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ultimatenerf 320
Member Since 24 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Mar 25 2012 04:01 PM
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In Topic: Predator Magnum, + 2k And Sspb
18 August 2010 - 04:10 PM
In Topic: Pvc Breech Write-up
11 August 2010 - 11:31 AM
Thats because nobody and nothing is perfect. I Measured the ID of the PVC and 5/8 X 3/4 butyrate with calipers:1/2 X 5/8 butyrate has the same ID as CPVC, but has a slightly less OD
But in your other thread you put CPVC inside 5/8x3/4" butyrate tube, so either your 5/8" ID butyrate tube lies to you and isn't 5/8" ID or your 5/8" OD butyrate tube lies to you and isn't 5/8" OD.
But either way talking butyrate holy shit!!!
Or maybe your cpvc changes dimensions.
Magic CPVC holy shit!!!
P.s. in case anyone is wondering what kind of magic PVC this guy is using, if you go to Home Depot and buy the 1' sections of 1/2" PVC instead of the 10' pieces, you pay $$$ more, but get PVC that's very close to .625" ID instead of more common .596-.604" ID. This probably isn't true for every home depot everywhere, and the manufacturer probably isn't exclusive to home depot, but I've seen this particular PVC make in multiple HDs in IL and the on HD we checked in NJ.
PVC: .615
Butyrate: .625
OD of CPVC and 1/2 X 5/8 Butyrate:
CPVC: .624
Butyrate: .615
So they match up fine. And Some people in the IRC chat room told me to make an "all clear breech" which is very hard with this type of material. I couldn't find a way to seal it.
In Topic: Pvc Breech Write-up
10 August 2010 - 06:33 PM
In Topic: Clear Breeches!
10 August 2010 - 12:56 PM
lol, Sorry about the video name, my sister has a folder that all my stuff automatically goes into. And I can't change it. But I just thought I would contribute, and I have a better breech write-up coming very soon.The name of the video made me laugh. I half expected like some ad hoc music video with you operating the breech while wearing a purple warm up suit, gold chains and a hat, and then having bitches in the background shaking their money makers.
I guess it makes sense, but now I gotta ask... Why? The breech isn't really something that needs refining, ya know? I mean, granted, they look good, but its still a simple process.
In Topic: Clear Breeches!
09 August 2010 - 05:52 PM
VideoStill does not make sense to me. Make a video please. And why do you need such a large slot?
And I just like a large breech slot, it makes it easier to load darts.
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