Awesome war overall. APOC 2011 was by far my best Nerfing experience so far.
Objective rounds made the war in my opinion because Deathmatch definetly gets boring after awhile.
+My Nitefinder working flawlessly for the entire war.
+Shooting Lucian over, and over, and over again.
+Objective rounds.
+Buying a Scatterblast
+Had plenty of darts.
+VACC and Langley keeping things moving along.
+Pegging Angel 3 times in a row off the respawn with my Nitefinder.
+Awesome Objective run with Diamondback.
+Buying a SM1.5K
+Shooting Diamondback with his own creation.
-Mobstacles didn't stand much of a chance against wind.
-Hydro Cannon/Slingshot Dart Kid.
-No Gunslinger Heaven for me.
-30 Minute McDonalds Service.
Otherwise an overall fantastic war.
white moonlight
Member Since 16 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Aug 23 2012 11:22 PM