#12 : Swedish...Swedish...
Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 23rd 2003f March, 2003 (7943 days ago)
It's been a while, all. I've been busy with school, track, driver's liscense, boy scouts...yeah. Nerf has subsequently been bumped to the bottom until I can free myself up from some of this shit. Anyways, here's the new strip. Enjoy yourselves...laugh a bit, because I've got the feeling we all need that right about now!
-Groove out.
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Strip 21
[18/01/2005] - # 21 : The Troll Saga - Finale
Strip 20
[08/10/2004] - #20 : The Troll Saga - Part III
Strip 19
[07/09/2004] - #19 : The Troll Saga - Part II
Strip 18
[16/08/2004] - #18 : The Troll Saga - Part I
Strip 17
[27/07/2004] - #17 : A S(imian)biotic Relationship
Strip 16
[12/08/2003] - #16 : Fire, Fire, Everywhere
Strip 15
[07/07/2003] - #15 : Armageddon - No Bird is Safe
Strip 14
[26/06/2003] - #14 : Getting Ready for Armageddon
Strip 13
[08/06/2003] - #13 : And We're Back...With a Vengeance.
Strip 12
[23/03/2003] - #12 : Swedish...Swedish...
Strip 11
[06/03/2003] - #11 : Local Wildlife - It's for Observing
Strip 10
[23/02/2003] - #10 : We Need This
Strip 9
[09/02/2003] - #9 : Project: WTF?
Strip 8
[03/02/2003] - #8 : That Time of the Year
Strip 7
[26/01/2003] - #7 : This is Why we Don't
Strip 6
[18/01/2003] - #6 : The Master Departs
Strip 5
[12/01/2003] - #5 : Too much Kink 4 U?
Strip 4
[05/01/2003] - #4 : Have a Kinky New Year!
Strip 3
[31/12/2002] - #3 : Smells like Dumb
Strip 2
[24/12/2002] - #2 : Yeah, it makes sense...
Strip 1
[15/12/2002] - #1 : The Russian Mafia... in Tibet
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