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Death by Foam

#15 : Armageddon - No Bird is Safe

Posted by GrOOvE on Monday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 7th 2003f July, 2003 (7837 days ago)

#15 : Armageddon - No Bird is Safe

Don't really have much to say about this...

Anyone at Armageddon knew how this would lead to a comic strip one way or another. If you haven't seen the Armageddon Video, watch it entirely, and then you'll know what I'm talking about.

Cxwq and I were talking about how cool it would have been to train birds to drop darts on your enemies. Air support from the local wildlife, hrm. Interesting concept could reward them with those peanut butter bird feeders to keep them loyal. It would work, in theory. Now, how much do pigeons cost on Ebay...

Anyways, Enjoy - More comics to come!

-Groove out.

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