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#131411 Your Nerf Teams Or Clans

Posted by Twitch on 04 December 2007 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

Whenever I'm a team captain at one of my University's games it's always Team Twitch's Bitches. And no, none of the girls mind.

(yeah, I go by the name twitch in my everyday life; my last 3 girlfriends didn't know my real name till at least the 3rd date.)

#250654 Yet Another Cincinnati Nerf War

Posted by Twitch on 16 September 2009 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be at least a few hours late, but I should make it in time for a few rounds.

#173601 Women Who Nerf: Boost Or Decrease Attractiveness?

Posted by Twitch on 30 August 2008 - 06:49 AM in General Nerf

I suspect the group with whom I used to nerf was the only one that had 80 members, and nearly 50% were female. The last 3 girls I dated I met at nerf wars, including my current girlfriend (whom does not have a NH account, doesn't lurk, and won't be reading this). They've always been my preferred "hunting grounds" for women; the gals enjoy the game, but are not (typically) as mechanically inclined as their male counter-parts, so conversations usually followed a nice path of them being impressed with my blaster, asking about it (fantastic conversation starter) and talking and the things went in a ...satisfactory direction, after that.

I also get a huge smile when team are being picked, and I would yell "Everyone with big ol' hooties and vaginas, you're on my team." Then they'd usually chuckle and walk toward me. (They wouldn't be running around a school building with toy blasters at 2am if they didn't have a sense of humor.) Team "Twitch's Bitches" was always my favorite during "The mole" rounds, 'cause then I was never surprised when it was a woman who had betrayed me and shot me in the back.

Edit - in short, yes, I love when there are hot girls on the field. OMC, I'm curious as to why you feel the way you do; what bad turn of events did you witness?

#257596 Winter Ohio War 2009

Posted by Twitch on 29 November 2009 - 10:02 PM in Nerf Wars


#258625 Winter Ohio War 2009

Posted by Twitch on 11 December 2009 - 09:38 AM in Nerf Wars

You can switch myself and CincyChop to definites.

If anyone has a spare SwitchShot (the Wii blaster) with which they would be willing to part, I'd be delighted.

#258775 Winter Ohio War 2009

Posted by Twitch on 12 December 2009 - 08:17 PM in Nerf Wars

dog9, FatherTime has your magstrike. He lives in Cincinnati, so hopefully the two of you will attend the same war in the near future.

Back to the war, I feel really bad about mistakenly shooting like 3 people in the face. I know the cold always makes those kinda injuries sting all the more. Aside from the embarrassment of getting pegged by me in the first place.

A damn fine day all around, and thanks to Coop I can dual-wield Wiimotes with exceptional finesse.

It's a shame I won't see the majority of you until next spring.

#189449 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 13 November 2008 - 08:58 AM in Nerf Wars

As of yesterday, my car requires extensive repairs totaling 2.5-3x the car's value. It is currently in no condition to be driven to Columbus. If I can buy a new car before the war, then I'll still see everyone there. If not, then I'll see you folks at the next war. So I guess you can reduce my status from a "Maybe" to a "Tenuous Maybe."

#188709 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 10 November 2008 - 10:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a "Maybe" +1. +2 if you too count Captain Bojangles McPoonsnatch as a separate entity. It's not as uncommon as you might think.

#189796 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 15 November 2008 - 08:48 AM in Nerf Wars

Haz-Matt wasn't going to be there anyway. The +1 I was bringing was my girlfriend, S.Wong. (I think only a few of you may have met her.) After our University of Cincinnati Nerf Club got shut down, the total number of nerfers in Cincinnati has dwindled considerably. No more 90+ participant Nerf wars. I'm going shopping for autos this weekend, hopefully I'll be able to buy what I really want.

#191282 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 22 November 2008 - 05:52 PM in Nerf Wars

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#190047 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 16 November 2008 - 03:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Still a "Maybe" status at the moment; I've spent the last 2 days looking at cars and have encountered a few promising prospects. While it appears doubtful that I'll be get one of the Corvettes I was examining, I'll at least be able to get something newer and less likely to give cause monetary mayhem in the near future.

