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#3358 Switch Shots Super

Posted by jon on 13 April 2003 - 12:47 AM in Modifications

ya i have had this problem before i was working on a ss2 and i found out that it wasn't the gun, it was the fucker who tried to mod it! i know how you are going to fix this, it is very e-z to do. what you do is get a 20 dollar bill and go get your self a fucking brand new gun.

#1525 Coming Down To San Diego For Spring Break

Posted by jon on 18 February 2003 - 02:12 PM in Nerf Wars

i could given you a ride if you could get to escondido or Ocencen side but Acutly SD is an hr away from us but we are still in SD county

#2989 San Diego, Cali Ppl

Posted by jon on 04 April 2003 - 09:42 PM in General Nerf

Well i've heard of you ppl out there in Canada and ohio havin competition and nerf wars and that good stuff. But down here in cali everybody either skates, surfs or gangbangs. and i be gettin bored playin nerf with me and just 3 other friends so i was wonderin are there any other ppl out there that live in San diego? if you do Hollla.

hey if you didn't know, the whole group that hosted the SDNO(San Diego nerf out) we are not in the city we are in Fallbrook northern county.if you have no idea who is in our group steve(neonerfer) and i are the leaders. my claim to faim is that i am the makers of the beast. if you did know what the beast is then you can't find the frickin pics of the beast because hall does not have the amegedon web site up. but i don't know where you would get the information about canada. if you want to nerf some time steve and i could get talking andmaybe host a nother sdno, if you really want to nerf

#4628 My Site.

Posted by jon on 15 May 2003 - 12:46 PM in General Nerf

why dont you mod the guns yourself and take pics of them? also i know you cant take the ones from this site they are cxwq's and they are not for anyone els to use. tust me i have ask him about my site that i was building.

#2458 Bunker Construction

Posted by jon on 20 March 2003 - 02:00 PM in General Nerf

i could be posible if we nerf on a area that does not have a black top or cement. but last time at the nerf war we mostly nerf on those surfaces

#918 Pc Air Tank

Posted by jon on 26 January 2003 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

if you are looking for a similar idea to what made i use 2 to 2.5 pvc and i was schedual 40. and dont think that will burst one you it has not with me.also i did used a tire vale on mine. but the mane thing is what gun are you going to hook it up to? sertian guns can break under that much of pressure. i use a pc for my beast. if you are thinking of hooking it up to a loser weapon then forget it. that is way to funking powerful, i could really hurt sum one.

#2315 What Is The Best First Mod

Posted by jon on 18 March 2003 - 01:52 PM in Modifications

the gun you modify! duh!

#4679 Whiptail Scorpion Mod

Posted by jon on 16 May 2003 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

well moding a crapy gun does not make you not a newb. you are not a newb if you an experienced nerfer that ben nerfing for some time now. but for my sugestion i would say for the tail you extend the tubing and have it to where you can shoot out of your arm like spider man but on the other side of your arm. from there spring replacement few ruber bands and you set.

#633 Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Posted by jon on 15 January 2003 - 03:06 PM in Off Topic

cool im back but to comment on this i would always say the book is better but it is still a damm good movie

#64869 Head Count!

Posted by jon on 02 October 2005 - 05:42 PM in Nerf Wars

There had to be more people what is listed. Come on guys help me out.

#64704 Head Count!

Posted by jon on 30 September 2005 - 09:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok all of you who where at the Armageddon (2005 one) say so, or you will NOT be put into the credits of the video. I have all the footage cut, and all the effects in, pluss a nice sountrack from Tool (the grudge). So far the the video is 4 minuts and 8 seconds long. All I need to complete the project is a head count on who was there.

So far I have:

Also CXWQ did you get my personal message a while back? Anywhoo, I need to talk to you about sending the video to ya so you could put it up on the website with the pictures. :w00t:

#3696 The Physics Of Nerf

Posted by jon on 20 April 2003 - 10:44 AM in General Nerf

did anyone solve it? im stumped.

#66458 Head Count!

Posted by jon on 23 October 2005 - 08:02 PM in Nerf Wars

When do you think we can expect the movie up?

Sorry I haven't posted back, I've been busy with school. In response to your question I'll have it done by tonight (I just needed the names of the attendees for the credits). The correct question to ask is when can cxwq get the video and when will he be able to upload it on the website. That's the one that I need answered. He hasn't responed to my messages so it makes it dificult for people to see it.

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 9:27. <3.

