finder spring. So thanks guys!

#281293 What Size Brass Fits Stock Darts?

Posted by Banshee on 26 July 2010 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

I can't make my own darts because the only foam the stores sell around me is crap and by the time I ordered foam and materials or all ready made darts, I could've just bought a 100 pack of streamlines and stuck a BB in the tip. And besides, I suck at making darts. But thanks for your help.

#281291 What Size Brass Fits Stock Darts?

Posted by Banshee on 26 July 2010 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

I am heading to a hardware store after work and I don't have a dart with me to test fit the brass sizes, but last time I was there there where two sizes that were very close to each other. One size fit looser than PETG, and one fit almost as tight as CPVC. I'm using stock sonic micro's and I'm using the brass for a brass breech in a longshot, not very similar to Angel's, so I can't take his word for the sizes, especially since he used tightening rings.

If I use the tighter brass, I'll risk trimming the darts, so I need to know if anyone knows which size fits the best for what I'm doing? I can add tightening rings on loose brass, but I can't expand the brass very easily.