And for what it's worth, though we did meet at a Nerf war, we've been dating for nearly a year now; quite some time earlier than the War in Boone Park.

#191258 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 22 November 2008 - 01:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Good News:

I just bought a new car; transportation is no longer an issue.

Bad News: My dad and the step-family are having Christmas early, on account of 2 of the step-children having to leave town. I'm not sure how early they mean, and I have an ominous feeling that it's going to be the weekend prior.

Conclusion: I, and my guests, are still a "maybe."

#192364 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Twitch on 27 November 2008 - 10:58 PM in Nerf Wars


Sorry guys, I'm out. Hopefully I'll see you at the next war.

#153074 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by Twitch on 25 April 2008 - 08:16 AM in Off Topic

I have neurological disorder; Myoclonus. (similar to epilepsy in some regards.) I have muscle spasms/twitches at random, and under the effect of certain stimuli. Temperature fluctuation is the most dominant trigger. Just about everyone I know, my parents and boss aside, calls me "Twitch."

One time I punched myself in the face. Hard enough that my class ring left a mark in my jaw.

I had a girlfriend who's sibling though she was cheating on me, because they didn't realize that "Twitch" and *Real name here* were the same person, an she was getting phone calls from both people.

The neurologist tells me that people typically grow-out of the disorder in their mid 20's, which I'm approaching. While I'm a bit saddened at th idea of loosing my twitches, (I embraced my idiosyncrasies so fully into my personality/self-identity.) my closest cohorts offer to zap me with a stun gun whenever I'm feeling nostalgic.

#181540 Whats Your Target?

Posted by Twitch on 04 October 2008 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

My targets. (Some of them are just as easy to hit as a stationary vest)
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Yeah, that's right, bpso86, you're among them. (Bottom left w/ his green +Bow.)

#155658 Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Twitch on 12 May 2008 - 11:04 PM in Modifications

psyhoswan, badger - The blaster was $28.99, acquired from the Wal-Mart in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Captain - Stock ranges actually seemed a little bit better than advertised on the box(20 feet.). While I didn't go to the effort to measure stock ranges, I fired it across my room and estimate it to get around 30 feet stock. (Truth be told, I have at least half a dozen blasters than have never been fired stock; to this day I don't know what stock ranges are for a magstrike or RF20, as I modified them pretty much mere moments after opening them up.)

Silencer - nah, pretty much every foam-dart blaster uses the same or comparable mechanisms; if you know how to plug the pump on one, you know how to plug the pump on just about everything. Same goes for gluing a few barrels or a coupler.

Ubermencsh - After seeing how much ranges dropped after leaving 2 of the barrels as shotgun style, compared to the single cpvc barrel, I'll probably end up gluing a coupler to each barrel, and make all barrels the same. (since that's what got the best range) though if someone can figure out how to squeeze a bit more power out of one of these, having a couple shotgun muzzles would be really nice.

Galaxy613 - The Big Salvo has separate tanks for each barrel, sadly this device doesn't. while a Big Salvo can fire a couple shots, and still be able to fire off the other 2 without having to re-pump the blaster, this thing has to be pumped after every shot. I was a bit disappointed.

As for the issue with the valve/trigger, I'm going to try and stick a small piece of some sheet metal/plastic/whatever I find lying around and see if stickng that between the valve-release, and the lever that presses the release button (sort of making it a hair-trigger, like in Forsaken Angel_24's Magstrike mod', only with a different function) will help with releasing the tank valve at a higher pressure. I'll update later with the results.

Thanks for your time.

#155673 Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Twitch on 13 May 2008 - 08:13 AM in Modifications

eddieoctane - Ha! I knew I'd forgotten something about how it worked, thanks for asking. There's a button located on top of the part that functions as the shoulder stock when the blaster has been opened. (I just realized that that button is out of view in damn near every picture I took. Very sorry to everyone for that.) In the last picture, you can see a glimpse of what I'm typing about, the bright orange button located on top of the handle/shoulder stock at the very back. To open the blaster, simply depress that button, and pull. the parts all slide back, the trigger and grip rotate into position, and the flashlight swivels out. It's all rather amusing, and reminds me of the movies where someone has a suitcase where they pull one lever and the case falls apart and some sort of submachine gun unfolds in their hands. To close the blaster back up, simply hold in the same button, and squeeze the front of the blaster and the back handle/stock together, then press the mall orange button in front of the trigger, and push the trigger and grip can be folded back.

