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#225445 Valhalla

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 24 April 2009 - 10:50 AM in Nerf Wars

Good luck guys!

/me is sad he cannot make it this time. Maybe the next one.

#323147 Username Change

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 28 October 2012 - 09:29 PM in Off Topic

Hey man, you guys said that if we made a new account, all our accounts would be deleted.

Problem solved.

#359655 University of Chicago Nerf Email

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 03 May 2017 - 12:12 AM in Off Topic

HvZ at UChicago is awful.

#286109 Ultimate Raider

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 26 September 2010 - 09:51 PM in Modifications

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Been there, done that. It really isn't worth it at all because the raider simply does not have enough plunger volume to do anything useful. The slamfire is cool, but you're hitting 60-70' tops, even with plunger reinforcements and a power stock.

#332840 TWAC (August 17 Chicagoland War)

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 09 August 2013 - 07:40 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there since its the 17th now. See you guys!

#333065 TWAC (August 17 Chicagoland War)

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 15 August 2013 - 10:44 AM in Nerf Wars

Attendance is now unlikely as I'm gonna be hanging out with my girlfriend instead of at this war because I'm a bitch. (There remains possibility that I'll spend 3 hours driving on Saturday to nerf for 3 hours).

But I'll see you guys next week at the Milwaukee war?

#332987 Troubleshooting singled longshot

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 13 August 2013 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

Where are your darts loading? If they're loading in front of your PVC Tee that you're using for a handle then your barrel length might be too long. Also make sure your springs aren't binding on each other and thus giving you a lower effective spring rate.

#355133 Trishula: 3 rods and 3 kinds of springs

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 21 July 2016 - 04:28 PM in Homemades

Since the plunger system is backwards, does that make it a reverse plunger? Over all the system looks like what the mega centurion should have functioned like.



#318591 Trigger linking question

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 16 July 2012 - 03:59 PM in Modifications

Sorry I was referring to the metal linkage. You said it works at low pressure which indicates some force multiplier effect cause by the physical arrangement of the parts.

Regardless, a lever should fix your problems. Check this out: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=19961

#318527 Trigger linking question

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 15 July 2012 - 03:49 PM in Modifications

Because of that bar you put in, when you pull the trigger "back" against the pin moving "forward" there is an inclination (for lack of better word) towards rotation and torque. This makes the trigger pull harder to begin with, and it also adds more friction into the shell along the rails for your trigger.

As has been pointed out, levers are the way to go here.

#223416 To Powerful?

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 13 April 2009 - 04:27 PM in Modifications

To powerful, or not to powerful, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of a broken longshot,
Or to take arms against a sea of foam,
And by opposing, end them.

#339500 titian barrel size

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 11 June 2014 - 11:04 PM in Darts and Barrels

I moved your thread to the appropriate section.

Please note that capitalization is mandatory on these forums per the Code of Conduct.

#240706 Titan/magstrike Integration

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 07 July 2009 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

Apart from situational game types, I don't see this being usable at all.

Even if you made shells for the primary titan shotgun, reloading is going to be incredibly awkward as the rest of the gun gets in the way. You're going to be too slow with it to rush, and you're a huge target to shoot at from well outside the range of any of those guns, since I don't see any internal magstrike upgrades. Once you fire the magstrikes, have fun reloading and repumping the entire thing - with it on the group and the barrels pointed in the sky. Moreover, the entire gun is too bulky to get a good spray with on the magstrikes, except at very closer range. In which case, your opponent is an idiot for getting so close in the first place.

Essentially, you have one superweapon that you can fire once at the beginning of the round, or keep at a base for emergency use which brings us back to the first point: only practical in very specific scenario rounds.

On the other hand, that's gotta be pretty fun just to goof off with and shoot around. Have fun picking up the darts afterwards.

#241291 Titan/magstrike Integration

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 10 July 2009 - 02:46 PM in Modifications

Best soundtrack ever, but you should've taken out the cutscene noise. That always bothers me when I watch the episodes.

The video does show that the spacing on the magstrikes is actually kind of significant. It's probably too late to angle them in, so how easy is it to sweep the gun back and forth? It looks kind of awkward, since you're holding the gun with two hands...

#304130 titan question

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 31 August 2011 - 01:48 PM in Modifications

You aren't running enough. The more you run away when you play deathmatch the less pumps your titan will take to fill up.

#272648 Time To Look Inside... The Ldr!

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 19 April 2010 - 05:14 AM in Homemades

Not the plunger itself, the tube that it's in. You opened the gun by taking off the top half of it.

