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#10460 X-stream Maxshot

Posted by Spark Plug on 26 September 2003 - 03:37 PM in General Nerf

I find it funny that nobody has bothered to answer this guy's question. TRU stands for Toys R Us.

actually mrgrinch_nm did

#28674 Where To Buy A Laser Pointer?

Posted by Spark Plug on 16 June 2004 - 07:36 PM in General Nerf

Here's a really cheap laser.

My brother has that laser pointer, but you can get them at menards (at least i did) for $10

#10697 What's Up With Nhq?

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 03:32 PM in Off Topic

What's going on? Have hosting errors or something? Good site.

If it is the forums no hosting problems Spanky needs to order more bandwidth or i think he might open the forums back up the first day of october but not sure. The forums suck up a lot of bandwidth.

#10698 Web Editor

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 03:34 PM in Off Topic

I like notepad.

#400 War Stories

Posted by Spark Plug on 07 January 2003 - 08:55 PM in Nerf Wars

I need war stories for FI. Please post them here. Thank you

#8449 Toys R Us

Posted by Spark Plug on 19 August 2003 - 02:54 PM in General Nerf

*Update* If any of you like RF20's half as much as I do (they pwn PCs ^_^) you will be interested to hear that Toys R Us secured a deal with Nerf to re-release  the RapidFire 20.  I bought 2, because I'm greedy.  That makes 6 automatic Nerf guns in my arsenal now, 2 WFs, 3 RFs, and 1 PC.  Anyways, they are $15.00 a piece, and I figure I could sell one of these NIB for maybe $30.00 to some poor sap on Ebay, so I'm making back twice that I paid.  

On a side note, Max Shots for $5 including tax here as well, but no AT guns to speak of besides the crappy Jet fighter.  Also, TrU made me aware of a new line of guns that I will start a new thread here for, in case anyone wants to discuss it.

I can confirm rapidfire20's at TRU. Brand New Box.

At my tru there are 6 more MaxShots left and they are by the sports section. But i can't find the Uruk-hai crossbow where are they located?

#8517 Toys R Us

Posted by Spark Plug on 20 August 2003 - 08:08 PM in General Nerf

I'm gonna get 4 Max shots for myself, and 4 more for my friends

Good luck.

I've been to 3 TRUs so far and found a total of 3 Max Shots. These were all stores that had previously stocked them, they just ran out fast.

Ive been to one and have seen 7.

#10128 Tn Nerfers

Posted by Spark Plug on 21 September 2003 - 01:49 PM in General Nerf

Any Nerfers in TN?

Nerf Wars Section

#10756 This Forum

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 10:21 PM in Site Feedback

Well i no about php and mySQL hosting in fact my current host supports php and u have to pay $5 per mySQL database so its pretty shitty, but they offer unlimited webspace and bandwith so im not complaining....

What is your host?

#11280 This Forum

Posted by Spark Plug on 11 October 2003 - 10:54 AM in Site Feedback

Lol i thought this would gather some attention..
i might tell you if you could code me a forum...
but its not like you would no how so i think i will tell you anyway...

basic features:
- unlimited webspace
- unlimited bandwith
- 24/7 ftp
- www.domain.com/~you
- php, asp and i think there more
- in my opinion site never down

- 1MB size limit on files
- mySQL databse is $5
- no mp3, mpg, avi or wateva format
- need content apart from pics
- need 10 hits per week

I don't know if this is considered an old topic or not so i will post. Actually I have forums with 80 people. It sounds like you are using host ultra for a host.

#8439 The Tech Target Gun Is In Stores

Posted by Spark Plug on 19 August 2003 - 10:09 AM in General Nerf

I live in madison and we have them at walmarts.

#8447 The Tech Target Gun Is In Stores

Posted by Spark Plug on 19 August 2003 - 02:36 PM in General Nerf

Sorry Mantis Wisconsin

#8332 The Tech Target Gun Is In Stores

Posted by Spark Plug on 16 August 2003 - 10:17 PM in General Nerf

yeah I cant find any tech targets either. I went to TRU and walmart. It's probably just not to Chicago yet.