Pressing the wide, flat, orange switch at the top and center of the blaster deploys the crosshairs and the "scope."

Thanks for letting me know I forgot that detail.

Thanks for your time.

#155599 Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Twitch on 12 May 2008 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

The Mattel Wayne Tech Tri-Fire Blaster

A Big Salvo and Maverick, to get a sense of size.
WTTFB collapsed
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WTTFB open
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The "scope" does not align with the crosshairs. (It's aimed at the bottom of the plastic sheet which has the crosshairs imprinted.) Just thought I'd note that.

It has 2 compartments (one on each side) to hold darts. (frickin' adorable, I know.)
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The stock ammunition is worth explaining.
The single large missle is similar to the arrows from a BBB, save it has no fletching(tail fins), but instead has 2 "wings" that project out from the dart head.
The bola-dart is basically the same thing, except split down the middle,with string connecting the two halves. Ideally when fired the 2 parts would fly apart, and giving the round a wider area of effect. Instead the two posts, on which the darts are mounted (like the tek 10, Speedloader, and Secret Shot, for example.) are arranged vertically, completely defeating the purpose, unless one wishes to fire "gangsta" at their foe.
The dart are comparable to tag darts, save they are about 1/8" shorter, and the foam is much more firm.

The blaster's function and operation requires a bit of explanation.
It has 4 barrels, as you can see, and a single trigger. Unfortunately, it has only a single air tank. Which barrel is to be used is determined by a barrel selector. So rather than function like a Big Salvo, it functions more like a Secret Shot powered by pump & tank, rather than spring & piston.

How to select the desired barrel
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Notice each muzzle is numbered.

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squeezing the trigger advances the dial, the number displayed obviously indicating which barrel is selected. sliding the orange switch (located above, and to the right of the barrel indicator) forward locks the drum, and the chosen barrel is set. Pressing the orange (above, and further to the right) button releases the lock, and a new barrel can be selected by squeezing the trigger.

Onto the internals.
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To disconnect the wires, gently pull the junction pieces apart.

The tank, viewed from the behind
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Everyone felt the Longshot wasn't complicated enough, right?
I was expecting it to be rather elaborate, seeing as the blaster has a trigger that rotates, and moves away from the pump, tank, and barrels and has to function after relocation.

The trigger relaxed
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The trigger being squeezed.
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You can see how many parts move just to press the firing pin in, and release the air.

Here are the modifications I performed

The pump was glued shut, I simply cut through it (be careful to not cut too deep, into the pump handle.)
and put a bit of hot glue to plug the pump.
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Next was to remove the pegs.
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The bottom pair of barrels received PETG barrels cut to length for tag darts. The upper pair received 1/2" PVC couplers. I had to sand the ID of the muzzles, so 3 PETG barrels would fit.

The Finished product
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Ranges (20 pumps/shot)
All shots fired level or <5 degrees above the horizon.

Muzzle 1: 3" of 1/2" cpvc barrel. Tag dart. 65feet.
Muzzle 1: 3" of 1/2" cpvc barrel. stock dart. Technically the dart didn't leave the barrel, but the barrel did fly out of the coupler, and landed about 30 feet away.

Muzzle 2: 6" of 1/2" PVC. tag dart. 35 feet.

Muzzles 3 & 4: 3" of PETG. tag darts & stock darts. 35 feet.

I tried pumping the blaster 30 times, and I had to squeeze the trigger about 6 times before it would fire. Its range was also about 65 feet.

The only other modification I considered is to replace the light bulb in the flashlight (the gray box, located above the pump) with multiple LED bulbs, so the flashlight will actually illuminate the other side of a classroom properly.

As complicated as this thing is, I'm sure I left out something minor; feel free to reply or PM with questions.

Thanks for your time.

