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Member Since 05 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2012 10:11 PM

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In Topic: Nerfers Nerfing Disease

24 September 2012 - 10:11 PM

The constant electricity usage these sorts of programs demand is insane. I'm not a fan of $100 power bills, especially when a dedicated supercomputer can do the same job more efficiently.

Two things:
1. I have never seen a $100 electric bill. Even while living with my family, I kept a check on what I used and paid it out, and total I added $10 a month.
2. A supercomputer can't do this as efficiently. The reason that they're distributing the jobs is so that they can achieve more computational than a single supercomputer could on its own.

These calculations aren't just some run and done program, these are evolving algorithms that have to be run for thousands of iterations. This is a whole different way to program, and reach goals unattainable by standard methods.

In Topic: Nerfers Nerfing Disease

24 September 2012 - 05:02 PM

Alright guys, I think we should get another one of these competitions going. I've gotten big on folding during the winter for Overclock.net, and seeing my original team stagnate isn't too much fun. It's not too hard to make big numbers these days, all you need is a good CPU/GPU and maybe 15 minutes to set it up. I spent about an hour setting up a CPU client, and two GPU clients on one machine last night, and with its points per day I'd be top of the list in about 10 days. Can I at least see a little competition? It's all for a good cause, and any computer, desktop or laptop, made in the past few years can make some big numbers. If we can get some things going, I'd totally pitch in on some prizes.

EDIT: Looking back on much of this thread, a lot has changed in the past couple years.

1 client can run on as many threads as you have available.
-Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual Core, AMD Athlon/Phenom x2 - 2 threads
-Core 2 Quad, Core i3/i5, AMD Quad Core Athlon/Phenom/Fusion, AMD FX-4xxx - 4 threads
-AMD Phenom x6 - 6 Threads
-Core i7 - 8 threads
-i7-39xx, Xeon brands - 8+ (If you own one, you should know this)
The more threads, the higher your points per day, and the faster your processor, the higher your points per day.

AMD cards make better PPD than an older processor, but nVidia cards are the kings of GPU folding. If you have an nVidia card from the 88xx, 9xxx, 2xx, 4xx, 5xx, or 6xx models, You can make at least 5k points per day with it. AMD cards in general make about half as much as an nVidia card, although the GPU3 client has decreased the gap a bit.

It's especially easy, and if your room gets cold in the winter, this will change that. I fold as a space heater as much as the competition in computing e-peen.

In Topic: Columbus War 4.4

12 September 2012 - 11:49 PM

I was hoping that allowing hot glue domes would motivate new/more people to come because their materials are easier to find. I'm glad you said that.

I'll send you a message when we're finding the date for our November Columbus War to check with available dates. I usually message a few potential attendees to check dates before I make the thread.

Sweet, I'm definitely down for some cold weather welts. I'd say I'll invite Vistagecko, but he's sold most of his stuff and joined the Marines. Definitely let me know though, I miss destroying my perfectly good plastic toys to make them better.

In Topic: Columbus War 4.4

11 September 2012 - 08:09 PM

Hey guys, long time no post.

I came here hoping that there'd be a war coming up so I could get some testing in before we start HvZ here at BGSU, but sadly you guys chose a day I have to march a game. Just wanted to let you know that I'm glad to see not everyone has lost their balls, and domes are allowed however. I was never satisfied with the washer dart ranges and accuracy, and the materials for them truly aren't as readily available as hot glue and a pack of BBs.

I'll make sure to watch my schedule just in case cause I'd love to come down. Hope you guys have fun!

In Topic: Slugs And Domes And Taggers, Oh My!

09 February 2011 - 12:04 AM

I'm sorry, but I actually would prefer to come home with a few more welts than to waste my money buying supplies and tossing away what I already use and have paid for. Some may think that $20 can be thrown around like nothing, even borrowed from your parents, but other people are much more careful with money. My biweekly paycheck is currently just over $220. Out of that, I estimate that $20 will go to buying gas for my car, $50 to use for food, and the other $150 into my savings to pay for college, a new exhaust manifold and electrical work for my car, and replacement parts on my bike. I already have the three bags of hot glue, 2000 BBs, and a few hundred feet of foam from a year ago. Unless someone wants to trade everything I have for equivalent number of quality slugs, weighted the same, and guaranteed to last as long as a stefan, I'll stick with what I've payed for already.

On fbr tips, I have tried that. Each one curved at least ten feet off target in a random direction. You need a machine shop to make one very consistent, as shown by Kane and his aluminum block setup.

Back to the welts, we used to finish off rounds laughing and comparing welts. Is everyone on this site a sheltered kid now? The only reason for a safer dart I can think of would be to not damage the eyes. I'm pretty sure we covered that with eye protection requirements.