#8335 Sdno: Wrapup

Posted by jon on 16 August 2003 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

well im finaly back on the internet i just moved and we finaly got it. well i sounds like it was fun. i couldnt go because its my moms b day tomaro and i just made it though the fist week of band camp and also im going to have a second week of non stop 12 hour days. ya im really on a tite scedual. also with all my other plans i dont think im going to be posting for a while but im glad to hear that you al had a good experience. except for toj not behaving himself. that little shit can such a neusence. well i know swear that i going to be at the next nerf war! you all know this and you have it in writing now i will be at the next war!
also forgive the spelling

#3996 My Ripper.

Posted by jon on 25 April 2003 - 02:06 PM in Modifications

black balde :
it is interesting how you moded you wart hog and all you did was but rumber bands on it? also it dont think spoon was trying to insult you i think he was saying that it is very powerful for and indor weapon

other posters:
forty feet is not abad rage at all in general. it is not how far your gun can go it is how you mod you gun for you personal standerds. also most of you people dont know is but, most combat in all warfare is usualy within 20 to 30 feet of each other. also you gun does not need to go over 50 to be good, look at the beast! it only shoots 35 feet but it can kick major ass.

#4591 Things You Have "nerfed"

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 12:36 PM in General Nerf

i onced duct taped two wildfires to my go cart. it was kool but none of my friends were around so i couldn't shoot them while they were riding bikes. i was thinking of doing a beast modification to a wildfire and puting it on my go cart and see how that would work out.

#4132 Milk Jug Airtanks

Posted by jon on 29 April 2003 - 12:23 PM in Homemades

I should of metioned I am using a air regulator, so no, it will not be gone in one shot.

i dont know how much a milk jug can can hold but the standar pvc you buy can hold up to 120 psi and still be safe but that is the three inch in diameter kind. i found out if you are manking and air tank pvc is the best to work with for you homemades. if you are using any type regulator i would say atach it to the tank then have the air hose come out the the regulator. this way if you opent the regurlator let some air inthe hose then shut the regulator. you will get one shot but then you could do it again and again.

#54133 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 04 May 2005 - 01:58 PM in Off Topic

Hey guys,

I know I have not posted in a long time. It's good to see that the nerfing comunity is growing, but to get to the point, let me say this. I currently writing a screenplay and I'm trying to make it into a generation studdy. Right now I have come down with a bad case of writers block. If you guys could help me and just poast what you love most about this generation and what you hate most of this generation.

Also for those in film school. Would any of you guys be willing to help me shoot this my peice when it is all written. If not could you give me some good contacts, books, advice, ect.

thanks for your help guys

#54243 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 05 May 2005 - 06:10 PM in Off Topic

Well chums, I didn't think that you guys would be so cynical. I hate to say it but most of the things you guys are talking about have been traced back to the Bible. I would like for you guys talk about THIS generation. Some of the good ideas that you guys have talked about are that we are the first generation to grow up with internet. Some of the things that I have observed about our generation is there are so many genres and styles. Tell me what you think of punks, goths, ska boys, or the preps that buy all there cloathes from American Eagle. (I.E. I HATE EMO kids and punks are the coolest people) . Also,Why dont you guys talk about something more taboo. (I.E. The openess of the gay community, or the Christian Reich [pun intended].)

This movie that I am writing has mainly about a boy who is a movie buff and loves trageties. He is purposly holding himself back acidemically (and in writing contest) in high school so that when he becomes a directo,r that he has sort of a Cynderella story. he eventually wins a contest and then kills himself. You see the the actual tragety is him wining, not him killing himself. (note this is potentaly 180 pages rolled into a short paragraph)

Hey Ash- thanks for the encouragement. I would PM you but I don't know what that is. Aslo, could you put your personal observations of this generation. I think I have a feeling I would like what you would say

#54262 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 05 May 2005 - 09:14 PM in Off Topic

Please less history and more present. Also it would be nice if you guys just stop going for someone else's jugular. Here is other thing I would like to bring up for you guys to express your opion on. Try talking about modern philosophy (I.E. objectivism and others. ), fashion, and new ovements.

Oh Shotty you should watch the John Stewart Show. He often makes fun of the Christian Right. From there I took the joke farther and made it into the Christian Riech. (after all, the Pope was in the Nazi Youth) :D

#1157 The War With Iraq!

Posted by jon on 06 February 2003 - 10:06 PM in Off Topic

it is ok to disagree with me but all i can say is what i have seen and my opion. but here is a nother thing that you all of you might find interesting if you can see where the money goes in this nation. oh ya we got some of our nuclear weapon from isreal and the other forieng ones from Rushia. also i didn't say it was the bigest or ment to, but it is one of the bigeest. but this is a good thing about a depate is that we all can respectfuly disagree with one another. oh ya keven i think that it i very wise of you not to just settle with anmerican news. i don't ether

#1143 The War With Iraq!