#271375 War Capturing On Camera

Posted by Twitch on 05 April 2010 - 08:57 AM in Nerf Wars

If you opt to go with the Oregon Scientific camera, it know of a couple ways to mount it to your blasters.

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and switching SD cards is still easy while it's concealed.
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Placing it inside the LS scope does limit it's field of view a bit, and an alternative may be desired.
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I will say that it's ability to function in very low light (after sunset, or in a dark arena) is rather poor (That's why I added the trio of IR flashlights). In normal daylight it's fine. Don't expect audio quality to be exceptional. Mine fails to pick-up anything spoken from more than about 25 feet. The sound of a blaster to which it is attached being pumped (in my case, an At3k) causes all audio to turn to static. Additionally, the sound of a xbow being fired causes a sound which can only be described as a sort of cartoon spring being released.

#244176 Valhalla 2

Posted by Twitch on 27 July 2009 - 02:48 PM in Nerf Wars


#244175 Valhalla 2

Posted by Twitch on 27 July 2009 - 02:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Valhalla 2 will be Auguest 27th through the 30th. Some time next spring.

I'm sorry, everyone. Valhalla 2 is gonna have to wait until next spring. I ended up scheduling everything too late in the season, and way too few people are able to attend any of the given wars. Additionally the Lazer Kraze facility would end up costing like $15/person at this point, and the war there would be earlier in the evening, when too many people would still be at work.

#247116 Valhalla 2

Posted by Twitch on 15 August 2009 - 11:17 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm sorry, everyone. Valhalla 2 is gonna have to wait until next spring. I ended up scheduling everything too late in the season, and way too few people are able to attend any of the given wars. Additionally the Lazer Kraze facility would end up costing like $15/person at this point, and the war there would be earlier in the evening, when too many people would still be at work.

#221511 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 03 April 2009 - 11:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Tickets for Day 1 of Valhalla, the war at Lazer Kraze are now on sale. There are 40 tickets available at this moment. To purchase your ticket, first declare your intention here, indicating how many you wish to purchase, and your e-mail address. I will send a payment request via Paypal for $4/nerfer (your parent/guardian/sibling/transporter does not need a ticket). Send an e-mail to morrisbi@uc.edu indicating the number of tickets you purchased, as well as your address. Once payment clears I will send you your ticket(s) in the mail.

The first post has been edited to include this information as well. I will update the thread periodically to track the number of tickets remaining. Tickets may go much faster than you expect, as the Cincinnati nerfers have the option to pay up front in cash. To compensate, I've not yet declared tickets on sale for the Cincinnati Nerf Group yet, to give the rest of you a fighting chance.

If you have questions, post here or contact me in the NerfChat:


#222085 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 06 April 2009 - 08:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Darkshot, I don't recall listing that as an option. If you plan on paying me in person then I hope you go to the University of Cincinnati and will purchase your ticket soon. If you're planning to buy your ticket the night of the event, you may very will be turned away if the other 40 tickets have been sold before then.

#222894 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 10 April 2009 - 09:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I was expecting the Nerf Air-borne division would not be deployed until a later war. The parks chosen for Valhalla are too popular among the public to permit the deployment of the NerfWaffe.

On another note, much to my dismay, my job and school work have been vastly more time consuming than I had expected. As a result, tickets for Valhalla have not been mailed yet, but will be in tomorrow's out-going mail. The envelopes are sealed and stamped, and at this moment await only to be acquired by the USPS.

#226494 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 27 April 2009 - 09:53 AM in Nerf Wars

Group picture from day 1
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Group picture from day 3
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I'm a little sorry, Joe; the picture was begging for it.
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Guys, I'll stat editing through the 8+ hours of footage as soon as I have time. I was looking at random clips last night to test the quality, I think the outdoor footage will be great. Inside the dark arena... not to much.

#224089 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 16 April 2009 - 10:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, Vistagecko, that' fantastic. The promise of a "nerfy fire" is almost enough to make me shrug off my own comfy bed, grab a tent, and join you guys. I'm glad you will be able to stay for the entire weekend and provide a temporary domicile for others.

