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Member Since 31 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2011 06:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Foam Ballistic Shield!

19 May 2009 - 11:30 AM

I'd like to join the "this is a really cool idea" school of thought.

I have often regretted the fact that arrow and missile-firing guns just get converted to dart-firing and the missiles go to waste. This is a great way to incorporate those guns and ammunition types into the game and I, for one, love it.

In Topic: Paper Speedloaders

30 January 2009 - 11:12 PM

Paper is actually pretty strong when in multiple layers (as it seems to be here).

In Topic: Fotoshop.

25 January 2009 - 03:35 PM

I used to do a lot more drawing in PS than I do now. Most of what I do now is photography, but I use PS to process the shots if they need it. This is one of the obviously processed ones: desaturated the entire image and then used a second layer to add the original eye coloring back in.

Posted Image

Rest of my photos aren't heavily worked-on so they don't fit in this thread.

Edit: by way of comparison, the original:

Posted Image

In Topic: Death Note Fans! Zac Efron Is Going To Play As Light Yagami (rumor

06 January 2009 - 07:39 PM

There are already 2 live action Death Note movies made in Japan a few years ago. They're pretty good, though not as good as the anime.

Doing an American version will only end in tears.

In Topic: World Of Warcraft

20 December 2008 - 05:13 PM

Personally, I have learned that video games are a big waste of time unless you play it with your friends (brawl). Seriously, in RPGs, you level up to a really high level and waste a whole bunch of time on it. It really doesn't help you in any way except a way to pass the time. If your playing with friends face to face, there's also communication and bonding involved. Don't stay inside wasting your life on a video game.

Go play a sport, Learn an instrument, mod a nerf gun. These things are much more worthy of your time.

You can learn a lot more by not playing video games.

Video games are no more a waste of time than anything else. If you get enjoyment out of it, it is worthwhile. Personally, I find playing an instrument or playing sports to be mind-numbingly boring. It's all personal preference.

That being said, WoW does suck a lot of people in and ruin many lives. I think it is best to avoid it, but that is my opinion. Many people play it and don't get addicted, so it's really just up to the person. However, I strongly recommend to anyone who plays that you watch how much you play and if you see it becoming an addiction, quit.