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Member Since 25 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2011 04:03 PM

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In Topic: Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help

23 August 2010 - 03:52 AM

This is the guy who, in another thread, claimed to have brassed breeched a long shot and integrated a DTB into it.

In Topic: Angel Breech Longshot Pull Back Help

12 June 2010 - 03:42 AM

J-B Weld is the best thing for this. I tried three separate kinds of epoxies before J-B Weld, and they all broke with just a few primes.

In Topic: Nite Finder Rifle Help

05 June 2010 - 01:15 PM

Did you glue it to the muzzle, by chance?

In Topic: Angel Breeched Longshot Help

30 May 2010 - 12:20 AM

This is a problem I've had as well. I've found that the longshot brass breech mod guide on SGNerf ( http://modworks.blog...-mod-guide.html ) helps a lot, but the bolt is still breaking after 10-15 shots.

In Topic: Angel Breech Catching Issue

19 May 2010 - 04:34 AM

Since you've already tested it with stronger catch spring, then the issue is not in your catch plate... the next most likely cause is due to the position and length of your brass bolt.

If the length of the brass bolt is too short or the positioning of the bolt attachment is not correct, then when you prime your Longshot, the brass bolt might not be able to push back the plunger far enough to enable the plunger rod to catch.

The easiest way to solve this, is to simply add another layer of padding to the plunger head, then test prime again. If it catches, then your brass bolt and plunger layout are now "calibrated" to the correct positioning.

If it still doesn't catch, then just add another layer of padding and try again.

I have helped a few modders to solve this issue by using the additional plunger padding method. Hopefully it works for you too. :D

Much thanks. I'm going to try this in the morning.

Although, it was working for a little bit... And then just suddenly stopped catching. Do you think something could have moved?