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Death by Foam

#11 : Local Wildlife - It's for Observing

Posted by GrOOvE on Thursday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 6th 2003f March, 2003 (7960 days ago)

#11 : Local Wildlife - It's for Observing

Wow...thought this strip would never get up. I've had it done since Sunday (normal upload time) but this new server has been giving Cxwq and I a big swift kick to the nuts every time we try to talk to it. Why don't you love us, server? Why you gotta' hurt our feelings like that? Is the sex not good enough? Were the waffles we made you too floppy? Why?

So here's the strip. It's got some physical humor in it, and I hope you take a likin' to that kind of humor, because I certainly like it. A Nerfaholics reader sent me in a script like this a long, long time ago, in a galaxy not too far away, and I don't remember who it was, so, if it's yours and you're reading this, thanks!

It should also be known that I have never actually "done" this before. I like birdies. Really, I do. They flap around and make funny noises. Nothing wrong with that. I also like to eat them. But. don't shoot birdies with Nerf guns...

Do it with a real one. ;]

-Groove out.

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