And on a side note, in case you were not sure if you are able to drive to the war, I offer this small graphic (map's acquisition assisted by Ice9.)
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If you are in the red zone I expect to see you there.

#220774 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 30 March 2009 - 09:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Valhalla - Day 3

When: April 26th, 9am - we get tired.
Where: Dunham Park. 4366 Dunham Way. Cincinnati, Ohio 45205
Once you’re on Dunham way, just keep going left until you reach the top of the hill. You will see the playground on you left. Continue until the next intersection, and make a left to enter the parking lot.

Pic’s of Dunham

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If the playground is overrun with short, annoying primates we can use the large valley/field on the other side of the parking lot. There are a handful of trails through the woods that link the far sides of the field. In the summer there should be enough foliage to make them useful.

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Those are the arenas we’ll be using for Valhalla ’09. Post questions below and/or send me a PM if you have questions about the rules. (I expect more than a few of you will inquire about Lazer Kraze.)

Lastly, is The Feast. Outside the great hall, the worthy Nordic warriors would battle during the day, and in the evening all would gather and be revived is necessary for a great feast. I can’t gain access to a great hall, but I can try and arrange for many of us to get dinner Saturday night at the legendary Hofbräuhaus, in Newport, Ky. You don’t have to be 21 to eat there, just if you plan on enjoying a liter or three of some of the greatest bier in the world. If you would like to go to The ‘Haus for dinner, please indicate as such, and not if you are of legal drinking age. I have difficultly conjuring an idea as fantastic as an evening at Hofbräuhaus after a day of glorious battle. No matter what we can go there to feast and drink, but I require a head count to see if it’s worth reserving one of their separate rooms.

Hope to see you there.

#221647 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 04 April 2009 - 09:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Icespartan_1114 indicated that you would be joining us.

#225974 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 25 April 2009 - 10:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Badwrench, the blooper reel is probably going to be a compilation of the like 3/4 of all my footage;which is basically me pointing the camera in the air, and flinching from getting shot in the shins by bpso86. As well as copious amounts of footage detailing the respawning areas utilized in Lazer Kraze. If anyone wants to know what the orange./blue spawn point look like, I think I've got like 90+ minutes of footage of said areas. At this pint I'm just transferring all the video and pictures oy my desktop, and clearing space on the SD cards so I can film tomorrow's wars. I expect the HvZ at Dunham to be just as incredible as last time. I'm going to need every empty byte of space I can find to capture all the Effeminate saves, et cetera.

I'll see you guys in like... 7 hours for the final events of Valhalla. Goddamn this has been a fucking Effeminate weekend thus far. I can only hope the weather tomorrow is as pristine as it was today, I;'m not sure a nerf war has been privy to such fantastic weather before this weekend.

#221670 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 04 April 2009 - 09:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Visatgecko, I require the names of your guests.

25 tickets remain.

#227389 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 30 April 2009 - 10:08 PM in Nerf Wars

The pictures I posted above of the group shots from days 1 and 3 are all I have. the pic from Day 2 was lost somehow (which is really annoying, to type the least.) Everything else I recorded was video on the Action Cam. I should have a video up by the end of the weekend maybe. I've a crucial essay due early next week which takes precedence.

#224620 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 20 April 2009 - 08:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Only 18 tickets remaining.


If I'm lucky, the new "Action Cam" should arrive with enough time to test/prepare it for action. I'll be delighted if I get to debut the device at Valhalla and record all 3 days.

#221030 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 01 April 2009 - 12:58 PM in Nerf Wars

I think I've everyone's status correct, please let me know if I missed you. Additionally, It's worth noting that Hofbrauhaus is not a bar, it's a German restaurant which happens (as most of them do) to sell delicious bier. You do not have to be of legal drinking age to get in an eat dinner, as long as you arrive before like, 10pm. They have what I understand to be, typical German food, as well as some more American menu items (bacon cheese burgers, etc., are available.)

#224994 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 22 April 2009 - 01:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Guys, this:
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just arrived today. I'm gonna swing by a store on my way to work and pick up a couple more SD cards. If I'm careful with the On/Off button, I should be able to record damn-near the entire war. (At least the entire war as seen through the eyes of Cpt. Bojangle McPoonsnatch."