Unmodded the gun gets around 24' but that is with steps haven't accualied measured it though.

#8430 The Tech Target Gun Is In Stores

Posted by Spark Plug on 18 August 2003 - 09:25 PM in General Nerf

Personally, I hated it unmodded. It was accurate and fired the darts smoothly, but it wasnt as good as any of my guns (Even the blasfire. Mine sucks.... There must be something wrong with it...). So I used 9/16 brass ( I think its better. Oh i was wondering which one fits micros more snugly, 9/16 or 17/32?) and gave it a 5 inch micro firing barrel. Its awesome now, but it should probably be 4 inch instead. The plunger busted the front of the chamber out which I fixed with hotglue and epoxy. It was hard to get back in. Its fine now, but it will probably break again someday.

9/16 i think

People who already have it, where do u live? East coast? West coast?

I live in the mid west

#216 The New Nerf

Posted by Spark Plug on 30 December 2002 - 10:11 PM in General Nerf

Like others have said the 2000 is a decent gun. The 3000 I haven't tried at all but heard good and bad stuff about it. The 4000 I don't like at all, I think the range is not good. The 1000 I think is a remake or similar to the 250/350. I have not modded any of the guns yet so i don't know about them modded.


#10712 Stefans

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 05:23 PM in General Nerf

Currently there are 2 topics discussing Stefans. I Don't think that you should have made a topic just for your lame-ass question regarding the proper weight of stefans. A size 3/0 Fishing sinker or a .25 size slingshot ball.

Isn't 3/0 for mega's anyway micros is size BB fishisn weight.

#10459 Sig?

Posted by Spark Plug on 26 September 2003 - 03:34 PM in Off Topic

I have a sig that I want to use as either my avatar or in my signature, but I can't find anywhere to put the URL, help? This is what it looks like:
Posted Image

Im too stealthy for your eyes :ph34r: .

just do

#10740 Sig... Not So Happy

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 08:08 PM in Site Feedback

Ok you have to do
[URL="your url"]Something[/URL]

#10955 Postseason Baseball

Posted by Spark Plug on 04 October 2003 - 09:34 PM in Off Topic

I hope the Cubs win against Atlanta :D

#11160 Postseason Baseball

Posted by Spark Plug on 08 October 2003 - 05:58 PM in Off Topic

If the cubs go to the world seris i got tickets for game 5. :D

#30341 Official Gmail Thread

Posted by Spark Plug on 04 July 2004 - 09:30 PM in Off Topic

I got one also, got it 6 days ago. Accord you can type the name in and it will bring up a list of contacts and you can select it that way, and keep doing that with a comma seperating every contact. Rag i heard two things, first week of december is one that i heard and another is july 4th at midnigt. That is only what i heard.

#30436 Official Gmail Thread

Posted by Spark Plug on 05 July 2004 - 05:51 PM in Off Topic

How can you "invite" someone? Is there some special way? I know you send it through e-mail, but how does the sender send it?

if you recieve a invite, there is this button that you push that says invite a friend, when you do that you put in their name, and email, it will send a email to them with a link i think, open that and fill in the info.

#8427 Nerf Mine

Posted by Spark Plug on 18 August 2003 - 08:10 PM in Homemades

Me and my friend are finished with the designing stage and are on to the development/beta stage

#8387 Nerf Mine

Posted by Spark Plug on 17 August 2003 - 08:59 PM in Homemades

Does anyone have working plans on a nerf mine. My friends really want to make one.

#9274 Nerf Comercial

Posted by Spark Plug on 05 September 2003 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

On the airtech 4000he shoots it 3 times 2 come out of the bottom and one comes out of the top and then in the next frame the dart on top is still there.

#9955 Name Meaning

Posted by Spark Plug on 18 September 2003 - 06:01 PM in Off Topic

I was just trying at NerfCenter with any name and it wouldn't let me register so my friend put in Spark_Plug but deleted my real name which i thought was supposed to be in Name: so that just stuck.

