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Member Since 07 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2023 09:38 AM

Topics I've Started

Team Maximizer UNITE!

14 January 2016 - 01:03 PM

Hello everybody, I hope the day finds you well. 

This has been a very sorrowful week so far with the losses of David Bowie (sparkle sparkle) and Alan Rickman. We here at the Brotherhood of Amalgamated Nerf Gurus: Maximizer Elitists are hoping to prevent the deaths of any other legends, and perhaps resurrect a few who have died.. We are searching for any and all who have been blessed and cursed with the burden of Maximizer ownership. 


These proud and strong blasters, much like Icarus and his flight to the sun, often create their own folly. However, we are looking to halt, and perhaps even reverse the looming extinction of this fine beast.

Please, if you, or someone you know has one of these blasters, contact us today about their preservation. We are standing by here in this thread, as well as in private message, and across social media. Don't let Maximizers disappear forever.

TL;DR - Comment here, or PM myself or Gears if you own a Maximizer, or if you know someone who does. We want to help preserve/repair your blaster.




Honor Roll:


S.T.I. Sex-Dwarf Tactical Insertion (NorCal)

20 June 2015 - 07:46 PM

Hi there friends in California. Our invasion has gone largely unnoticed (according to plan), but I want to assure you that you're slowly being taken over by easterners. As such, I'd
like to host a nerf war in the NorCal area. I'm optimistically looking to get around 12 attendees total (myself and my guests included) to start having regular, NIC level wars. If
anyone has any suggested parks, or would like to help organize, please let me know! For now, this will be a planning thread for what will hopefully be our first of many wars.

Where: Buchanan Park, 4150 Harbor Street, Pittsburg, CA 94565
I believe this park to be both large enough to ensure we don't bother any other park-goers, and varied enough to provide several unique play areas. I took 2 photos of the area
I believe will be our main field, and theoretically shouldn't be bothered by anyone as we play. It is the area due west of the parking lot in the above linked Google Map.

Facing East
Posted Image

Facing West
Posted Image

The park also has a mulched playground area, several areas with moderate tree cover, and a parking lot.

When: TBD, please weigh in on the poll above. If you have any concerns please let me know.


What to bring:
Primary blaster, secondary blaster, backups in case something breaks. Bring all Ultimators, Maximizers, and ammo for each!
Lunch (if you're the kind of person who eats at nerf wars) There is definitely a McDonalds not too far from the park, and a BK a little further away that I'm aware of.
- Pittsburgh tradition mandates a trip to a chinese buffet after the war, and I intend to do so here as well.
Cash/Blasters for sale/trade (If you are looking to purchase or sell something at this war, you may mention that in your RSVP post. Do not create extra posts for it, this is not a trading thread.
Hydration (I will try and bring a water jug, but anything above and beyond is your responsibility)
Apparel - All Sex Dwarves in attendance should be in uniform, all attendees are encouraged to keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly.

Penetration - Bring your Ultimators out of their ceremonial velvet lined boxes and actually fire them! YAY! Maybe we'll even play Triple Penetration this time!
Freeze Tag - A Pittsburgh, Pa Original
Other "normal" gametypes (3:15, 5:0, etc)

Age Requirements:

This event is open to those 13 and up, but there are specific requirements placed on that.
Those aged 13-16 must have their parent or guardian on the premises, and that guardian must be fully aware of the risks involved. (I will not take blame if your child takes a hard hit)
Those under the age of 18 are required to wear eye protections at all times during play. I strongly encourage, and likely will require something more than just normal eyeglasses (I was
hit in the glasses at Hb4H, and it chipped the lens. They are not sufficient protection.)
Those over the age of 18 are strongly encouraged to wear sufficient (see above) eye protection, but have the right to decline, and in doing so accept responsibility for any ocular harm
that should befall them.

Parents, please be aware that this event will be mixed age groups. While we make attempts to be courteous to younger players, they will not receive favoritism or special accommodations,
and are expected to display a modicum of maturity and responsibility while playing (i.e. following rules, playing safely, respecting other players/pedestrians as well as the venue, and so forth).

Dart/Blaster regulations

Standard Nerf etiquette applies. Pittsburgh traditionally played by a code of "If it's not dangerous, it's ok".

This applies to both blasters and darts in our community. We do not tolerate flat black, or other realistically themed blasters, unsafe darts, but most of all,
we do not tolerate unsafe play.

I may be able/willing to provide transportation to anyone living in the Vacaville/Fairfield area, as I will be commuting from there, but please contact me if you need help.

SublimeDom777 (+1-2)
Bro Juice

Clash of Steel: Necrohorse of Glory

24 January 2015 - 02:25 PM

Clash of Steel: Necrohorse of Glory


Where: Armstrong Park


Age Requirements:

This event is open to those 13 and up, but there are specific requirements placed on that.
Those aged 13-16 must have their parent or guardian on the premises, and that guardian must be fully aware of the risks involved. (I will not take blame if your child takes a hard hit)
Those under the age of 18 are required to wear eye protections at all times during play. I strongly encourage, and likely will require something more than just normal eyeglasses (I was
hit in the glasses at Hb4H, and it chipped the lens. They are not sufficient protection.)
Those over the age of 18 are strongly encouraged to wear sufficient (see above) eye protection, but have the right to decline, and in doing so accept responsibility for any ocular harm
that should befall them.

