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Member Since 07 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2023 09:38 AM

#350759 Team Maximizer UNITE!

Posted by sublimedom777 on 14 January 2016 - 01:03 PM

Hello everybody, I hope the day finds you well. 

This has been a very sorrowful week so far with the losses of David Bowie (sparkle sparkle) and Alan Rickman. We here at the Brotherhood of Amalgamated Nerf Gurus: Maximizer Elitists are hoping to prevent the deaths of any other legends, and perhaps resurrect a few who have died.. We are searching for any and all who have been blessed and cursed with the burden of Maximizer ownership. 


These proud and strong blasters, much like Icarus and his flight to the sun, often create their own folly. However, we are looking to halt, and perhaps even reverse the looming extinction of this fine beast.

Please, if you, or someone you know has one of these blasters, contact us today about their preservation. We are standing by here in this thread, as well as in private message, and across social media. Don't let Maximizers disappear forever.

TL;DR - Comment here, or PM myself or Gears if you own a Maximizer, or if you know someone who does. We want to help preserve/repair your blaster.




Honor Roll:


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