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Member Since 22 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2014 09:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: CPVC Breach (Sodizzle) Longshot

08 October 2011 - 01:21 PM

I have a little bit to suggest. First, you could use a 2k pump tube ( cut down to an inch or two), or you could use 5/8 brass. I know the point of this breach is to minimized brass, but its just an easy alternative to having to sand down a coupler. So pops, how did you sand out your coupler?

In Topic: Shortened pumpsnap

11 August 2011 - 08:08 AM

A couple of things: First off, I like the plunger head design, I use(d) something very similar to that in the snaps I make. Second, the lever trigger is... interesting, is there any reason you decided to go with it? What are the pros/cons? And lastly, instead of having to cut all those slots in the tee for the stock, you could have gotten a slightly longer screw and screwed the stock in. Or, you could use the same screw and drill a hole in the tee (well, 4 holes) the size of the screw head. Then insert tee, and put screws in. Lastly, I don't understand why people use a "sheath" for their hopper clips, it just adds more weight, even though it looks badass...Overall, nice design.

In Topic: Barrel Material For Stock Micros

16 February 2011 - 06:55 PM

17/32 brass is the best choice but also the most expensive. So, you move down to cpvc, if you use cpvc, a wise move would be to coupler it.You could use a straight cpvc coupler. Some cpvc couplers are angled from the middle to the outsides, some are just straight. On the plunger rod, use pipe cutters around the seam closer to the plunger tube. Next, dremel/cut out the the middle circle and sand down the prongs. (You can cut the cpvc coupler in half for this step to reduce dead space.) Lastly, goop in the coupler, then use epoxy putty on the outside to reinforce. If everything is done correctly, it will hold up for quite some time. Also, use up to a 5 inch barrel on a non extended nitefinder and a good foam fit. (assuming springs added, seal improved, etc...)

I hope this helps !

In Topic: Lanard Triple Shot Re-barreled

10 January 2011 - 05:05 PM

I love how you kept the triple shot feature too. I have two opinions on the "done right". The first one is that this mod is, in fact, done right. This is because the main feature of the stock blaster includes the triple shot and you kept it that way. It can be done right because you keep the stock features, just make them better. The other side of the argument is that no mod is done right. Personally, I rather do zorns mod due to better ranges. Even though it changes the features, it still gets better ranges, rear loading, etc..... therefore rendering it more "perfect" in a sense makeing it done right. I agree with several people that no mod is "done right"...but many are done very,very well.

EDIT: You changed the title, I didn't realize...but I still have somewhat of a point.

In Topic: Easy Spring Finds

08 January 2011 - 04:13 PM

i just thought it would be easy im sorry jeez... the toilet paper thing was just random but the pen thing is just an easy thing that ive done with random pens around my house, which makes it free...

Sure pens and toilet paper springs are fine but if you want a precise spring , go to a hardware store. Pen and toilet paper springs should be a last resort. However, you can do whatever you want...