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Member Since 27 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2006 12:31 AM

Topics I've Started

Working Home-made Barrel Assembly

01 March 2003 - 06:09 PM

Check out my Home-Made Barrel Assembly!

It's really simple. It's just 5 pieces of 1/2" CPVC glued together using Plumber's Goop like the 5 on a dice. It plugs into a coupler on the front of my AT2000. This opens up the opportunity for interchangable turrets... Got to make more! *Props to Cadmond*

Airtech Liquid Gauge

24 February 2003 - 04:15 PM

After emptying my Air Tech Liquid Gauge on my AT 2000 I have come to the conclusion that emptying the liquid does not enlarge the size of the air tank.

To understand my reasoning, first you must understand the construction of the liquid gauge. As described by Cxwq, it is a plastic vial with a rubber sheet over the end of it. When the air is pumped in, the pressure pushes the rubber sheet upwards, into the vial as the rubber pad takes the shape of a dome. This in turn, decreases the volume of the vial and pushes the liquid upwards.

After emptying the liquid gauge, one must replace the rubber pad into the vial. The rubber pad prevents the air from going into the vial where the liquid was once held. Also, the gun will not function without the rubber pad since it is necessary for a good seal (without it the air just leaks out between the two halves of the liquid gauge). Therefore, air tank volume before and after draining the AT Liquid Gauge are equivalent. Cxwq and Spoon's findings at the YANO support my reasoning.

Foam Improvement Issue 2 Released

01 January 2003 - 12:06 AM

That's right! The second issue of Foam Improvement Magazine is now online for your viewing pleasure. For the convenience of our readers, it is now viewable as a Microsoft Word Document. Enjoy the magazine and have a happy New Year!

*A MS Word version of Issue 1 will be put up ASAP


(For those who are not aware of it, FI is a triweekly magazine that features pages and pages of juicy Nerf goodness.)

Edit: Edit: Oops...the MS Word link doesn't work...sorry about that. We'll fix that ASAP. For now you can read the MS Reader version.