Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 9th 2003f February, 2003 (8074 days ago)
Ah, another week, another comic.
Before I go on and you say to yourself, "why does Groove seemed so pissed off?" Let me explain. Saturday morning, I woke up to the smell of cat piss. Cat piss. Yup, that's right. In my room. I got out of bed, and realized the smell was coming from my bed...I then walked downstairs to acquire some cleaning supplies, but stubbed by two three times on the way downstairs. Seeing as my toe felt like it was about to come off, I stayed downstairs and tried to get some breakfast. But wait...where are Groove's Frosted Cheerios? He eats them every morning...WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FUCKING GODDAMNED CHEERIOS?! My Dad had eaten them during the night as a midnight snack. Wait, the Pop-Tarts! We had 4 Pop-Tarts left! The Blueberry kind! Oh, how I love that flavor! Oh, wait...nope, Dad ate those too. What is there to eat? Nothing. Fucking shit, all I wanted was some fucking Cheerios. Fuck that shit, fuck it. I'm pissed now. I get the cleaning supplies and head back upstairs, limping. I glance at my monitor, with a strategically placed note on my Mom's part saying:
Clean your room...fucker.
Love, Mom
Well okay, she didn't say, "fucker," but you get the general idea...I'm not very happy. I think it sucked to the degree, shall I say, "a rooster's anus." I'll stop now.
A wise man once said, "you can only truly find your sense of humor when you're able to laugh at yourself," or something like that, at least. So that's what I'm doing here. Despite what some people think about what is or is not funny, I have this to say. I'm just making comics here, I'm not doing the next fucking Mona Lisa. Like it or not...I can't please everyone all the time, and I know this, so just like the comic for the sake of the know? That's all I have to say about that for now. I'll leave you with a Joe Dirt quote...don't bother seeing the movie, it's a waste of your money, and a few hours of your life.