Posted by jon on 05 February 2003 - 11:55 PM in Off Topic

Jon, the flaws in your logic are mind boggling.

I mostly agree with Merlinski (which is fairly typical I might add) though I don't think there's any real possibility of a nuke strike even if Iraq started a war with us. Our government has made it perfectly clear that they're planning an overwhelming conventional strike force.

this is a very hard subject to just write about. but i would be more than willing to talk about over a subway sandwich. yes my logic is very mind bogoling but what i stated i think is going to happen. it just what i think. but i would be able to explane it better one on one. but there are no flaws i have read it for my self and it is what i stand next to

#1139 The War With Iraq!

Posted by jon on 05 February 2003 - 11:37 PM in Off Topic

if you want more information on this topic dont go the newspaper or turn on your tv go to a foriegn newspaper web sight like the jewselm post@ www.jewselmpost.com or you coul go to www.newseum.org and look up all the front pages printed all over the world even the Iraqy news.

#1138 The War With Iraq!

Posted by jon on 05 February 2003 - 11:33 PM in Off Topic

well i think there are two power hungry people in this situation. bush i a little trigger happy and is in love with oil, also Sadam is knows this. my father has been doing some reaserch with this thing with iraq. his reaserch shows that afganistan was just like a move on the chess board. to line up forces to attack iraq. Also bush is a idoit! Sadam says that if we attack that he will target the jews in Isrile. now there is a jewish custon if that you are going to punish someone then you do it seven times, now you minght be asking what does this have to do with Iraq and us. the Jewsm when they were attack by sadam they were attack 6 times. the jews say they will not be struckin for the seventh time or they will retaliate. now when you think of jews you don't think of them as a thret but they are most equiped for nuclear war than anyone els in the world! Most nuclear weapons are made in isriel. now the jews if the jew are the most equiped why doesnt bush look at them as a thet? the truth is that he want's oil. that is why he was so interested whith enron. ok you still wonder why he hates us the reason is that the us government has keep us forces in iraq a has carried out missions where we have kill his people. the truth is we have killed more people that he has killed his own. i still think that he is a evil man but that is one of the reason why he hates us so. So if bush want to start nuclear war then that is fine by me as lone as im not hit or affected by the ratiation its ok. but the ods are if neclear war breaks out then you could tell that choas will break out.

#1921 What Do You Do In The Winter?

Posted by jon on 02 March 2003 - 03:58 AM in Off Topic

Go to the beach :D

I just got a 3/2 full wetsuit and high fasion booties to go with it. It's usually around 70° here and the water usually doesn't get colder than 60° so it's perfect surfing weather. The beach is usually empty and we don't have to worry too much about snow or icecaps...


all that is true the weather here is good for surfing. but im still surfing the snow.

#60133 Armageddon 2k5 Recap

Posted by jon on 24 July 2005 - 11:27 PM in Nerf Wars

sorry i couldn't make it. i was out pretty late the night before and with the heat i decided to spend the day at the beach. yeah i'm a flake, I'm sure you all managed without me though.

Actually dude, we did miss you. Spoon was bawling over toj's shoulder screaming "I want my Steviepoo!" followed by many tantrums.

As for everyone els who didnt go, you guys really missed out. You have a whole year to wait until we posibly have an ensemble as good as this one did.

I got some great footage with my new video camera, so you guys dont have to miss out on all of it.

#2053 What Is The Best Hard Ware?

Posted by jon on 07 March 2003 - 02:51 PM in Off Topic

to answer you question you did help us alot and itwas very very vivid. my grand father didn't like the adjectives but he was glad that you helped. you don't have to help us any more i told my grandfather to read all the materal. thanks for you help

#2043 What Is The Best Hard Ware?

Posted by jon on 06 March 2003 - 11:01 PM in Off Topic

sorry my grandfather wanted this info.and he was reading it and ask be to post for software i didn't any of it. My grandfather did.

#1990 What Is The Best Hard Ware?

Posted by jon on 04 March 2003 - 02:43 PM in Off Topic

what is the best hardware for your computer for fim editing? names? brands?

#2022 What Is The Best Hard Ware?

Posted by jon on 05 March 2003 - 12:24 PM in Off Topic

Thank that helped alot but What would be good soft ware. i got this one thing one windos xp but i know that thing sucks. what sould i use?

#2135 What Is The Best Hard Ware?

Posted by jon on 10 March 2003 - 02:00 PM in Off Topic

my grand father didn't like the adjectives but he was glad that you helped.

Yea well if I had known I was talking to your grandfather I would have been considerably more respectful.