Posted Image

#9951 My New Creation

Posted by Spark Plug on 18 September 2003 - 05:41 PM in Modifications

pump, 1 spring,

isn't it 2 sping 1 pump? because BBB and LNL is Spring SM1500 is Pump.

#10995 Modified Cps 2500 Got 273 Feet!

Posted by Spark Plug on 05 October 2003 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

Gaebo if you consider your modified water gun a nerf gun then my friends homemade can shoot around 300 feet with red airjet micros. So if that is a nerf gun i have the worlds most powerful nerf gun.

#10133 Modifications

Posted by Spark Plug on 21 September 2003 - 02:09 PM in General Nerf

CXWQ probably knows ;)

Code is messed up the pictures url is http://aries.lunarpa...hot/barrel4.jpg but the code says it is http://aries.lunarpa...hot/barrel4.jpg so CXWQ will have to fix it or anyone else that has access to the code.

#8388 Maxx Shot

Posted by Spark Plug on 17 August 2003 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

Hey uh the guy with the blond hair. You told me to report back to you when i tested my Maxx Shot. I got 110 feet level to ground with my PVC modded gun instead of "B-R-A-S-S"

How long barrel di dyou use?

#8575 Max Shot Mod

Posted by Spark Plug on 21 August 2003 - 07:26 PM in Modifications

When you take off the red cap at the end of the Max Shot, hot glue a 1/2 inch CPVC coupler to the white barrel. Now cut a 6 to 8 inch 1/2 inch CPVC barrel and attach it to the coupler. Done. Now you have a breech loading CPVC modded Max Shot. Um... Yippee!

You could cut off some of that white barrel if you wanted to

#10568 Looking For Brass

Posted by Spark Plug on 28 September 2003 - 08:38 AM in Homemades

Eh, i bout ten feet of 1/2 inch brass pipe at home depot for $5 i think. It really nice. I just was finishing modding my Blue SM3K. And it gets extremely nice performace. I ripped out the springs and plastic barrels, then got about two inches of brass, duct taped it, and crammed it in. Ill have to allign it better, but so far the results are amazing.

I think that is cooper. They do not carry brass at home depot or at least near me.

#29700 Illinois Anyone ?

Posted by Spark Plug on 27 June 2004 - 10:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I am from Madison, Wisconsin. I might be going down to go see my cousin in Chicago, if i do i might be able to convince my parents to let me go.

#8560 Illinois Anyone ?

Posted by Spark Plug on 21 August 2003 - 03:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I live in Madison Wisconsin

#9952 Hurricane

Posted by Spark Plug on 18 September 2003 - 05:56 PM in Off Topic

Good luck to everyone one and the storm. Good thing i live in Wiscosin.

#10159 How Old Are Most Of You Guys?

Posted by Spark Plug on 21 September 2003 - 08:15 PM in General Nerf

Im 13.

#1074 Houston, We Have A Problem.

Posted by Spark Plug on 01 February 2003 - 09:44 PM in Off Topic

The Foam Instulation has fallen of before 8 times on diffrent space crafts and nothing happened to them. Someone claims to have found a body in the nasa uniform they were in. People have also found hands and arms to people.

#1097 Houston, We Have A Problem.

Posted by Spark Plug on 03 February 2003 - 05:55 PM in Off Topic

I found out the foam was 20"x16"x6" that hit the left wing of the shuttle.

#10711 Forum Contest!

Posted by Spark Plug on 29 September 2003 - 05:20 PM in Modifications

Uhh, thats a bbb...Whats new on it?

What is the diffrence of the pic BB1 and BB2 nothing diffrent on them.

#10630 Forum Contest!

Posted by Spark Plug on 28 September 2003 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

Here is my submission. It is a homemade gun that i swear can shoot 200+ feet. We shot a acorn strait up in the air and it went out of sight. here it is: http://www.hostultra...f/homemade.html tell me if you are having any troubles with it.