#225168 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 22 April 2009 - 09:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh don't worry, I have plans to make it modular.
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Actually, VACC, I expect the majority of the footage to be of the sky, as I continually leave the field to count. All the more reason to have it modular, as that permits me to pass it around to trusted nerfers, and get footage while I'm out.

#220841 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 31 March 2009 - 08:32 AM in Nerf Wars

Please specify which of the 4 events for which you are a "for sure" or a "maybe." There are 3 wars and The Feast scheduled. Longshot Wielder, do you plan on attending The Feast, and are you 21 or older? Foamfoot, I'm glad to you have so much enthusiasm for this, which events are you planning to attend?

#225436 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 24 April 2009 - 09:12 AM in Nerf Wars

The rules for shields vary a bit, as some of the rules were conjured before I joined the group, and before I sort of became the guy in charge.

To answer the question in short, BW, the disc you have mounted on the front would not be permitted as a shield. If you are using the disc instead as a support bracket, you'll need to demonstrate that without it, the barrels are excessively loose, flimsy, and would most certainly break off.For more detailed rules regarding shields, please read below.

In the Lazer Tag arena, the blaster/sword in your hand may be used to deflect attacks. Only the instrument your hand, (If they hit a pistol stowed away in a holster, your out.) and only portions of the blaster which either were intended/constructed by Hasbro to be part of (or potentially part of) the blaster, or are critical parts to the function of the blaster. This is to say that the LS frontgun, or the recon's various accessories, when attached (to either blaster, actually) are treated as part of the blaster for deflection purposes. A new barrel counts as well. Shoulder straps do not count, neither do cosmetic accessories not conjured by Hasbro. Paint serves as an extension of whatever it is on.

For example, a person holding a Longshot with the recon barrel, and the Mission Kit flashlight on the rail, and a shoulder strap. The wielder can deflect shots with the main blaster, the clips (as long as they are in the blaster), and the flashlight. If they are hit in the shoulder strap, they are out.

I have a pink Big Salvo (I know, you're surprised at this shocking news.) named peace Maker. Peace maker also has a pair of white/pink (fake) roses mounted on the side. If the main body of the blaster is struck, I'm fine. If the flowers are struck, I'm out.

The foam shields available at TrU and Walgreens are permitted, but they have a couple restrictions; they must be fluorescent, and when wielding a shield, you may only utilize melee weapons.

At outdoors wars, rules regarding shields and deflecting incoming projectiles are the same as at the majority of wars; Manta only, gun hits count, etc.

That said, I'm pumped, and can't wait. This weekend is gonna rock.


There are 2 Lazer kraze facilities. We will be playing at the one next to King's Island, not the one in Erlanger, KY. (The Kentucky war is Saturday.)


3187 Western Row
Maineville, OH

When you reach the exit, which is the same exit for King's Island, take a right at the first light (if you're taking 71-N). There will be a gas station (A Sunoco, I believe) and a strip mall behind it. Lazer Kraze resides in that strip mall, in the corner.

#220773 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 30 March 2009 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars


Why: The Orange Hand feels that Cincinnati needs an annual war
When: April 24th-26th. Check day for exact time
Where: Varies, see days below.

When you reply indicating your desire and/or intentions to attend, please indicate which events of the four you plan/hope to attend. If you reply regarding The Feast, indicate if you and/or your gusts are > 21 years of age.

Tickets for Day 1 of Valhalla, the war at Lazer Kraze are now on sale. There are 40 tickets available at this moment. To purchase your ticket, first declare your intention here, indicating how many you wish to purchase, and your e-mail address. I will send a payment request via Paypal for $4/nerfer (your parent/guardian/sibling/transporter does not need a ticket). Send an e-mail to morrisbi@uc.edu indicating the number of tickets you purchased, as well as your address. Once payment clears I will send you your ticket(s) in the mail.

