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Member Since 06 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2006 10:03 AM

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In Topic: Magstrike

01 September 2006 - 08:30 AM

Normally you hear of people in remote area’s that have a drive to get to a TRU or anything for that matter. I’m going to a wedding in North Canton tomorrow and there are like 5 malls with in a 30 min drive for this kid. You have the one in North Canton, the one in north Akron off of route 70, also there is the mall near Stan Hewitt. Not to mention the numerous shopping centers around like the one off route 8 or go towards Ravenna. Oh and Cleveland is 30 miles away I’m sure there are no places to shop there. It is one thing to ask for help but if your just that lazy order one online.

In Topic: Neat Dart Holder

31 August 2006 - 08:11 AM

A prime example would be to watch a cop movie from the 80’s before the emergence of reliable clip fed hand guns. An extra 6 shots would be in a circular pattern matching the revolver clip. So fire six, tilt and drop the casing, then line up reloaded and your good to kill again. I would recommend Dirt Hairy simply because of Clint Eastwood, but I’m sure you can see it in action in a Nick Nolty or Eddy Murphy film as well.

In Topic: Confrontation With A Tru Employee

30 August 2006 - 12:50 PM

Showing the employees of TRU a link to a nerf sight may be a good start. I think that until the nerf moding community is more main stream in toy stores we will constantly be faced with dilemmas, like the ones discussed here. So I say spread the word. When you’re buying a gun at a store talk about how fun it is to take apart and change. Talk about learning air flow dynamics and the physics involved. Talk about the time and effort put into the craft. Too often we buy the guns and hope nothing happens or that we don’t get a look. I say hide no more, sing praises and hymns of nerf in the store. Speak out I say and explain the joys you feel to the world. Then and only then my brothers in arms can we truly claim to be the Merry Makers of Foam, the Magical Modifiers of Toys, and the Lords of Nerf.

In Topic: Neat Dart Holder

29 August 2006 - 09:19 AM

Good job Veg, I think the customizing of options for your holders is a nice feature. A thought would be to integrate some of the pieces into a vest or strap that could be worn. For instance attaching a connector piece to a third longshot clip, or any other clip from a gun, you could then have a more secure holder by sewing another piece into said belt or vest. Obviously making sure the piece does not interfere with the firing of the gun.

In Topic: Confrontation With A Tru Employee

24 August 2006 - 07:44 AM

I reading this my immediate reaction was you should have talked to this guy’s supervisor and raised hell about the treatment that you received. Who knows you might have got a gift card or something for your emotional distress. He was out of line and in a retail industry that is a big no no, thats a funny word huh no no. However, if the guy had been fired I would have felt bad, and this statement is not knocking tru but I imagine if someone with that kind of attitude is working there it is probably because they need the work. I think you handled it better than me, I would have gone off on him when he mentioned the little old lady thing.