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Death by Foam

#13 : And We're Back...With a Vengeance.

Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 8th 2003f June, 2003 (7866 days ago)

#13 : And We're Back...With a Vengeance.

So, we're back again, back again, jiggity-jig.

I know it's been a while since I've done anything, but school's been doing a great job of keeping me so fucking busy. I want you all to take a deep breath, take a step back, and enjoy the strip. I think we all need it.

If you're having trouble viewing Ju-Ju, you need to look in the 2nd frame harder. A true ninja blends in with his surroundings...Ju-Ju is no exception to this. Hell, maybe after a few strips with Ju-Ju, a Ju-Ju Tee Shirt might be in the works. I think it'd be cool. know, have a monkey on your shirt.

A ninja pirate monkey.

I've come to the conclusion anything with "ninja" in it automatically makes it cool. Monkeys...and ninjas, and pirates? Now that's just 1337-p\/\/n4G3. I wonder what will happen when Ju-Ju tries to Nerf for the first time, using his dark Guess we'll have to see. Post your feedback/comments/useless garbage in the forums.

-Groove out.

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