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#363431 Worth it to replace wheels/cage on a stryfe?

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 25 October 2018 - 04:46 PM in Modifications



I am currently planning for my first flywheel mod, on a stryfe. I am planning on going with a 2s lipo, battery indicator/alarm, 16 or 18 gauge wire (which is better?), Fang ReVAMPed 130 2s Neo motors, and some $2 clone switch. All of this (except the wire) would be bought from outofdarts.com. The total cost, including the stryfe, would be about 70-ish USD (including the charger as I do not have one yet). The last possible thing I could replace within the blaster are the flywheels and cage. What are the benefits/drawbacks of doing this? How will it affect performance? I would automatically get them if they were a bit cheaper, but they would bump the cost up to about 100 USD, which is quite a bit for my first mod. However, if they will have a dramatic affect on performance, I will take them. Which ones would you suggest?


Thanks in advance.

#363413 Springers or Flywheels?

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 17 October 2018 - 10:32 AM in General Nerf



I'm fairly new to Nerf, only been into it for a month and a half or so. So far I have three blasters: a Maverick, a Delta Trooper, and a Ghost Ops Evader. I was enjoying my Delta Trooper, but then decided to get a flywheel blaster after I watched Coop's video on springer vs flywheel blasters. I love that it is ready to fire at any time, and that you can spew out a bunch of darts at a time, but I notice that if you fire more than two or three darts in succession, they fall shorter and shorter, and then the flywheels have to rev up again. Is this my batteries? (they might be low). Which do you guys think is better: slam-fire enabled springers, which are a bit slower to fire but the darts will go the same distance each time, or flywheels, which have the darts slow down after rapid fire? Also, do fully auto flywheels have the same problem as semi-auto's like the stryfe or evader?



#363718 Minnesota Hellaween 2018

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 13 March 2019 - 11:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Any plans for this year 2019? I'm on the iron range and trying to make it to my first war

Check out this page if you haven't already. It usually has wars and events planned for MN: https://www.facebook...13566622288281/

#363719 Installing Fang ReVamped motors in a stock stryfe cage... (I have done

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 13 March 2019 - 11:36 AM in Modifications

Hello all,


First time Stryfe modder here. After careful consideration, research, and gathering of materials, I was ready to start my first Stryfe mod. My plan is to do a full rewire to run off of a 2S lipo, with Fang Revamped motors and stock wheels and cage, as the lipo charger kind of took up the price portion that would otherwise have been for replacement wheels and cage. I began gutting the blaster, clearing out the battery compartment, removing the flywheels and removing the motors, etc. However, when I got to the stage of putting the new motors in, I discovered two things:


1. The stock cage has no screwholes and uses no screws. Therefore I cannt screw the Fang ReVamped's  in.

2. The Fangs are slightly wider than stock motors, so I cannot simply push them in for replacement.


I found this (https://www.youtube....h?v=clE3NPeXjhg from 2:28) helpful video, which said I have to dremel or sand out the motor slots in order for the new motors to fit. However, before I do irreversible things to my cage, I am looking for opinions. How have other people dealt with this before? Is dremeling or sanding the only way to go? Should I glue the Fangs in?


Thanks in advance.

#363721 Installing Fang ReVamped motors in a stock stryfe cage... (I have done

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 13 March 2019 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

Well, I decided to try just brute force. I applied more pressure (with my fingers, no tools) and the Fangs fell into place very nicely. So mission accomplished!


If anyone has any easier methods they use, something they see wrong with mine, or just tips and tricks, please feel free to let me know, I am hoping I will do more stryfe mods in the future.

#363425 How to do a cheap(ish) upgrade on a stryfe? What to do? (I am a beginn

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 21 October 2018 - 09:32 PM in Modifications


I want to do my first mod on a flywheel blaster, and I have selected the stryfe as I have heard great things about it. My main complaint is rev time and fall of on repeat shots, what would fix this? Also where do I buy materials and for how much? What battery upgrades are necessary? The list goes on and on... I do not have lots of money to spend on this right now, so the cheaper the option the better(obviously still being a worth while upgrade). I have heard good things about worker flywheel kits, but most of them are $50 plus. I found this one https://www.ebay.com...6.c100935.m2460for about $10 on eBay, and it says it's worker, does this look like a scam? Also I have heard about many different batteries, which ones would work well but still be wallet-friendly?

Thanks in advance.

#363457 Evader flywheels are sounding wrong... Help!

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 02 November 2018 - 10:41 AM in Modifications


I was playing around with my evader earlier and suddenly the flywheels started sounding wrong. I figured the batteries were low, as they would discharge even faster as they are 1.2 volt rechargeables, so I got out some charged ones, and the same thing happened. I figured maybe I needed the standard 1.5 volt alkalines, do I got some of those, and it was still sounding off. Basically what's happening is that when fully spinning, the sound coming from the flywheels is a lower note than before. After rotating the blaster a few times, I figured out that when the battery tray, which is in the left side of the blaster, is facing up, the flywheel sound normal, but if the blaster is in any other position it sounds lower. I have no idea what's happening and I'm worried as I recently got it brand new, and it was working fine til now.

Any suggestions/fixes are appreciated.


#363833 Dart foam is cracking, but the heads are not blowing off.... Help plea

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 25 April 2019 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Are they getting cut by something in the mechanism?

Foam splitting is typically caused by high peak pressures in the barrel, but I don't think you would necessarily see that in your setup. Possibly the barrel is too tight?

I cant see anything obvious that would be cutting it, but that doesn't necessarily mean its not there. By high peak pressure, do you mean too much pressure builds up overall, or there is a higher pressure spot in specific? The barrel is fairly tight that may be the issue. However, from the same piece of CPVC, I modded a clearshot with no dart splitting, or at least its rare. However the clearshot does not have a [k25] so its not getting the same power... I am coming to the war this Saturday, would you mind taking a look? Just because you have a lot more experience in this department than i do :)

Thanks for the ideas.

#363828 Dart foam is cracking, but the heads are not blowing off.... Help plea

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 24 April 2019 - 11:28 AM in Modifications

Hello all,


I recently modified a Firestrike. I put in a [k25] spring, put some e-tape under the o-ring, removed the air restrictor and dart post, and re-barreled with 1/2" CPVC. I'm hitting 90-100 FPS, which I don't have enough experience to know if it is high or low. However, one issue I'm seeing is that it is chewing trough my darts. I have heard of heads blowing off, but this is not the case. The foam is literally cracking near the head, which allows the air to escape, and I cant re-glue it so the dart is pretty much useless. Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening, and how to fix it? I have been using somewhat old accustrike darts and a few brand new Adventure Force waffles. I do have to somewhat twist fit the dart in because the CPVC is quite tight.



I included images of the cracked darts, and of the barrel in case there's something wrong with it that I can't see?








Thanks in advance.

#363695 [k25] vs [k26]? Not sure which to get.

Posted by Jumbo Pancake on 04 March 2019 - 08:36 PM in Modifications



I am planning on buying my first set of upgraded springs from Out Of Darts. I have a few mods in mind, including the Clearshot(Stormfire) and the Kronos. I know the Kronos can take both springs, but I am not sure about the clearshot because the [k25] seems to be a bit wider in diameter then the [k26] and I don't know if the plunger tube will be too small. Anyone know whether or not the clearshot can fit a [k25]? 


Also, what are the differences between these two springs? I have looked around but can't seem to find any solid, simple information on the difference.


Thanks in advance.