The giant gap you see (picture 2?) is not of the plunger tube. It is the catch section. The rod is not the plunger rod, but only a guide rod for the springs to compress on. The actual plunger rod is in the far right of the picture. That little bit of white is the back of the plunger rod. Since the plunger rod is constructed out of PVC pipe, it slides over the rail and compresses the springs.

That is, the rear of the plunger rod compresses the springs, rather than the plunger head.

#238535 This Picture Deserves Its Own Thread.

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 25 June 2009 - 11:57 AM in Off Topic

Your abuse of the capslock key is more disturbing than VACC's ass.

#234881 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 07 June 2009 - 08:28 PM in Modifications

If you're upgrading springs, remember to hit the gym too. 60lbs of draw force is what happens why you put the +bow springs in.

They're also why ranges are given with the stock springs back in place.

#265245 The Tornadobow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 13 February 2010 - 04:50 PM in Homemades

Super sub-optimal penis gun gogogo.

Minor corrections: the plunger tube is 1-1/4" OD x 1-1/8" ID polycarbonate, the PVC rod used to hold the rubber shaft sealing skirt (9562K44) is 5/8" OD, and the PVC rod used for the plunger rod is 3/8" square.

#265620 The Tornadobow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 16 February 2010 - 01:58 PM in Homemades

Excellent modification. I have one question for you though. Is this modification durable? When I mean durable, I mean that it will be able to last for a few wars or 1 at the least?

Durability of a modification is almost never inherent to the concept but rather in the execution.

#205481 The Thundersplat, By Splitlip

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 22 January 2009 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but your "inline clip" is simply a convenient dart storage tube right?

Otherwise, creative use of the first nail to keep the gun breakable. I personally would've just permanently sealed the gun together.

#300238 The SNAP/Revolution

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 20 June 2011 - 03:30 PM in Homemades

Do you think it would be possible to even add a second extention spring on the opposite side of the plunger rod to add more power, or wold that be too much?

Most of the materials we use (especially in cylindrical form) have much higher compressive than tensile strengths. Carbon's SNAP greatly abuses this fact as the only stress points of the entire blaster are the catch (traditionally already made to be invincible) and the structural housing between the coupler and the catch (which from my first sentence, we know to be invincible).

If you wanted to add more power, just make the first extension spring stronger. Any additional springs would mean a massive headache of screws and thick parts.

Also Carbon, this is pretty awesome.

#282493 The Snap-7 Microbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 08 August 2010 - 09:58 PM in Homemades

Why does your girl not have any legs?

Also, great tee/elbow/bushing connection method. Definitely beats drilling holes through the tee and bow arms to get the airflow path going.

#282046 The Snap Crossbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 04 August 2010 - 12:55 AM in Homemades

Rather than using a hopperrette, a BRYSC might actually give you the smoothest LOS, with the profile of the blaster. You have to point it down anyways so there aren't really any ROF differences.

#319139 The Snap 7.5 Pump Crossbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 24 July 2012 - 09:52 PM in Homemades

The topic is over a year old. Lucky for you, Carbon is still around and hawks these forums, but in most other scenarios opening up a topic that old again is not going to be very beneficial.

#271307 The Secretstrike Internals Revealed

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 04 April 2010 - 06:17 PM in Modifications

Good shit dude. I can't wait to see what this project is of yours that you dissected everything for.

#224044 The Rogue "stinger"

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 16 April 2009 - 08:24 PM in Modifications

Put the pump in the handle.

#224047 The Rogue "stinger"

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 16 April 2009 - 08:35 PM in Modifications

Put the pump in the handle.

Interesting, but then the gun will not be nearly as compact.

Yea, but it'll be easier to pump and you won't have to hold the gun in the wrong direction.

I would really like to see other peoples take on this, other varients and ways of taking this basic design and making it better. If anyone does, PLEASE post it up

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#224056 The Rogue "stinger"

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 16 April 2009 - 08:43 PM in Modifications

You didn't click the link, or check the post date on that, did you?

#275257 The Road To Deal.

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 18 May 2010 - 10:24 PM in General Nerf

Here it is.

Actual footage of the war.

Team deathmatch round.

U3 + JLego + Talio + CaptainSlug vs. 3Horsemen + Split + Gears + Imaseoulman.

We got dominated by hoppers.

Post round discussion about +bows.

Split does a dance.

