So here is the ugliest nerf thing i have ever seen and have had the pleasure of building taping. Its the internals of a AT2k taped to a Flash Flood Super Soaker. Both consistently get in the 80's for range. Only two shots is a problem though so Im working on the 2k turret. I need to remake the trigger for the flash flood part. It broke on me today . The 2k is fired by pulling the green lever. Questions, Comments, Flames??
Awakened Lands is a fun browser based game in which there are many career paths to choose. There's fighting and other stuff to do. A fun game all in all. If you play my name is Panamaniac. If anyone has other suggestions post them here.
Is the goo gauge part of the air tank? Because im trying to integrate an at2k into ttg so i need the at2k internals to be as compact as possible. Thanks for the help.