Cxwq: If you need any help let me know, I'm certainly no expert on it though....

it's ok but he just herd some terms that he never herd before. like sticking you fingure up satians ass. it not like he doesn' swear.

#1276 Hey Ladies!

Posted by jon on 10 February 2003 - 11:04 PM in General Nerf

Thank you jon for that near-illegible forum post. Like we said, Julie might come, my girlfriend Stephanie is coming, and maybe one or two other female friends of mine.

alwassss happpies tu mak cence

#1140 Hey Ladies!

Posted by jon on 05 February 2003 - 11:40 PM in General Nerf

if anyone in the nh forums could tells us if there going to bring any female nerfer to the yano? but ther will be no female coming from SD

#1136 Hey Ladies!

Posted by jon on 05 February 2003 - 11:11 PM in General Nerf

well the other one was going to be a my girl friend but things didn't work out. so i highly doubt that she will be coming to this next war. com to think of it she still has some of my guns.

#27602 Guitars

Posted by jon on 02 June 2004 - 11:00 PM in Off Topic

If you want the best deal on a cheap guitar, the option I would suggest is making one. You could spend the 300 bucks on some good pick-ups and anther 100 on strings, tuners, wood, etc. The wireing is quite basic and should not be much of a hasle, unless your a fucking retard. Any other info im leaving out you could find in a how too book (just add 20 bucks).

As for my stringed beast Im carring a clasic Vox four string. It is so old it doesn't even have a modle type. It was built for that clasic british rock sound. Alass it is useless because im a drummer and have other shit to do than learn base.

#27604 Guitars

Posted by jon on 02 June 2004 - 11:10 PM in Off Topic

Cx, from what I've heard, it's not so much the guitar as the amp that makes it sound good.

not to be an asshole, but your wrong. It is the pick-ups in a guitar that gives the quality sound. an expensive amp will just amplify your sound louder and just a little more clear. that is if you buy a bran new amp. I know this because my dad is formerly a studio guitar player, and im a future music major.

#2990 2003 Toy Fair Pics

Posted by jon on 04 April 2003 - 09:50 PM in General Nerf

it looks like an overhauled Secret Shot 1 whose darts are now hard tipped so that the target will register the hit.

i beg to differ with all of you i looks to me like a comlink! holy fuck i hope it does not have the same triangular skrews! that would suck soo much! as for the sling shot, i never owned one and never will.

#3357 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by jon on 13 April 2003 - 12:39 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh yeah, I have a toolbox, hacksaw, and hat that someone left at the tables.

well i can tell you that I am missing my tool box. if you are wondering about the hack saw it is spoons. im so sorry. fuck there i go again fucking things up spoon im sorry i left piece of paper next to it saying it was yours i dont know what happen to it after i left. im soo sorry it is my fault im sorry ill pay for the shipping if you need me to. kev i don't know where you live could i e-mail you and we could get in touch to fix this problem. im soo sorry. spoon you never have to loan me you tools again.

#3388 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by jon on 13 April 2003 - 04:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Most Absent Minded: TIE: Jon, for forgetting my hacksaw, and his toolbox, and for consistently leaving something behind the last THREE wars. Steph: For locking my keys in the trunk at the end of the war.

Most Desiring of a "Ramrod": Jon. He wants one bad. He told me so, didn't you Jon? ;)

sorry spoon for your hack saw. you don't hav any idea on how bad i feel about that but, i have not left something in the past three wars. if you remember correctly my brother and i didn't have any guns with us at the feb yano. how could we leave somthing? also i don't know what you are talking about with the ram rod thing. the war was very good it was good to see hubard nering with us again. i think the most mistaken rule was : when someone says i got you you loose one life. the people who did not understand this rule played it as if i feel a sharp pain and have a red mark i will lose a life. my favoret moment was when jason and steff didn't know i was on the other side of the hill while playing capture the flag so when they went for the flag the it was raing darts in the face. it was all cool.

#4133 Good Sniper Wepons.

Posted by jon on 29 April 2003 - 12:38 PM in General Nerf

to mistic falcon 183: If you have not noticed, some of us are just bad a spell and are terrible at grammar, for example me. But it not you place to correct people one the boards. alot of the people just don't come here to piss you off with spell and grammar errors, alot of them are well experieced nerfers who are giving aid to some one who asked for it. to sum it all up dont be a grammar nazi!

every one els: the smk5 is a gread gun for range but it will break in two wars. it is usualy with hair line fractures in the pump and if you plug it up it will usulay make a new one. the smk5 is a good gun for range but it is very unrelible. the rf 20 on the other hand should never have been made in the fist place.