If you have questions, post here or contact me in the NerfChat:


Tickets remaining: 18

Attendance - Day 1

Vistagecko +3
Mr. Badwrench

+ about 20 Cincinnati nerfers

Attendance - Day 2

Thaygor +2
Mr Badwrench +1
Saucy Gonzalez
Vistagecko +3
Longshot Wielder
+ about 12 Cincinnati nerfers

Ice Nine
Nerf Mafia +5-6
snotlock +1

Attendance - Day 3


Thaygor +2
Mr Badwrench +1
Saucy Gonzalez +2-3
Longshot Wielder
Vistagecko +3
+ about 12 Cincinnati nerfers

Ice Nine
Nerf Mafia +5-6
snotlock +1

Feast (* indicates member is > 21 years old.)

Confirmed *
Mr Badwrench* +1*
Longshot Wielder

Ice Nine
Saucy Gonzalez

Valhalla - Day 1
Where: Lazer Kraze
When: April 24th, 11pm- April 25th, 3am.

We have had dozens of requests from NIC members for permission to join us at a war in the laser tag arena.

In case you missed it.

I am happy to announce that War 1 of Valhalla will be at our new home, and that we can extend the invitation to many members of the NIC. Sadly, I am forced to restrict attendance to 40 nerfers, as the arena becomes too crowded in excess of that. Tickets will go on sale the end of this week, they will be $4/nerfer. If a parent/older sibling is driving you to the war, they do not have to pay. PayPal will be accepted. upon receiving payment, your ticket will be mailed to you, along with the standard release form required by Lazer Kraze. you must bring both with you to the war. If a guardian is transporting you, please let me know, as I require a figure for total head-count in the facility, not just in the arena. Fountain drinks, nachos, and pretzels will be available. The arcade will most likely be available as well.

Special Rules for Day 1

The special rules for nerfing in the laser tag arena are as follows:

Stock darts only, no stefans. No putting glue in the dart heads, no putting bb's in the dart heads, no shoving fishing weights into the backs of dart. If the darts have been modified in any way, they, and their owner, will not be permitted within the arena.

Titans, blast bazookas, and their ilk are also banned, even stock. They are only permitted within the arena provided they fire from 4 or more barrels simultaneously, and cannot fire from less than 4. Home-made blasters are also banned at this time. No blasters firing ballistic balls, or ejecting shells (BuzzBee double shot, RFR, and Clip tek, for example) are permitted. (I don't want anyone tripping, falling down, and breaking something/getting injured.

We will meet at 11pm, go over rules, select teams, and introduce ourselves. The war will start at midnight, after they close for regular business and kick out all the regular customers. We will stop nerfing around 2:45, to clean-up. Capture the Flag is the most common format in this arena, as with respawning, and a simple yell of "Switch Sides!" the next round begins quite quickly. This format ensures that people will get to play pretty much constantly. We're paying to play here, and I seek to maximize the time spent actually playing.

Some nice pics, demonstrating the laser tag arena, and all it's awesome glory. The only source of illumination in the arena comes from black lights, and ambient glow from the many fluorescent obstacles in the arena. my camera fails to properly capture the lighting. Bpso86 will likely post some of his fantastic pictures to supplement my own, less-than-fantastic images.

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The best blasters glow like magical weapons, and have the ability to detect enemies in close proximity. Bags, it is a shame that you live so far away.
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Valhalla - Day 2

When: April 25th, 9am - 5pm.
Where: Boone Woods, Kentucky. (The Orange Hand extends farther than just Cincinnati. They will eventually envelope the continent. you'll see.) 5894 Veterans Way, Burlington, KY 41005

Days 2 and 3 will allow stefans, and will utilize the much more common nerfing rules, with regard to permitted ammunition, and blasters. No singled Titans, mandatory eye protection, etc. Attendance will not be restricted to these wars, the only cost to use the park is paying to rent the shelter, which I've already procured.

Pics from Boone Woods

Our main arena
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Pennywise added, because it's all I can think of when I look into that tunnel

I believe Bobafan and bpso86 have more images of the rest of the park we have used in the past.

#221643 Valhalla

Posted by Twitch on 04 April 2009 - 08:57 PM in Nerf Wars

28 tickets remain unclaimed.

Vistagecko, what is your guest's name?