So I've Angel Breeched my longshot, and I'm really proud of it. I followed every step down to the letter from SGnerf's blog, and cross referenced with FA's write-up. In the time I waited for the epoxy to dry, I performed an ass load of side mods to it. The seal is 100% airtight. It's beautiful, it really is. And I'm very pleased with it.
But... I have an issue that came up. During my test firing (which was very satisfying, in both feel and result), the gun stopped catching. It simply stopped catching. I'd pull the priming handle back and push it forward again, and the plunger would come back with it. I've reinforced the catch plate spring already, and when I open the gun up I can't see anything noticeably wrong with it.
I am distraught. 20+ hours of work, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it isn't catching.
Thoughts? Thanks.
Member Since 25 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jun 24 2011 04:03 PM