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Death by Foam

#17 : A S(imian)biotic Relationship

Posted by GrOOvE on Tuesday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 27th 2004f July, 2004 (7451 days ago)

#17 : A S(imian)biotic Relationship

Yeah, yeah.

I hear you. It's been almost a year. Well you little bastards better give mad props to Cxwq for setting up this little system for me to upload on. It's nice and shiney and purdy. So you better thank him, you ungrateful little bitches. fall lineup, new blasters, new things to make fun of. If you don't get the "Unified Energy Complex" you probably haven't seen the pics of the new line, VIA the boards and Talio. I suggest you check it out. Also, I am extremely busy getting ready for college and what-not, so I'll update whenever I can. Though if you're wondering, "why today? Why update now?" Well, why not? Its not like you were expecting it.

-Groove out.

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