Glad to see you were able to make a full, old school style writeup of this build! Definitely a lot more going on than I originally thought from pictures. Reminds me a lot of the old Big Blast - Maverick integrations I'd see.
- NerfHaven
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Spud Spudoni
Member Since 07 Apr 2009Offline Last Active Aug 10 2024 05:30 PM
About Me
Industrial Design Student at Auburn University
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- Age 29 years old
- Birthday November 8, 1995
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In Topic: Mod writeup: Andrea's 4B Rifle
13 November 2023 - 05:54 PM
In Topic: Re-creating the Nerf SledgeFire: The SuperSledge
30 December 2021 - 01:29 AM
I'm surprised at the amount of people that don't know of Fusion360's image capture feature!
To be honest, I've been a little embarrassed to ask for a while. I've been using Fusion360 forrrrrr maybe 6 years now? Never knew about it. But I also render everything that's worth showing, which is usually finalized images, and cloud rendering is quick so I never needed an alternative. Every now and then being able to see the modeling lines on a part is super helpful for showing WIP images. Even an old dog can learn new tricks!
The only thing I usually ask of people is to consider buying something on my RedBubble shop,
This is where you design a cool Super Sledge patch or decal to slap on the blaster
In Topic: Re-creating the Nerf SledgeFire: The SuperSledge
29 December 2021 - 01:26 AM
I'm still massively impressed with how well this turned out, and how efficient your productivity was with it. Excellent photo and contextualization. Above all else, the utilization of pre-existing hardware kits to constrain your development but also make recreating it easier on anyone else is something I've heavily considered in future builds. (Thanks for the shoutout as well!) You're going to have to tell me how you take these images in Fusion. I know they aren't renders. Are these just screenshots from your computer? Mine never look this good when I do so. Depending on the performance, I could easily see this becoming a standard jump-off point for other remixes and modulations. Thanks for keeping the NH writeup train going!
In Topic: My solution to the 'Print-Zip' Noise from 3D printed Pump Grip
14 September 2021 - 02:30 PM
Good approach. I wonder if you could cut out teflon inserts for those instead of printing the spacers?
Teflon would no doubt be better, but would take more work to meet the same ends with having to cut the teflon to the right sizes to fit the required slots. I'd say if you were doing a one off build, that would be a great use case scenario, but doing it in bulk is more of a hassle.
In Topic: My solution to the 'Print-Zip' Noise from 3D printed Pump Grip
10 September 2021 - 04:55 PM
This is a very, very interesting system. I might have to explore doing something similar in some of my future designs.
I've been playing around with the idea in a few different projects to optimize print strength. The middle part here that covers over the breech in my kit is an example where the legs that kick out from the main body print best when the part is standing with the back facing down on the print bed, while the top of the part prints the strongest and easiest facing down on the print bed. Printing this orientation also doesn't require supports but again, the tiny legs that stick out become weaker. I can split this part into two sections that optimize both orientations and glue or fasten them together in post. I think there's many different ways of applying this multi-print orientation concept.
Darn, people posting on NH a lot lately! I've got to get my printed Crossbow stuff up sometime soon.
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- NerfHaven
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