Part VI.II of XIV

#320237 The Remedy Metal SS Boltsled, a working and produced part

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 09 August 2012 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

That Joshua Brown/Remedy guy is welcome to come here and make a thread himself, perhaps even detailing the build better (I have some in-progress pictures myself).

Not sure why you're making this fake review puppet storefront for them.

#320254 The Remedy Metal SS Boltsled, a working and produced part

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 09 August 2012 - 08:43 PM in General Nerf

That Joshua Brown/Remedy guy is welcome to come here and make a thread himself, perhaps even detailing the build better (I have some in-progress pictures myself).

Not sure why you're making this fake review puppet storefront for them.

It is in no way fake and I am a little offended that you would accuse me of creating a fake review. He sent me a sled to review and I did a video and written review on it...but if that's not good enough, I can contact him and ask him to do whatever you want because you know, everyone would love to cater to your demands.

EDIT: I apologize for my unnecessary sarcasm and I just saw that you were a mod, however my review isn't fake. I am a promoter for Remedy Metal. I am just doing what he asked me.

That's the part I have a problem with. I called it a fake review because as Kanashimi pointed out, your original post is not a review at all. Look at SGNerf's reviews, or even autonerf's reviews of the OMW Kits. They provide useful information that let us judge the merits of the product, rather than being direct promotion. A review should identify advantages, disadvantages (of design, not price), rather than saying "buy this the money goes to help some dude!"

If you are essentially just posting a sales or advertising thread, then you might as well let the actual manufacturer make it in the trading forum, since he'll also be able to answer questions too.

Edit: The video isn't bad actually, but you should put some of what you say into words.

#275109 The Reconbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 17 May 2010 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

If you're going to have huge bars running across your blaster, you might as well extend them to the pullback handle so that you aren't putting all the priming stress through the bolt.

#275082 The Reconbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 17 May 2010 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

I tried cutting the entire back off of the bolt sled (If this is what you're saying to do) and it didn't work because the bolt sled would bend inward and catch on stuff when I was trying to cock it. I already cut as much of a notch as possible.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying, do you want me to turn Γ into /_Γ ? Which way should I "extend" it?

Put more triangle and less L into it. But the boltsled problem is unfortunate. You could always just put a bar across the sides as close to the mag as possible to stop it from bending in yet still giving you extra back room to add support to that trigger. You should have room because the only reason the stock bar is that far back is because it has safety lock stuff on it.

#275051 The Reconbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 17 May 2010 - 03:21 PM in Modifications

Even though this is a suboptimal adaptation of Split's longstrike internals, good job on actually building a replica and producing a writeup. Also, since you took the brave first step, I know exactly what not to do when I have my own attempt.

As to your trigger issues, I suggest either a) moving the spring to behind the plunger tube so you can move the catch forward and thus have a much more reliable trigger, or b) extending the trigger extension so instead of having a Γ you have a much more solid bar. Obviously this would require cutting the boltsled like you said not to do, but as long as you just cut a notch in it as opposed to hacking the back completely off, you shouldn't run into any guidance issues.

#321800 The Papbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 19 September 2012 - 11:09 PM in Homemades

Dude this is from August 2010.

#282292 The Papbow

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 06 August 2010 - 03:55 AM in Homemades

I must disagree with your choice of priming guide. Since you are using bars to ultimately transfer the pump action, you're going to have to deal with the side bulk anyways. Using rails for it to ride on rather than wrapping the pump over the entire blaster results in 1) easier fabrication 2) slimmer vertical profile and 3) more surface area to stabilize the motion of the pump.

Pimp stock though.

Also, the solution to Split's problem is pretty simple. I can already think of multiple solutions that would take minimal refinements: 1) do it his way and channel the priming plate with the pump bars 2) double up on priming plates RTP plunger head style 3) thicken the priming plate either vertically or coaxially and add another set of screws.

#274088 The Overkill: This Is What Happens When A Titan And A Longshot Have Ch

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 05 May 2010 - 05:31 PM in Modifications


#285290 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 11 September 2010 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

Words aren't needed unless you're stupid.

I didn't have a cutting wheel to open up the piston mechanism and the tabs to lock it in place are solvent welded on.

Also so was the shell.

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#308381 The Official ''Show off your Nite Finder Thread''!

Posted by Zorns Lemma on 17 December 2011 - 11:47 PM in General Nerf

Well I don't have a Nite Finder to show off, well I do but I'm going to Lazy so I am thus unable to post a picture right now.

But while I am at Lazy, you guys can gaze upon

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Name: King Edward, the King Bow
Mods Done: Closed the shell
Integrations: Rainbow