Parents, please be aware that this event will be mixed age groups. While we make attempts to be courteous to younger players, they will not receive favoritism or special accommodations,
and are expected to display a modicum of maturity and responsibility while playing (i.e. following rules, playing safely, respecting other players/pedestrians as well as the venue, and so forth).

Dart/Blaster regulations

Standard Nerf etiquette applies. Pittsburgh traditionally plays by a code of "If it's not downright dangerous, it's ok".

This applies to both blasters and darts in our community. We do not tolerate flat black, or other realistically themed blasters, unsafe darts, but most of all
we do not tolerate unsafe play.


Lodging will be provided on a first come, first served basis, with a friendship constant applied. Otherwise, I will work on finding the best places to stay in a hotel for cheap.

More information will be posted here as it becomes available. This war is a good ways off, but I want everyone who can attend to have ample time to plan their trip, and budget, appropriately.

This is an open event, All who can attend, should. Pittsburgh wars are extremely rare, and even more fun. Come and take us on in our native homeland, if you dare. Please post any questions related
to this event either here, or feel free to direct them to my personal message box.

SublimeDom777 (Host) (+1-?)

Likely, but not married to the idea yet:

Want to attend, looking for transportation:


POW! Foamcoming 2: Necrohorse of Glory Rides Again

10 August 2014 - 12:56 AM

Yo, Flamincows and Wifey will be home in early September. They want to nerf September 7th, so I'm gonna make y'all nerf.

The where when and why are all the same as usual, 10a at Armstrong park. I'll add some formatting later, if I feel like it and am not so lazy as to not cross 5ft of room to sit at my computer and do this.

(Yeah it's a Sunday, welcome to old school Pittsburgh suckah)

Rsvp in your preferred convenient way




(Thanks for the list nerfmonkey)

People who don't matter:
Everyone else

Sex(Dwarf) up your spring!

18 April 2014 - 02:41 PM

Doesn't it seem like it's been absolutely forever since Pittsburgh failed at hosting a war? Well the wait is over!

When: Saturday June 7th, 2014 10A-?

Where: Armstrong Park, (Pittsburgh)


What to bring:

  • Primary blaster, secondary blaster, backups in case something breaks. Bring all Ultimators, Maximizers, and ammo for each!
  • Lunch (if you're the kind of person who eats at nerf wars)
  • Cash/Blasters for sale/trade (If you are looking to purchase or sell something at this war, you may mention that in your RSVP post. Do not create extra posts for it, this is not a trading thread.
  • Hydration (I will, as usual, try and bring a water jug, but anything above and beyond is your responsibility)
  • Apparel - All Sex Dwarves in attendance should be in uniform, all attendees are encouraged to keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly.

  • Penetration - Bring your Ultimators out of their ceremonial velvet lined boxes and actually fire them! YAY! Maybe we'll even play Triple Penetration this time!
  • Stock Ammo - JWasko mentioned interest in a stock ammo, or lightly modded round, and we'll be exploring this as a gametype. (Please plan on bringing an N-strike blaster with stock ammo if possible.)
  • Freeze Tag - You know the drill.
  • Other "normal" gametypes (3:15, 5:0, etc)

Age Requirements:

This event is open to those 13 and up, but there are specific requirements placed on that.
Those aged 13-16 must have their parent or guardian on the premises, and that guardian must be fully aware of the risks involved. (I will not take blame if your child takes a hard hit)
Those under the age of 18 are required to wear eye protections at all times during play. I strongly encourage, and likely will require something more than just normal eyeglasses (I was
hit in the glasses at Hb4H, and it chipped the lens. They are not sufficient protection.)
Those over the age of 18 are strongly encouraged to wear sufficient (see above) eye protection, but have the right to decline, and in doing so accept responsibility for any ocular harm
that should befall them.

Parents, please be aware that this event will be mixed age groups. While we make attempts to be courteous to younger players, they will not receive favoritism or special accommodations,
and are expected to display a modicum of maturity and responsibility while playing (i.e. following rules, playing safely, respecting other players/pedestrians as well as the venue, and so forth).

Dart/Blaster regulations

Standard Nerf etiquette applies. Pittsburgh traditionally plays by a code of "If it's not downright dangerous, it's ok".

This applies to both blasters and darts in our community. We do not tolerate flat black, or other realistically themed blasters, unsafe darts (read on), but most of all,
we do not tolerate unsafe play.

We've fired countless darts, mostly 1/4" slingshot weighted, with no major incidents or complaints, but I am not insensitive to the fact that somebody may have lost a parent or loved
one to this "dangerous" ammo, and am willing to hear arguments for making this a slugs-only war (full of self loathing and sub optimal performance).


We have limited lodging available, so it will be provided on a first come, first served basis, with a friendship/party constant applied. Otherwise, I will work on finding the best places
to stay in a hotel for cheap.

This is an open event, All who can attend, should. Pittsburgh wars are extremely rare, and even more fun. Come and take us on in our native homeland, if you dare. Please post any questions
related to this event either here, or feel free to direct them to my personal message box.

SublimeDom777 (Host) [*]
Gears [*] Special Surprise Guest[*]
Karpenter ( + SCN?)

Dom's (2-3) guests


Post-War-Dinner: Post war, we usually like to go and wreck a Chinese buffet. This is an open invite for all, and will be dependent on group desire

Post-Dinner-Shenanigans: For those who are 21+, and mostly those staying over, There will be drinking, Mario Kart 64, and fun times. Please let me know if you intend to attend, so I can make arrangements based on attendance.