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Member Since 31 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2019 01:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: free nerf giveaway

26 September 2019 - 01:25 AM

You both have me beat.

In Topic: Idea For Homemade Darts

18 April 2011 - 02:12 AM

hot dogs-.75" petg (heated,stretched to .8-.85") (all-beef franks like Ball Park, ideally frozen)
kielbasa/larger brats-1.75" pvc (RSCB possible, in all types of cooked except boiled, also watch out for grease (it slightly dissolves PVC))
bangers-2" PVC (cracker meal 70% by weight=most durable, RSCB possible)
hope this helps

In Topic: Warthog Time

18 April 2011 - 02:06 AM

Aww man. Next to the Secret Shot II, the Warthog has the beefiest shell ever. Filling it with FBR and hot glue creates the best pistol for pistol whips.

Also, loser (just to see if it censors that)

In Topic: Could We Have A Sticky Thread For Notably Inactive Users?

28 March 2011 - 09:34 PM

Ugh. You don't need an MIT-level script to use the search engine. Is that really what you kids think?

Edit: Response to below, since the kid clearly does NOT understand this.
To find the last time someone posted, click Search in the top right. Type in the user's name in the "Filter by Member Name" box. Under "Result Type" click "Show results as posts". It will show the first 1000 of that user's posts, from most recent to least. The top post is their last post. Does exactly what you're saying, without any script, let alone whatever misconceptions you have about college being true. (Seriously, look at this. They're common, and easy to make.)

Even quicker, if you're just looking for all posts by a user, click their name to see their profile, click "Profile options" then "Show user's posts."

Under their profile is a "last active" date. But still, I think we really could use a thread like this.

In Topic: Seriously Fuck Off Topic...but This Is Funny

26 September 2010 - 01:00 PM

It would only be true if it were ACTUAL guns.