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Death by Foam

#16 : Fire, Fire, Everywhere

Posted by GrOOvE on Tuesday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 12th 2003f August, 2003 (7801 days ago)

#16 : Fire, Fire, Everywhere

Yeah, so I've decided to rebuild my Xbow. Eh, after Armageddon I decided it needed an overhaul, it's been through quite a bit and quite frankly, it's falling fucking apart. The Splitfire fires one fucking barrel, and the main barrel is..well, yeah. I won't even get to the shell. Only good thing is the guts, those are still fine. Anywho, you'll see a post in the forums once it's done. I'm pretty sure I'm going all brass on the Guru 2.0.

Arson...hmm. Interesting concept. If anyone did that to me, well I'd cry like a 3 year old then I'd give him and inverted Syrian crucifixion. Yeah. Find out what those are. I can't even begin to tell you.

-Groove out.

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